mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
“Depression-  A Rampant and Alarming Phase” by Mary Ann Jaway
"The first rule of life is to never quit..."            Living a life is the most important thing. Never quitting in the challenge that was given to a person showed how strong they are. Every challenge in life needs to be overcome. But, in the present state the rapidly growing numbers of individuals acquiring depression and its effect is alarming. Depression is a feeling of extreme sadness and a loss of interest in things. It can be caused by multiple factors such family and school problems, but maybe with a more modernized world, it is accessible to trigger depression. Due to there are social stigma that can affect an individual. According to World Health Organization (WHO), every year there are 800, 000 of individual who suicide every 40 seconds. The increasing numbers of people who suicide is concerning as we all know that everyone can suffer from depression, regardless of the age, gender, and races.
           A way to reduce the growing number of individual who suicide is a great help.A residential treatment center can help an individual to overcome the depression and stop them on attempting a suicide as it provide a cognitive behavioural therapy, family therapy and group therapy.
           A residential treatment center provides Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT is psychotherapy uses to treat depression and other mental illnesses. It is said that CBT helps to an individual to think in a balanced way and serves as a coping mechanisms. This also aims to unleash the negative thoughts of an individual that only intensified the depression.
           The Priory Hospital offers a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to treat depression. They have got a lot of well-trained psychiatrists and psychologists. As this hospital know that if the depression does not treat earlier it might get worse and lead the individual to suicide. Moreover, in an article of Virtual Medical Centre, CBT is proven to be useful in treating a depression.
           Moreover, family is the one who build an individual's wholeness but there are not perfect families, sometimes they will be one of the causes of depression. A family therapy allows an individual and the family to talk and be more open to each other for, sometimes the problem arises as a result of ineffective communication between them. This family therapy allows both sides to take a proactive step on how the family and an individual will have an effective communication.
           The Priory Hospital which is based on London, also offer a family therapy. Nonetheless, this aims to build the relationship of an individual and the family for them to deal in a wide range of problems. According to Medical Virtual Centre, the family therapy is useful in treating mood disorders especially depression. Other than that, family therapy is also useful in treating behavioral disorders, eating disorders, psychotic disorders, substance abuse and etc. The number of formal sessions varies on the problem, but usually it takes 5 to 20 sessions.
           Being able to share a problem lessen the sadness or what an individual feels. The group therapy is one of the ways. Group therapy takes place within a wider group of patients and a psychiatrist, where an individual encourages to share the issues that corning them and also what they feel. This aims to give and receive a feedback to other patients. Being able to let the emotions out is an effective way of treating the depression.
           The Center for Counseling and Psychological Health (CCPH) offers a group therapy, regardless what an individual problem is. The goal of the CCPH to the group therapy is to gain understanding of the problem and explore possible solutions. Aside from treating the depression, group therapy also gives a lot of lessons in an individual. Research states that the group therapy is highly effective in therapeutic technique in treating the mental illnesses, to be specific in depression.
           As has been noted, with the growing number of people who suicide as a result of depression. There are also ways to reduce this, such the rehabilitation center can help an individual to overcome the depression and stop them on attempting a suicide as it provide a cognitivebehavioural therapy, family therapy and group therapy. Either of the three therapies is an effective way in treating a depression that may cause by family and education. With these therapies, it gives an individual an assurance that a problem is only a challenge and can be overcome.
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mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
“Depression caused by Family” by Ma. Clarisse Shane N. Estrada
Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the world is. Depression is a mental illness that everyone feels down or low at point in life. Depression is an extremely complex disease. No one knows exactly what causes it, but it can occur for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons of depression is caused by high expectations of parents. Many parents becomes perfectionist when it comes about their children’s future. Perfectionist parents obligates children to be better, invalidating families sabotage them.
 Many people suffer from depression at one point in their life. It is inevitable, the feeling of hopelessness, sorrow, or being alone. These are all common emotions associated with depression.
 Many children experiencing depression nowadays. Parents has high expectations and the children needs to achieve that, so that they’re not be a disappointment and failure in the eyes of their parents. They can’t enjoy their life, no freedom, and time is limited. All their time is for studying just to make sure their grades is high. They feel stress and pressure and leads to anxiety, worst is depression that may lead to suicidal thoughts. Parents will compare their children to others and point out their flaws, which triggers depression. Family members are always invalidating each other and talking as though the others were worthless.
