mrskwonlee · 9 years
Reasons why Nyongtory Might be real..!!
Is Nyongtory real? Yes,No,Maybe? who knows but anyway here are some of the reasons why  i believe that they might be real  Or at least they have feelings for each other and it is not just Fan service.Because these 2 have seriously gone past Fan Service..
First and foremost,,Have you seen the way G dragon Stares at Seungri?? and the way he smiles at him.? Like OMG. I’m sure most of you including me of course wish we had someone to stare at us the way Ji stares at Ri.
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In this world there is one thing that can never be faked..And that is the way you stare at someone you love. Ji literally stares at Ri the way i stare at my food..You can see the love in his eyes and it is not just any look,It is the look of “ I really Like/adore you!”.Even Seungri gives G Dragon that stare its like the “ i cant believe you are mine ,You are so perfect and i am lucky i met you kind of look..
How they Play Fight and tease each other.Whats there more to say??
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How G-Dragon always wants to kiss Ri
OK this might be part of Fan Service,,But really..Ji really wants to kiss Ri and we know it..He has been trying to kiss him since way back and our wish is that Panda stops acting silly and let The Dragon kiss him because most people want to be kissed by the Dragon and This Panda literally takes it for granted..Aigoo!!
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How they take care of each other
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The Secret outings/Trips just for them two and the couple things!
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Why is it That GD mostly take trips/go out with Ri..I mean why not other members? And these couple rings once again..Other people say they don’t mean anything since they wear them on TV and stuff ( just part of the costume) ..But!! here is the thing, GD has been wearing this ring for a really long time and Not only when he is on stage/Tv or performing and He literally does not take them off..(Check his Instagram/ Fan  pics)..He still wears the Ring even now that BigBang is not on tour or performing..(Although Ri does not)..And what baffles me is that Why is it that GD and RI are the only ones spotted with these rings? if they were just BigBang accessories then at least we would see other members wearing them..Why is it Just Nyongtory who wear these rings??????? COINCIDENCE??  I don”t think so!!!
The perverted look that GD gives to Seungri!!
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Like really Now..G Dragon looks at Ri like he wants to bite that piece of Cake..Its like “I want you and i want you now!!” Is this normal? Do you give perverted looks to your friends or people u don’t care about?? What is with this Sexual Tension i sense between these 2?
Seungri posting Nyongtory Pics when They are in different Countries.
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OK OK..Seungri is the biggest Nyongtory Shipper and we appreciate that..But really now..Seungri was in America Recently and yes BigBang is on Vacation.They are not promoting anything at the moment and Ri posted this on his Weibo account..
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Why is Seungri posting Nyongtory when BigBang has no activities and To all those who claim that This is all part of Fan service..Seriously who is Seungri Servicing when he posts pictures of him and GDragon when they are not together??If anything this seams like G-Dragon service to me..And he has posted a lot more nyongtory pictures online (Check his instagram account) ( isn’t this what couples do? Constantly uploading pics of each other?) 
How they touch each other/ Skinship
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There is a sense of ownership in the way G-Dragon touches Seungri..It Just Screams “I own you” he locks him in like “you are mine” and i love touching you..I get it..Skinship is not a big deal in korea but really now..People are just so blinded these days, i believe that most people especially idols who have desires for same sex relationships literally Disguise their desires for same Sexual relationships through this Skinship and Fanservice since people will not suspect it as “it is deemed normal in Korea.”
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What about the Jealousy, The Love bites/Hickeys on their necks for the past few years??And more couple rings,clothes,Accessories,Constantly talking about each other.Constantly taking photos/Videos of each other e.t.c.The Glances.The touching??What i am saying is that indeed there is no way to know if they are real or not..Maybe it is normal for 2 Guys to act like this in Korea but where i am from and live(Australia) you wouldn’t find 2 Straight guys acting the way these 2 act around each other.. 
MY OPINION (Not Nyongtory Related)
Most people should know that there are gay idols in Korea..That is a given!!, These idols suffer in silence and they are in denial because of their fans and their culture, and for all those who support Same sex marriages the least they can do is support these idols.) CR To Gif owners..!!
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
dear santa,please listen to my wish. i want seungri go to gd's party too
if u ask for my opinion,i think seungri will not appear to gd’s party.It will be to obvious hehe. Thus,if im not wrong,seungri with that ft island guy right now(lol i forgot his name,sorry).But its okay,im really grateful to see gd came to seungri’s party last night *winkwink*
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
Nyongtory on Christmas Eve..
