msancelle20-blog · 5 years
Missionary Globetrotters for COW 2019 (Covenant Orientation Weekend 2019)
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In a world plagued by the desire to fill-in that material-woven void inside most people, it's touching to be transformed by God's teachings through weekend retreats like the Covenant Orientation Weekend. Flashback to the very first COW that I was able to attend, I was still the socially-awkward newbie who was still finding out the basics of the Singles for Christ formative tracks and ideologies back then and just this week, I had the chance to re-attend this seminar for the nth time.
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 This is the very first seminar/formation weekend a Singles for Christ member has to attend roughly three months after graduating from the Christian Life Program and becoming a full-pledged SFC. This also serves as a prerequisite to a slew of other formation tracks in this community. This year's theme dubbed as "Mission is 0ut There" tapped into our inner missionary enthusiasts as most of us dressed into our working mission wear and reimagined our service pursuits as we listened to the talks. As a whole, the seminar covered a total of 7 topics. 
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Out of these topics, I learned the following points: 
 * realize that my mission as an SFC is far greater than my capabilities and weaknesses. I first need to have a concrete grasp of this mission in order to execute this but also know that a lot of trials are underway.
 * Prayer and scriptures serve as vital lifelines in my spiritual pursuits. As an SFC,  I am to immerse myself in at least 15 minutes of daily spiritual meditation but sadly, I am not able to follow this regimen like the majority because of diverging modern priorities. A dry prayer time also makes me more gullible to the devil's ways. 
 *Communication is significant in maintaining a harmonious relationship in the family and as an Sfc, I am to serve as  a peacekeeper or mediator within my family. The community also encourages a balanced family and service life.
 * In general, people have different cultures largely dependent on their geographical location. We may have different cultures or norms within the community but we are to treat each other with respect because that translates to being men and women of faith. 
 *One of the hardest things as an Sfc is to maintain a Christian-like demeanor in my workplace especially when the people I am dealing with are not. I am to sow good regardless of that and in trying situations.
* I am also called to be a responsible steward of my finances as I am encouraged to save and give at least 10 percent of my earnings for tithes.
 * Giving a portion of my blessings to the poor is something that has been emphasized ever since I started my Sfc life. Instead of castigating them, I can make a different impact in their lives by being a joyful giver through sustainable charity works and not just band-aid donation drives.
 Even though I have already attended this seminar before, it's great to be reminded once again of the Sfc core values and continue my fervor in service. Thank you Sfc Calapan for another succesful event.
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Photo Credits: Jenny Benito Jaravata from Sfc Calapan Docu Team
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msancelle20-blog · 5 years
When Hudgens’ Knight Ransacked her Christmas Holidays (Movie Review for A Knight Before Christmas)
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With the heightening uproar of merry-making cheers and visuals in every nook and space of our planet, our fave streaming provider Netflix has streamlined a couple of original flicks exclusive for this season. One of those is the much-anticipated and cleverly titled "A Knight Before Christmas" top-billed by Vanessa Hudgens and Josh Whitehouse. This serves as my honest review regarding this. 
 This kicks-off as Sir Cole Frederick Lyons (Whitehouse), a medieval knight from 1334 England, gets magically transported to modern day Ohio as he stumbles upon an old crone in the forest.  He is subsequently tasked to fulfill a nonspecific quest requisite to being a full-pledged knight, or else, he is doomed to be stuck in the modern day scene forever. In the recent day era, he smashes upon a disillusioned science teacher named Brooke Winters (Hudgens) who surprisingly adopts him for a couple of days in her home thinking he is a cosplayer who might have had a bad fall during their encounter which caused him his amnesia. As Brooke wrestles with her reluctance about love while Sir Cole resumes his "quest", the timeline gap gets dismantled as they cozy up with each other. 
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The movie is a formulaic rehash of our celebrated fairy tales and serves as another fish-out-of water fable. This may cement Hudgens' status as Netflix's Christmas vixen but unfortunately, the flick has received less than stellar paper and vlog reviews from respected and even budding sites. The obvious loopholes in the story-line makes some scenes rather painful to watch. First, the leads did not have a life-altering challenge except to let their feelings blossom for each other as the whole movie focused on their love angle throughout. Hudgens' character seemed a little too gullible for a professional teacher to just let a stranger barge into her house for days and even use her car. Sir Cole time traveled to present day just to smooch with Hudgens. They also did not have a clear and solid climax plus the snowflakes are too fake to be recognized. 
On the other hand, the leads' charming demeanor and natural acting skills make up for obvious flaws in plot lines. The production may seem a bit subdued because it is small-scale but it was aesthetically appealing and Christmas colors are well-represented. It also leaks into nostalgia as they presented a financially struggling father who gets expensive gifts for his family on Christmas day from the entire neighborhood. 
 A Knight Before Christmas teaches us a handful of things. Sometimes, we need to negate social norms and trust unlikely people during uneventful circumstances. Brooke tells us about kindheartedness while Whitehouse's character encourages us to go beyond our normal realm and fulfill our ultimate quest no matter what. In addition, one of the central themes of this movie is giving back to the less fortunate at this opportune time of the year. At a time of conflict and other negativity, the world needs an imperfect holiday flick that we can watch within the confines of our home with hot chocolate, blanket, colorful socks and our comfy pajamas. This still gives us that Christmasy vibe in spite of its production shortcomings. For that, I give this movie a rating of 3 out of 5 stars.
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msancelle20-blog · 5 years
Unfreezing the 2nd Frozen Franchise
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Our archipelago was no stranger to the much-raved about Frozen bandwagon which set hearts ablaze with their concrete characterizations, stunning visual backdrops, musically-rich soundtrack and well-paralleled themes: family, accepting individual diversity and championing over one's inner struggles at least six years ago. Indeed, the six year hype brought about by Frozen 2's predecessor had everyone abuzz with this movie which pretty much sealed it's box office performance already. The main question, however, is: is this worth the watch anew?  
As it hits movie stands, it has been receiving lukewarm reviews. I was fortunate enough to be in attendance to a block screening hosted by the Tamaraw Lodge No. 65 for Free and Accepted Masons just yesterday. Parts and parcels of the proceeds will be distributed to their chosen charities. My heart is really ecstatic with donation drives as such plus the first movie franchise really tugged me that's why I didn't let this one to pass. This is my honest review regarding the movie. 
