mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 10 years
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mrtekla-blog · 11 years
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mrtekla-blog · 11 years
In this day & age the availability of "creative" careers have over saturated our eyes, ears & minds with the creatively devoid matter emitted by some hipster fool with a laptop & torrent software.
Now... I'm not saying that this readily available technology is all bad. I'm sure people who previously wouldn't have had the chance to express themselves have turned out to be some of our favourite artists, be that %0.01 however... Back to the "hipsters"
For instance I myself DJ so therefore instead of going to a record store & spending the day looking for tracks which at least one person has listened to and graded good enough to sell (not mentioning the social aspect of record shops), I do shop on Beatport. Now theres a lot of good music on there, but the torrents of meaningless waste you have to filter through makes your experience the equivalent of watching an hour long Eastenders in each add break of Boardwark Empire! 
In another instance, why if one person has an idea, does a dozen others attempt to imitate that idea, rendering the original idea void? For example say I where to open a club in a disused Wacky Warehouse (or other variety ball pit),played Gangster Rap & served all my drinks in assorted mugs I had collected over the years. If I had success (which it would) within 12 months of my opening some idiot with a moustache decide to think he his original and open one next door however serving his in plastic kids sippy cups? And before you know it people are buying out kids play centres to open their "funky" version until the fun and originality of the original "Gangster Rap Ball Pit Emporium" and people think its so last year? 
I suppose in short, if its already been done please leave it alone and by alone I mean go and enjoy it, take inspiration for your own original idea, do whatever you like just don't ruin it!
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mrtekla-blog · 11 years
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mrtekla-blog · 11 years
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mrtekla-blog · 11 years
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mrtekla-blog · 11 years
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