mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
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awakens  with  a  gasp .     darkness  surrounds  him  and  he’s  back  in  the  room ;   no  suit ,   no  reactor ,   stripped  bare  and  sightless   ——   a  victim  to  the  conqueror’s  wishes .     FRIDAY  doesn’t  soothe  him  with  her  usual  drawl  of  today’s  date  and  weather ;   she’s  battling  a  virus  and  tony  can’t  assist .     reaches  for  the  bedside  lamp  and  déjà  vu  prepares  him  for  a  sharp  tug  at  his  chest  that  fails  to  come .     fingers  find  purchase  and  the  bedroom  is  awashed  with  soft  orange .     he  draws  in  a  shuddering  breath ,   gaze  gravitating  towards  the  redhead  that’s  curled  up  on  a  sofa  chair  that’s  been  pushed  to  the  SIDE  of  the  bed .     ❛  pep —  ❜     voice  is  hoarse  with  disuse  so  he  clears  his  throat .     ❛  pepper .  ❜
*  @mspepperpctts !
Pepper hasn’t left his side since they brought him back to the compound. She’s so relieved to have him home and see him unhurt. The feeling in her chest reminds her of how she felt when he returned from Afghanistan, but the protectiveness within her has been amplified by time spent together, romantically or otherwise, since then. She once told him he was all she had, and it was the truest thing she’d ever told her then-boss.
She wanted to be awake when he finally awoke, but she’s had such a hard time sleeping since his abduction that she falls into a deep slumber, practically feeling the anxiety leave her body once Tony has returned. Her name shakes her from her sleep, and she realizes he’s awake.
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“Tony,” she breathes, reaching for his hand. “Tony, I’m here. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” She tangles their fingers together and scoots closer, nearly sitting on his bed. “You’re safe. You’re home. What do you need? Water? Food?”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
Pepper’s heart hammers in her chest as they hide behind the building, watching a small gathering of Kang’s guards. She’s hoping more come once they begin their act, though she can’t remember where the rest of the team is. She has no powers, and very little ability to defend herself, but she can’t sit idly by while others try to save Tony -- she hasn’t done so in the past, and she won’t in future.
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She looks over her shoulder at Johnny, needing one last boost. “Alright...What was the plan again?
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
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          this place is wild. there’s a siri voice lady who sometimes says stuff, there are all sorts of rooms and doors and things to poke at that he probably shouldn’t be touching ( he knows he shouldn’t ‘cause the robot voice keeps telling him not to ). exciting stuff. when he heard about the avengers facility and how its doors were open to all or somethin’ like that he just had to check it out. it was too tempting to leave! and there’s something blinking with blue light behind this door that the robot woman’s voice won’t let him through.           “c’moooon, i promise i won’t screw anything up, lemme i-” in trails off when a third voice cuts his wheedling voice off with a question. dark eyes swivel from the glass of the door to a rather impressive and sort of intimidating looking lady. huh. she looks - - - official, kind of. as official as anyone nick knows at least.           “ - - - i asked the robot lady nicely? and then like, uh - - - waited for someone else t’walk in and then followed behind them.” hey, you can say a lot of things about nick, but at least he’s honest.
Pepper watches the young boy, a smile slowly starting to make its way across her lips. She was suspicious at first, but would Kang truly recruit someone so young to spy on the facility?
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She glances around and notices no one’s around, so she figures he must have been talking to FRIDAY. “Well, at least you were resourceful,” she comments, shrugging a shoulder. “What’s your name, kid?”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
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“ you can put that down, i am not here to cause harm. ” no, not now, not when he himself was one hell of a intergalactic mess whose memories were all jumbled up, and there was one who could give him answers. one bound to the blonde in front of him. “ i merely have inquiries to pose. ”
@mspepperpctts / call
Pepper reaches for the first thing in sight when she sees Loki, which happens to be a a gigantic metal soup ladle. She doesn’t know what she’d do with it if he tries to attack her, since she knows he possesses magic and her soup ladle isn’t exactly a weapon.
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A brow lifts in his direction as she sets the ladle down, but keeps the kitchen island between the two of them (again, as if this would accomplish anything). “What do you want, Loki?” she asks quietly.
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
Pepper has decided to occupy herself in Tony’s absence, patrolling (as best she could) the facility to check on its inhabitants. She already knows almost everyone in the facility, but it is nice to refresh a few faces as she goes along.
She spots a young boy--he can’t be any older than fourteen or fifteen years old--hanging out by one of the sliding doors, and she wonders how he got inside the facility -- didn’t FRIDAY have it on lock down? (When had that worked in the past?)
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“Excuse me,” she calls out to the young boy as she approaches. “How did you get in here?”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
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in which pepper potts saves tony’s ass
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
“I’m sure he will be fine. And as far as your feelings for him you don’t need to explain to me. I’m sure he’s figuring out some way to deal with Kang at the moment.”