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In the silverscreen, it kicks off with a rather happier retrospective scene involving the younger Elsa & Anna being snucked to sleep by their parents as their King father told them a folklore about an Enchanted forest plus an old river Ahtohallan (which will be central to the storyline during the latter half of the screentime). As our protagonist Elsa overcomes her reluctant queenship at Arendelle, she overhears snug voices until she accidentally reawakens the spirits and the four elements (earth, water, air and fire), eventually enraging the destructive elements of nature. Their citizens then evacuated their place while our leads (Anna, Elsa, Kristoff,Olaf and Sveln) went up the Enchanted Forest to stop the elements from wrecking havoc to Arendelle.They then managed to break into the said forest (eternally engulfed in mist) and meet with trapped people from the indigenous tribe of the Northuldrans. As the movie progresses, Elsa solely embarks on a dangerous mission to Ahtohallan. As she unravels their town's sinful past through images formed by the waters, she gets frozen in her tracks. Anna then steps up her game as she spearheads the Northuldrans and the giant rocks to break the dam. As waters exploded from it, Queen Elsa then melts from ice and freezes the giant waters about to engulf their beloved town. In the end, Anna takes over Arendelle as queen while Elsa leads the Enchanted Forest.
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From my perspective, the movie itself is good enough to be positively acknowledged once again. Its rich animation is certainly an upgrade from the first movie. The creative team's decision to shift the setting from Arendelle to the Enchanted Forest allows for a new texture of autumn pallets which is a far outcry from the first one's white and blue winter hues. The historical touch in its narrative is another attempt to enrich its storytelling while adding the past story arc of Anna & Elsa's parents. Even the soundtrack is also okay but the one that stood out for many is Kristoff's "Into the Woods." 
On the other hand, looseness in the movie's narrative is dismal to some moviegoers as the creators weren't keen on putting essential parallels to some phases of the story. Olaf and Kristoff who were fan favorites did not get good storylines. Kristoff who was a strong character before was only seen in his failed perpetual proposals to Anna. They weren't also able to clearly convey the historical texture of the movie across. On some parts, the complexity and darkness of the plots were sometimes hard for the kid moviegoers to take in. The music associated with the movie is okay but does not surpass its predecessor. 
Just like any other disney movies,however, this teaches us a lot of things. First is to value family, stand by each other no matter what and that love is not confined to a girl-boy relationship as this once again highlights Anna & Elsa's strong bond as sisters. The bigger focal point of the movie is coming of age and accepting changes. Second is that it is hard to be unusual in an unforgiving and ever provocative modern world we are into but to accept one's oddity will be key to fine-tune ourselves and be confident in our skin. Last is the key to a more peaceful world is to bravely correct the ills of our history in spite of the consequences.
Indeed, while this movie may have its fair share of strengths and weaknesses, I can say it is still a must watch. I give it a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
Life Mantras to Follow for the Dreamers out There
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Trekking along the outskirts of life, I'm sure loads of you have a concrete vision of what direction your feet, no matter how weary, are supposed to head onto. Blunders and obstacles shall always be there along the way but when purpose supersedes passion, you're sure to hit your aims right. Truly, these hard days shall always be on top of the easier ones but how you knock yourself over are what makes you. Moreover, at a day and age when everyone is making a serious business out of the things that they can do, anyone can really be big. It just takes a tinge of self-belief and loads of perseverance to get there. 
 Before getting there, however, here are some personal life hacks and mottoes I would like to share with everyone. This is based from my experience and the articles that I've read over the past years. I sincerely hope this shall help everyone dearly. 
 1. Dedication beats talent.
 They say it takes over 10,000 hours of doing a certain stuff before finally being prolific in it. I say it's more like that but first determine what areas in your life you are really good at, capitalize on those strengths, have faith and hold on. Swimming champ Michael Phelps had ADHD since his younger years but he used up all his pent-up energy and channeled it for a greater good. Talent can get you far but the amount of willpower you put behind the scenes are what’s gonna take you to places. It ain't easy to be on top but victory is sweeter when you know you've worked darn hard for it. 
 2. Be wary of bashers. 
 As the saying goes, you can never please everyone. Doing so is almost tantamount to suicide as you are killing yourself in the process. Big shot artists and even most loved politicians like President Rody Duterte all have their own set of haters. Most of the time, these cynics only see you at your worst. Don't get me wrong but instead of hating them, why not take them as your own critics. Just be cautious because the more famous you get, the more these babies multiply. You know what to do if ever: the art of deadma. 
 3. Focus on your vision. 
 Based from the book "The Secret", the circumstances you are in at this very moment is a direct result of your thoughts. Negative thinking of course negates  positive forces from the universe until it harbors a domino effect. I say it's a little bit of that but come to think of it: your way of thinking guides your subconscious thoughts and it eventually reflects on your actions. The moment you procrastinate is also your moment of downfall. So just chill and never say never. Nothing's really impossible if you just take the first step towards your aims. 
 4. Feel beautiful. 
 As I've said in my previous blogs, being your beautiful self unmasks several opportunities. The thing with society today is that the media has brainwashed everyone into thinking that the  only the good-looking ones have opportunities. I always think: what about the average ones. Based on my experience, however, loads of average-looking babes and guys overshadow the insanely good-looking ones because of the innate belief in their beauty. Being self-confident can land you better jobs, promotions or even unconventional opportunities like becoming a social media celeb. Nowadays, you can never really tell. 
 5. Have a celebrity peg.
The world fell in love with Pia Wurtzbach when she had the "confidently beautiful with a heart" tagline and plastered it in our minds during her Ms. Universe coronation night. Everybody got swept away with her brilliant answer in the q&a as well as with the messages she's continuously sending over to anyone. Dream, work really hard for it like your life depends on it. You don't have to be a title holder to be influential. Downplay on your potentials and work your ass off for it. The thing with celeb pegs is that the moment you're on the verge of giving-up, you have a solid proof that your dream is still within reach. As long as there are chances for you, then you're gonna be there. If Pia Wurtzbach can do it then you can also do it.
6. Let faith be your guide ball. 
Celebrity turned blogger Rica Peralejo’s life turned 360 degrees when she found God. She has since then turned away from a life of sin and turned into blogging as her new way of reconnecting with the masses. Who would have thought that she would have another shot at things and have a life away from the limelight? Truthfully, God shall never let you down. He will give you massive problems and heartaches but He’s also gonna give you things far greater than your deepest aspirations if you shall only cling onto Him. 
7. Wear your own cape. 
You have the utmost capacity to make or break yourself. God created you with different sets of talents and capacities and you have to maximize your full potentials. Do not deem yourself inferior from other people who tends to have it all: brains, beauty and talent. Instead, believe in yourself when other people don’t. Your future self is gonna thank you hard for it in time. Who knows, you might save the world someday. Anything’s possible, really. 
Outdream yourself.
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
When the Earth Trembled
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You remember when your childhood dog died and your eyes became puffed-up from crying. You felt like there's no more tomorrow in store for you. Then all of a sudden, an earth-shattering moment hits and all you want right there and then was to survive no matter what the stakes were. That time, you were very much willing to risk everything for that single chance to breath again. This is because more often than not, all of us only look at whatever's missing. We compare. We worry a lot. We work hard to live up to people's expectations not realizing that all it takes is one eye-opening event such as this to fall in love with the life you're having now and somehow feel content even for just a little while. Natural calamities like an earthquake will have us haggling over our dear lives and shall make us value the simplest things that we do not usually appreciate. 
