mpregvids · 3 months
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Jacob looked into Ian's eyes as they waited for the next contraction to do its work on Ian's body. This incredible boy was his, and they were about to meet their firstborn son. He choked back tears of joy.
"I..." he stammered. Words were useless. He just smiled. Ian leaned his face against Jacob's hairy chest and breathed in.
"I know."
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mpregvids · 3 months
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mpregvids · 3 months
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Glen and Andy had met at Andy's debutant ball. Glen had just returned from four years in the sentinel force and he was dressed in his stately red dress uniform. Andy was in the regulation slender white suit. The attraction has been instant, and their fathers announced Glen and Andy's engagement just three months later.
They got to work straight away on having sons - with Andy giving birth almost nine months to day of their wedding. They thought five the perfect number, and Andy gave birth about every two years for the next decade.
Their sixth pregnancy was totally unplanned and they seriously discussed an abortion. After all, Glen would be 58 and Andy 53 when the baby turned 18 and left home for marriage or university or vocational school or the sentinel force. By that point, they had hoped to be well into their lives as grandparents, not raising a teenager. But as soon as Andy's body began to change and the familiar sensations of pregnancy began, they knew they wanted to keep the baby.
Still, the pregnancy had been hard on Andy. He had handled the first five pregnancies with relative ease, but now at 35 the aches hurt more, the heat of the little furnace in his womb was a little more discomforting, the cravings were more erratic, the weight gain was more pronounced, his bladder was weaker, his lactation messier and less controlled... Still, every day he grew more attached to the baby growing in his womb, whom they planned to name Hunter if he was a seeder or Anson if he was a bearer.
Their boys-Carson (15), Oliver (13), Patrick (11), Dean (8), and Eller (6)-were all over the moon and eagerly anticipating the arrival of a baby brother they could all spoil rotten. Andy was overjoyed to have them all with him to share in the experience of the birth of their little brother. As the contractions ramped up, Glen stood on one side of the bed coaching him, and Carson and Oliver stood on the other, encouraging him and wiping his brow. Patrick took charge of the two little ones as they worked on their coloring books. In between contractions, Andy watched them and smiled. He was so glad to be doing it all again.
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mpregvids · 4 months
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When Bradley married Urijah, he set to work building his family. Urijah gave birth five times in four years. Now, after a five-year gap, they are starting again.
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mpregvids · 4 months
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With the contractions becoming stronger, his roommate wanted to know if there was anyone to call and support him
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mpregvids · 5 months
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mpregvids · 5 months
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Pregnant? Or just fat?
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mpregvids · 6 months
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mpregvids · 6 months
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He loved the feeling of the doctors hands on the drum tight skin stretched across his swelling belly. Matt thought to himself "I could get used to this"
He loved feeling the doctor prod his belly. Watching his belly move in accordance with the pressure like he had a water balloon growing in his stomach. Doctor Redd produced a measuring tape and moved his hand to the top of Matt's pubic bone.
The pressure made Matt's bladder go crazy, he had to go again! That he couldn't get used to. Redd measured to the limits of where his stomach had swollen. The doctors made a pleased grunt Matt obviously was right where he should be.
"An exemplary belly, Matt. Are you enjoying watching it grow?" Dr. Redd said then blushed and added "I find it fascinating seeing how far they are able to stretch."
Matt nodded and smiled "I sure am, I can't stop rubbing it. I just wish I had someone to rub it for me."
Matt could see a twinkle in the doctor's eye and a twitch down south. A pregnant pause hung between them. The good doctor broke the silence "I'm sure we can help you out with that."
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mpregvids · 7 months
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Tumblr made me take down the uncensored version. If you'd like to see it, send me a DM. 🙂
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mpregvids · 7 months
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Mr. Griffin: Part 1
Been working on this for a while. Let me know in the comments if I would make a part 2?
Sleepovers at Brads house were my favorite growing up and still today. Things were never the same though after this one time. I got up late at night to get some water when I heard noises coming from Brad’s dad’s room. When I looked through the small crack in the door I saw Mr. Griffin on his back with a guy I’d never seen before.
“Mmm that load was a big one” Mr. Griffin said smiling.
“You better be careful though. Won’t your moaning wake your kid up?”
“Nah he’s got his friend over they’re probably goofing around and playing games still. Hopefully this is enough to give me another one though.”
