muffinezo · 1 year
for the people that are following this account; just to let you know this blog is not very active. i use this for reblogging stuff i like
if youre here for my opinions, go here instead!
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this where i am much more active and complain a whole bunch. thank you!
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muffinezo · 1 year
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demonology // angelology
names & bases in image description.
some sticker sheets I hope to have for MCM London later this month!
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muffinezo · 1 year
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muffinezo · 1 year
Do you have any advice for writing description if you don’t really have a “mind’s eye”? I really struggle because I have a really hard time thinking/imagining things visually. (I know visuals aren’t the only type of description you can include when writing, but I’d still like to improve at them.)
Three Quick Tips for Describing Visuals
Your character has just stepped into the throne room of a medieval castle. You have a vague mental image of what this castle and its throne room look like, but you have no idea how to go about describing it. So, what do you do? Here are three quick tips that will help you with your description:
1 - Gather Inspiration Images - Inspiration images are a great way to refine the picture in your mind's eye and keep details straight. Just go to your favorite search engine and plug in your keywords, then scroll through the results to find images that speak to you. Save them in a folder on your device so you can refer to them as needed. You may even want to create a "mood board" collage or a Pinterest board.
Example: "fantasy medieval throne room"
2 - Gather Your Vocab - Once you have your inspiration images in hand, you find it hard to put what you're seeing into words because you're missing the necessary vocabulary to describe what you're seeing. Fortunately, you can search for lists, diagrams, and labeled images that will tell you what things are called. If you need the door into the throne room, try looking up "door styles" or "types of doors." If you need to describe the throne, try looking up "chair styles" or "parts of a chair."
Example: "parts of a castle" & "parts of a throne" 3 - Gather Your Other Atmospheric and Sensory Details - Next, you want to consider the atmospheric and sensory details, then gather your words. What can the character see? (What color are the stone walls? Is the air hazy? Are there flickering candles in wrought iron torchieres?) What can they hear? (Are voices echoing through the cavernous hall? Is there lute music playing?) What can they smell? (Is there wood smoke from the torches on the walls? Is there the smell of roasted meat wafting from the kitchens?) What can they taste? (If they're nervous, do they taste bile in the back of their throat or salt from their sweat?) What can they feel? (Is the throne room warm from all the people? Cold because it's cavernous and stone?)
Example: "shades of the color gray" & "words to describe smells" Have fun with your story!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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muffinezo · 1 year
wait wait wait i actually have a genuine research question i’ve been curious about for a while
we’re talking whichever wacky critter ORIGINALLY got you super stoked for the speedy hedgehog - whether it was five-year-old you or just recently, whoever lived in your head first i wanna know…. i’ve got a theory :]
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muffinezo · 1 year
"it definitely felt like it was emulating that era of Disney where they tried a quicker animation technique that lead to sketchier lines" on their Tumblr iirc i think they confirmed it as their intent to match that, so good eye!
Yo! 😭
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muffinezo · 1 year
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starting an image collection
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muffinezo · 1 year
even if you've never played mysims i think we all need to appreciate how cute the characters are. also i love the style of the game so much it feels so nostalgic and early 2000s
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look at billy. look at his face
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muffinezo · 1 year
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An informational comic I illustrated for my comics 2 class about drag!
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muffinezo · 1 year
Vivziepop’s and Adam’s childish responses have made me lose respect for them and the shows. An important rule to all creatives, refrain from responding to criticism. Maybe even avoid it, but definitely do not respond. Their “defense” against poor writing reveals they are hurt and can’t handle criticism. You are creators, you will be criticized. That’s the risk we all take. Audiences aren’t required to coddle your feelings and give their feedback in kind words and affirmations.
You’re allowed to be hurt. No one likes criticism, especially of something near and dear to their hearts. That thread on Millie was an immature fishing attempt at praise and adoration from her fans. She set up strawmen for them to mock and smack down all while throwing shade at her critics. Adam retweets an article about how most criticism these days are from people too dense to understand media. Sir, fuck you. People disliking your writing doesn’t make them stupid or wrong. Even if they are, shut up. You look pathetic. Belittling your audience is foolish.
I waited years for Hazbin Hotel. I liked the beginning of Helluva Boss. I’m allowed to critique things. I’m allowed to have “wrong” opinions though we can literally see that Millie has had no significant development in comparison to her male counterparts. Moxxie has 3 episodes dedicated to this, including the one where me go to Millie’s hometown. If her development is coming, fine. It says something that you have to make a thread saying you will because, clearly, you haven’t.
I’m still holding out hope for Hazbin. I’ve been waiting since high school and I liked the pilot.
The writing of Helluva Boss is atrocious. Stolas is annoying. Blitzo is inconsistent. Moxxie is fucking pathetic and I can’t believe they wasted Zim’s VA on him. Grow a spine. Millie is adorable but is only Moxxie’s wife. Loona is there…Octavia is also there. Stella is so overkill it’s stupid. The character designs are not diverse. I will watch the next episode and how many episodes after, if I want. I’ll shit on them, if I want. The show has drastically dropped views and you can see it. There are also too many fucking merch sales. They’re acting like Poppy’s Playtime.
Edit: apparently Viv decided to cry about a new video, which was very polite, and tweeted about it. I can’t muster up anything beyond “yikes.”
