mrorangesimp · 3 years
I am alive!
I'm working very hard on my roleplay groups and on my first book, but soon I will be able to post again <3
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
It's my 21st birthday and I'm quarantined, I obviously had just one thing to do <3
(and I will share you soon more clips of the Dogs (+ Eddie, Joe) with their Italian voices, scientific purposes I say 👐🏻)
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
So I decided to go down in the rabbit hole a bit after the Dennis Koonstock thing (previous post) AND I found this Italian website (aforismi.meglio.it) which had an article about ResDogs' plot and!!! N A M E S???
I'll translate the Mr. Pink/Brown/Blue part for you!
“Meticulous and polemical Mark Nussy will be Mr. Pink; the whimsical Dennis Koonstock (played by Tarantino himself) will be called Mr. Brown; the silent Roy Spafucci (played by the writer and real-life ex-criminal Edward Bunker) will be Mr. Blue”
so, I don't know if they are canon AND I DON'T WANNA KNOW WHERE THEY TOOK THEM, BUT
Mark Nussy fits very very well our boy mr. Pink, I have a private rp going on with a friend of mine and we literally gave "Mark" as real name to him in august 2020, WE DIDN'T KNOW so 100% Mark for me
Dennis is actually okay but K O O N S T O C K??? WHAT IN THE WORLD 😭😭 IS GOING ON WITH THIS SURNAME
Roy Spafucci sounds nice, but... at this point, does mr. Blue have Italian origins? That really sounds like an Italian surname AND WELL UMH
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
just me flexin' a bit on my resdogs (moSTLY MR. ORANG E) merch <3 basically: a random cRaCkEd mug from Amazon, the 🥰🥰 ten years 🥰🥰 Freddy variant, random DVD and the Italian edition of the DVD+bluray
now, I have some... cool? facts about the Italian adaptation of the movie, so yeah let's go
When the movie premiered in Italy (on the 9th of October of 1992!) the title was translated as was "Cani da Rapina", literally Reservoir Dogs bUt MaKe It ItAlIaN, BUT!!!! later the title was changed into "Le Iene", which means "Hyenas" and it became famous with that title!! we also have a tv program called "Le Iene", but it's basically made of fake news and junk woohoo let's go
For some reason, Vic's nickname (Toothpick) was translated as "Sorriso"... which means "smile" 🧍🏻‍♀️ kinda understandable tho, the Italian word for toothpick is "stuzzicadenti" and umh I mean: no
SHDKDO FREDDY'S ITALIAN VOICE ACTOR ALSO PLAYED K I N G J U L I E N IN MADAGASCAR ; he is an amazing VA I swear, I love Freddy's Italian voice
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
reasons why I love Italian as a language:
if you study it on professional books you'll obviously find the correct sentences for each situation, let's say for example that you have to express your laughter in a sentence:
a correct one would be: "questa cosa mi ha ridere molto", which means literally "this made me laugh so hard"
... but yeah we use EVERYTHING except the correct ones, including:
"oddio amo muoio" (god I'm dying)
"sto snoffando" (not translatable)
"IO MORTX" (me dead)
"STO VOLANDO ALTISSIMO" (I'm flying high)
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
I'm working on T W O new ResDogs headcanons 🕺🏻
The first one's gonna be called about the Dogs (+ Eddie) hanging out with an Italian y/n, the second one's called "a trip to Italy with the Dogs + Eddie would include..." ; Italy related posts because I think that the boys would find weird some habits that we have here!
Also, as I said some posts ago, someday I want to become a novel writer, and writing in a better English would be actually good for me – maybe, I'll post some informations about the characters from the book I'm writing <3 (maybe some oneshots? idk, still!!!)
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
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why are you, as a man, sitting like that? to engage in homosexual activities?? whore.
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
ty for the support and the reblogs omg 😭 <333
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
(gif not mine!)
SOOO, looks like I made it?? I'm proud of myself, ngl
just keep in mind this:
- I'm Italian and my English may not always be perfect (sORRY)
- this is a modern AU!!
watching a cinecomic with Freddy would include:
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- arriving at the local movie theather AT LEAST two hours before the movie starts
- because our boy is obviously terrified by the idea of finding z e r o empty seats
- kinda obvious, the movie must be watched on day one to avoid any type of spoiler
- he would get you one of those G I A N T (and I mean that) boxes of popcorn
- and would eat the half of that lately
- he would also get tons of sweets, like candy bars or a... bucket??? of strawberry flavored cotton candy
- “Isn't that too sticky, Freddy?”
- “No, trust me”
- don't trust him please
- the film starts at 7.30 pm? nice, it's 7.00 pm and you two already are in the hall
- “Look, I took the best seats”
- and he actually did
- did Freddy you two finished the whole popcorn bucket before the movie even thought to start? yes indeed
- when it finally starts, Freddy falls completely silent and starts hyperfocusing
- while aggressively eating the cotton candy
- you can hear him mumbling “wElL, tHe CoMiC wAs DiFfErEnT” in the most random moments
- “By the way, it is actually a bit sticky”
- and you hand him a baby wipe to clean the sticky mess
- LOTS of random kisses in the dark 👐🏻
- “So did you like the movie?”
- “No, the comic version is better”
- then after two weeks you see him coming home with the movie's bluray
- “... you complained about that movie for a week straight”
- “I've changed my mind”
- yes, he liked it from the beginning
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
still working on my first "serious" resdogs headcanon, but can we all agree that when Brown takes a bath it's always two or three hours long???
and I think so because I know he gets distracted reading comic books in the bathtub c'mon 🙄
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
0:09 AM of the first of January in Italy, happy new year <33333
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
Freddy saying “bless your heart for what you’re trying to do” to Larry in the warehouse absolutely KILLS me every time I watch that scene
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
good evening to everyone, but expecially to the ones that have a Marvel obsession because of mr. Freddy Newandyke
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
so hi, this is me, being a wannabe-writer, loving reservoir dogs more than I love myself but being italian – and yeah, I can't really write in a proper English
I'll try tho :)
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mrorangesimp · 3 years
Dating Mr. Orange Would Include...
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finding it adorable when he geeks out over marvel
buying him marvel merch - like t-shirts, action figures, cardboard cutouts, etc
always being at his apartment
he asks you to move in with him one day
eating burgers and fries together
he teaches you how to shoot but he never lets you get involved in his work because he’s scared that you’ll get hurt or killed
running your hands through his hair
only calling him freddy at home and calling him mr orange when in public since he’s undercover
his nicknames for you are babe, baby, baby girl, sexy, & honey
helping him memorize his commode story by making him recite in front of you as practice
pep talks in the mirror together
he’s good in bed btw
taking you out after a long day from work (but most of the time he prefers staying in with you and eating takeout while watching cartoons or marvel movies)
freddy educates you on the marvel comics and how there’s more than one movie based off the universe
you kinda get confused so you just nod your head and silently listen to him ramble on
you call him superman sometimes
listening to the 70′s on the radio
he’d die for you :(
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