mraquamoon · 2 months
12H suns/placements are private as hell and maybe lowkey overly possessive with what they share but it’s for good reason!!! 😭like they don’t want people really knowing what they got going on but that is because a lot of people tend to keep tabs on these natives.
Or may even show up to where they frequent if information about that was revealed. Tbh I think the privacy is for great reason and is protection.
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mraquamoon · 2 months
🖤Astrology observations🖤
- random things I’ve noticed from people with these placements in my life
Aries moons really enjoy going to the gym for some reason
Leo suns always let you know when it’s their birthday or when it’s coming up
Gemini moons enjoy gossiping and they may have many friends surrounding them for stimulation
Taurus suns don’t get upset easily but they are very intimidating when they do
Cancer placements have a hard time letting go of relationships that aren’t serving them anymore
Aquarius moons do this thing where they disappear for a bit when they are emotionally triggered
Sagittarius moons will often go out of the house and occupy their time with something stimulating when emotionally triggered
Libra risings are always seen as pleasant to be around. They always make whoever they are around feel comfortable
Aries suns in particular have no problem going after what they want. They are no afraid to take a risk when they have their mind set on something
Aquarius suns have a fascination for languages they either know 2 or more or taught themselves how to speak a 2nd one
Saturn in Taurus face lessons surrounding overdoing something whether it’s over eating or overspending
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mraquamoon · 2 months
🪐🏆✨Astrology observations ✨🏆🪐
🥵💦water placement edition 💦🥵
Pisces rising🪼: First thing I notice about this placement is they have the tendency to look very different each time you’re around them. They are kinda shapeshifters in a way. They can quickly gain or lose weight also. They are very sweet people upon first meeting them. Since they are a mutable sign they can be very unpredictable with their actions as well. Their mutable ability give them the capacity to adapt to many different people and situations. If they are not too careful they can get themselves into some very bad habits that they will struggle to come out of. Addiction can be a common theme in their life whether it is them facing the addiction or someone close to them facing it. They also tend to over do things when given the opportunity especially if I evolved. Job wise they are typically very loved in the workplace. They have a star quality to them when they are in a work setting with that Leo 6h. People typically appreciate their presence at work when they are not being flighty or inconsistent. When it comes to their career they have no limits on what they want to accomplish. They believe they can do it big and can accomplish what they set their minds to.
Cancer moon🩵☔️: They are usually very very shy. cancer moons can be very slow to warm up as well and be reserved. They tend to be very attached to their mothers in some way or the mother is heavily involved in their life/have a huge influence on their emotional reactions ( emotions ) . Cancer moons are so sensitive on the inside. They are the ones who will be bothered by something, but you won’t know. These are really good people to date because they are thoughtful, loving, and comforting partners. They will cook, clean, and pull their weight in relationships. Cancer moons home is their sanctuary. They enjoy being at home mostly when they have the resources to decorate and style to a way that is comforting for them. No matter how tough cancer moons look they will always have a soft and mushy side to them. Everyone won’t get to see this side. They have to be at their most comfortable with you and they do not open up easily. Cancer moons tend to get along with other water moons Scorpio and Pisces. They also pair really well with Taurus moons.
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mraquamoon · 5 months
🪴🌙ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS - cardinal moon sign edition
♈️🌶️ARIES MOON: this is a very emotionally expressive moon sign. Aries moons emotions come to them so quickly and it can be manifested as a burst of anger or frustration that ends up winding down shortly after. Aries moons really benefit from working out or doing some type of physical activity when going through an emotional crisis. Aries moons want to be left alone to process their emotions. They will most likely reject any type of help or assistance when they are bothered initially. The best thing to do to deal with this is to give them space and let them process. Aries moons get along with other fire moons best as well as Gemini and Aquarius moons. They are very independent thinkers. Their mother influenced their drive and ambition in life in a positive or negative way. Their experiences with their mother shaped their outlook to be independent.
