Drives me crazy like, wanna pull my hair out crazy or gives me a boner crazy?
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Well I wouldn’t say pulling hair out would be a good way, but pulling hair on the other hand...But I would say give you a boner crazy. There are some pretty attractive women on there.
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Final? You have a whole year of school left. 
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Depends when you wanted to be accepted though,  I am aiming for the summer after this year. Getting out of this place as soon as possible.
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Keep it in your pants for a little while okay?
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I will try my hardest, Sam. Just for you. Although why only for awhile? But come on please don’t tell me there isn’t at least one character in that show that drives you crazy in a good way.
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You want someone with that much hair? Good god.
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He is gorgeous okay? Hair or not. I mean have you seen that smile and him in Pompeii? I have yet to meet anyone who can reach those standards.
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You sure have high hopes for GOT don’t you?
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I know I know...but I mean a girl can dream right? I mean I can even dream that I could find my real life Jon Snow.
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You’ll love Star Wars if you’re into all that. I hope Jon isn’t dead, let’s be real here. He was too god damn popular to end up like that.
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I don’t have any doubt, I am sure it will be awesome. Me too it just doesn’t make any sense at all. And the way it ended for him, even if it was in the book, wouldn’t be a good enough ending for a character like him. I will not be happy until I can get Dany, Tyrion and Jon all in the same room. 
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Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. You’re welcome! I don’t know what I’d do without you, so that’s why I’m going to let you kidnap me. I’d miss you too
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What would I do without your words of wisdom? Wonderful we can just runaway together and explore the world. I just don’t want to leave you here in this shitty town. You are so much better than it. 
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Fine, I’ll be nicer. Just it’s weird seeing girls get into Star Wars. House Stark, always and forever and all my favourites are dead so it’s no use.
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There’s that smile of yours, Sam. I knew it was hiding there somewhere. Well I love being able to try new things and find new interests. Stark is amazing for sure it was so unfortunate that the family got the short end of the stick. I still haven’t completely become okay with what happened to Jon. I was a wreck for quite awhile.
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Are you really that old? Good luck Roxie, if anyone deserves to leave this place, you’re definitely one of them
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Please don’t remind me. I mean I want to get out of this place but I am far from wanting to grow up. Well thank you Jazz, I don’t know what I would do without you. But be careful I may just kidnap you and bring you with me because I would miss you too much.
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Fine, I’ll tell you what, you can watch Star Wars with me and we’ll call it a deal. I love Game of Thrones, don’t get me started.
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Oh come on, I must not be that bad of company. I mean I don’t bite, hard at least. Well how could someone not love it, which house do you pledge to? Any favorite characters?
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Shhhh, maybe if no one talks about it, then it won’t really happen. I bet there would be plenty of people that would jump at the chance of a party for any occasion.
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Oh shit yeah you are probably right, sorry about that. That is a good point parties is sometimes just what someone needs to forget about the s word.
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Trust me, when you watch it with a Star Wars with a fanatic, they don’t shut up.
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I mean I am the same with musicals and Game of Thrones, so I would totally understand. Plus you are just getting more information.
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You haven’t lived until you’ve seen every single movie all at once. It’s good, except when a good part is on and you badly need to pee but you just can’t hold the suspense.
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Then I guess this means I need to watch all of the movies at once, huh? I can’t go through life but never truly live. But you know I wonder who I know who pretty much hold all the knowledge of Star Wars...I mean I don’t think it would be good to watch these movies with just anyone.
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I don’t actually have time to play an new instrument but hey, would be cool one day when school and life wasn’t so much. Besides time is strict, I’m in the midst of my Star Wars marathon right now.
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I bet, I mean you are pretty talented. But just think at least we are that much closer to getting out of this school then the world is our oyster. Is it bad that I have only seen bits and pieces of the first movie? But from what I have seen it is a great movie, good thing to spend time on.
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That is one catchy song isn’t it? It is a great song to dance to. If I was good at any instrument apart from piano I would totally help you. 
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I have had Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo in my head all day now it kind of motivates me to play the trumpet? Or the Kazoo, the Kazoo is kind of cool. I might accomplish that sometime, as well as kicking this damn witches ass in Banjo & Kazooee. 
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You can have LA, I have dibs on New York.
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Yeah, sorry as soon as you said you didn’t want anything to do with me you lost the ability to place any dibs. I will go wherever I want. I will stay out of your way and you will stay out of mine, simple as that.
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The year is here!!!! Where are you going to college? I bet you like, have it all picked out and stuff.
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Oh if only I did, I am just sending out as many applications as I can. But I am also sending tapes to agents and everything. Hoping that I could be picked up. Do you know what you want to do?
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