mrslisamalfoy · 3 years
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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Cas “I can’t believe I am in love with this dork” faces
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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Buddy boy, you’ve got what they call sex appeal.
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
cockles have done a considerable quantity of truly ridiculous things in their time, but here are the things I still can’t quite believe really happened:
- misha “accidentally” tweeting a link to a tumblr cockles analysis post
- misha showing his undone zipper and semi to jensen onstage when he thought they weren’t being watched (and jensen visibly having problems breathing) 
- jensen giving misha one of his silver rings and misha wearing said ring with his wedding ring 
- misha getting ridiculously flustered about whether or not he and jensen had kissed
- misha straddling and choking jensen onstage and jensen having to *ahem* adjust himself afterwards
- misha talking about how submissive jensen is 
- the entire underbear incident 
- misha deliberately using phrases like “warms the cockles of my heart”
- misha reflexively calling jensen “sweetheart”
- the fact they collectively and unwittingly brought about the most popular ship in modern history purely through their ridiculous levels of sexual chemistry with each other
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
Omg it all makes sense NOW. Thank you. They are so sweet
Who do you think made the first move, j or m? When and where?
so this ask quickly became something crazy long and i’m sorry but i’m also not because i think you guys will like this. i sure do.
ok so this was fun bc i wanted to answer this question as best as i could and i um found something that i don’t know if cockles truthers generally know???? jensen and misha got together officially(we know this bc of the anniversary post)on december 14, 2009. do you. do you want to know what episode they were filming then.
it was my bloody valentine.
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do you want to know what episodes they were filming after having just gotten together????????? just for some perspective for the emotions they may or may not have been feeling at the time???
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........ guys
it really puts it into perspective ummm why they were so adamant about not having stunt doubles and doing it themselves huh
oh and these bloopers mean a lot more to me now in context
these were before they were official:
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i’ve always wanted to talk about misha in GENERAL during the season 5 gag reel but now contextualized it ALL MAKES SENSE. guys. he is not himself in the whole ass thing. in the sense that he has a huge. huge. huge. huge. huge. huge. huge. crush. on jensen. like it’s actually so adorable?????? his voice is so high. he makes dumb jokes just bc his mind isn’t on planet earth. he cracks so easily and is so smiley and has such giddy frenetic crush energy and i’ve never seen anything like that from him again EXCEPT sometimes during their(him and jensen’s) panels and interviews and stuff. i think people overlook just how gone misha is on jensen, tbh. and that’s why he’s so weird in this gag reel!!!!! like the ‘that was BEAUTIFUL’ in the strangest goofy voice um.......he’s just a bit overwhelmed bc this really hot guy is talking to him guys ok stay cool
he has a crush!!!!!!!!!! oh boy does he ever!!!!!!!
oh and of course jensen is no better bc he is actively flirting and TRYING to make misha break bc he enjoys his dumb smile and face so much. why am i getting emotional like i can imagine the sheer flirtatious awkward energy and their hearts racing and the butterflies and the ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god he’s so cute oh my god FUCK’ and you can constantly see it from both their ends on that gag reel like can you IMAGINE THAT WORKING ENVIRONMENT???
ok so i’m literally putting it all together. so this moment happens after they’ve wrapped up shooting season 4:
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and my favorite thing about it isn’t just that they’re obvious dorks who are very obvious. it’s VICKI AND DANEEL IN THE BACKGROUND. THEY ARE SMILING SO BIG. so that leads to the conclusion that they have to have known right??? like they might have even known before jensen and misha did. like those two were ridiculously transparent here and the vibes were DEFINITELY picked up on by their wives. i’m sure misha had no problems coming to terms with him having a crush on jensen; it’s not like that sort of thing was new to him. jensen though???? i mean, i analyzed that whole speech he gave in 2016, so his feelings were still terrifying him at this point. they must have been.
