mr-magreen · 2 months
What does R.I.V. stand for? My first thought is to the lovely movie I watched last weekend on cable, called School of Rock. Very silly movie, but I enjoyed how kindly the teacher treated the students, even though he did not have training through the proper channels. One of the young actors was named Rivkah Reyes. I thought that was a lovely name.
I'm not certain why that's the first thing that came to mind, though. It's too specific. This must be something I was missing from actuarial school, yes? I will have to consult my old college notes. They're likely quite yellowed by now... I'm sure my handwriting will be a terrible bother to read. I was such a nervous little seed. Ah. Well.
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mr-magreen · 2 months
Wow... the Keepers have chosen me to play in the league. I am on the Green Team. My teammates all seem exciting. I hope that I can make a good showing in the games and not hold them back too much. Mr. Magreen
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