mothertroian · 5 years
Lucy usually wouldn’t bring her two sons to the store with her as all it did was cause more of a fuss than needed the twin seven-year-old boys were a hand full enough at home bring them anywhere in public was just asking for attention on herself. “Sebastian and Carson if you do not knock it off , there will be no getting sweets or a toy before we leave”She said looking down at them . She was running low on aspirin and some other cold medicians she hadn’t been feeling too well so it’s been her life line, going down the isle and seeing her sons run off she turned to yell at them when she looked over to crying baby and its mom.. it was Troian the girl who still made her heart feel like it was skipping a beat . Was she supposed to say something? or just let it go. “Baz, Cars come here please”She yelled seeing as they were going closer to troian she had no other choice than to go over there. “Come on boys”She said grabbing their hands but of course they noticed the girl they spent their whole lives around her “Auntie Troian mommy!” they said wanting to go
It didn’t take long for Troian to be brought out of her trance and followed by two little boys calling for her attention. She had assumed it was a fan’s kids noticing her, however when turning around she found it to be the two boys she remembered spending so much time with not too long ago. With Avery slowly calming down from the stimulation, the infant reached out for one of them, finally silently giving Troian some peace. Bringing her eyes up to see Lucy not far behind them, her suspicions proved true. “Luce...” She finally broke from her silence and gave her a nod. Bouncing Avery on her hip she licked her bottom lip with her tongue, unaware of what else to say. “It’s good to see you again.” As if they were well acquainted and long lost friends. Troian wasn’t so sure what to describe the smaller girl as. Not when she still had lingering affections that suddenly flared back up in full force. “Hey, guys.” She said quietly, despite knowing Lucy’s try of tailoring them in. “I swear, she hadn’t stopped screaming all day until now and I don’t think I’ll ever take advantage of peace and quiet again.”
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mothertroian · 5 years
Avery had done nothing the night before except cry. It wasn’t the first time Troian had dealt with an upset baby, but after the long hours into the night of the constant crying, something had to be done. For her sanity. Still, once she parked the car, her daughter was continuing the ear piercing screams that were beginning to resemble deafness in her ears as it persisted through the parking lot. “It’s okay, baby girl, Mama’s going to help you.” She cooed to the baby as she wriggled around in her arms. Bouncing her in her arms as she bowed through the baby aspirin aisle, praying for a miracle as she lingered over the small bottles on the line. She was so immersed in finding anything to solve the problem that she was blurring by the aisles until her eyes caught something that stopped her in her tracks. Oh no. The one person she couldn’t have bet to be in the same grocery store at the same time as her. The same short, brunette she had spent so much time fawning over in the earlier days of their show together. Lucy. As if the name popping into her mind didn't already give her goosebumps, Troian shifted her glance from the girl to the corner of the aisle as Avery continued to whine. Her cheeks grew red with embarrassment as she attempted to hush her, yet having it fail.
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mothertroian · 5 years
sleepinthegardn: two years go by in a flash don’t they?
Lucyhale: sometimes I still think I have to be on set for pll and then I get sad I don’t have to be
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mothertroian · 5 years
sleepinthegardn: pretty sure i’ve destroyed my adrenaline meter with the amount of caffeine i consume on a daily basis. what’s one more cup to start the night off with a bang? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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mothertroian · 5 years
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By Nolwen Cifuentes For The Laterals - 2017
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mothertroian · 5 years
ashleybenson: my mom asked if I wanted her to make breakfast for dinner so I said yes but my sickness said hell nah bitch.
sleepinthegardn: tell her troian is on her way to help make you feel better.
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mothertroian · 5 years
“Motherhood is the best and also the worst thing , Sleep? we don’t know her in this house , Alone time? Whats that. I have three little ones and they sure know how to keep me and husband on our toes
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It’s an intangible concept. All of it. It’s been a huge task trying to figure out how to balance it all. I’m not sure three babies are even close in my future, I feel like I would lose my mind but that’s also to blame because I try to be a perfectionist. And motherhood is showing me it’s not in the least possible.
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mothertroian · 5 years
Emilaclarke: ok I felt that one in my soul . My daughter has my resting bitch face hard core
sleepinthegardn: it’s so funny that it’s sad but there’s no denying she came from me
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mothertroian · 5 years
sleepinthegardn: the one thing i'm glad my eight month old has gotten from me is my resting bitch face. it's truly amazing.
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mothertroian · 5 years
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tv meme: [3/8] female characters » spencer hastings “You know what they say about hope…it breeds eternal misery.”
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mothertroian · 5 years
It really is, it’s so crazy how much your life can change after a baby comes into it. Six, yes, I had triplets, one baby girl and a set of twins so my house is a little crazy! I will keep that in mind, lovely, the same offer is reached out to you too. I’m Gigi.
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It’s one of those things that you hear about like a broken record but until you’re experiencing the loss of sleep yourself, it doesn’t compare. A crazy house means it’s not a boring house, right?
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mothertroian · 5 years
I feel this completely like I honestly wouldn’t trade it for the world, I love being a mommy to my six little ones. I’m really not used to those late nights quite yet because this momma loves her sleep.
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It’s definitely an adjustment, that’s for sure. Six? And I thought just my daughter was tiring enough. You deserve an award, truthfully. If you ever need a buddy to stay up with you all night, give me a call! I’m Troian, by the way. I guess I’ve always been used to not sleeping, but not sleeping with a baby is a new ball game.
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mothertroian · 5 years
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mothertroian · 5 years
Since becoming a mom, time is basically a fleeting concept. Mama doesn’t get sleep. All of my time goes towards my little angel, although I’m not complaining. I have, however, delved into the unknown of changing diapers, erratic feedings,  and discovering random medicine I had never even heard of before joining the mom club. Thank God I was on a show for seven years that has been my how-to guide on pulling all nighters and becoming unfazed by it. 
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mothertroian · 11 years
Troian's Infinite Playlist Shuffled Track #003. Soldier, by Gavin Degraw.
That's why it's called a moment of truth.
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mothertroian · 11 years
Troian's Infinite Playlist Shuffled Track #002. Do My Thang, by Miley Cyrus.
Look at me, I'm high up off the ground, baby.
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mothertroian · 11 years
Troian's Infinite Playlist Shuffled Track #001. Legendary Lovers, by Katy Perry.
Anything for your love, a ride or die.
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