i’m purely speculating now. this is getting good. this is getting SO FUN. i think daneel and jensen HAD to have talked about it before anything happened. i wouldn’t be surprised if this exact moment right here didn’t prompt some sort of discussion. and they come to an understanding, clearly, because soon after, this happens:
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like jensen and daneel must have talked about it before then, right???? in order for jensen to feel comfortable giving a ring to a guy he clearly likes more than a friend?? so yeah. jensen has been given the ‘go ahead’ from daneel at this point and now they are in the ‘...is this really gonna happen’ phase.
so we’ve come to that phase. where the tension is at an ALL. TIME. HIGH. because jensen has permission and misha has permission. but they’re both like ‘ok but does he like me back????’ like oh my god they are children wow wow ok
so that ‘we’re gonna have a good time’ blooper???????? jensen was coming onto him HARD. all those times jensen was making faces at him to make him break?????? nothing but flirting. both of them. they are insufferable.
and then my bloody valentine happens. i don’t think they had hooked up yet. i think they were just realllyyyyyy enjoying each other’s company, like a lot, but they were too scared to do anything about it. and i think, well, know, because it’s been confirmed, that that’s when someone made a move. and i think it was jensen. and WHAT I THINK, not know, is that jensen asked him out to dinner, without saying outright that it was a date, and that it was during that dinner that they talked it out. anddddddd that’s that and they’re dating. and um here’s what the new couple did(just for context):
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annnnnnd these too. they really were this messy right out of the gate.
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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This is one of my favorite ‘carry on’ reviews on IMDb, it’s been deleted for no valid reason.
I don’t know why (well I have an idea 💰 ) but IMDb are massively deleting "spn" and "carry on" negative reviews, especially ones that have most likes (wonder why 🙄)
I already pointed out that they are falsifying "carry on" and "inherit the earth" ratings , (actual C.O rating is 5.3 ⭐️ and I.T.E is 6.5 ⭐️ but they pretend using a thing called weighted rating and no one knows how it works, yeah very convenient )
Now they are deleting your reviews, I’ll share some beautifully written reviews here, most of them were deleted.
If you wrote one of these reviews, know that you can post it again, it’s still there in the review page, just log in with your account, go to C.O reviews page, on top you will see that your review is still there, edit it slightly and post it again, it will appear within minutes and won’t lose its likes.
Don’t let the c*w get away with it.
Oh just one last thing I noticed: the reviews that get deleted are most likely the ones that contain the words "queerbaiting" , "incest" "homophobia" "queer" "lgbt" "mental health" "bury your gays" "suicide" "trauma"
Yes the c*w are doing everything to not be exposed. So you know what you have to go and do if you want to piss them off, write more negative reviews and expose them.
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
Omg i still cant believe that destiel had a kiss scene in the finale after dean rescued cas from the empty! It was hands down the best scene in the entire series!
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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Supernatural had the opportunity to do something great. To send a message of love and validation to a whole community. Not only to the part of the community that liked their show, but to all of us. But instead they decided to pander to the people, who never had to fight for their representation.
I support #TheySilencedYou, #TheySilencedThem and #TheyWillNeverSilenceUs and I’m in awe of all of you. Of your eloquence, passion, coordination and decisiveness. And I feel like your message goes beyond this particular TV show and the CW.
It’s about protesting a pattern of disrespect towards otherness in Mainstream Media. It’s about demanding meaningful, unmistakably queer representation, that enables discourse and furthers understanding in a heterogenic Audience. It’s about asking Networks to not only hire diverse staff but to also give them the freedom to tell their stories the way they want to. It’s about telling creators to own up to the inherent messages they leave us with in the end.
And that’s inspiring and should be celebrated.
Stories matter.
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
S15 Finale Coda
A/N: This was written with a half lucid mind and a lot of emotion, but I couldn’t wait to post, so have at it!
“You gonna come back with us to the bunker?” Sam asked.