I ran to the bathroom and came harder then I’d ever cum in my life. Mr. Griffin was hot to begin with but the idea of him pregnant was insane. My mistake was resting after my load. I knew I had taken too long when I heard a knock on the door.
“One sec” I answered
I heard Mr. Griffin answer “No rush buddy, just got some important business to attended to when you’re done.” He said as he chuckled.
I left the bathroom and went to bed still hard thinking about what I’d seen.
Over the next few months I waited eagerly to se Mr. Griffin’s belly grow. But nothing. Brad never got a little brother and I felt bad for Mr. Griffin.
Brad Griffin and I had always been best friends. We met in elementary school and had been inseparable from then on. Now as adults we enjoyed being each others wing men. Both into men but knew we didn’t see each other beyond friends. That didn’t mean things didn’t get physical though.
One night at the club we met this beautiful older guy that wanted to show us a good time. Mr. Griffin was on a business trip so we went back to brad’s house and told him to meet us there.
We had been waiting a while and Brad started getting sleepy. He said he wanted to go to bed but to wake him if the guy came.
After a while I turned the lights off and started to fall asleep in the couch. I was a little pissed at the guy for standing us up. I had put in my new jock strap just for him and was excited for him to walk in and just dive right onto me.
It must have been just a few mins I was asleep before I was woken up by steps coming across the room.
“Sorry boy I didn’t mean to wake you” the man said.
“I’ve been waiting up for you I wanted to show you my new jock strap”I said.
The man came over still clocked in darkness. He felt my abs and moved his hands down to my bulge. His hands started groping my balls.
“Mm these are so big you think they could make a baby?”
My cock jumped in my strap hearing him say that.
“Let’s find out” I replied
Instantly he was on top of me. My hands couldn’t help but rub all through his chest hair as we kissed. We rolled onto the floor and he opened his legs for me. I went to town. My mouth loving every second of it.
“Let’s move to the bedroom” I said
We went down the hall to Mr. Griffin’s room. I’d make sure to clean up in the morning.
Being inside him felt amazing, he was so passionate too. We were on our sides me behind him when I finished.
We relaxed breathing deeply. I had a huge smile in my face. He told me I didn’t have to have anything to do with him after tonight but that he was so hopeful to be pregnant. I told him I was pretty sure there were pregnancy tests in the bathroom. He got up and went to go take one.
When he returns from the bathroom I asked what he found. He said nothing but came over and kissed me. He took my hand and put it on his belly. I know it was early on but somehow I know I could feel something different about his belly. I swear I even felt a little kick.
I fell asleep soon after. Him nestled behind me in bed.
The next morning I woke up to the sun in my eyes shining through the blinds. I jerked up knowing that Mr. Griffin would be home soon. I jumped out of bed and started to put in my cloths and clean up in a panic.
“You ok boy?” The man asked still under the covers.
“No I have to straighten up my friends dad will be home any minute. This is his house!”
“That’s crazy talk this is my house” the man said
Simultaneously I turned around as he sat up in bed. It was Mr. Griffin! We gasped and stayed there in silence.
I turned out we were both expecting people that night and nether of us were expecting each other to be at the house.
Before either of us could say anything Mr. Griffin grabbed his stomach and ran to the bathroom. He sat there over the toilet with what we both knew was morning sickness.
#mpreg #pregnant #mpregmpreg #malepreg #malepregmancy #daddy #daddysboy #daddysboy💙 #belly #boybelly #gainer #bigbelly #gain #gaining #baby #pregnancy #pregnant #preggo #preggobelly #babybump #knockedup #sexy #9monthspregnant #loveislove #pride #gettingpregnant
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mpregvids · 7 months
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mpregvids · 7 months
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One day when i was watching tv i I heard my father screaming " roy roy come here i need help "
I thought something bad happened to him or the baby , he's pregnant btw
I opened the door of the room but i didn't find him
" Here in the bathroom " he yelled.
" Dad what is going on " i opened the door and found him standing there in brief " am 6 months pregnant , i can't take shower alone " he said . I told him " why you didn't tell me before " and he said " shut up i am carrying your son you should be around me all time "
"Yes dad" , then he dropped his brief and said " go get a razor and come here i need you to shave my belly hair , and clean me very well we have a visit to the doctor tomorrow " .
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mpregvids · 8 months
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mpregvids · 9 months
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Zachary secretly hopes he gives birth in the shower
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mpregvids · 1 year
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mpregvids · 1 year
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