 Some of the reasons why children experiencing depression is having a family problem. A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your child’s development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s development depend on numerous factors, including the age of the child at the time of parents’ separation, and on the personality and family relationships. Although infants and young children may experience few negative developmental effects, older children and teenagers may experience some problems in their social, emotional and educational functioning.
 Depression is one of the most common conditions in primary care, but is often unrecognized, undiagnosed, and untreated. Depression has a high rate of morbidity and mortality when left untreated. Many reasons behind depression, and one of the reason is our family. Let the children express their side so that they can avoid suicidal thoughts.
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mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
Behind the smiles, there are some feelings accumulating inside that the other is unable to see. Pressure is one of the factors why depression is now common to adolescents.There are series of reasons to acquire pressure. To an extent, an individual usually feels pressure mainly by social media, family and school.However, it may not be intended but social and environmental influences are major factors to contribute pressure towards a person.
 The greatest factor that contributes to pressure is the mass media. Because of the ideal concepts and exemplary characteristics of a person posted online, the thought of perfection is growing to a person’s mind. Social media creates an ultimate impression that causes a person to think of being not enough. From then on, the perception of having an ideal self and achieving it would satisfy a being. But according to Dr. Allan Schwartz, once an individual failed to reach the idea, it is the level wherein they suffer great loss of self-esteem and worst, depression. This proves only that social media has the power to poison a human mind. Based on a research, 11.3% adolescents and 8.8% - 9.6% young adults are experiencing major depressive episodes caused by social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. This only proves that social media has the highest influence to all people and should filter its contents as far as a person can when posting online.
 Aside from the influences of social media, family pressure also contributes to the impact of having depression. Different attributes of parents are the main reason acquiring varieties of parenting styles. Parental decisions may also contribute to the misunderstanding between a parent and child. Moreover, the wants and dreams of the parent for the kid is contradicting with what the child want. Sometimes, it is getting out of hand wherein the guardians start comparing and set the standards high. In result to that, the minorities are faced to meet the expectations of the parents. Ironically, family should be the strong foundation of support, but instead, a child is being controlled.Pressure might sink into the child’s mind and cause depression at worst, especially when the efforts been done are not appreciated. A study from the Arizona State University stated that, children who endures the continuous pressure given by the family is suffering from depression and anxiety.There are also cases within an interaction of a child and a depressed family member that affects children to be depressed too.
Murray has studied infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children interacting with their depressed mothers. Although some of the studies controlled for other variables, such as conflict in the home, she found that the depression in mothers still accounted for the children’s quality of interaction (Murray and Trevarthen, 1986; Murray et al., 1996b, 1999).
  Lastly, depression can be associated with the pressure from school. Many adolescents are putting up with the high standards of academics. However, the ambiguity of an environment and tough competition in school makes the pressure worse. As claimed by Stress in America, a full 83% of students are reported to be hassled. In fact, the accumulation of stress can lead to depression. Women are generally more worried than men due to stress and the sentiment to be unable to manage it.According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 30% of students are stressed with the negative outcomes of their academic performance and 85% of the report are students who feel overwhelmed by academic demands. Truly, too much pressure to work on something will exhaust a student. With overloaded works and requirement deadlines one will surely fail.Due to uncertain management techniques, emotional breakdowns are often occurred. Given the fact, the purpose of studying is to prepare adolescents for easier road to good scholarships and overall, the future. However, the mental and social life of a student is what costs the efforts to reach this goal.
 Given these points, adolescents who live with depression often experienced difficulties in life because of the increasing pressure in everyday life. It is truly hard to live with expectations and pressured to do so. Everything that surrounds a person could practically give them too much ideas and when this pressure gathered up all in one time, a possibility of a mental breakdown occurs. Hardships in life are truly inevitable and a perfect concept is not possible. Life will give an individual too much pressure to live on so it is much better to seek help rather than worrying on your own.
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mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
“Depression in School” by Yssabelle Bulatao
In the present time, a large number of individuals are suffering from depression. It is a serious mood disorder that causes loss of interest and enjoyment in any activities. It affects a person’s emotions, thinking, behavior, and physical well-being. Depression can happen to anyone. Even students can suffer from this mental illness because of many demands in school such as performance tasks, homework, projects, and activities of school that a student cannot handle.
There are numerous tasks in different subjects so majority of students are having a hard time to manage their time. Students cannot do all of the requirements at the same time because there are other responsibilities that needs to be done. Many teens experience some degree of academic pressure especially from the parents. However, an uncertain economy and tough competition in school make pressure worse.
