ms-igb220 · 11 months
Assignment Submission
Due to time constraints and other assignments all due at the same time, I was unable to finish all the game assets. I do however have the run cycle finished so the player will actually see movement. I'm very new to pixel art and my unfamiliarity slowed me down significantly.
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ms-igb220 · 11 months
Week 13
Due to being new to pixel art, I've been struggling to create all the pieces for our game in-time. Here is the buttons & the platforms for our game. I would show the backing but it's literally just a blue square. The button looks blurry as it's very small and tumblr blows it up too much.
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ms-igb220 · 11 months
Week 12: Assignment 3 Iteration and Changes
I continued working on graphics throughout this time, creating the rest of the head emotes, the jump animation and the rest of the health bars.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 11: Assignment 3
As of this week, I am still working on graphics for the game. I have currently made the collectable pearl, the ground floor tile sprite, parts of the health bar and the full health bar design. The health bar was inspired by two of my fave nintendo 64 games: Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64. In BanjoKazooie each time the player takes damage the health bar loses a life and the character portrait's expression changes from a positive one over time to a negative/dead one. I have done the same. For the colours of the health bar itself I have used the same colours as Mario's health bar as he takes damage. I was originally going to make a circle health bar like this but I couldn't find a design I was satisfied with.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Assignment 3 Cont
I was the one designated to create the One Page for assignment 3 submission. Since all the graphics weren't finished yet, I had to use quite a few placeholders in the screenshot. This One Page has been edited for online submission as I am not comfortable putting my full name on the internet.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 10 - Assignment 3 Development Progress, Group Formation
For assignment 3, we were all grouped to work on a game together. My group consisted of myself, Sam H, Kalani P, & Ethan C. Sam & Ethan were to be our programmers and primarily worked on mechanics for our game idea, Kalani was our writer and I primarily worked as the group's artist. We all decided fairly quickly that we wanted to do some sort of platformer.
Upon further discussion we agreed on an underwater themed platformer, I provided the name of our game as no one had any other ideas so mine was chosen by default. The name of our game is "Oh Buoy." The goal is to have the diver collect pearls throughout the levels.
We felt a little rushed on Assignment 3's deadline after grouping up so recently, but we did so nonetheless. Our programmers started work on the game, Kalani with our written component and i begin working on the graphics, particularly the avatar first. I wanted to make something cute and we had all agreed while this is an underwater platformer, we weren't really going to have swim physics and instead I designed a player character wearing a heavy diving suit, giving more plausibility to normal platformer weight physics.
Here is the player character design we went with for the game:
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 9 Racing Post Mortem & Assignment 2 Final Design
It took me awhile to get all the graphics edited and finished for assignment 2 but I think it's pretty worth it. It's not perfect but it looks pretty good. I also renamed the game to Racing Rats. It's the plain option but alliteration is easier to remember. Due to my lack of ability to do things on time because of my conditions, I submitted later than I wanted to, though I had an approved extension. They have been censored a bit because I am not comfortable putting my name on the internet.
Onesheet & One Page:
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 8 - Racing Development Post & Assignment 2 Progress
Due to the impending assignment being due, I primarily worked on graphics this week, as I've chosen to use my racing game for the One Sheet & One page. Some of the stuff i've edited or made:
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 7 - Racing Elevator Pitch
Our third game is to be a racing style game. This one is the one I was most looking forward to because I wanted to see how we could create such games, even if we're only learning the baby steps in g-develop.
Bag of rats
My idea for the racing game was to have you play as a rat who has recently escaped from being trapped in a bag. This was thought of by a dnd campaign I am currently in, as I am for some reason in possession of a bag of rats, and I found it funny enough to maybe have it spill into work for this course.
Unique Selling Points:
-Collection - As you run the race course, one of your secondary goals is to collect cheese.
-Power Ups - As well as collecting the cheese, the cheese serves as a minor power up & heal while you run the race.
-Damage - Your rat can sustain damage as a result of either running into objects or being attacked by a cat, paw swipes deal one unit of damage while the head of the cat/bite will deal 2.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 6 - Asteroids Development Post
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In this game, I tried to make my own graphics or at least get some unique ones other than what we were given. As such, I used some dragon sprites, and a top down view ocean and made a fireball to start with. As for different fireball mechanics, I haven't been able to create all yet, though I'm working on a wider hitbox powerup to enhance taking down multiple enemies temporarily. Another idea I was thinking of implementing is similar but is even larger and single use, like a bomb type power-up.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 1 - Introductory Post + Future Notes
My name is Meagan, I am currently studying a bachelor of games and interactive environments, I'm a first year. I am likely going to major in animation.
This is my second degree, my first being an animation degree at Griffith university. After graduating I was very much in a 'what now' position and am hoping second time round gives me a different result.
I started playing games at an early age on the DS Lite and Nintendo 64 and have been hooked ever since.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 5 - Asteroids Elevator Pitch
The second kind of game we're making using Gdevelop is a SHMUP (Shoot 'em up), a classic example of this is the arcade game "Asteroids." To give the game a little life, I am aiming to either use non-provided sprites either made by me or free use assets.
Play as a lone fire dragon fighting a hoard of evil ice dragons attempting to make their way to your island home. Battle over the sea and blast enemies with as many fireballs as you can!
Unique Selling Points:
- Players will be able to gain different powerups to change and upgrade their dragon's fireballs.
-Players will be able to dodge some incoming attacks
-Randomly spawning enemy dragons
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 3 & 4 -  Platformer Development Post
Creation of my game has been slow, and I only really had something somewhat working near the middle of week 4. Assets were easy enough to create, I did some minor edits to the default asset we were given so his back is to the camera as well as finding a simple ladder asset to include for the player to use the climb functionality on them.
How To Play
Players move about the level using the left and right arrow keys and the space bar to jump. In order to climb, the up and down keys to climb climbable surfaces. Enemies need to be dodged and to collect items the player needs just walk over them rather than pushing any keys to manually interact.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Week 2 - Platformer Elevator Pitch
Our first task for the course is to create a platformer type game using Gdevelop. Since I personally tend to struggle a bit more than others with new information in general I wanted to keep the platformer very simple and not focus on new asset creation, instead using the default assets provided.
We were given 20 minutes or so in our workshop to come up with an elevator pitch/idea for the game. I came up with:
Space & Ladders
In the provided graphics for the platformer, the player model looked like a little astronaut, so I thought the title would suit.
"Play as a little alien explorer in Space & Ladders! Run, jump climb and collect souvenirs to send back home to your alien buddies as you avoid enemies and explore!"
Unique Selling Points:
-Jumping - Players will jump in order to traverse the level and fufill the game's goals.
-Climbing - Players will be able to climb designated objects in order to traverse the level.
-Collecting - One of the game's primary goals is to collect souvenirs that are placed throughout the map.
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ms-igb220 · 1 year
Workshop/Week 1
Our introductory class, we were introduced to our unit as well as the classes further down the track of game design. This first year class we'll be making games in GDevelop, I've never heard of it before this class and am nervous about learning the software.
Furthermore, we also have reading to complete each week, with us needing to read chapter 1 & 2 this week. Our first assignment, is this reflective journal that I am to make and update throughout the semester. Self note: Checkpoints in weeks 5, 8 & 12. Due Week 14
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