mugen-actually · 1 year
Well hurry up! Maybe this is like seventy days for Kelsey or something! That is so many! Kelsey should never be sad for that long! Fix it faster!
Mugen tosses Mark’s arm aside and huffs. Kelsey was his best friend and she’d protect him no matter what.
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Mugen hops up from where she was sitting on the floor and waves
Oh!! Are those the cards where when you pull them out sometimes stuff happens? I have played with those before! My Fathers had a big fight about cards!
cam said that i should be here on tumblr to, and i quote, "get a life!" (rude!!)
so i suppose...i'm here! i know how to perform tarot readings, if anyone would like to know their future?
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mugen-actually · 1 year
My super really cool father Zhao! He is the best and he takes very good care of me! Hello then Rune Doyle! I will work on a good nickname for you! Please tell me what my future is!
cam said that i should be here on tumblr to, and i quote, "get a life!" (rude!!)
so i suppose...i'm here! i know how to perform tarot readings, if anyone would like to know their future?
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Yes! I am Mugen! You can tell the present too! Good job Camera’s best friend! What your name?
cam said that i should be here on tumblr to, and i quote, "get a life!" (rude!!)
so i suppose...i'm here! i know how to perform tarot readings, if anyone would like to know their future?
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Mugen looks completely unphased by Mark’s changed appearance. He narrows his eyes further his own face warping into the face of a tarrasque. If this was a game she was going to win. Mugen refuses to let go.
Just go say sorry to Kelsey you big dumb idiot! It’s not hard unless it’s a lie and you aren’t sorry!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Mugen frowns, grabbing Marks arm’s so she can’t drop him, glaring into several of Mark’s eyes, her own starting swirl slightly, her voice starting to echo (suggestion wis save dc 16)
You are being dumb! Even if you messed up really bad you have to try to fix it! Kelsey will forgive you! Because Kelsey is a good person and a good friend! I know so because Kelsey is my best friend! My crew! And captains lookout for their crew! So stop being a big huge idiot coward and tell my first-mate you are sorry!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
I’m helping so much!
She laughs when Mark tries to shake her off, clinging tighter.
We have got to fix your friendship! I do not want Kelsey to feel hurt or lose a friend so we have to fix it now!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
You have to mean it! Wait were you about to say new bad words?! Can you teach me them?
He laughs and tugs at one of Mark’s arms
The extra words help Father out! It gave him extra information when he was cuddling up with Kelsey and said it would only marry him if he figured out how to take it on a date! Which is silly because you can’t marry words anyway! Father is very very silly!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Also say you want Kelsey to be happy and will do what you can to help!
Mugen points at the letter
You gotta promise to do better and mean it or there’s no point in an apology at all! The extra words said something about father’s timeline?
Mugen goes quiet, then giggles at something unknown before grabbing the back of the chair and rocking back and forth, tipping the chair onto its back legs.
Hmmm…Kelsey is trying to help Father fix is timeline, the one that got all messed up! That’s great right? Who makes the extra words? Whoever says them is really nice to Father.
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Hmmm I did not want to look around when they were hanging out and stuff cause I was exploring with a babysitter so I don’t know! Even if he knows you know it is not the same as you admitting to it and saying it was wrong right? Also how come it is impossible? Is it because Father Scam is going to marry the Grumpy father Jodie? I mean… I have a lot of fathers so why can’t Kelsey just marry Father Scam too?
Mugen pauses trying to remember
What did the extra words say that was suspicious? I’ve never played detective before! But this could be fun!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Mugen looks confused for a moment but then seems to piece it together. Kelsey was also Psi who is the ‘Minutes’ Father was arguing about.
Their girlfriend got deleted? If you pretended not to know you should tell him what you do know now! And he’s dating Father right? So maybe help her not lose father?
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
What’d you do?
Mugen climbs up the back of Mark’s chair so he can lean over her shoulder to see what she’s doing.
Hmmm if I did something bad and my best friend wouldn’t talk with me I would say….‘Dear Kelsey, you are my best friend and I am really sad that you won’t talk with me! But that is my fault because I messed up really badly! I want you to know that I feel very bad about what I did and I will do everything I can to make it up to you!’ And then I would figure out how to do the exact opposite of the bad thing and then do that!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Oh! I know Kelsey! Kelsey and I are best friends! We play pirates and they’re my firstmate!
Mugen laughs but becomes immediately distracted by the bouncy floor, letting go of Mark so he can bounce up and down instead.
How come you have to apologize? Did you do something bad? I can help you ‘cause I am best friends with them!
Mark falls onto the floor of his home, which becomes springy and soft the moment she and Mugen fall into it. He sits up, portal already closed, to glare at the kid and shake him off frustratedly.
"I did not ask for this," she hisses. "I'm already supposed to have a scene where I write out a heartfelt apology to Kelsey, I don't need a B plot!"
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Oh fuck!
Mugen looks momentarily surprised when Goofs realm fades into the distance of the closing portal, clinging hard to Mark the entire time.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
Hello, My name is Martha and We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s warranty! … Aw Father they hung up again! This game is silly, can we play the one where I tell them they won something again?
Mugen hangs up the rotary phone and rocks back and forth where she’s sitting.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Mugen slips in her attempt to climb Mark, making a sad sound and tries again, grabbing her hair this time trying to pull himself up.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
Hello, My name is Martha and We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s warranty! … Aw Father they hung up again! This game is silly, can we play the one where I tell them they won something again?
Mugen hangs up the rotary phone and rocks back and forth where she’s sitting.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Mugen starts trying to climb up onto Marks shoulders, deciding that being taller just like her aunt-uncle would make cheering up her new favorite person way easier.
How many arms do you have? Can you tell me? You have so many mouths can they say different things at the same time? Can you talk to me with one and Father with another at once? How many days old are you? You are so very cool! Can I be like you when I get older? I want to be able to talk to so many people at once!
He grabs one of Mark’s arms and tries to heft himself up further.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
Hello, My name is Martha and We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s warranty! … Aw Father they hung up again! This game is silly, can we play the one where I tell them they won something again?
Mugen hangs up the rotary phone and rocks back and forth where she’s sitting.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
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mugen-actually · 1 year
Father isn’t in danger and even if he was I’m really strong thanks to him so I will protect him! He’s gonna marry Grumpy father , so he won’t be in danger meeting him either!
Mugen manages to pry his way out of Pretty’s hug to hug Mark again.
You seem sad! I’ll cheer you up!
Hello, My name is Martha and We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s warranty! … Aw Father they hung up again! This game is silly, can we play the one where I tell them they won something again?
Mugen hangs up the rotary phone and rocks back and forth where she’s sitting.
(( @well-actually-youre-wrong ))
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