Our boys are at it again and shippers are not mad at all..For most of us shippers, Nyongtory being together on Christmas is one of the best Christmas presents ever.
On the 24th Dec Seungri Hosted the Gatsby’s Fantastic Festival Christmas Eve party..
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And Our Dragon was spotted at Ri’s Party all dressed up in a suit ..(Looking so fresh).And we are definitely not complaining.
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So Why is this a big deal?? Well first of all,,I understand that because they are in the same group then GD would be there to support Ri..But why Just GD and not T.O.P or Taeyang or Deasung?? Why were other members not present? Because its Christmas and they were probably spending their Christmas with their families or loved ones..But the Dragon chose to go to Ri? Why? Whats their relationship?? its not like it is a ride or die kind of friendship that is between GD and Taeyang (As They have been best friends since way back!!) But if the relationship between GDragon and Seungri is “supposedly the we are in the same group kind of relationship” ,Then Why is this Leader going to support the Maknae all alone?Shouldn’t he be spending Christmas with his family or loved ones? (I’m sure Seungri would understand if no BigBang Members were not present since its Christmas and they are taking a break from the tour.)
And as usual the Dragon was spotted filming/ taking photos of Ri.Nothing new about that.
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I guess he could not get a nice angle or people were just breaking the Dragons view so he decided  to get on a table/Chair to find a good angle/light and filming spot to film his Bae.
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And yes the Leader has been seen doing all sorts of things just to take photos of Ri..Including running/Sprinting off the stage to get his phone to film Ri when VIPs sang Happy Birthday to Seungri in Nagoya?..Or when the Leader rotated at a 360 degrees angle to film a lovely Video of the Maknea which he posted on his birthday.. Once again Why is This Dragon going through all this trouble? ( Have you guys ever spotted him doing this for other members? Please Let me know.)
They also took pictures together with their friends..Aigoo!!! Why is our Dragon hiding?? Camera shy?
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There were more photos and this is where i get a bit delusional or whatever you call it but This is my observation so far.. (Personal Opinion)
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GD is indeed still wearing his Couple ring..(Nothing new about that) but what i want to talk about is his posing style in Photos..
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This year GD took a lot of pictures showing the V sign on his eyes..THE V SIGN PLUS The EYE could be pronounced as V.I (Seungri’s Stage name)..And he has been doing this for a while..Is this another Coinsidence? I’m i seeing or Imagining things or I’m just Delusional? You be the Judges!!
Anyway The fact That Nyongtory was Together During Christmas eve is the best Christmas Present to us Nyongtory Shippers..MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all !!
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
GoShow: A bit more clarification about Seungri's Bracelet ~
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When Seungri was waving a handkerchief, the clasp on his bracelet suddenly let loose so his bracelet “flew”, fell and dropped to the ground. Chrome Hearts accessories are made of metal so when it fell, it broke into several pieces.
When Seungri dropped it, GD was on the other side and he ran over to check Seungri’s wrist (to see if he was okay?) Not sure why there were people saying that GD was angry, because he wasn’t. Anyway so GD, Daesung (or was it YB) & Seungri tried to look for it around the floor. When the first recording part was over, Seungri stayed behind to look for it again (the others went back to their waiting room) and said, “That bracelet is a present from Jiyongie hyung so it’s very precious. Hope everyone can help me look for it.” In the end, he did find the pieces.
In fact, Seungri wore another bracelet on his left hand as well. The one he was wearing on the left was a present from YB, the bracelet on his right (that broke) was a present from GD.
Source: 闵公子的草莓猫@BIGBANG Baidu Bar Translation: jwalkervip.tumblr.com 
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
Let’s talk about the original version of the MV first. 5 of them represent 5 different type of failures. GD is about being lonely, having money yet no one by his side. TOP is confused and contradicting himself and after killing his girl, he became a ‘loser’. Taeyang lost faith and decided to abandon his religion (he broke the cross) Seungri got betrayed by his girlfriend. Daesung was weak and got mocked by the gangsters.  But all of them walked on the same street in the end, proving that they walked out of the ‘loser’ state.
Then let’s talk about the other version. GD gets off the car alone and walks into his apartment, he keeps staring at his phone.
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He then watched a cartoon seriously before breaking and smashing the furnitures in his house. I don’t know where I saw this, but the cartoon is talking about betrayal. The lion betrays his lover and gets together with the rat (Something along this line) this matches well with Seungri’s part. 
