mrchocostix · 3 years
Watch "Rumor Sana’s Doppel "shutdown -r -t 21" Anime【Magia Record】" on YouTube
Welp. Best Doppel of 2021 so far.
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mrchocostix · 4 years
Magia Rapport: Day 1
August 23, 2020: If you could give advice to a new player, what would that advice be? If you could restart the game from the beginning, what would you do differently this time?
Once you pick out your free 4-star, solely focus on building them up first! They will carry you throughout the first few chapters of main story. If I could give advice on who to pick, it would probably be Mami, Madoka or Kyoko. But of course, pick whoever you want! If you have Glasses Homura, I recommend you strengthen her up as she has a Doppel Unleashing Challenge, which refunds you the materials you spent on her! She's a pretty neat tank to acquire early on.
Oh I would DEFINITELY get Ren's free Destiny Gem from her event. As I only started and I didn't know what to prioritise in event shops, I didn't get it when it ended. This has been and still one of my biggest regrets in my account and if I could restart the game, I will definitely get it. :')
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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mrchocostix · 4 years
EX 1 is rather simple, double Mami and Madoka should work out fine if you defeat Natsuki first for Mami.
EX 2 is actually pretty tough. I'm not too sure if cheese strats work. I recommend using aqua girls like Rena and Melissa and get rid of the forest minions ASAP, then rain magias on the Uwasa.
EX 3 is relatively easy. If you're using double Mami, Sayaka should immediately fall to a C C B Puella Combo. After that, everyone is open to bind. I unfortunately don't know the skills as I defeated all of them with said cheese.
EX 4 is not too tough. A quick note, the Uwasa apparently negates bind and charm but not stun so girls like Alina is viable in this challenge. It's confusing but I'll get an easy win so I won't complain.
Karin: Bewitch chance on team and defense down on single target. Does effects every turn.
Mitama: Poison chance on team, magia seal chance on team and removes own team debuffs. Does effects every 2 turns.
Kanagi: Passive guard chance and passive follow up attack chance.
Ui: Passive 20 MP regen and status ailment resistance down on team (?). Does effect every 3 turns.
Swimsuit Kyoko: Blast up on team. Does effect every 2 turns.
For this challenge I personally used Nanaka and Ashley. Though I'm sure Yachiyo can work too. I strongly advice against Magia teams due to Mitama being a big hoe but I it's still possible.
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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I've seen people around have been sharing their IDs so here is mine!
...I wish I was more productive instead of winning 4414 Mirror matches but that's life for me now.
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mrchocostix · 4 years
i dont remember who suggested to me a comic abt the meguca crew playing mario kart but 
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mrchocostix · 4 years
Homura: is traumatized and values herself only as much as Madoka is safe. Makes a rash decision for that, because of Madokas words.
Fandom: Homura is selfish and just wants to possess Madoka! Madohomu is wrong!
Kyoko and Sayaka: Are enemies to lovers
Fandom: Kyoko and Sayaka do nothing but fight and they’d be a horrible couple!
Oriko: literally calls Kirika “my world” and takes a spear to the gut for her corpse and at every moment shows how much she loves Kirika.
Fandom: Oriko doesn’t care about Kirika, she just wanted to use her! Oriko is abusive!
Alina: is a little rude and mean to Karin, but clearly has a fondness to the point that even after her failed suicide attempt and her devaluing of anything other than her art, she keeps caring about her, reading her manga and smiling and being happy in her presence
Fandom: Alina abuses Karin!
Yachiyo and Iroha: are literally an adult and a minor.
Fandom: Uh... maybe you antis should calm down a little. Yachiyo and Iroha are so pure uwu.
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mrchocostix · 4 years
Honestly at this point just seeing the image of a rainbow orb dumps a shit-ton of serotonin in my brain, enough that I have transcended the need for antidepressants all together as long as my Rainbow orb luck holds out
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mrchocostix · 4 years
Ashley is the perfect representation of the average PMMM fan - someone who fetishises Japanese culture while being totally ignorant and disrespectful towards it. Except she's female.
