muchtodoonterror · 10 hours
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Here’s the latest photo of the ever growing The Terror S1 plushie family not including a bunch of special commissions I’ve done
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muchtodoonterror · 2 days
a cozy ttrpg about slowly starving to death on a wrecked ship, cannibalizing your friends and crew mates to live another wretched day
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muchtodoonterror · 2 days
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Episode 1-4 - Edward Little - @vellichormybeloved
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muchtodoonterror · 3 days
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(Over a month ago I got sick, made this for some reason, and left it sitting in my drafts. I've decided it's time to share it so that it will no longer haunt me. I'm sorry.)
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muchtodoonterror · 5 days
maybe — if we’re going with the historical solomon tozer’s biography — the reason he was so flip at david young’s burial was that it brought some unwanted memories of his own wife’s burial not so long before. but royal marine sergeants cannot be seen to emote, and so he pretended not to care and turned away
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muchtodoonterror · 5 days
James Fitzjames’s Erebus cabin book nook!
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muchtodoonterror · 6 days
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some of that sweet sweet beechey content for yesterday’s One Week of Terror prompt “Ghosts” !
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muchtodoonterror · 6 days
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excellent tags via @boogiewoogieweeb
and I wonder if Heather had lived - Tozer has that weight on his conscience and already feels in adequate to his task. Heather's loss has started to unpick the seams of his confidence in command's ability to keep them alive. If that hadn't happened, would Tozer have been been more able to take the shock of finding the ruins of Fairholme's party? Would he have been more able to understand why Crozier wanted it kept secret? It's almost like he's been so completely disillusioned, he doesn't understand why the others should be protected from the grimmest parts of their situation. I think finding Fairholme is what finally turned him, and if his faith in both himself and his captain hadn't been so shaken...... well, as you say, how differently could it all have gone?
It also would have radically changed his take on the need to haul the sick... with Heather there is hope. But if Heather couldn't be saved, could anyone? If that's where trying to save Heather got him, why bother?
If Heather hadn't died at Carnivale, Tozer would've hauled Heather across King William Land until he dropped in harness himself. If he had no boat to haul him in he would've thrown him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry and marched.
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muchtodoonterror · 6 days
don't mind me. just having Thoughts about comparing the two marine sergeants: tozer's first proper scene contrasted against bryant's first scene. how bryant is shown giving reassurance to ship's boy george chambers - 'it's just the ice, georgie...just the ice' - while tozer's establishing moment is giving hickey extra work just for funsies and being pretty dismissive of ship's boy tommy evans ('are...are we just going to leave it like that?' 'unless you want to climb in there and fix it, yes we are'). when poor baby evans has just finished burying his buddy, no less!
and, like, tozer cares about his men, that much is obvious; he's a good guy at heart, but he's also a bit of a dick (complementary). he has a lot of pride in his own position, he's a bit cocky, and he's also not too precious about slightly messing with people further down on the ladder than him just because his rank and status as a marine means he can. and then the more we see of tozer, the more we see of his protective side for those around him... and crucially, this comes out after bryant is killed.
this isn't all fleshed out, by the way, i just have a lot of unfinished emotions about how from the little we saw of him bryant felt like a more conscientious leader to those around him, the more responsible one. tozer can slack off a bit on his responsibilities because bryant’s there. and then he's killed, and they're in a shit position, and tozer's the only sergeant left and the situation is getting worse by the day. and i guess i just like the idea of sometime after bryant's death tozer going oh fuck. got to take this shit seriously now.
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muchtodoonterror · 6 days
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"Sir John Franklin died on the 11th June 1847": a marginal note beneath All Well on the Victory Point Record.
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muchtodoonterror · 6 days
How do you define success? We barely get to see him before things to shit. He's the first lieutenant of a ship stuck in the pack being commanded by an erratic, depressed, alcoholic captain. Would Crozier have been able to keep order without Little propping him up and covering for him? He is entrusted with command of that ship while the captain is completely incapacitated and he successfully keeps it running while keeping the captain's secret.
When Crozier gives his "time to walk out speech" at Carnivale, it seems like everyone is willing to follow him (with the exception of the few mutineers and quite frankly I don't think anyone could have kept Hickey from convincing a few). That means that broadly the crew still trusts in his authority. Would they have gone so willingly if they had known? I would argue that this went over as well as it did because Little has successfully kept up the veneer of naval order and Crozier's competent command throughout not just his alcoholism but his recovery.
Little commands the vanguard of the walkout before Crozier ever shows up. He leads men out and establishes a successful functioning camp on land, which I guarantee is something he was never trained for. Terror Camp is of his making.
Though it's far more burden than blessing, he's also the last one left but Crozier. Is surviving not a success in its own way? Crozier ordered him to live, and he did, until his commander returned to release him from his watch.
None of this is even to factor in the things we don't see, the evidences of the trust Crozier once placed in him, the support he provides to the other lieutenants, and: It's harder to quantify, but there's a lot to be said, when your captain is so erratic, when the world is dark and unknown, for the presence of someone who is quietly but completely reliable .
hey quick question do we ever see Edward Little do anything well or even competently in the entire series?
like Irving communicates with the Netsilik and Hodgson is key in hitting the Tuunbaq with a cannon and Dundy shares Fitzjames's ability to rally the troops and Gore is a bright shining boy however brief but like
i don't think we ever seen Little succeed at anything even incidentally
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muchtodoonterror · 7 days
The scariest part of the terror is realising how deeply I care about the characters lol
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muchtodoonterror · 7 days
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muchtodoonterror · 7 days
can’t stop thinking about tom hartnell cunty hands on hips pose
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muchtodoonterror · 7 days
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come with us
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muchtodoonterror · 8 days
hey fellas is it normal to join an arctic expedition just to make some cash (because you want to open a bar) plus also you'll be on the same ship that your first love (from when you were 22 and sailing around the equator) is on again (even though you two broke up a decade ago and he got married to a woman in the meanwhile) and then write about him multiple times in your diary (which you're writing in a secret code so no one else can read it) because despite everything you still think and worry about him all of the time. and also the arctic part of this arctic expedition kind of sucks and you're very bored because being locked in the pack ice means there's no reason for you to be in the rigging working the sails. which is your job and what you're good at doing even if you hate it. so you just get really into writing everything down & picking up extra chores to pass the time.
or is all of that kind of gay
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muchtodoonterror · 8 days
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