mudsdale100 · 3 years
D --> I’m an Equius with character development, I don’t know what to say
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
<-*-> They are worse and not e><a<tly <omfortable if not properly maintained.  It is a gruesome <ondition I would not wish on anyone else, especially at the speed and randomness of growth. Some are to><i<, randomly. Dangerous to <eep. <-*->
<-*-> I do not parti<ularly care for them, but than< you. <-*->
D --> My apologies, if it provides any sort of s001idarity, my skin care routine isn’t nearly as rough, but inc100des a rigorous oil treatment due to nervous habits
D --> I suppaws that translated somewhat into another caste, one of those funny universal constants
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
D --> I’m requesting your company
D –> Nepeta
D –> Nepeta
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
D --> Nepeta
D --> Nepeta
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
D –> Archery D –> Robotics D –> Art
D --> E%actly as I thought, considering we’re alternates
D --> And with that evidence to back my claim, you’re still a weirdo
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
<-*-> That is a fair enough point. Most of mine are. Fully visible on my face. Which I posted in publi< for people to see and loo<. That is the only thing wrong with me.  <-*->
D --> You have spines of some sort, to%ic if I remember clawrectly
D --> They don’t 100k bad to me, in all honesty
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
@feeling-horsey: D --> There is nothing wrong with Mane and Tail shampoo
D --> You’re being weird in public where everyone can s33
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
D –> Yes but that does not prec100de me to being abnormal D –> i think my interests are quite standard D –> For instance D –> What normal person would not like horses
D --> Having normal, manedane equine interests is purrfectly fine, though niche in this community
D --> Name thr33 more completely normal and not weird interests you have
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
i was manspreading at the bus stop and it’s sunny and im wearing black jeans and i think my cock might’ve melted a little but i can’t check because i’m on the bus now
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
D –> It is not denial D –> I am e%ceedingly normal
D --> Is your name Equius Zahhak or not
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
@spineprince: <-*-> I feel there are more egregious problems. But o<ay. <-*-> 
D --> I’m not airing them all out in public for everyone to point and gawk
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
@spineprince: <-*-> I want to know what is wrong with you. <-*-> 
D --> You sh001d take me out to dinner befur requesting such private facts about me
D --> However, I’m f33ling generous
D --> I used mane and tail shampoo for the longest time
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
Tumblr media
Day 139: Today's friend is the Pinto Horse!
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
@feeling-horsey: D --> I am normal 
D --> Denial is such a shamefoal color on you
D –> Knowing every Equius on this website has a problem of some sort puts me at ease
D –> There’s a universal constant at play, and it’s that every Equius is weird to some degr33
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
D --> Knowing every Equius on this website has a problem of some sort puts me at ease
D --> There’s a universal constant at play, and it’s that every Equius is weird to some degr33
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
-> a1ternates reb10g th1s. <-
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mudsdale100 · 3 years
:33 < whatcha got there stallion? oooh a wittle horse emoji. good on ya partner. :2
D --> c}:2
D --> He wears a little hat on occasion
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