Students don’t have enough time to take care of their physical health. Furthermore, they are typically facing a academic challenge. Moreover, they may be exposed to more drugs and alcohol than ever before.
Young people in this generation tend to be much pressured, stressed, live complicated lives, and tend to be socially disconnected because no one can listen and guide them. And some school are lacking in mental health awareness. Other people always think that this illness is just a feeling. This is the reason why students who suffering from depression is ashamed to seek help and having difficulties to neither open up nor talk about this matter.
 Schools should have an effective program and seminars about mental health. Treating those individual with a mental illness, most especially depression, with kindness will most likely brighten up their day. A small gesture, like a small greeting, could make their mood better. Even if you do not want to talk to them, learn how to respect each individuals and help them. With respect to one another, the world will have peace and well-balanced.
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mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
Depression (Judgement) by Champagne Dela Rosa
Judgement can affect your personality. It can change your own perspectives in life. If some people is judging you, it has a tendency that you will get to overthink the situation and it starts with extreme sadness until it become depression.
 We should learn to accept others and try to adapt them rather than changing them. No two people are alike. No two hearts beat to the same rhythm. Nevertheless, judgement can be classified based on haters, physical appearance and competitors.
 • Haters
 We all know that every people has a hater that they didn't know. But at the end of the day, it is just someone's opinion.
 • Physical Appearance
I, myself prove that if you are not good looking and not fit to someone's taste in looks, they will judge you by what they see.
 • Competitors
 If you have a competitors and you failed they will judge you by your failures.
 I concluded that judgement to others must stop. At school, university, office or even when walking in a mall surrounded by strangers, the judgement game is never ending. We should learn to open our heart and accept people. Every person we meet has something special to give to us if we are open to receive. 
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mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
Family and Education as a Contributory Aspect to Depression (Concept Paper)
In an article written by Mayo Clinic Staff, depression is defined as a mood disorder that affects how an individual feel, and react with the environment as it influence the way of thinking and behavior of a person. Moreover, it is also a feeling of consistent sadness and loss of interest in things. Anyone can be affected by depression regardless of the age, social status and cultures.In fact, the World Health Organization states that there are 300 million of individuals suffering from depression around the world. In this case, this concept paper is designed to fully elaborate the depression caused by family and school and its impact for today’s individual.
           However, an individual suffering from depression may not seem sad to others. But the symptoms can be identified from their behavior. In addition to that, there are specific signs what a depressed people feels such as feelings of hopelessness, insomnia, eating problems, loss of interest, difficulties on focusing, feelings of guilt and worthlessness. It feels like a person is carrying a problem in the world when waking up and getting out of bed with emptiness and loneliness facing again another day. Nonetheless, there are different types of depression such as major depression, bipolar depression, persistent depressive disorder, adjustment disorderwith depressive features and depression related to medical conditions.
           Family is the main source of care, love and comfort. But they can also be one of the causes of an individual’s depression disorder. The support that the family gave to an individual can drown them instead, with the different pressures they put on. Moreover, parents' parenting style can also be linked in the depression of an individual.It is said that the ambiance of the family or the behavior they had showed has a big impact to the individual's depression (Beattie, 2005). The negative communication arising in the family contribute to the depression and may trigger it moredue to there are barrier for an effective communication between them.
             Other than family, education is also an aspect towards depression on adolescents. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIHM), depression in schools is rising within an estimated number of 2.2 million teens experiencing major depressive episodes over a year. The cause of impairments is said to be pressure, stress, and high emotions at school. Provided that school is a place where a person learns, education is the topmost priority. However, too much academics could result to a major downturn. In addition to that, high school and college students often suffered from depression may be involved to drugs and alcohol. In conclusion, the unhealthy environment of the school may trigger the symptoms of depression.
 As shown above, depression really has a great impact on individual's life that can destroy their way of living. Depression caused by family and school is alarming as these two serve as a home  to an individual. A home that will be served as a haven to them but in the end it is the one who will destroy the life of the youth. This concept paper, serve as an awareness that depression that depression have much more meaning to a person. It is a long term illness that will not fade away easily. In regards with this, depression might still be common with its growing number of depressed people, it is important to take care of our mental health and be aware.
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mriaclrsshn-blog · 6 years
This is the video presentation of our group :)
Topic: Depression
Mary Ann Jaway
Aaliyah Dilapdilap
Yssabelle Bulatao
Champagne Dela Rosa
Edited by:
Clarisse Shane Estrada
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