♑️👔CAPRICORN MOON: this moon sign is not super emotional on the surface at all. They will use dry humor more often than not and that can hint at some emotions they are feeling internally. They are very hard to open up with how they truly feel even with people that are super close to them. They might have had a hard time growing up such as parent being away from home a lot so they had to step up and take responsibility for things in the household. They could have lost a parent or a parent could be physically around but not emotionally. Capricorn moons benefit from having people around who give them the space to process their emotions and give them a positive perspective on life compared to how things make seem to them sometimes. Capricorn moons will be more inclined to open up to you if they began to respect you in some way. They appreciate people who understand the value of hard work and determination like themselves. Capricorn moons are very good to be with in relationships as well as they will take responsibility on ensuring the relationship has a well thought out future and things that you wouldn’t normally been keen on taken care of. They will plan dates, they will spoil you, they will give you money to take care of you in some cases especially when they really are loyal to you and understand your value. They do not invest in things that does not seem worth it long term. Capricorn moons get along generally with earth moons scorpio and Aquarius moons.
♎️💕LIBRA MOON: this is the social moon sign. Libra moons love relationships and beauty of all types. They are very much the types to romanticize their lives. Libra moons are happiest when all relationships in their lives are balanced and especially when they have a partner to share their life and ideas with. Libra moons are very aware of their appearance and makes sure to invest a lot of their mental energy into their self care routines. They love shopping to ease their emotions. Libra moons also love talking about relationships of all types with others. They are great with relationship advice for all types and they genuinely love hearing and comparing perspectives. Libra moons struggle with being truthful emotionally sometimes just because they want to keep the peace. They do care about upsetting people still like the typical Libra archetype so they may tip toe around what they truly feel emotionally or become indecisive. This is not always a terrible thing because it helps them make the right decision. They prefer doing activities with others such as going to the store or grabbing food together. This makes them feel at ease emotionally. Libra moons are very sensitive to energy so they are always able to sense the shifts that goes on in a room. They become very uncomfortable around discord of any kind. Libra moons get along best with other air moons Sagittarius and Leo moons.
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mraquamoon · 7 months
🌹 the 3rd house is the house of communication, your surroundings, how you communicate, who is easier to communicate with, even energies you grew up with.
🍷Sun in the 3rd house synastry shows a relationship that could have gotten more serious from a mutual understanding of how to communicate with one another in a way that is understood and natural. These could be people that live around you. This could be coworkers as well. Heavy emphasis on what is surrounding you. This can even mean dating apps. Your relationship is enhanced with communication. There is a playful energy with the relationship. You might have to travel to see this person or they travel to see you from a further distance.
🧠libra suns more often times than not are seen in situations where they are the responsible one or the one who has to take care and over extend themselves to everyone. This is due to the debilitation of the sun in Libra and it not being easy to access an authentic identity. Libra suns find their identity in others because they agree with most ideas instead of adopting their own in the moment because it keeps the peace. If a Libra sun is around a certain group of people for long or even a strong personality there is a chance they can lose themselves in trying to please the other or keep things peaceful. Libras are great at being of service and being a team player in the work place. Libras are air signs so they are not super emotional they think logical on most situations. A libra will get the opinion of others before they make their final decision because that creates a better perspective for them.