A replay of the moments leading to such realizations of roughly a week ago goes like this. I was nearing the end of my hospital shift, not to mention way darn exhausted as I was already up by 330 am and did most of the technician and nurse’s roles that day. As I was talking to one of my patients at the patio, I realized a massive movement from the ground. I already knew that feeling as I already experienced one from way, way back. The only major flip side was that I was at the hospital. 
Of course I tried to be as calm and collected as possible. I immediately went inside the dialysis unit to check-up on my co-staffs and remaining patients and held on to whatever tangible thing there. Yes, we were scared cats but the only thing we could do was stick to each other and go out there the fastest way we can. 
“Don’t panic”. My senior nurse muttered those words. “We need to get outside the soonest. We need to clamp and cut the dialysis tubes hooked to two patients and my patient and I are gonna be the first ones to go out.” 
So we did the clamping and cutting. As they went outside, I immediately grabbed my patient’s belongings and accompanied him outside. I sprinted, placed his belongings outside because my other patients needed me still. Then I pulled another patient ‘til reaching the safe zone. On that said zone, I realized that hey, the patient was 80 kgs, almost twice my size and she was seated on the heaviest chair we had. So that was adrenaline rush. 
Honestly, though, the race outside was the longest 10 meter brisk walk I’ve had so far. I never thought being able to go out would feel such a breeze. It was like rushing over to the finish line without really realizing what’s on the other side of the periphery because your vision’s tunneled and you’re just bent on survival. 
What I want is for everyone to realize that an earthquake is a serious stuff. The feeling and experience of something churning violently from the ground can pose serious threats if not averted properly. So if another one hits, everyone should: 
1. Run over the nearest exit
You can never really be safe inside the comforts of your home as the building might fall over in case of longer and wilder quake attacks. 
2. Duck, Cover and Hold
You know the drill. Duck under the sturdiest and most adjacent thing to serve as your cover from possible falling debris. Hold until the crumbling subsides. 
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3. Steer away from glass wares and falling debris.
This is to prevent any possible scratch, body damage or more serious ailments when hit. 
4. Stay calm.
Focus and have a feel of whether it is safer to go outside or stay indoors. Is is safer to duck and cover for a while because of objects casually thrown your way or is the building gonna collapse after a while? 
5. Be on the look-out for possible flooding.
People situated near the beach should run towards a higher elevation because of possible tsunamis. 
6. Call 911 or other emergency hotlines. 
If worse comes to worse and everything has subsided already, phone emergency hotlines and have wounded people in check. 
So how was your personal earthquake experience? I hope everything’s fine already. We experienced at least 2000 aftershocks from the 5.3 magnitude earthquake last Saturday. It was really a hell of an experience and we should always be wary every single day (with earthquake or not) for any potential threats to our safety and well-being. 
Always hoping for your safety,
Photo Courtesy: Paul Ilagan
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
That New McDonald’s Commercial Featuring Mclisse
I guess loads of us have had their fair share of heart-wrenching stories that trickled our guts to the core. Moreover, at least three phases are incripted in us when someone or something are about to leave: that of pain, longing and regret. Despite these, we can always yearn to have hope, faith and joy in the most unpredictable of circumstances. Yes, change is arbitrary but sometimes the moment we choose to move forwards is also the moment we decide to sew brevity and happiness in our hearts. Fortunately, it is also during trying times like these when we have a better grasp of ourselves and what we are capable of doing to be happy.
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These are but one of the many powerful messages that the new Mcdonald’s commercial featuring Mclisse has incripted in us, Filos and non-Filos alike who were truly touched by it. The fast food giant has truly killed it again big time with this. For years, several TVCs  weren’t really able to convey great messages like this and resonate meaning to the general masses. As equally emotional beings that most Filos are, commercials with good story lines like this are the perfect formula to be an overnight sensation. This is a timeless classic that is to connect with everyone over the years to come. What amazing creative geniuses the people behind these are. Wow, just wow.  
For those who weren’t able to catch a glimpse of this yet which is highly unlikely as this has become really viral these days, the story goes like this. Memories of a past break-up flooded a sweet-faced mestiza’s thoughts as she is about to sit on the same corner the said breakup happened as all the other seats are taken. Though reluctant at first, she eventually decides to finally face the past, sit on that dreaded corner and smiles hopeful of better things to come. She is greeted by rays of sunshine outside. Then the guy sees her again but finds her already happy with someone else. Of c ourse the setting is in Mcdonald’s and the leads are eating their burgers. The new rendition of Tuloy Pa Rin  soulfully playing in the background also contributed to "the feels" elicited by the commercial. This features the new pair-up of  the very pretty Elisse Josson and good-boy imaged Mccoy of the Hashtags whose claims to fame were in the recently concluded Pinoy Big Brother season. They have at least piqued the curiosity of the general population in the said reality show as Elisse finds another love in McCoy though she needed closure with a past love inside the house. Tony Labrusca, a finalist from another ABS-CBN reality series Pinoy Boyband Superstar played the role of the first boyfriend. This is a two-part story showing storylines from both the girl and the guy’s point of view. This just goes to show that even the ones who initiate a certain break-up are also affected and is hopeful of a possible reunion. 
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What made this such a success were these factors:
1. Reresher
In recent times when sappy telenovelas about infidelity and extramarital affairs has become a norm in media and television, it is good to go back and have a refresher of the more things that are a part of our humanity. That is being in a committed relationship and have conflicts apart from third party. This then brings us to the time when we were younger, had rash choices when it came down to our relationships but we’re still very much willing to expose ourselves again to love and pain. 
2. Elisse Joson 
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Who would have thought that Elisse would be such a darling in this one? Her heart-shaped face coupled with just the right amount of acting that is neither over the top nor mediocre made her the perfect one for the role. I heard the producers chose her because she looks fragile enough in a break-up and equally amazing as she bounces back from it.
3. McCoy of the Hashtags The producers were really smart enough to cast characters whose personal lives truly coincided with the material. This is also timely as their story were just featured in one the most celebrated reality shows in the country.I also think McCoy is one of the few Rico Yans of this generation: chinito, tanned and good-looking with a good boy image.
4. Tuloy Pa Rin theme song A song could really make or break a material no matter how good it is. They were just on point when they chose this classic and blended it with the aforementioned story. This is of course with the right pacing and timing. Oh, the song was just aimed to perfection.
5. McDonald’s The well-famed fast food giant has really touched the hearts of many over the past years. A lot of people have been flocking here because of their affordable snack choices and their reputation.  Due to this, we all have had our share of stories good and bad from this fast food chain, right?  I guess this all the more makes this everyone’s break-up story.
So grab a burger from Mcdo and maybe you can also move-on and find happiness there, right? Love, Marabelles.