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(This is the part in the MV) 
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On GD’s neck, it writes ‘Truth+Dare’
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You guys know what Truth means Dare means it’s challenging and thrilling with a bit of fear. Something like a challenge. So it means GD’s truth is something to be challenged with.  I think this tattoo means a lot because on GD’s hand it writes ‘MADE’ and he refuses to answer the phone that keeps ringing.
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GD keeps walking on a street with signs.
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The signs say “Don’t enter’ & “Wrong way’ GD keeps hesitating if he should walk down this wrong road. Seungri and GD parts are connected. SOBER is also connected, if i’m free, I’ll do a interpretation for that.
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Seungri also called and broke stuff, similar to GD’s part.
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GD already walk under the sun but he was still stuck in the shadows.
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He still chose to livve in his world and not go out, he refused to change.
Seungri and his girlfriend arguing’s background showed a girl’s face which was incomplete. 
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Feels like he has never trusted the girl in the first place.
Seungri and GD part is a story  1. They were placed together. 2. Seungri was betrayed by his girlfriend and GD liked Seungri but he struggling, he didn’t know if he wanted to continue this love that no one would accept. 3. Because Seungri was betrayed by his girlfriend, GD felt angry for him and starting breaking things.
** NOTE: Everything is translated by me! Please take out with credit and once again, these are not my interpretations. If there is anything you want me to trasnlate, you can mention me on twitter @.jaylymle or you can drop it in my ask box~
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
hey hey hey! look at seungri’s hand at 3rd gif. If im not wrong,i think GD always keep doing that sign recently. Right?
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Seungri claims GD as a romantic person ©
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
I’m dead. Did Ji said “You’re my everything too??”
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
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Wait this wasn’t a Big Bang concert?
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
give me all your fav gri moments. ALL. 😎
alll?? damnn there are so many and i am sure i would forget lots, it would also take too long so here are some
If i had to pick an absolute fave moment I think i would have to go with this one (LOOK HAPPY THEY ARE, everyone is so happy, so this just makes me happy)
I love how supportive they are of each other
tbh whenever i have seen them on stage (except for maybe the forced romance act that they always do for strong baby and what not, i just like seeing them being themselves)
i love when Seungri just decides to compliment GD
obv this one is golden (esp when seungri starts singing Ji’s songs)
obv this one too (hah, Seungri calling him oppa never gets old)
can’t put more videos up but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvGg_ACvbcg
and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWCI0eZTDh4 (this is nice lol)
oh and lastly i want to add this one as well (since MAMA is coming up hah) https://youtu.be/vTWp2_KRPC4?t=55
but i am gonna stop now
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
if i were yg,i will let what nyongtory want to do. im sure bigbang reputation will not decreasing because i can see a lot vips out there are nyongtory shippers too.
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
Woman in Seungri’s clubbing picture clarifies she was his interpreter
Article: Seungri, the Chinese woman he held hands with “Was there to help interpret” clarification Source: TV Report via Naver 1. [+3,463, -186] Anyone could tell that they weren’t lovers 2. [+2,554, -151] Of all the things to clarify, how tiring being a celebrity must be 3. [+2,520, -164] You could tell just by how they were holding hands that they weren’t lovers 4. [+2,199, -164] The woman must’ve felt frustrated 5. [+1,830, -110] The most pathetic thing in the world: worrying about celebrities, being a celebrity sasaeng 6. [+358, -21] And to add, Seungri didn’t go to the club personally but as an after party after a Big Bang concert including the other members and staff. Even Big Bang fans were there. The articles made it sound like Seungri was caught playing with a girl at a club, tsk tsk… 7. [+309, -24] This woman clarified it on her SNS as soon as articles went up… but journalists will always distort the truth. Don’t hate on this woman or Seungri. 8. [+299, -22] Who cares if an adult goes to a club anyway? Why is it cool if GDTOP go but Seungri going makes him a rebel? 9. [+226, -20] The club was for Big Bang’s Taiwanese concert after party. Not like they were even squeezing hands together… please stop exaggerating everything.
source : netizenbuzz
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
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Video not mine~
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
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Horny bae
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
Person: Nah, I don't ship nyongtory
BigBang: *hisses and backs away slowly*
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
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#Repost @choi_seung_hyun_tttop ・・・ 돼지랑 돼지 우리들은 요즘 돼지 #seungri #gdragon #nyongtory
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mrskwonlee · 9 years
Fact : GD saved Seungri's half-naked picture in his phone and he even cut Jonghoon out of that pic.
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