mrgoalem · 4 months
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Once again im still somewhat new to drawing, some panels will be worse/better then others and the artstyle isnt really gonna be consistent but hope yall enjoy any way :3
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mrgoalem · 4 months
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May 8 2024
First Contact
A few weeks have passed since Sonic saved Tails in the Westside Town Alleyway, the kit is still skittish to touch or being a burden. One night when they were camping out of the van and sleeping under the stars. It was a warm night. Sonic managed to get Tails to fall asleep and was relaxing in the quiet for a moment (He discovered very quickly that his new buddy could be quite the yapper. Not that he minded, he liked to listen and the kids ramblings was one of the few times he truly relaxes without worrying about hurting something by accident). Arms behind his head, nestled in his quills, careful as to not accidentally poke himself, as he leaned up against a small rock and became surrounded with the sounds of natures song. Listening to the lulling rustles of the trees, he was lightly startled when something pressed against his chest, right over his heart. When he looked down, he saw Tails' paw. He must have accidentally moved it there while he was asleep. A glance at the kits face showed his muzzle scrunched up. A nightmare? Who knows. The hedgehog untangles one of his paws from his quills and rests it on the foxes paw, making gentle circles with his thumb on the brown baby fur. He would have tried to do relaxing gestures on his face and ears to try calming him down, but that usually led to the small speedster getting a new scratch or bite mark followed by a wave of apologies. After a moment of the gentle circles on the kits hand, his face seems to relax and a strange rumble comes out of him. It takes Sonic a moment to realize that's Tails' purr, he's relaxed. A sigh comes out as the hedgehog too relaxes further into the rock, okay. That's a good sign. So he's not doing a horrible job at this... tag along thing? taking him under his wing? whatever it's called. He didn't really care about labels. Sonic decides it'd probably be a good idea to follow his new friends' footsteps and go to sleep himself. It finally happened, they made contact without anyone being hurt in the process, if only the kit wasn't asleep at the moment to realize this while Sonic was making victory laps in his head.
Since Tails is bigger than Sonic in this au (even at 3 1/2)- so he can't listen to his heartbeat necessarily by just resting his head on his chest and hearing it. So he does the second best option, resting his paw there to feel it.
Neither knew about it at the time, but children (especially really young children) will listen to their parents heartbeat to relax. So whenever Tails is scared or having a nightmare (or they're just relaxing and taking a nap), he'll rest his paw on Sonic's chest to feel his heartbeat. (Sonic's pretty chill with it because hey, it calms the kid down, that's good.) But at first whenever he instinctively did that, he'd panic a bit and try to pull back because he worries he might hurt Sonic still. After a few times of it happening (and Tails being very confused), they eventually just kinda let it happen and the kit didn't pull away anymore.
This was the first sign that Tails views Sonic as his dad, and neither of them understood.
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mrgoalem · 5 months
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Comic name:THE MANTIS pg 1
gonna hopefully make more of this. with some higher quality panels next time as I kinda just threw this together for the event, also just dowloaded this app so haiii :3
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