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muffinezo · 1 year
Im embarrassed now because,,,, im one of those ppl who cant think of a way of making a character nuanced without making at least some aspects of them angsty😭
Can you give examples of nuanced characters without the need of angst or tragic backstory? would help me a lot and others who are interested in writing!
to be fair, most nuanced and/or well written characters suffer from some form of trauma because you need to go through some kind of hardship to experience those conflicting and complex emotions.
when we say "helluva boss/hazbin hotel thinks trauma is depth" is that the trauma is often as a cover for incredibly flat and badly written writing. you cant criticize how angel dust is written like a 90s stereotype of queer men because he has trauma. you cant complain about loona being an irrational and misogynistic depiction of female characters because she has trauma. you cant point out that stolitz has no chemistry because they have trauma. etc
its also telling that trauma is treated as the automatic justification trait. if a character has trauma, they're redeemable and sympathetic. nobody is allowed to be both traumatized and horrible because the creator herself thinks having trauma means its fine for her to be a generally unpleasant person. her personality seeps into her content.
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muffinezo · 1 year
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can we watch something happy
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muffinezo · 1 year
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muffinezo · 2 years
I mentioned this before in my initial post but I came off this episode feeling incredibly embarrassed. I don’t know whether it was the pacing of the episode itself, the rampant sex jokes or the dildo wall, but after watching the credits and finishing the episode I just… sat in silence for a little while; and I still don’t know what to make of it.
I had a similar response to it. I think the issue is that, I think the show tried to have its cake and eat it too.
Season 1, as edgy as it was, still felt really lighthearted. Killing is comedic. Bullying is comedic. Verbal abuse is comedic. Sexual harassment is comedic. If you don’t want to kill innocent people you’re an idiot and a coward
Sure, certain episodes did have darker elements like Blitzo’s breakdown in Truth Seekers and Blitzo and Stolas’s falling out in Ozzie’s, but these were save for one scene or at least a small portion of the episode.
This episode though… you’re not supposed to find any of that funny (except the sexual harassment apparently). Killing is treated as this genuinely terrifying and cruel aspect of life despite all of season 1 literally making justifications for it. Verbal and physical abuse actually leaves a lasting impact. Moxxie’s bullying is now sad despite multiple episodes playing up his abuse for laughs. And it just doesn’t work, because when you compare it to the rest of the series, it’s the equivalent to family guy trying to take domestic abuse seriously.
The show is constantly contradicting itself. Moxxie cowering around his father and then being physically assaulted is terrible. Blitzo cowering around his daughter and then being physically assaulted is hilarious. Crimson coercing Moxxie into sex and a relationship is treated as terrifying. Stolas coercing Blitzo into sex and relationship treated as groundwork for a beautiful relationship. Millie can’t handle a bonk on the head but jumps back when she’s slammed into the car. Moxxie’s dad is written as a homophobic misogynist but the show portrays all queer men as sexual degenerates and women as either fodder for the men or eye candy.
I also think the tonal whiplash was just too much this time. You can’t follow up domestic abuse with a wall of dicks joke. You can’t follow up threats of murder and being chopped up and put into a box with a goofy musical number which is THEN followed up with Moxxie breaking down in tears. Moxxie is being threatened into an arranged marriage and very clearly trying to be forced into sex with Chaz to keep him happy and what does the show follow it up with? Blitzo and Chaz fucking each other all night. The whole episode is just a Moxxie misery fest with very little levity, the poor guy doesn’t even stand up for himself in the end, his girlfriend does it.
This writing honestly feels unintelligent and disrespectful. The bizarre lack of music also made the episode feel way more uncomfortable and sad rather than entertaining. These writers suck at dark humor and they’re also bad at taking dark subjects seriously
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muffinezo · 2 years
Since Pedro Pascal is EVERYWHERE I go as of now, this man is the perfect example of how society will fucking sexualize actors to the maxes and at the end of the day don’t see them as actual living and breathing people. This is also how I felt with Joseph Quinn as well, when he starred as Eddie in Stranger things. That dude could be wearing a regular freaking SUIT and have fans respond with “he knows what he’s doing omg”— like….can we PLEASE stop this. Actors are human beings and deserve respect, stop treating them like freaking eye candy objects no matter what gender. They’re not just robots made for your entertainment, they’re people.
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muffinezo · 2 years
Stopped watching/following helluva after the drug episode so forgive me for my ignorance, but how is it homophobic? I'm not very caught up with everything that's happened outside of clips and whatnot
Gay men are depicted as hypersexual and obsessed with cock and infidelity. Blitzo often uses deragatory insults towards other queer characters that never gets checked on (ie his comment about verosika’s breath smelling like fish, which if you’re unaware, is a comment insult slung at lesbians/women who date other women).
It’s pretty often overlooked because it’s not in the typical homophobic writing ie character is flamboyant and that’s all he has or gay couple gets killed off. It’s a lot more subtle and honestly nauseating
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muffinezo · 2 years
I see this a lot, no one has actual names, or any reference for names, that are legit Native American, varying among the tribes, for their characters.
Babynames.com and shit like that will give you names made up by white people.
However, I’ve got your solution.
Native-Languages  is a good website to turn to for knowledge on a lot of native things, including native names. If you’re unsure about the names you’ve picked, they even have a list of made up names here!
Please don’t trust names like babynames.com for native names, they’re made up and often quite offensive to the cultures themselves.
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