muchyphony-blog1 · 9 years
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Ernst Gottlieb Barons historisch-theoretisch und practische Untersuchung des Instruments der Lauten / mit Fleiss aufgesetzt und allen rechtschaffenen Liebhabern zum Vergnügen herausgegeben. Ernst Gottlieb Baron (1696-1760) Nürnberg : Bey J. F. Rüdiger, 1727. [26], 218 p. : ill., music ; 17 cm. T.p. in red and black.
According to Grove Music Online, lutenist Ernst Gottlieb Baron’s book about lute-playing “is a valuable though not always reliable source of information about lutenists and lute playing in the late Baroque era.” Baron held musical posts in Gotha, Eisenach, and he also worked for Frederick the Great.
Our copy of this book is encased in a paper cover that reminded me of the covers I made for textbooks in elementary school out of grocery paper bags (the folding is similar). And clearly, there are some terrific illustrations throughout of lutes, lyres, and people rocking out on their lutes and lyres (lookin’ good, Apollo).
If you’d like to see a digital copy of this book, check it out on Google Books (danke, die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
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Come see me and about 18 other guitarists play in the probably fictional village of Buckden
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
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Storyboards from Fantasia
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
"well, being a monarchy, no...." you don't really know that much about the DPRK, do you? PS all the crazy stuff about cannibalism and people being shot for listening to western shows is literally a lie
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
Tomorrow I'll take part in my first recording with the Cambridge Guitar Orchestra!
We're recording: -Purcell: Air, Rondeau, Jig (not sure what larger work they're from) -Grieg: Prelude, Air, and Rigaudon (in the video) from the Holberg Suite -Debussy: La soiree dans Grenade -Tchaikowsky: March from the 'Nutcracker Suite'
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
Enrica Savigni plays Napoléon Coste's "La Source du Lyson" Op. 47.
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
reminder of my greatest achievement
talk lutey to me
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
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I've started bell-ringing! It feels like my first time on a trampoline: don't know what I'm doing but I know it's fun. I've learnt a lot of terminology, why English church bells are better than basically everywhere else in Europe, and about how freaking dangerous these things are if you don't know your stuff. I had a go at 'chiming', and ringing 'from the up' though I only did one hand and my teacher did the hard part.
It's a strange thing. You're only ever taking care of one note and a lot of practice and concentration and a little bit of strength goes into your one note. None of my previous musical training, except maybe the sense of rhythm it has given me, really applies here.
This picture is of the tenor bell in St Andrew's Church, West Wratting.
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
my favourite thing about Noam Chomsky is when he does this while talking
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
New research has uncovered the earliest known practical piece of polyphonic music, an example of the principles that laid the foundations of European musical tradition.
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
It’s been a little over a year since my first digital animation came together, and I can finally post a full version of it with music by Lance Montgomery!
There’s SO much more i could do with backgrounds and junk since that is my forte, but really, i needed to focus on movement and posing, since the story has no dialog and I’d never animated before. Took a ton of revision to get it here, but I’m pleased with it. If you’re interested, check out the game Magnetic By Nature on steam! 
Creating this intro marked a moment on our team where we stopped trying to design everything by consensus. Everyone has a unique perspective, but sometimes you collectively pull in different directions and ideas get muddled. Rather than explaining the world, I let the environments in game speak for themselves and focused, instead, on the friendship binding the protagonists actions throughout the game. Risking your neck to save your friends and all that. I’m very fortunate to have had this opportunity to try something new and have so much fun doing it. :D
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
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monstrous musician
Froissart’s Chronicles, Bruges ca. 1470-1475
Paris, BnF, Français 2643, fol. 72r
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
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Anonymous French Artist
Tympanum Fragment: Rising of the Dead
France (c. 1220)
Stone; Monumental Relief, 112 x 115 cm.
Young black man arising from the tomb; angel playing an oliphant.
Paris, Musée de Cluny.
The Image of the Black in Western Art Research Project and Photo Archive, W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, Harvard University
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
I wrote a song about Michael Brown. 
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
tfw ur in the mood for some tasty lute jams
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muchyphony-blog1 · 10 years
Founding of the Party - Cornelius Cardew
I'm not a Maoist, but...
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