mrsalwaysstoned · 2 days
I confuse people. i have a happy personality and a sad soul. i'm bold but shy. i love deeply but sometimes i feel heartless. i'm healing and hurting at the same time. i'm dedicated to growth, but i self sabotage
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mrsalwaysstoned · 1 month
Intuition is real. Vibes are real. Energy doesn’t lie. Tune in.
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mrsalwaysstoned · 1 month
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mrsalwaysstoned · 1 month
Mein Herz ist Müde von dem ganzen Schmerz.
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mrsalwaysstoned · 1 month
I want to go on a roadtrip. I want to sleep in crappy motels. I want to sing along to happy songs while driving. I want to watch the sun rise in a different city every morning. I want to take pictures of new places. I just want to go.
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mrsalwaysstoned · 1 month
“You will have days where you feel better, and you will have days where you want to die. Both are okay. There is no magical cure. You just need to close your eyes, and trust that the waves will pass, and soon you’ll be able to breathe again.”
— Unknown
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mrsalwaysstoned · 1 month
“We just got to accept that some people can only be in our hearts, not in our lives.”
— Kathy B.
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
My childhood trauma didn't make me stronger. it made me a people pleaser. it made me forgive way too much. it made me not speak when i'm supposed to. it made me an extreme empath.
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
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Charlotte Eriksson, “Everything Changed When I Forgave Myself”
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
it scares me how temporary everything is
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
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mrsalwaysstoned · 3 months
Schon allein bei einem Snap von dir,
spüre ich die Schmetterlinge wieder in mir.
dachte die existieren nicht mehr,
plötzlich ist alles wieder so schwer.
so schwer, nicht an dich zu denken,
so schwer, mich abzulenken.
Nun sind schon 2 Jahre vergangen,
trotzdem hat noch kein anderer geschafft,
deinen Platz zu erlangen.
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mrsalwaysstoned · 4 months
Manchmal frage ich mich, wie das Leben gewesen wäre, wenn ich die Chance gehabt hätte, wirklich zu leben, anstatt von vielen Dingen zu heilen, die nicht meine Schuld waren..
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mrsalwaysstoned · 4 months
"Du willst wissen was in mein Kopf vor sich geht? Ich finde mich selbst nicht mal in diesem Chaos zurecht."
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mrsalwaysstoned · 4 months
Manchmal will ich einfach beschäftigt sein, um keine Zeit mehr zu haben, etwas zu fühlen.
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