msclockwatcher · 4 months
I can't believe this happened!!!
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
I dropped The Bold Type a few years ago because it got boring to me but watched the finale and liked it. And also liked the Jane/Pinestripe scene. Something interesting there was the writers said they would have gotten them back together if they'd had more time... and this was a ship they wrecked with a cheating storyline. I found that a little funny and wonder why some writers write a bunch of bullshit in the first place. This was another show that could have been written much better in my opinion. Sorry for going off on a tangent. 😂
I don’t really feel like posting long philosophical treaties or takedowns of the finale. It just don’t feel that it’s worth it. 
I do want to note one thing though (I’m sure I’m not the first one to note this, like I said, I’m not really interested, so I also haven’t been reading anybody else’s rants either): 
To me it is quite striking how this feels like a repeat or mirror of the season 1 finale. I assume that was entirely intentional. 
Most notably in: 
1.) Cat urging Kara to make a decision about her professional future 2.) All the friends convening (the “Love binds us all” speech from season 1 if you remember)
I get why this was probably appealing to the writers, but to me this feels kind of stunted. That rather than Kara showing off to Cat how much she has grown, it is instead a repeat of their dynamic. Which again, back in season 1, back when Kara was just starting out as Supergirl, used to be based on Kara being young/inexperienced/insecure. One would think that after so many years, Kara would be past that? 
Like there is a difference between Kara saying “I have been thinking about this, I want to do this, as my friend, let me run this past you, will you have my back” or Kara going “I don’t know what to do, please tell me” or “I don’t know whether I can or should do it, You tell me whether I can/should do that”. 
I just feel like the show could have made a stronger argument in favor of Kara being a strong, confident woman, a leader, somebody who is ready to grab her destiny and make her decisions with her friends supporting her, rather than leaning on season 1 characterization.
(Ironically, reminds me a lot about the rants about the Supernatural finale with some people disliking that the show went back to Sam and Dean just hunting things just like in season 1 rather than celebrating a new dynamic with the extended found family. Maybe it’s just inherently attractive to writers to go back to how things started for their own nostalgia, even if it isn’t necessarily the most appealing choice for character development) 
But yeah, I don’t really want to talk or think about it too much. 
So I’ll just go back to ignore mode. 
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
How did this become both Kara and Mon-El's lives (for no good reason)?
Even M'gann and J'onn who are apart right now still get it together eventually.
And for me, the worst is that I hated how Mon-El left Season 3 unhappily and 3 years later, dude still ain't happier with anything going for himself than work. In the same time frame, Winn managed to start a family.
And at least Kara has her writer's job that she's also invested in. Mon-El seems to have superheroing only. Like, why?
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
He's one of the few celebrities that's universally loved. Cute.
Paul Rudd, People’s Sexiest Man Alive, 2021
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
Toxic Shipping
Now that this show is over, I think it's fair to say that while those psychos didn't get what they truly wanted, they still managed to get something that they did want, which was for Kara to not be with anyone else.
I still can't for the life of me understand what happened with Kara/William and why they couldn't just stick with it (unless Staz asked the writers to free him from the drama). Writing should serve the story and not be dictated by a faceless Twitter mob.
Because anyone who started this show in Season 1 knows that Kara didn't want to go through life without a romantic partner.
But at the end of the day, it looks like these pathetic writers let the toxic assholes derail these ships: Karamel, Guardiancorp and Superdey. I am not adding Karolsen to it because I think the writers ended it for non-fandom reasons but it could also be a casualty.
As I sit at home, all I can say to all future writers is that the internet doesn't represent the whole world. In fact, only a tiny fraction of viewers spend time online tweeting about their shows. So please, don't let angry people with multiple usernames steer your show. And most importantly, do not give in to bullies.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
I have always said that the writers are the absolute worst but you have to wonder why they are so mean-spirited about Mon-El. Like, what did we ever do to them? We weren't the ones parked in their mentions cursing at them at every turn.
So Brainy tells Mon-El he's needed in the future, effectively ending his dreams of staying back and rekindling a relationship with Kara (after he and Imra break up).
When it's his turn, Brainy tells the future to screw itself and that's apparently a happy ending.
Mon-El is too busy in the future to come back for special events like Alex's wedding but apparently, Winn can. And they make it clear it's not a one-off because he doesn't plan to ever return for anything even though he can. Being separated by lead or even Legion duties made sense but now he chooses to stay away from these people who were a big part of his development "for reasons."