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mraquamoon · 8 months
Saturnian moons✨🪐
Capricorn moons and Aquarius moons. They’re both ruled by saturn. They both can be emotionally inexpressive at times. Capricorn rules the 10th house of your career and public life. Aquarius rules the 11th house of friendships, networks/networking, and communities. Capricorn moons feel most emotionally secure when they’re working. Capricorn is the opposite of cancer. This indicates that they need to work on balancing out their home and work life. Cancer is ruled by the moon and the 4th house. Capricorn moons are that friend who is either there for everyone or tries to be there. They rarely open up about their problems. They seem as though they have everything together and indeed they are actually very emotionally logical and level headed. The moon is in its detriment when in capricorn. Capricorn is an earth sign which means they have a very grounded approach to their emotions. This can all vary depending on the natal placement. Imagine Saturn as a father and the moon as its child. What Saturn does here is trains the moons emotions to be grounded and structured. Capricorn is already about structure and bringing it to the moon you can expect a very emotionally stable person. Again it varies from placements. It also varys what house. Whatever house your moon is in can show where this moon sign plays out and where you are most emotionally structured according to how the moon acts in capricorn. For example, moon in capricorn in the 2nd house can play out as you being very emotionally responsible and attached to your possessions. You may work very hard and put a lot of focus in your possessions and material things, but thats also what emotionally secures you. Every chart is unique. Everyone has different things that give them emotional security and thats perfectly normal and fine. Aquarius moons. Aquarius moons are very emotionally detached from the reality. Aquarius is an air sign. Air signs are very aloof in general. Aquarius is aloof but it brings this innovative, eccentric, and quirky nature to the mix. Uranus also shares rulership with saturn. The planet Uranus is about unexpected events, change, and chaos. With all this being said, in my opinion having an aquarius moon can be a challenging placement especially if aspected poorly. Aquarius moons have the ability to block people and situations out with ease. The coldness of Aquarius related to saturn being a ruler. If a situation is not serving an aquarius oon given the fact that they’ve already analyzed the whole entire situation before making a decision they will either distance themselves and or detach/not speak to you period. This is why aquarius placements in general can be seen as “toxic”. In aquariuses minds people should already know if they are overstepping a boundary. If you’re acting a way that aquarius doesn’t agree with and they express their opinion on the subject and you continue to do it. This will give them the initiative to ghost you without an explanation because they felt like they already explained themselves before. Having a group of friends or being around a group of people from time to time makes them emotionally secure. Its kind of a weird opposition. Like with the Leo and Aquarius opposition. They crave being in a group setting secretly in the spotlight, but they also crave being independent, innovative, and their own unapologetic personality. Aquarius is a fixed sign meaning they have very set opinions that they live by and are very hard to convince otherwise. They can be open to listening to other opinions this is how they gather information to form their own unique opinion. For an air sign they use alot of logic in their emotions. This is an earth sign quality and this is where saturn and capricorn comes into play with this moon sign. The air sign part of aquarius moon is from uranus. Uranus is the one who wants to stand out. Saturn gives this innovative approach and Uranus adds to that approach by making it different. This makes these people very out of the box thinkers. The shadow side of this moon is that deep down they like a little chaos.
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mraquamoon · 8 months
Astrology observations 8th house synastry addition🖤
The 8th house can show where our deep bonds lie, marriage, when you live together with a significant other, psychologically damaging individuals, where your resources are shared, where a person takes your resources, something with another person you share, spiritual sex, soul binding even, people who came into your life and left an impact, people who came into your life and damaged you emotionally in some way, people who share with you a lot even. The 8th house can also represent things or even events that further staple two people together kinda like cementing a pavement. It’s not going anywhere once it’s cemented. Having 8th house synastry can also be very uncomfortable for those who are on the more private side. Planets that enter this house end up uncovering your secrets in some way so if you’re the type of person who likes to keep things private for the most part you may not like this feeling. Those that have the desire to give their entire self to another and not have things to themselves may thrive in this type of synastry. No matter how the coin flips this can make it toxic for this reason alone of the desire to learn about this persons secrets being the planet person coming into this house. Whether you actually seek to learn or you just come across secrets it’s bound to come up with this synastry.
The planet person may be intrigued with you as a person and will want to get to know the tiny details that make you who you are. There also can be a dynamic that plays out as you both knowing what to do to get under each others skin which can be used for bad sometimes unfortunately. It can kinda bring an energy of walking on egg shells especially when it comes to expressing some of the deeper emotions.
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mraquamoon · 8 months
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS: Mars in the 8th house synastry🔥🌹🖤🌹🔥
What is mars ? Mars is the planet of force and presence. Mars is an invasive and uncaring energy. Especially at its lowest vibration. Mars can be manipulative as well to get what it desires. That is a huge factor.