“What do you mean? Of course he’s gonna come back to the bunker. He’s the man with the plan. He’s top dog. He can do whatever he wants now. Come on.” Dean answered, heading back towards the impala. “You know what? We’ll spruce the place up. We’ll get some recliners. We’ll get you one of those big-screen TVs..”
“Dean, I’m not coming back home.” Jack said.
Dean paused. “..What?”
“In a way… I’m already there.” Jack said, smiling.
“Where?” Sam asked.
“Everywhere.” Jack said.
“So you are him.” Sam said.
Jack shrugged. “I’m me. But I know what you mean.”
“What if we want to see you? You know, or have a drink or something?” Sam asked, heart heavy.
“I’m around.” Jack began. “I’ll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, in the rocks, and the sea.”
“You got a lot of people counting on you, people with questions. They’re gonna need answers. It’s a hell of a time to bail.” Dean said.
“And those answers will be in each of them.” Jack begins to turn around, but then stops and smiles. “Oh, I almost forgot. One more thing, come with me.”
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
Reblog if you have ever read fanfiction better written than the series finale of the CW's Supernatural ❤️
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
Yes 🙌🏼 this!
The End (We Deserve) (an SPN fix-it fic)
Dean slumps dead on that beam, Sam supporting him still. He cannot move, can’t even breathe. Afraid that if he twitches, this will actually be real.
“Don’t be afraid,” someone whispers in his ear, “It’s okay.”
“Not quite.” Someone guides him away from Dean, and he yells; afraid Dean will fall over onto the floor. But there’s another set of hands on his body, keeping him upright. Familiar hands.
“What -” He turns, finding Jack standing there. “Jack, what is -”
“Shh…” Jack glances at Dean and Cas, watching. “Wait for it.”
Cas removes Dean from the beam, guiding him towards the floor. Cradles his dead body, lovingly stroking his cheek. Then, in a complete surprise, Cas kisses Dean. Dean’s body glows with glorious energy, burning. Sam knows he shouldn’t look away, so he fights through the tears. Finally, the light fades.
Then Dean gasps.
“Sammy!” he cries, blindly fighting against Cas’s hold, “Sam - where, what…” Dean slowly realizes what’s happening, gaping at Cas hovering above. “…Cas?”
“Hello Dean?” he asks, laughing, “Did you miss me?”
Dean grins, twining his hand around Cas’s tie. “You bet I did.” Then, in another shocking move, Dean kisses Cas.
Sam relaxes, wiping at his tears. “Jack,” he hiccups, looking at the younger boy, “did you -”
“We didn’t fight for our freedom,” he tells Sam, “for you to just die right away. There’s still a lot of life left, for both of you.”
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
So wonderful 😍 Love this!
15x20 Coda: “Cas helped”
I dont normally write fanfiction anymore but this finale literally forced me. I had to fix this somehow and I had a good idea as I was falling asleep last night. It comforted me and I hope it will do the same for all of you. 
——- Dean doesn’t know how long he’s been driving, as Bobby had told him, time moves differently here. The familiar smell of the countryside soothes him as he glides down the long stretch of road, windows down and Led Zepplins’ Ramble On blaring from the speakers. 
But soon the air begins to change, it’s a scent Dean doesn’t find familiar. As he notices the treeline begin to recede, he pulls over the hill and can see the skyline…and it’s blue. Forever endless blue water stretching out to meet him. Anything you can dream echoes in his mind as he drives closer to the shore. 
When he pulls the impala to a stop, he can already hear the seagulls cawing overhead, the waves crashing onto the beach. It’s beautiful, he thinks, and he has never felt such instant peace. He feels drawn to this place, although he isn’t sure why. Far in the distance, he notices a figure standing near the surf. A tan trenchcoat blows in the breeze and Dean feels his heart jump into his throat. 
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
like look. i’ll never hate this show. never. i will love this show with my whole heart until the day i die. which is why this bitch ass ending hurts so fuckin bad 
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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When I look into the future, all I see is you. All I want is you. I know the feeling.
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mrslisamalfoy · 4 years
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