I connected with Mon-El because he was a funny character with heart and seeing certain factions of fans constantly maligning him, intentionally misinterpreting his actions in the worst way, mischaracterizing every single thing he did and spreading the worst lies about him was disgusting. But it was one thing for the fans to do this and another for the writers to decide to "other" him.
So the OG and new characters continue to be a part of Kara's world... all but Mon-El who is married to his Legion duties and has no room to relax and celebrate with others and as far as we can tell, doesn't even have a personal life in the future. I honestly wouldn't have minded if he had said he was happily married or they implied some kind of work-life balance for him.
I made my peace-ish with this a long time ago but I can't deny that their decision to add that line about him not planning to return "in this lifetime" was a fresh reminder that they will always treat Mon-El like a bastard child.
But seriously, he ended S3 with "if you ever need me..." then ended the show with "I have no plans to ever come back."
As this show has finally come to a close and there will never be any more new scenes, all I can say is: Mon-El, you deserved better and will always be too good for this show, writers and fandom. And thank you for introducing me to Chris Wood's comedy chops. I hope I get to see him playing a big, funny character again.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
I will go against the grain and say that I don't think Kara revealing her identity and staying with her loved ones is a bad ending. One gif people like to post is the one of Mon-El telling Kara that people in the future don't have to pretend. I think one reason that people wanted Kara to go to the future is so that she can be herself (and it would explain why she isn't in crossovers). But I think that would also be a sad ending because she would be separating from all her loved ones just for a chance at happiness. Which isn't empowering. So why not stay where she is and try to make things work?
The show is ending so they don't have to deal with the fall out, which is convenient, but such is life. And the show is allowed to end as they wish without thinking about its effect on other shows because that isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
The only thing I don't like is that Kara always wanted a romantic life and now even J'onn gets a future endgame and they were mean-spirited about things and didn't even want people to dream that she could have a future romance with any of her previous love interests.
But all in all, I know this may still be raw for those who have been invested in the show and heck, even I who only knows what's happening through mutuals still has feelings about some of their decisions but one thing we can all feel good about is that this horribly written show is finally over for good.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
As someone who hasn't watched this show since Season 3 and didn't watch the finale, friends, never forget that regardless of how it ended, you'll always have Season 2.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
Hahaha. From what I am seeing, they brought Mon-El back to say that he won't be coming back so people can stop fantasizing about that.
Seems the 100th episode made people feel too hopeful about this show.
But hey you got to see Mon-El one last time and get a Karamel interaction.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
Expecting nothing good is always the way to go with this shitty show. Have fun with finale.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
I will always maintain that the writers should have gone all in with Kara and William Dey in the last two seasons. She deserved to end the series with a proper romance like every other Arrowverse lead.
I personally hope to never end up in the same fandom as the psychos who turned this one (and show) into hell. How in the world can you feel so good making actors feel so unwanted and unwelcome just because they interfere with your head canon ship? I will always feel bad for Chris, Mehcad and Staz. And for the rest of the cast who couldn't enjoy interacting with the fans like many actors on other shows get to do.
Even though I have not watched a single episode in 3 years, this will probably always be the most ridiculous fandom experience of my entire life.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
Some people get upset and call us negative when told to keep their expectations low and expect nothing (or the worst) from the writers but to each their own, right? At end of the day, it's just a TV show and people can enjoy it as they see fit. While I prefer not to get my hopes dashed, others prefer to enjoy living on that high even if they have to come down eventually.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
The fact that Mon-El's stills are literally from the scenes that have been spoiled. If not for DC Fandome, we'd think those were the only scenes he's in.
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
I guess I was right about one thing.
Considering that Chris will be at Comic Con, I don’t think they’ll be hiding his return for the majority of the break so I’m fully expecting a headline like: “Actress XYZ cast in recurring role as Mon-El’s love interest.” 
I’m on the fence about Kara but it’s possible for her too. 
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
I can't believe we're getting Karamel kicking Luthor ass at Catco in 2021 guys I just....I can't....I can't even...🥳😍🥰😭⚰️
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
The way I would have preferred this. At least Lauren turned out to be evil and Vaughn didn't leave the show. 😢
This Had Better Not Be What They Have Planned For Us
(Alias spoilers and Mon-El’s return spoilers)
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msclockwatcher · 3 years
Is anyone else tired of the female superhero needing to give up the love of her life for the greater good trope?
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Because I’m really f*cking tired
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