Photo Credits: 
Elisse Joson & mccoy de Leon’s Official Instagram Accounts
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
Quisha’s Halo-Halo
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excuse the background
While the atmosphere has been humming its dry spell already these past couple of weeks, I’m sure loads of you has been craving for cold treats to quench those dried-out mouths. The upsurge of food establishments around the city gave us their potential consumers a diversity of choices when it comes dining-out and food. So came my quest for decent halo-halos. I haven’t had the time to go out or even venture to central commercial complexes since last week when we went on a short but sweet vacay to Boracay. my mom has been asking me for this in ages and it is only today that I am able to finally purchase one at Quisha’s. 
Situated at the Filipiniana Complex in front of Robinson’s and Unitop, I became acquainted with this place coz my Herbalife Wellness Store also happens to be just adjacent to it. I heard they also co-own the resto in Parang Beach Resort and that they have one of the best halo-halos in town. So my curiosity was piqued and I decided to start my halo-halo hopping with this one. 
It has been a known fact that Filipinos are foodies by heart and by default. We are also a beach bumming and summer-loving nation mainly because we are technically situated in an archipelago. So it comes as no surprise that the halo-halo has been one of our summer staples. Considering that we have a dry season almost all year round, this has since then become loved and adored. I can even remember how our extended fam would just purchase ingredients at the market and shave ice manually to just enjoy this treat. Apart from that, this one’s a heathier alternative to other cold treats coz they have more raw and fruit ingredients. 
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For a quick backgrounder: 
Haluhalo or Halo-halo (Tagalog: [haluˈhaloʔ], "mixed together") is a popular Filipino dessert with mixtures of shaved ice and evaporated milk to which are added various ingredients, including boiled sweet beans, coconut, sago, gulaman (agar jelly), tubers and fruits. It is served in a tall glass or bowl.
  Ingredients can vary widely, but they usually include boiled sweetened kidney beans, sweetened chickpeas, sugar palm fruit (kaong), coconut sport (macapuno), and plantains sweetened with sugar, jackfruit (langkâ), gulaman, tapioca, nata de coco, sweet potato (kamote), cheese, pounded crushed young rice (pinipig). Most of the ingredients (fruits, beans, and other sweets) are first placed inside the tall glass, followed by the shaved ice. This is then sprinkled with sugar, and topped with either (or a combination of) leche flan, purple yam (ubeng pula), or ice cream. Evaporated milk is poured into the mixture upon serving.
And my verdict? It’s really one of the best halo-halos in town. This has such a sophisticatedly unique taste that isn’t in other special halo-halos. minus the ice cream, they have more special ingredients like ube and others. I was surprised at how awesome it is and why a lot of people by the Calapan area haven’t discovered this yet. I’m just not that sure what their secret ingredient is but this one is really a must-try for everyone. This is even better than those fast food chain halo-halos whose preparation might be different from their main stores in manila. So next time you’re craving for one that’s cheaper than most halo-halos then you can opt for this one. 
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
What I Ate in Boracay
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Who would have thought that the lush, pristine shores of this internationally lauded island would be such a gustatory delight? Beautifully nestled in the quaint and bustling collective islands of the Visayan region, Boracay offers more than just beaching trips and water activities to their visitors. One can just handpick from a diverse array of local and internationally-acclaimed cuisines and most of them would never disappoint. Indeed, another foodie haven. Its sense of commercialism has cemented its status as another food lover’s stopover. Well, this place has come a long way since it was very much virginal and carefully tucked away from the global populace. So whether or not you are opting for budget-friendly or vegetarian or even street foods: name it and they have it. 
About a week ago, I had the chance to set afoot its fine sand and crystal clear turquoise waters. Was I ecstatic? At a certain point, yes. Given the state of exhaustion our group had for this trip, I can pretty much say that I could have slept my way during our stay there. Writing about the whole islandy experience just about now, I can’t help but picture-out its serene shorelines with the waves crashing through every breathing moment as well as its majestic sunset. Oh and can I mention something about their food again? Kidding aside, I would like to sum-up my whole dining experience there in this post. 
For someone with a wallet drought (as always), I’m just fortunate that my Boracay mates were the ones who did all the research and made sure that we came across budget-friendly meals that were just awesome. 
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1. Big mouth 
Honestly, I don’t have any backgrounder when it came down to this place. I just had the impression that maybe this resto is such a big hit for everyone eloping in this island. They have huge servings with prices ranging from Php 200-400 and several group budget meals. This is a go-to place for everyone. I tried out their Chicken Terriyaki and it was good. 
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2. Jonah’s 
When global warming is at bay and you and your companions are eternally drenched in the sun, you would want something to cool you down, right? Neatly situated in Station 1 near the beach grotto, Jonah’s has been an institution in this place and they are well-acclaimed for their famous milkshakes. This is the one thing that I’m still mulling over practically to everyone I was with over these past days. They have fruit shakes as well as combo shakes and you can choose whatever suits your fancy. I had the choco-banana combo coz I’m such a sucker for all things choco and banana. Dear Jonah’s, how can I ever forget our meeting. 
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3. Talipapa
If you're one of the forever budget savvy tourists like me, then this one will surely be a hit to you. Go to the talipapa, purchase random seafoods in the market and just ask a ton of restos to cook ‘em for you in whichever dish you  may like. I tell you, this is another win-win for everyone. While waiting for the dishes to be cooked to perfection, you can buy pasalubongs or souvenirs in the talipapa market. Try getting the local piaya and barquillos which are their all-time specialties. You can get those for a 3 for 100 bargain. 
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4. Le Soleil de Boracay 
We’re dying for buffet meals since day 1 of our stay. Though some of my peers were still a bit tipsy from the night’s clubbing, our early morning dining experience was truly one for the books. Strolling across the shores, we accidentally stumbled upon Le Soleil de Boracay and oh my, I practically lost my senses. Their wide selection of meals are so diverse, you can forget about the next meal time coz you are very much full already. They also have healthy meals for weight watchers out there. This is indeed one of the best brekkies I’ve had ever and I will definitely come back. This is 400 per head.
Thank you Boracay for the amazing dining experience I’ve had with you. Rest assured, I will be coming back for more. I really thought you are just good for beach bumming and suntanning but boy, I was wrong. my tastebuds were really overjoyed and excited all at once. Special thanks to my Boracay squad for this.
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ps: Sorry I wasn’t able to fully document the foods for my phone’s battery lines were off most of the time. 
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
Boracay 2017: A Preview
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I guess seafarers and fishermen have this is mind whenever they’re sailing across a body of water: that it’s hard to look forward without peeking behind. Amazing bodies of water such as the ocean sometimes teach us that life fills us to the brim at certain points but we have to understand that currents and counter-currents sway us over the wrong direction. We should also take note that we can never sail across two opposing directions at the same time. Such as in life and love. We can never love two people simultaneously . We can also never move forwards if we have we not learned from our past failures. Such realizations hit my head as I made it successfully for this trip.