I don’t know what you want from me, anon. I am a female. Not saying you assumed I was a man but one Redditor assumed I was once and I found that super amusing: I forget sometimes I’m not the assumed typical demographic for PMMM lol. I got into Madoka Magica when I was a teen, and I’ve met a girl younger than Madoka who called the cast - and I quote - “very very stupid”. (And I can’t entirely disagree with that little girl: the cast does make some dumb but heartwrenching decisions).
Ashley Taylor was designed by a Japanese person, voiced by a Japanese person, created in part by Japanese people, programmed in part by Japanese people, and she is supposed to be American to be consumed by strictly western American audiences. 
So, I suppose you’re suggesting they created a character purposefully disrespectful to their own culture - a character, mind you, that has multiple lines of dialogue that explain the culture and history of Kawaii, as well as enough appreciation for Japan to want to live for an entire semester in the country in addition to supporting local businesses like Riko’s family restaurant? A character who shows a genuine interest in learning more about the country by hearing directly from actual ordinary Japanese people, and even creates videos about her experiences so that her American friends can learn to enjoy and understand a different culture as much as she does? We mostly hear Ashley Taylor speak English, but canonically, she’s bilingual, meaning she went through the effort of educating herself in an entirely new language and its deeper meanings because she loved it so much. Are you sure “Ashley Taylor is consuming Japanese culture as a surface level commodity” is the hill you want to stand on, anon?
Idk. I really don’t know what you expected from me. (I’m assuming you sent this because I talked about how much I loved her design when my mutual asked and how I wanted to wear it?) On a related note, I don’t have any waifus per se in this game, or in any anime really lol. I have girls I like and can relate to, but none I’d like to… Fetishize? Not my thing, especially in an explicit context. I can’t speak for everybody in this fandom, and I am not about to start discourse about it. 
I’m just a girl playing a video game about other girls for fun, my dude. *shrugs*
TL;DR: I am Ashley Taylor, apparently lol. 
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mrchocostix · 4 years
According to datamined info, NA server is getting Tsukasa’s 5* uncap and the Amane sisters swimsuit unit next.
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I was expecting this to happen since we needed to catch up with JP server. But I feel conflicted because limited gacha memorias will give swimsuit tickets and I really need some for my Touka & Alina 😭😭😭
I’m crying in barely 10 rolls right now…
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mrchocostix · 4 years
Do you seriously have no problem with how Magia Record's story is all about punishing girls for having wishes in life?
I would if that’s the bare sum of the story but it’s not. Honestly MagiReco is about as mahou shoujo as it gets when it comes to plot. Even the original show upholds that dreams and hope are important things to hold on to.
S&L, have you ever considered that people are drawn to shows like this because it represents their real life? I ugly cried at the end of PMMM because it spoke to me and my depression. Sometimes you feel like Homura, going through horrible times and watching people suffer as they try to achieve their dreams but can’t because circumstances have failed them, because sexism exists, because it turns out that the beauty you built up in your head doesn’t match up with the ugliness of reality. You have friends like Mami who were so good at what they did but they burnt out fast and had breakdowns and you don’t see them again. You have friends like Sayaka who really believed in what they were doing but they were twisted by what they tried to support. You have friends like Kyoko who are so very jaded and hurt and defensive, and then they keep trying again and getting hurt again.
These are all people I’ve met and experienced. These are all human experiences. This isn’t something like Magical Girl Site where it’s just pointless edge for the sake of it; this is stuff that everyone will experience, see, or feel at different stages of their lives.
And then you have the ending, where someone says: "If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to have hope, well, then, I'll just tell them they're wrong. And I'll keep telling them 'til they believe! No matter how many times it takes." And guess what? She does just that. That’s something important. 
It’s important that a depressing show like PMMM could end on such a note. Have you thought about all the folks in the world who watched this and needed that message? That the world is a dark and uncaring place sometimes, but it’s worth it to have hope and keep going? That there is good in the world, and sometimes we are the ones who make it?