The 8th house. The house of the hidden. Things you don’t tell many people. Things only maybe one or two people might know about. What changes you. This house is not a house that gets activated on its own typically. People trigger here.
MARS IN THE 8TH SYNASTRY: the mars person is very interested of what the 8th house person has going on behind the scenes. They might be in areas of their life where they don’t tell many people about. Could even possibly be that you live with one another and conflict is just constantly happening. Shared finances come into play here with the 8th house. Living with someone or having a roommate is a shared finance. Arguing over shared money or expenses is likely which could lead to separation. Very deep resentments held in here. It could almost go as far as there being a hidden hatred for one another or for both. That is the scary part about it. Ultimately you feel when someone doesn’t fully have your best interest at heart because here they show it with their Martian actions penetrating the things at you would prefer to keep to yourself. Be wary of joining money in some way with this synastry. The sex at first can be extremely transforming and even addictive, but we remember mars is about quick paces so the addictive aspect does not last forever.
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mraquamoon · 10 months
🔥🧘🏽‍♂️Saturn and aries
The hard worker. Impulsive on opportunities. High tolerance. Ability to endure. Learn through failing. Difficultly following through.
Looking at this in the lenses of Saturn being events or surrounding pressures in your life. Unless Saturn is aspecting a personal planet then it most likely will represent itself as occurring events opposed to mental or consistent happenings. Aries is not about structure, order, routine, or following rules. Aries is about getting things done and done quickly. Aries gets bored with routine. Aries does not like to take orders they prefer to give them. Saturn is about giving orders and controlling things. Aries cannot be controlled or atleast they can get very hostile when this is felt. So there’s a difficulty with having staying power here. They end up trying so many things that probably didn’t work out for them, but all the impulsive starts especially towards things that may be a huge responsibility they didn’t think twice and most definitely gave their all. They are not afraid to take big risks. They know with big risks there are big rewards. They also know that sometimes you will fail but you have to keep trying due to events that took place in their lives. Times when you had to really step up and be strong even if you really had no clear example of how to get it done. Some of the toughest situations Saturn will most likely put you through alone. Saturn in Aries can even manifest life situations where you have issues with asserting yourself.
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mraquamoon · 11 months
Astrology observations 8th house synastry addition🖤
The 8th house can show where our deep bonds lie, marriage, when you live together with a significant other, psychologically damaging individuals, where your resources are shared, where a person takes your resources, something with another person you share, spiritual sex, soul binding even, people who came into your life and left an impact, people who came into your life and damaged you emotionally in some way, people who share with you a lot even. The 8th house can also represent things or even events that further staple two people together kinda like cementing a pavement. It’s not going anywhere once it’s cemented. Having 8th house synastry can also be very uncomfortable for those who are on the more private side. Planets that enter this house end up uncovering your secrets in some way so if you’re the type of person who likes to keep things private for the most part you may not like this feeling. Those that have the desire to give their entire self to another and not have things to themselves may thrive in this type of synastry. No matter how the coin flips this can make it toxic for this reason alone of the desire to learn about this persons secrets being the planet person coming into this house. Whether you actually seek to learn or you just come across secrets it’s bound to come up with this synastry.
The planet person may be intrigued with you as a person and will want to get to know the tiny details that make you who you are. There also can be a dynamic that plays out as you both knowing what to do to get under each others skin which can be used for bad sometimes unfortunately. It can kinda bring an energy of walking on egg shells especially when it comes to expressing some of the deeper emotions.
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mraquamoon · 11 months
The positives of ‘putting yourself out there’ are worth it. Having a great conversation with a stranger will be worth the awkwardness of starting that exact conversation. Joining a small community of people you will see regularly is worth having to get through a scary first day. Getting your dream job is worth the scariness of chasing it. Don’t pick and choose experiences based on the level of ease now, but choose them based on how you want to come out of them.
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mraquamoon · 1 year
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The meridian 🌹
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mraquamoon · 1 year
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