She bites her lip and nods, motioning for them to sit on a nearby couch. “Tony survived a cave in Afghanistan, Obadiah in New York, Ivan Vanko, the Chitauri and Loki, Aldrich Killian, and so much more, but...He’s always had help.” That worries her; she knows Tony is smart enough to stand on his own two feet, but he’s always had support, even when Steve left, he still had Rhodey. Kang took Tony by himself. Who did he have now?
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“I need to stop worrying,” she declares, wiping her face, as if that will clear the worry from her mind. She inhales shakily. “He will find a way out of this. He always does.”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
“No it’s…” Gamora tried her best to stop the stranger from attempting to help clean up the mess. “My…” She tried to find the words to use to describe it the situation. “My teammates. They did this.” She wasn’t about to name names, or get into the details of it in general, but she was clearly unimpressed by the display. “Are you all right?” 
It was rare for the assassin to be concerned about the well being of another, particularly someone she didn’t know…but something about spending so much time with Peter, and other humans had caused her to evolve.
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Pepper smiled gently and shook her head. “No, it’s alright, really. I...Haven’t really been myself lately.” She cleared her throat, feeling a little uncomfortable opening up to someone she barely knew, but she was feeling quite lonely since Tony was abducted.
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“But I’m fine, thank you,” she murmured, nodding quickly. “Or, I will be soon. I think.”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
hey y’all! i finally learned (a little about) discord! if you wanna add me to talk or for the mini-event or w/e, my username is: marvelouspepper#3503
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
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stephen stepped out of the portal and announced his presence by clearing his throat. he extended his hand. “good evening, miss potts. i apologize for interrupting you, but may i borrow a few minutes of your time?” [ @mspepperpctts ] 
Pepper jumps when the tall man appears beside her, but her reflexes automatically lift her hand to meet his. “I--How do you know my name?” she asks before shaking her head. “Never mind, doesn’t matter. Who are you? And what can I do for you?”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
tony  shakes  his  head ,   corner  of  his  mouth  lifting  up  in  a  way  that  belittles  himself .     ❛  some  people  would  call  it  paranoia ,  ❜     he  muses ,     ❛  and  an  unhealthy  obsession  that  i  can’t  let  go  of .  ❜     it’s  not  that  he  wants  to  be  plagued  by  fear  of  imminent  threat   ——   he’d  rather  a  peaceful  night  sleep ,   thank  you  very  much ,   but  SOMETHING  IS  COMING  and  he  needs  to  do  something ;   to  protect  the  people  he  cares  about .
and  he  knows  what  its  cost  him .     here ,   in  this  kitchen  with  her ,   they  could  have  had  something  different  had  tony  changed .     but  even  he’s  failed  to  do  that  for  the  both  of  them .     tony  grins .     ❛  bookmark  this ,   FRIDAY .     we’re  going  to  make  pepper  regret  this  day .  ❜     he  wipes  his  fingers  on  a  dishtowel ,   finishing  the  rest  of  his  coffee .     ❛  well ,   i’m  done .     are  you  done ?     there’s  something  i  want  to  show  you .  ❜
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For now, Pepper decides to table this conversation for when he isn’t feeling so self-deprecating. Instead, she rolls her eyes playfully and shakes her head, about to reply when he asks if she’s finished eating. “Am I done?” she repeats, as if she hadn’t heard him the first time. “I just--Fine, let’s go. But I’m bringing my eggs with me.”
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“What’s so important that it can’t wait until after my breakfast?”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
“Yea. I figured sticking around here would be a better idea. “ She glanced over at the person who dropped the plates and raised a brow as he brushed by them mumbling. Shaking he head she turned her full attention back to Pepper. “You look like you need to rest.”
Rubbing her forehead, she sighed gently and nodded. “I have slept very little since he was taken,” she admitted, her voice soft. “I should be angry at him, or at least, indifferent to his presence, but he still means a lot to me, Maria. I’m worried what Kang will do to him.”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
Emma’s lips formed a thin line as she saw that familiar look on her face that she had saw on many others. At her question, Emma couldn’t resist scoffing. “Oh God no, he is your mess.” Emma looked around briefly, her heels echoing on the floor. “However, the X-men offer you their add if need be despite how much I disagree with the matter.”
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“That’s very kind of you,” she replies softly. “I...Don’t know where to begin, honestly. The last time something like this happened, we had Rhodey to help find him.” She wished she had Rhodey or Happy to rely upon, but she hadn’t seen them since her arrival in Chronopolis. “Wherever Kang’s lair is, that’s where Tony will be.”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
Of course Emma wanted to go and rub it in someone’s face what she thought about Tony Stark, no matter whatever the Earth, was an absolute ass who couldn’t help but get himself into trouble. She wondered why everyone praised his intelligence but he never really knew how to handle himself in any sort of trouble. 