On a lighter note, I can say that I’m pretty much a boring one for a self-proclaimed nomadic gypsy. Traipsing across the fine-powdery pristine shoreline overlooking crystal clear cerulean waters with a free-spirited ambiance that was Boracay, I pretty much dozed off most of the time. I also spendthrift-ed  myself so much almost to a point of starvation. Anyhow, I was even tight lipped when my co-workers asked me how my vacay went. They even came to a hypothesis that maybe this trip wasn’t as awesome as it should have been. 
For years, I have been ranting negatively about how measly my monthly earnings are resulting to yours truly not even being able to go to places such as this. That is until I decided to take a leap of faith and try out dialysis nursing. Our boss was extra sweet to us that the unit sponsored this vacay free of charge. As I set afoot there, I honestly first thought that hey, this is paradiso. The sand was just so creamy white and fine, I thought I was feeling a  tangible face powder right over my  tiny palms. After a wee while, however, I came to the realization that this place is kinda overrated but eons ago, perhaps, when this island was still very much virginal, this place must’ve been awesome-r (coined that term). On a lighter note, Boracay will always be as it is: a fine creation of God despite being spoiled heavily by over-commercialism. Don’t get me wrong, this said state of progression has its upsides. Starbucks and other industrialized stores as well as restos around its shorelines draw in droves of tourists local and foreigners alike here annually. On a way unfortunate note, this tourist-y place is getting damaged as its marine life, biodiversity and even the shoreline itself gets bombarded by guests everyday and if the government wouldn’t be as cautious, this island may be facing its brink of death. 
At least a couple of people noted the amount of seaweeds in Bora when we were there. While some said that this is just seaweeds season during the first quarter of the year, their amount is just boggling. According to news, this is due to the island being densely populated as their marine life gets disturbed by frolicking tourists. Improper segregation of toxic wastes also serve as one of the main culprits. Anyways, this post is not dedicated to those algaes. They will come and go eventually. 
I would like to take note some learning and discoveries I had during my wonderful stay. 
> Sometimes, it is in moments such as this when I get a deeper appreciation of the local’s efforts. The tourism boost generated several job opportunities. As I leaped through the sand, I got to wonder how many mouths they were feeding. I also realized the perseverance of Filipinos to rake in money for their fam given the solid family ties we are valuing in our society. 
>Bold is good. Activities such as cliff diving somehow measure-up bravery. If I will get maimed by fear, then I shall be missing out on loads of things in life. Boldness serves as a springboard to better opportunities and experiences along my path but of course, I should never forget the responsibilities accorded to it. 
>I don’t have to experience it all to safely say that I’ve been there. People have different perspectives and priorities that are shifting from time to time. While some might say that hey, you might not be living as you should, it is only you who knows yourself full well and decide if their allegations are true. 
>The beach is better experienced with family and friends. I can’t do it alone unless I’m one of those heartbroken travel junkies who might be doing beach hopping to readily allay their predicaments. This beach is designed for groups as most promos and activities are more budget-friendly if enjoyed in numbers.
> Global warming is real. I was drenched in sweat the whole time. I wasn’t able to experience this amount of heat for quite a while. It had me thinking about our environment and how much it needs help. If we would be as stubborn as we are nowadays, picturesque sceneries as this may die out.
This is all I can say for the meantime. Kindly forget the momentary blunders in thought processing as I’m typing this in the wee hours of the morning. 
Live and let live. 
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
Birthday Feels
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Honestly, I never thought I’d seriously age. Take for example when I’m in a public transpo and the first thing the conductor would always ask me is if I’m still a student. Well, it’s the first thing random people would always ask me.It is humbling in several aspects as that only means I don’t look my age. And so came what was then my most anticipated time of the season: my birthday. On the contrary, ageing now baffles me in a certain context ‘coz I feel like I’m stuck being 22. If you ask me, however, the upsides of this dreaded phase are the added wisdom and being able to look into things from a wider perspective because of the experiences and the lessons along the way,not to mention the people who either built you up or tore you down. Needless to say, irregardless of whether they or not they helped you or became your freakin’ pain in the ass, they are still part of your existence and who you’ve become at this point in your life.
Scientifically, our body systems are dwindling down with the age process. Apart from that, however, it’s scary traversing a kinda unknown highway and nearing your end of the tunnel yet you still have a trunk-load of aspirations in your bucket list.
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So the next query goes: how have I changed over the past years? Well, I’m still the same old introvert with a zest for life and being aware of things. I’ve gotten way cautious about thyself and the things that I still have to do. And while typing this, I’m wondering what what amount of change you’ve had over the course of your life right now. 
Oftentimes, we only get a mental grip of the things and events panning out along our way during grand events such as birthdays and the like. We are so busy trying to live a life, rushing over to accomplish our errands and heck, trying to assume a status quo take in our lives given the dictates or norms uphold-ed by the society. I wonder when was the last time we have ever been our candid, non-pretentious self? 28 years of a life lived and a life to live. I’m sure a lot of you can relate. Next comes the question: what was the biggest change I’ve seen in the world over the past ten years? It’s people building walls of hatred, sowing fear and being intolerable of changes. It’s also people communicating and being the best versions of themselves. 
Anyways, this was my facebook shouout for my birthday:
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My kinda reluctant entrance to this world happened 28 years ago as no one expected my arrival. Throughout those years, I've already been through a lot. I was bullied at school during my younger years due to my physique which led to several insecurities that I still have til this day and everyone expected a lot from me because my father was a public figure. In the end, I became stronger and wiser. Moreso, I'm at this point in my life wherein I feel like I still have loads of things to do in a ‘lil amount of time. I wanna pursue postgraduate studies, pass international exams and hone my crafts in writing and arts better. After work, I'm either baking, blogging or doing artsy stuff. Sometimes, I even join socio-civic activities ‘coz I already know my place in this earth. 28 years yet I still have loads of things ahead of me. Anyways, I wanna thank the Lord for blessing me with good health, a very loving twin sister, supportive family and the capacity to do whatever it is that I set my mind onto. (being the overachiever that I am). Over the next years, I sincerely hope to help more people through my job as a nurse, inspire everyone through my write-ups and explore more of the world. Indeed, birthdays are really a celebration of who you are as a person and who you've become today. It's not only about ageing but being true to yourself and pursuing things that are important to you. A great shoutout to the 400+ people who extended their greetings yesterday. I was dead tired from work that I couldn't respond to anyone. Anyways, this makes me feel well-loved and appreciated. Ps: I'm aging. My gosh.Sorry for the loong post.
