mostwanted44 · 4 years
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mostwanted44 · 4 years
     Addiction is a serious issue in the world today. Many people get addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other things that are bad for them. Drugs take advantage of your dopamine receptors, which repeated exploitation of them can hardwire your brain to endlessly crave for more drugs, and cause extreme misfortune for years to come. Addiction not only ruins the user’s life, but it also ruins the lives of the people around the user. If you are struggling with any type of addiction, please seek immediate help. Despite what you believe, there are people out there who truly love you, who care about you, who would cry everyday if you were to be gone. Your family, your friends, the whole world needs you believe it or not. Don’t throw your life away for the filthy instant gratification that drugs give you. If you use drugs frequently as an outlet to escape an unfavorable reality, stop doing them, find a healthier, more productive alternative to fill in that space. Seek help, don’t become entrapped in a world of pain, don’t throw your life away for some pills, don’t smoke your life away in a pipe, don’t become a statistic, end your addiction once and for all!   
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mostwanted44 · 4 years
Say No to Drugs
     How often has your friend peer pressured you into doing something that didn’t feel right to you but you still did it anyway? Has your friend ever offered you drugs? Do you think your friend will pressure you into doing drugs one day? If you’re not too confident that you will not be able to resist against that type of pressure then remember this: Drugs can have many negative impacts on the brain and the body as a whole. Taking prescription drugs as offered by a friend non-prescribed for example, can prove fatal. Drugs have a different effect on everybody so it’s not guaranteed that your body will react the same way somebody else’s will if you take the same drug. If you are offered strange drugs by a friend, always say no as it was not prescribed to you, so your safety is at risk. If a friend persists on trying to get you into doing drugs, CUT! THEM! OFF! Anybody who disregards your choices is not respecting you as an individual and therefore, you should not associate with them. Say no to drugs!
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mostwanted44 · 4 years
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Say no to peer pressure.
Respect yourself and your well-being.
You don’t have to give in to anybody else.
Listen to what your intuition tells you, never compromise yourself indefinitely.
Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, spread the message.
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mostwanted44 · 4 years
Peer Pressure and Drugs
     Peer pressure can influence the decisions a youth makes in both a positive and negative way. Unfortunately more often than not, peer pressure is almost always likely going to appear as a bad force, which is leading many youths in the world today to make poor choices that will only cause harm to themselves and people around them. Drugs seem to be very popular amongst the teenage age group which is also the same group that has the highest amount of peer pressure present within it. With drugs being the “hip” new thing for teens to do nowadays and the fact that teens tend to peer pressure each other more than anybody else, it’s no doubt that many teenagers are peer pressuring their friends into taking drugs, even if they really don’t want to and the drug will really only serve as a detriment to their health and well-being. With that being said, it’s no wonder that many teens are in turmoil and distress and feel lost in today’s world. Peer pressuring somebody into doing drugs in wrong and unethical, and should not be acceptable in any social environment anywhere!
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