mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
I swear, you've been threatening us with that same speech every year. Only thing is, I never could take you seriously. But hey, I'm not one for change, so I'm happy you're the same annoying, control freak that you've always been.
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Someone has defaced the Whomping Willow.
Well, Layton, if I find out who did this I certainly will give them detention.
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Is this a good thing?
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
I tend to, it's sort of a curse I guess. Now how about we try this again? I'll even attempt to over look all your faults; now doesn't that sound nice? Of course it does. So Sammy, Aprils right hand man, how's everything?
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
When it comes to you, I don't appreciate alot of things. I mean, how can I? You're as annoying as they get. I think you've even beat Michelle in that category, and that's saying alot.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
Huh. And I thought Mr. Sarcastic himself would have appreciated it. Shame.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Oh god. Here comes Mary-sue to the rescue. Everyone quick, hide! She might give us detention. -he chuckles-
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Seriously Anderson, you haven't changed a bit.
Someone has defaced the Whomping Willow.
I know I said I liked the quiet, but apparently it is promoting vandalism within the school. I am not happy, and I fully intend to discover the culprit.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Oh jesus, are you crying? Are you actually crying? 
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And here I thought only Valerie did that.. Oh come on, I was only kidding. Can't you take a joke? 
I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
... Get that stupid smirk off your face, Orrick. You're sarcasm is not welcomed.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
Oh, you don’t need to concern yourself with my well being. I can handle myself just fine, Saywell. But your concern is appreciated.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
You-? No, that bloody imbecile didn't tell me that. Merlin, I swear, he leaves out all the important crap.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
Oh, he’s my cousin, didn’t you know? Yeah, he’s like a brother.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Stuttering now are we? Hmm.. Seems like you aren't as sure of yourself as you once thought. Pity, cuz here I thought you had some potential. My mistake.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
-chuckles sarcastically- Oh yes, I'm definitely going to drag them all to hell. Heck, since I'm so contagious, you should be careful; I might just take you down with me.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
You wish. I’d kill myself rather than marry you. Honestly, Saywell? I don’t really care what you do or say with your life. You can be a screw up all you want. It’s when you start to drag other people down with you that I have an issue with.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Thanks. -he happily takes the flask and pours some of it into his drink-
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You know, your not half bad. You even remind me a little bit of Leon. It's kinda weird now that I think about it, because you two look so similar.  -Layton then hands her back the flask, taking a sip from his mixed drink- 
I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
Here, just use mine. -Takes a flask out of her bag, handing it to him-
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I always have booze on me.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Oh really? Well that's funny, because I always pegged you as a shadow or a follower of her.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Are you still mad at me because I said I'd rather kill you than marry you? Or maybe your bitter about the things I've said about your annoying House? Sorry, but I'm not sorry.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
That’s an awful long explanation for a simple no to my question, Saywell. You better be careful or you might develop a conscience. Oh, I could give a rats ass about you, Saywell. Just don’t drag good people like Vargas and Seb down with you. They’re better than that. And I’ll make sure your lifeboat has holes in it, I can guarantee you that.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Because everyone does. Just as Val, I bet she'd tell you she liked me. Oh Dom, I'm not delusional. I may be a bit of a dreamer, but surely not delusional. 
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
Okay, how the hell can you come up with the assumption I like you?
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I’m starting to think you’re delusional, Layton.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
That would be better, huh? Too bad I don't have any. I bet Alexander has some stashed away in his trunk somewhere though.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
It’s even funnier if you had whiskey to the orange juice, just saying.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Me? No, the only people I care about is myself, Seb and Leon. Oh, and I can't forget about Vargas, I think she'd be mad at me if I left her out.. But my point is, I don't care about you or anyone else. I just want to make sure that when this supposed "ship" sinks, I'll be ready.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
So you’re telling me you care now? Huh. Well, Remington is still shelling out the “Hogwarts is still the safest place” speech, so I figure we’ll be going on like nothing’s happened until this ship sinks right from under us.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
Oh trust me, I won't hold my breath. So Nathan, the sneaky Hufflepuff, pulled any interesting pranks anyone?
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
I hope you aren’t expecting me to apologize because it’s not gonna happen. 
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Just consider it a case of the stars aligning.
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mrlayton-saywell-blog · 12 years
A far too open mind if you ask me. So Loyal, tell me, how has life at Hogwarts been treating you? ..Let me guess, it's been horrible? Or maybe all this drama is just what you like? You are April's best friend for a reason.
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I really hate all this bloody homework. Can't they just not give us it?
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