So here goes he realizations and feelings yours truly exasperated in her birthday. I just want everyone to realize that birthdays are really something to cherish because irregardless of the state of your heart right now, whether you  maybe good or bad, you are awesome in God’s eyes. 
ps: sorry for the late post
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
A Quick Venture Down South of the Island: Melzar’s
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That genuine moment when you're randomly ogling over the spur-of-the-moment spontaneity of your recently concluded r&r or mini foodie sesh: a trip down south.  Such thoughts are still coursing through my mind roughly 94 hrs after another sweet venture. Unmindful of the scorching heat, the supposedly staggering walk and the fact that I have a wallet drought, this is truly a usual me moment. One that has got to be in my secret journals of "the things I did to be cool but turned otherwise". Heck, I was even outfit unprepped that time but what the fuss. Why? Coz the sprawling landscape and their food deserve to be in every bonafide Mindoreno's bucket list. Bonjour, Melzar's. 
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First up, I wanna apologize for not having an ample time to blog about my adventures and misadventures over the past few weeks. Work happened, my tooth was acting-up and our laptop bogged down. Crazy, right? Oh well, enough of the rant and time for some serious updating. As aforementioned, my latest trip down there ignited both my taste buds and my inner wanderlust. Aside from the fact that my cheap skirt looked like a thousand bucks and that a friend paid for the meal, everything was parfait and truly #instagrammable. Hell yeah, my first post as a foodie gotta be kewl. Yes, you guyz heard it right. I am now a foodie though I can rarely pass as one for my taste buds technically likes every food I put forth in my mouth. 
A foodie is a person who has an ardent or refined interest in food and alcoholic beverages.[1] A foodie seeks new food experiences as a hobby rather than simply eating out of convenience or hunger. The terms "gastronome" and "epicure" define the same thing, i.e. a person who enjoys food for pleasure. 
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 Melzar's located in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro atop a mountain boasts of an incredibly awesome view overlooking parcels of South Oriental Mindoro. It also has an inn, restaurant, zip line plus other amazing amenities. What really attracts visitors to this place is the view.  Food then becomes secondary. Nonetheless,  it's already my second time here and in both chance encounters, I always had a jumbo halo-halo and clubhouse sandwich. Their halo-halo's size and taste can pass off as that of Chowking's. Infusion of usual Filipino desserts like leche flan, special hale-yang ube, nata and coco to the said snack is ingenious. It casts of that homey Filipino vibe with an added twang to it.  Their sandwich was decent. A whole platter's worth of ham, scrambled egg, veggies and cheese for a serving all the more makes me veer away from my quest for vegetarianism. It’s worth it  though it's kinda expensive. I guess what one pays for, really, are the experience and the majestic scenery. It will be better If they can put another fling to their french fries to amp up a certain uniqueness to their offerings. Oh well, what can a newbie foodie say. 
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Clubhouse Sandwich
I just wish I had the courage to try-out their zip line but being the anti-thesis of an adrenaline junkie, I flipped out. Yes, I do not faint at the mere sight of blood but if anyone can give me a million bucks just to try extreme things like bungee jumping, I still wouldn't stake my life for it. Imagine if those ropes fray over. Anyways, their zip line is first timer friendly coz it's not as long as the others though not as cost-savvy. Php 150. Another downside is the long trek atop the grueling terrain for those without private vehicles. It also takes an experienced driver to coast one's way up the place. 
 All in all, it was another awesome experience and I would actually recommend coming over here to everyone. I just wish I was able to have more snaps but what the heck. I guess I'll still see you over the next few months. So dearies, do try to drag your flipflops or whatev to this place coz it won't disappoint.
Ps: will try other foods next time with the right budget. love, marabelles
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msancelle20-blog · 7 years
No Makeup Make-up
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Girls!! Just wanted to share something with all of you. This is not to judge anyone... I noticed how make up seem so important nowadays. I honestly expect make up to be used occasionally. Not every single day. I have observed how a lot of females cannot leave their homes without putting anything on their faces. Well, yes, we all know what make up can do. And yes, make up is AMAZING. But what I'm sad about is that most of the girls I have observed are more confident about themselves WITH make up on than having LESS or NONE. Here's the thing we should ALWAYS remember. Papa 👆🏻 made each of us unique. Not only on the outside but also on the inside. So why not flaunt that beautiful face of yours without covering anything and leaving it how it really is? 
I dare every girl/female/woman who gets to read this to post a photo without anything (filters, make up, etc.) on their faces but a smile. Tag me. I want you, yes you, to show everyone that YOU are contented and confident with your natural beauty. What's the secret to being beautiful? S.M.I.L.E #NoFilter
Days ago, Bianca Umali’s “no make-up challenge” which she personally posted over her personal facebook account earned the ire of netizens and active social media users alike. Although initially meant to ignite normal girls (make-up or non make-up users) to vanquish their preconceived notions about beauty products as such and strut out their unfiltered/barefaced beauty over social media sites, it unfortunately backfired on her and has at least garnered over 150k likes, 31k shares and 20k comments as of this writing. She was and is continuously labeled a hypocrite for trying to assume a rare stance on beauty and selfie-ing whilst wearing full make-up occasionally due to her job as an actress and even minimal products on the aforementioned feed.
First of all, she has placed herself in a very awkward position as she was lambasted for something without the natural intent of ridiculing every girl for taking on a full make-up look every time. Tbh, my initial reaction was: who is she to tell girls when and when not to wear make-up? Is she a goddess of beauty? On the contrary, for a 16 year old to handle such amount of bashing is such a darn sad fate. I would also like to commend her writing skills. This girl can write! :) 
Anyways, I made a tiny bit of research on my part.  The intended purpose of makeup is to heighten a woman's attractiveness by enhancing the appearance of health, youth, sexual dimorphism, fertility and/or sexual receptivity. (Starkey L.,2012). Having good skin without blemishes and unsighly marks means good health. Tanned skin is an indicator of affluence in first world countries ‘coz only the privileged usually have the time to go beaching or other extra-curricular stuffs apart from work. That’s why we now say hello to bronzers and tanning creams. Attractive eyes symbolizes that a person is well brought-up. (Starkey L., 2012). And apparently, hollywood sparked a compelling notion that a chiseled face and shaped eyebrows evoke beauty. So having read the article, I can now assume the historical,biological and psychological implications this modern era has channeled into our respective frames of thought regarding cosmetics and yes, vanity. Plus, make-up is a form of art.
Presuming we live in a perfect world where everyone has chiseled bone structure, good skin, long legs and neatly shaped eyebrows 24/7, I can say that we would still be in discontent coz there wouldn’t be individuality, self-expression and females pushing for a better version of themselves. The emergence of cosmetic lines across several local and international markets yielded income and job opportunities for several people. Heck, make-up gurus and beauty bloggers even makes a hefty sum of money just for blogging pr vlogging and teaching girls the how-to’s of this artificial mechanism called the make-up. Thank you so much youtube. You just made several people escalate to a certain level of fame.