It’s okay if you don’t like dark shows. But they’re necessary. They help people experience emotion is a safe way, and they can help sort out how one feels. They are cathartic. 
I think it’s very sad that your only takeaway from MR is “punishing girls for having wishes in life.” You don’t see the found family aspects of the story, you don’t see how the girls’ lives are better after they make their wishes because it helped them make friends and give them the strength to keep going. Wishes might make their life hard, but all of the girls pull through due to the bonds they make with one another. How much more magical girl can you get?
Stop harassing people and start working on your own stories. I’ve seen some of them on your blog and they look interesting. I’m not sure what is going on with your life, but I do worry about you sometimes. I don’t think keeping your focus on things you dislike is a good way to live. 
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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today’s mirrors experiment is seeing what kind of synergy sasara and asuka really have. maybe i can play around with the different canon teams and see how they all work together? that would be fun, and it would give me the excuse to raise up some of the girls i’ve been neglecting
sasara was one such girl — she’s been sitting at level 50 for… uhhhh. a really, really long time. but it was easy enough to get her up to 80, since i had the majority of the materials already, and what i didn’t have, i could pick up in the event, mirrors, and daily shops
my verdict so far: they actually do work really well together, but you have to position asuka as the striker between them, which feels weird, because in other teams, asuka serves as a tank. i think it works best if asuka is leader, too, because her connect really helps sasara survive longer
this was also an excuse for me to try the “guard + 4 of me” combo. normally i combine guard with assistant instructor’s taunt/counter, and i wanted to see how this strategy works out. (people talk about it, but i don’t see a lot of… explanations? as to why it’s good?) 
and what i’ve learned is this: it’s all about making your guard character live longer
… especially on 2-girl teams like this. i feel like in a trio of one tank and two damage-focused girls, the tank’s job is to make sure everyone else survives to do damage, since the tank usually has much higher defense. or, at the very least, that’s how it works when your tank is momoko — and with mirrors being full of aqua girls, that means momoko is most likely to pull hits regardless. i dont think 4 of me would really help as much if i put it on her. plus, momoko’s hp is good enough that she can take a good number of hits — so she doesn’t really need the help surviving, most of the time
meanwhile, sasara is still capped, so she needs all the help she can get… her attack is definitely lacking, but really, that’s what asuka’s for. sasara’s def up/reduce damage combo is great for making sure she stays standing long enough to murder things. (you just have to have better luck than i’m having, and find more than forest tercio teams…)
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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This is from the MagiReco subreddit discord!
For Training Calendars: If you have +10 event bonus your best bet is stuff between 13ap and 15ap. Magical girl stories at 16ap can work great for this, but in general any farming of non-challenge mode content should work well.
For Flower Stamps: Best challenge mode to farm for currency is the highest one you can do. 
If you want to farm challenge mode 10, I recommend equipping some form of negate-curse memoria (examples on this page). Nemu will throw out occasional Bewitches, which is a pain, but I’ve had autofarm success with by using two Ashleys and a Kirika (both Ashleys had two slots, Kirika had three). 
Edit: Double Flame (two Kyokos and a Felicia) have worked super well for me on auto. Maybe Double Tsuruno and Felicia would work well too? I’ll post about it tomorrow if anyone actually wants it.
We won’t be getting extra Challenges (like 11 - 20) next week, just the EX Challenges it looks like, so feel free to spend your training calendars as soon as possible– you can get a pretty neato active memoria, and if you farm enough you can get a rainbow orb.
Good luck!
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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Omg I-
I had no idea I had this many following?? I love you all holy poop.
I hope I won't disappoint even more this year. ::)
BUT ANYWAYS I'm glad that y'all actually enjoy my content ksnskjsjx
Thank you all!
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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This is literally the best pull I’ve ever had.
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mrchocostix · 4 years
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From the Subreddit Discord. 
If you have a +10 bonus, then 13ap - 15ap stuff is the way to go.
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