Walking in, she watched as Pepper helped whoever it was. “Don’t jump on the account of me, dear. Perhaps you should invest in some better security so you don’t lose another boyfriend.” Emma said to her as she looked around the scene. “I shall make something very clear from the bat, darling. I don’t really care for Tony and I’d be the first in line to feed him to whatever took him, no matter what universe had the tragedy to spawn him. However, the remaining X-Men believe in helping the common man.” Okay, that was enough of just being an absolute so and so. “Have you heard anything yet?”
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Pepper remembers this woman from the party, remembers she was less-than-friendly then, and it appears nothing has changed now. She doesn’t know what kind of Tony she knows in her universe, but she has a hard time imagining he’s much different from the man she knows.
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Her jaw sets as she watches her before she opens her mouth to respond, but pauses. “Have I--” A wave of confusion passes over her face. “Are you telling me you’re actually going to help recover Tony?”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
shifts  uncomfortably  under  scrutinity  of  cerulean  eyes ,   proceeding  to  inhale  piece  of  bacon  to  avoid  responding  to  the  affection .     still  on  unstable  grounds  on  where  they’ve  left   ——   pepper  potts  remains  in  his  heart ,   a  fiery  figure  that ,   despite  the  tragedies  befalling  him  and  those  he  loves ,   prevails  when  others  have  proven  to  desert ;   to  betray ;   to  hurt .
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twin  hands  lift  his  mug  to  take  a  sip  of  caffeinated  beverage ,   recollecting  thoughts .     ❛  i  try  to ,   pepper .  ❜    fingers  tap  skewed  rhythm  across  ceramic  surface ,   shaking  his  head  to  dispel  her  words .     ❛  but  i  CAN’T —   i  can’t  protect …   it’s  not  the  same .  ❜     time  has  proven  his  best  intentions  lay  waste  among  lives   —    his  weapons ,   ultron ,   the  accords .     and  even  now  when  tony  &  pepper  have  taken  a  break ,   he  can  only  think  of  the  pain  he’s  wrought ;   what  she’s  had  to  endure  because  of  her  affiliation  to  him .
❛  i  know .  ❜     words  whispered  with  a  sad  smile .     because  he  knows  her .     because  he  knows  that  she’s  stubborn   —   will  hold  onto  the  things  she  loves  with  unshakable  grip  even  if  it  burns .     ❛  you  always  are .  ❜     a  wry  grin –   a  need  to  allay  this  moment .     ❛  i’m  gonna  hold  that  against  you ,   ms  potts .     i’m  going  to  annoy  the  hell  out  of  you  and  you  can’t  take  that  back .  ❜
“You are a literal genius, Tony,” Pepper replies, almost sounding bored at the fact that she needs to remind him of this. “You saw all of those threats coming from the start. Has anyone else ever had that level of forethought?” she asks, dipping her head to try to meet his eye. She isn’t afraid to look him in the eye, to confront him head on. Years of practice and execution remind her that sometimes, this is the only way to make him listen. “And yes, admittedly, things didn’t go according to plan. But when do they ever? The world needs you, even if you don’t believe it.”
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A brow quirks, lips moving to match as a wave of amusement passes over her face. “I’m sure you will, Mr. Stark,” she says evenly, gaze dropping to her plate coyly, an attempt to match his lightened mood. “And I’m sure you will also remember that I am nothing if not a woman of my word.”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
the  face  speaks  familiarity,  faintly,  as  it  isn’t  enough  to  form  an  identity  in  his  head.   she  must  be  a  midgard  that  is  associated  with  any  of  THE  AVENGERS  or  so  what  he’s  assuming.   the  answer’s  only  been  ruled  out  by  the  fact  that  the  god  was  never  fond  of  learning  names  unless  it  was  of  one  that  wanted  him  dead. 
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❝   it’s  no  trouble,   ❞    he  answers  softly,  one  of  the  rarest  genuine  smiles  forming  against  his  lips.   before  letting  her  have  any  chance  to  retrieve  all  the  items  from  the  ground,  with  a  wave  of  his  fingers,  EVERYTHING  falls  back  into  place.   ❝   my  apologies  for  causing  such  noise,  have  i  caused  you  trouble ?   ❞
Pepper’s mouth forms a very thin line when she realizes the source of the noise is Loki. She wonders, briefly, if he knows who she is, though the thought quickly exits her mind when everything falls back into place. The God of Mischief, she remembers.
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“No,” she replies, her voice just as soft. “It wasn’t you, per se. This whole place sets me on edge.”
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mspepperpctts-blog · 6 years
Not one to admit her feelings aloud Maria was worried. Not just about Tony but how his absence was affecting those around him. She had been staying in the compound since and decided to go check on Pepper. She came around the corner just as some plates fell to the floor. “Is everything okay here?” 
Pep bit her lip, relieved upon seeing her old friend Maria. Smiling gently, she collected the plates in her arms, resting them against her hip. “Of course, everything is fine,” she replied. “I didn’t realize you had stayed after the party.”
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