 I don’t see anything wrong with putting it on. In fact, I have been a fan for several years already. There is just this certain level of contentment this brings to a lot of the female population. And how can we ever rob them of this chance to be happy. I guess what would make it negative is overdoing it. 
You can only pull-off a successful no make-up selfie given you have great skin. The latter also parlays the best foundation to every make-up sesh. This, howev is also a herculean task to start with. You either have to have a stable financial base to continuously finance your skin regimen just to maintain it or have good genetics. Sadly, not everyone has the means to indulge in expensive beauty treatments and products like Bianca. And to those who like to go on a full makeup sesh everytime: go for it. Just make sure you set aside rest days from all the makeup coz your skin needs to have a break time too so as to maintain its suppleness and integrity. And everything also depends on your individual prerogatives. What would matter the most is what’s from within and the confidence to muster every look irregardless of your natural facade and physique. 
And to all the girls out there: never forget how beautiful you are. You are pretty even if you have imperfect eyebrows, plus size shape and several blemishes on your face. And attitude is everything. You can have a doll face but without the innate belief in your looks, you can be touted plain by everyone who sees you. With or without makeup: you girls are imperfectly perfect. 
Ps: Here are some of my no makeup selfies: 
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And my fully made-up selfies: 
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msancelle20-blog · 8 years
Likened to a Thief in Broad Daylight
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disclaimer: I’m no political expert.
For someone barely dozing to sleep who saw an appaling news over some social media sites, I flustered at a scenario as this: a so-called disgraced dictator given full military honors and buried at the LNMB at that. Then I saw images of a helicopter, black limousine, uniformed officers clad in green,  even a carriage and of course the female Marcoses donning Filipiniana gowns yet they dubbed it as a simple burial. I even ludicrously messaged my fb friends that LNMB is gonna blow-up after hours due to angry protesters. Case in point, it was a well-orchestrated scheme to finally put a much loathed ex-President where his family thinks he truly belongs. Heck, it was even better than those sappy telenovelas I was seeing in TV these days. However, I felt cheated and trampled upon not only for the fact that this family has once again outsmarted us but because I felt ill for the martial law victims. Imagine if I was existent during martial law, I could've mobbed Malacanang #supermarabelles. Kidding aside, the Marcoses were really like thieves in broad daylight who caught everyone off-guard.
The anatomy of the said "secret burial" written in an inquirer article by B. Quismundo and J.Aning is this:
1. Marcos' body in a refrigerated crypt in a mausoleum in Batac
2.transported by a helicopter
3.AFP took over LBNM post helicopter landing
4.body transferred to black limousine
5.coffin draped with Philippine flag
6.transferred to a carriage
7. carried to gravesite by uniformed military men
8. followed by family and supporters to tomb
9. 21 gun salute fired
10. perimeter blocked by riot police and soldiers versus media men and protesters.
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On the one hand Marcos has a legitimate right to be interred at the LNMB given the qualifications set by our constitution as he was a soldier and a former president. The 9-5 SC ruling in favor of such further solidifies this. Sen. Allan Peter Cayetano even said in an interview that he sees no violations in the rule of law in case this internment is to commence. There is no denying the fact that Marcos was well-lauded in his services as a military man during the world war 2. As president, noteworthy infrastractures built  during his time include the PICC, San Juanico Bridge, Lung Center of the Philippines, NAIA, among others. He was also the frontrunner of the study now, pay later and 13th month pay. Some of the masses claim that the Philippines was in golden age during his ruling. With this, his supporters deem him fit for the LBNM.
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On the other hand, I see violations in the rule of law. During FVR's time, Marcos' remains are to be repatriated upon 4 conditions as agreed upon by the Marcoses (acc. to Inquirer Research)
-body flown from Hawaii to Ilocos Norte
-given honors for a major in AFP
-Marcos' body not to be paraded in Manila
-no burial at the LBNM
This is also a violation of RA 10368 (Human Rights Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013) which states that we are to honor those who sacrificed during the Marcos' regime. As aforementioned, he may be fit for LBNM as per constitution qualifications but paragraph A of AFP GR G 161-374 otherwise says personnel dishonorably separated/ reverted/ discharged from the service is disqualified from LNMB. According to B. Maynigo, Marcos was dishonorably discharged during the EDSA revolt of 1986 because the people has foremostly a sovereign authority to oust him. Add that to the fact that the SC decision was not yet final and executory and we have 15 days to file for a motion for reconsideration. It was only the 10th day during Marcos' burial.
I believe what just transpired was a political hocus pokus disregarding the interests of the multitude to the benefit of the infamous minority. These are the elitists once stripped of supreme power because people finally barricaded for justice and free will that was EDSA. If not for the initiation of Duterte, this wouldn’t have happened. For him, it was for to bring peace and national healing. I think that this is still a premature move after 27 years of vehemence. The Marcoses should first have the admittance that a moral wrong was committed which resulted to grave harm and threat to security.
It was also very timely that Pres. Duterte was out of the country when these things happened. Add that to the conflicting statements of the AFP and Digong. In my opinion, the AFP couldn’t have acted without proper say from the higher office as they would have broken chain of command. Cheated or not, one thing remains. Politicking is still big in this country and decisions are greatly dependent upon presidential powers. And what’s next, GMA and Leila de Lima given amnesty for their political wrongdoings?
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msancelle20-blog · 8 years
The Beauty in  Dreaming
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At 13 and prolly the years before that, you face life with open dexterity. Dream big, course higher to only fall short of your self-made expectations and worse, what this seemingly cruel world has set for us. Several years ahead, you hit the high road anew, brace the rougher patches in tow to still stumble several notches lower than your desires. You later on come to a realization that as you navigate through the shanty alleyways of life, those individuals are prolly duking-out with you. People demand so much but in reality, they also have beasts inside them disallowing them to spiral-up. 
Hence, when you’re younger and you set visions for yourself, somehow you’re boldly banging through life. When reality hacks-out that certain boldness some years later, however, there would always come a phase when you feel like you’re heading northwest when the direction you’re aiming for is the otherwise. I guess that is where the harder challenge is posted for us: to not easily fall-apart. 
The bigger aim then ensues: resilience. To push through when no one is already believing in you. To step-up when all the cards are seemingly out of your favor. 
Because of this, I am reminded of what a good friend of mine once told me  over a cup of coffee. As the cliche goes: there are ups and downs in life. Whenever you’re at the bottom tier, life teaches you about persistence and humility, How to push through and how to not give-up. The moment you’re already at the peak, that’s when you’re gonna realize how all the effin’ hardships have paid off. And that’s the beauty of life: to keep moving when you’re still gunning for things and to look back when you’re already there. 
I know most of us are still otw to our most coveted desires. But I tell you, my readers, this: place a dream in your heart and never let a lone individual snatch that away from you. Sure, there would be hurdles and blunders along the way but with persistence, nothing is impossible. Of course, all in God’s perfect timing. 
Happy Sunday all. More blogs to come. 
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msancelle20-blog · 8 years
People of My Year 2015
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As humans, we swerve freely to something quite invincible before us. In spite of that, we still fearlessly head-on later realizing that we may already be gunning towards the tail-end of our short-lived goals yet we are not even halfway towards attaining the desire we have held onto to the brim. From then on, we come to terms with how we have shortchanged ourselves or how we could have mattered more to the world. Had we not have slacked-off, the universe could have given us more.
2015 officially becomes off the charts as another year catches-up on everyone. I know we all have a bunch of I-could-haves for the past year or regrets. Instead of focusing on the negatives, why not turn to the positive aspects of life we have held onto for the past 365 days. As for me, expressing my gratitude to people who left dents on my heart for the said year is my way of doing just that. So allow me to say merci beaucoup to these people.
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1. High School buddies Coming from a class with a super tight competition academically, somehow it was hard to balance out acads to gainig friends. Being the forever single that I am, I really found solace from my bffs who's been there for me for almost a decade already.
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2. Workmates Buddies through thick and thin: amid bouts of work toxicity, sleepless graveyards and the very taxing nature of work that we all share, we are surviving still. Thank you very much Pedia-Mangyan Ward family.
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3. Rotary fam It's pretty amazing to note the warmth of their acceptance though I haven't been in the circuit for a loong while. 2015 really tested us as we grudgingly journeyed to the long, winding mountains of Sagada. To more out of town trips with all of you.
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4. SFC Bros and Sisses These people became my go-to persons whenever I have qualms about my life. To my amazing sisses and bros who are also my confidantes and mood-boosters most of the time. Danke Schon.
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5. RCVV We may not exactly see or talk to each other as often as we could but you guyz remain to be my brothers from different mothers. To more sidetrips with y'all.
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6. Crit Care Bffs I figured it may have been a while since Heart Center cemented our friendship. Merci beaucoup for standing by me no matter what. As I embarked on another journey this year, you guyz never failed to be there for me as I glided along. To more isaw moments for us.
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7. My work bffs To my equally insane friends at work: Xie Xie for your patience and never-ending guidance. With you guys, I always feel as if I shall never have enough cash coz you never seem to run out of it. ‪#‎richkids‬
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8. My Twin So yeah, 2015 was the first ever moment that we officially split-up geographically. Of course it will never be the same without you as you are my forever equally gorgeous twin sissie. From Phil. to NZ with lotsa heart.
Life may sway us to the wrong curb at times. Whether or not we go north or south, no one can tell straightaway if we opted to go through the wrong or right direction. What the past year along with these people taught me is this: to never give-up on people no matter how illogical your sails are, no matter what.
xoxo marabelles
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msancelle20-blog · 8 years
2015: Lessons, Joys and Aches In-Between
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As the year encroaches to a halt, someone tells me a fine lesson about losses and wins. In a battlefield, the payoff is a cross only between triumph and defeat. What you've excruciatingly missed-out on or the means to which you've reached your output would not matter as much as the result. Whether or not you failed miserably or gambled dearly until reaching the conclusion would not tally just as much.
2015 truly taught me a lot about life, love and work amongst things. And as I take another moment's reprieve as to what I've been through, I can't help but share to the whole world the lessons this year taught me.
1. Strength In the end, it's either we choose our battles wisely or the wars shake us into motion. As we stumble, albeit how awkwardly and messy, our respective core strengths may not necessarily be a given. We shall continue fighting anyhow because that's what life is at times: braving the odds, fighting like hell for people and merely pressing-on.
2. Blindspots Every coinflip tells us one thing: that there always exists two faces to look into. People can destabilize others and a simple rift can easily lead to things. In a story, everything goes. The protagonist can become the sinner in seconds. But 2015 told me to never bump into the grind instantly. We should leave a place in our hearts for the unfit, the misunderstood and the misjudged coz they might be the most kind-hearted ones there ever are. All they need are understanding and of course a bit of love.
3. Endurance In a random workout sesh at the gym, I stumbled into someone who caught my attention. I can tell he was once fit judging by his body structure. Howev, he lost his muscle composure as years went on. What really got me was not his physique but his enduring quality. Coz I know that there are things which are hardly attainable for some people. I also knew then that he was really having a tough time but he did not wince nor give-up. It sometimes takes a good heart to overbear things before reaching something.
4. Friendship and People Making a point to talk to people I'm not really accustomed to every once in a while is a good way to learn about life. This year, someone taught me a lot about love, distance and time. At one point, I shall cross paths with people over a short expanse of time. Building connections can leave me feeling lost or hanging after circumstances bend over and coerce me to detach. Despite that I tell you this: people are always so damn worth-it.
So this is me jeering madly as to the year that was. To the ups, downs, happiness, trials, friends, netwotks and everything the past 365 days lured me into. Merci beaucoup 2015. Looking forward to 2016.‪#‎newzealandhereicome‬
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msancelle20-blog · 8 years
Love Lessons from Everyday, I Love You
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Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I stumbled upon this movie flick a few weeks back without the slightest idea what the plot is and heck, who the leads were. All I know was that I was ambushed by my cray cray friends in a mad rush to purge out our momentary budget hot straight from work. Bereft from adequate sleep, I dived straight into the local cinema theatre for this. And thank God I did for the movie actually delivered. I can even remember crying my heart out during some scenes.
Apart from the occassional predictability of some subplots, the movie in itself revels on its character's backstories. Flashbacks revealed parts of Soberano and Anderson's relationship while its present day scenes featured the brewing relationship between Soberano and Gil. And as the movie progresses, the obvious is hinted: that Gil and Soberano are meant to be.
Anyways, what the movie teaches us are these:
1.That all is fair in love and war. At times, love challenges us to reroute from our usual self. It doesn't exactly have concrete laws which needed to be held verbatim. And there would be moments when we feel that we maybe traversing the crooked path or chasing after the wrong person. Moreso, I believe that what would matter the most is that when you are old and gray and you choose to relieve those lovestruck moments you once had you'd have no regrets. As long as you fought hard for the person you love, irregardless of the end product, you know you're on the right path.
2. That first loves are the hardest ones to wrestle with. Some things complicate or even serve as an obstacle towards being exclusive with our OTL(one true love). And this holds true in relationships: its hard to compete with someone who has been in a person's life earlier than us. But if the love is true, then it's still worth the risk.
3. That happiness is a choice. There would be moments when we feel shortchanged into somebody's life and we have to deal with it or we maybe losing out big time on true love. People, time and distance are great predictors and determinants of love. But if we would just open our hearts for some people or open our eyes to the more invisible, everything can change. Because you are with the one whom you chose to wind up with and love is just part of the equation.
So whether you are the first love, someone who is made to choose or the one who took a big risk in love, remember that our everyday is meant for loving. And love is worth the risk every single time.
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