mujinfuu · 4 years
Snowglobe Perspective
I remember when Snowglobe Workshops came around. I didn’t have the opportunity to start taking them until Snowglobe Workshops 5, when Chris Han was teaching second that day. He’s a former dance team member I used to dance with on 909 and I was ecstatic that he was getting a chance to share with the community outside of Riverside. I had missed the first class and after taking his, I decided to stay for the last two. Ever since that day, I would try to make it to more Snowglobe Workshops if time permitted (I even went down to SD when they held them down there). When they had their grand opening for their studio, I was there to take the last two classes. I would then only go there for Chris Han, Chris Zou, and occasionally Gina Hong’s classes. They weren’t very many occasions for me to take multiple classes back then until December of that year. When the new year came around, I would take multiple classes a day maybe once or twice a month up until I took Markus pe Benito’s freestyle focused class towards the end of August. This pushed me to explore freestyling and at the time, Riverside Sessions were slowly being a frequent event and I would attend it a few times only to observe until eventually they encouraged to try it out. Prior to the first time I freestyled, I had taken Shaun Evaristo’s Midnight Masters and if you know me, I have respected his dance journey for a long time now and he was the motivating factor that pushed me to get back into dancing after I didn’t make it on 909. Since that class, I diligently kept taking more and more classes initially to push myself to take as many within a month. Eventually, my approach to taking class and dancing in general changed in way that made me appreciate it even more. This then bled into my freestyling and that mentality helped me be more trusting of my natural choices and more accepting of what I share, whether it was freestyling or taking class or choreographing. Snowglobe Perspective and their staff saw me so often that they encouraged to join their internship. So I did. I’ve been part of staff and working with them for almost 3 years now.
It’s crazy...
6 years ago, I took my first Snowglobe Workshop. 
5 years ago, I took a couple of classes during their grand opening. 
4 years ago, I got to experience Markus’s freestyle focused class for the first time, take from Shaun Evaristo and properly thank him for his impact on my life, and I pushed myself to take multiple classes at the studio while slowly exploring freestyle outside of the studio. 
3 years ago, I joined Snowglobe Perspective’s internship.
I’ve grown a lot all these years through association with them and I can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve done for myself but more importantly, for the dance community. I think their initial motto still stays true to this day, “gives under-represented artists everywhere an outlet to shine.” 
Like many other small businesses, Snowglobe Perspective is experiencing dangerous times that is threatening the future of the studio. They’ve done as much as they could the past 2 months but are in need of help to secure the safety of the space. Any donation amount is greatly appreciated and as a bonus, Snowglobe will be hosting some choreographers for Midnight Master classes on their IG Live throughout this week for the low low cost of FREE!! Check their IG (@watchsnowglobe) for the schedule.
Link for donation: https://www.gofundme.com/f/snowglobe-relief-fund-teacher-stimulus
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mujinfuu · 7 years
sometimes you grow up and look back and the people you used to look up to seem different. it’s a messy feeling. the singer you used to idolize turns out to be just a person, and sometimes a bad one. your best friend isn’t actually that good of one: she treats you like you’re incapable of anything because she’s used to being the better one. the girl you loved is selfish and never loved you back; just loves it when she’s getting attention. the boy you grew up with doesn’t share anything in common with you.
sometimes you try and force these things to fit. sit in cafes with them and realize that you have nothing to say and nothing to do. blame yourself for being tired or hungry or distracted or all three. that this person you loved is in the right. it’s you who is wrong about everything.
but at a certain point you’re standing there and holding these precious things and you realize they need to stay precious. that if you keep trying to force them to be what they used to be, you’re forcing yourself to be who you used to be, too. and you’re different now. a better you. sometimes things need to stay in the past so they can stay good. and sometimes perspective gives you the chance to say “you know what. i think leaving is good.”
it’s not a great feeling. i’m used to being left behind. don’t like being alone. loyal to a fault. but the truth is it’s better to realize it sooner. that there are people it’s not worth it for. that you’ve been trying to see the best in but who will never open the door. that at one point you were maybe right for. 
but they stayed put while you move forward.
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mujinfuu · 7 years
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what a beautiful person
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mujinfuu · 7 years
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“Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know.”
—Alberto Manguel, A Reading Diary (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004)
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mujinfuu · 7 years
M is for Movie. Watch Trip, the short film now on
http://jheneispenny.com 🗺🎒📘 #MAP #TRIP
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mujinfuu · 7 years
Everyone must leave something behind when he dies, my grandfather said. A child or a book or a painting or a house or a wall built or a pair of shoes made. Or a garden planted. Something your hand touched some way so your soul has somewhere to go when you die, and when people look at that tree or that flower you planted, you’re there. It doesn’t matter what you do, he said, so long as you change something from the way it was before you touched it into something that’s like you after you take your hands away. The difference between the man who just cuts lawns and a real gardener is in the touching, he said. The lawn-cutter might just as well not have been there at all; the gardener will be there a lifetime.
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. (via kuanios)
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mujinfuu · 7 years
Dancers: Krystal Gonzalez, Al Ang, and myself.
Watch the video first before reading ahead and form an opinion on what the concept is. What comes next are the thoughts and perspectives that each of us had during and after watching this.
So ever since this video was uploaded to the Riverside Sessions drive, I’ve been watching it over and over again to dissect it. I also got curious about what the thoughts of the other dancers were with this piece both during and after watching it a few times. Here’s the conversation:
Al:  Twilight. Bella choosing between Edward and Jacob but she chose Edward even though last minute Jacob tried one last time. 
 In all seriousness, it feels like a story of two friends. One begins to fall for a girl but little did he know that the girl and other friend had feelings for each other. It became a push pull between the girl who was indecisive and fighting her feelings for the Edward and in the end Jacob kept letting go. 
Even though Jacob came back several times to see if things would work, it always ended in a chase that never had anything truly substantial at all. 
At the last tri-contact, it was the internal struggle with acceptance of their paths as all three reunited in a solemn manner. Excuse my use of twilight chars. Just used the names in place of Friend1 and Friend2
Krystal:  Very much agree on the twilight reference. But my thinking process, whenever I go into a contact freestyle I establish my character to the song and as I’m interacting I figure out the relationships. Since you two started off first together I felt like I was first trying to gather my feet and then al came to me first as a friend would. Then switching to josh in that type of Edward versus Jacob feel. But contacting with al always has stronger initiatives in like touch and feel which allowed me to think about the contrast of wanting to stay and letting go. Josh always has a light feel that has a lot of connection and intention which I brought more of the feeling aspect that drew me in the song especially. Like my hand were tied lmao.
Me:  Really digging the Twilight references Al and I can definitely see what you’re saying Krystal about the contrasts in touch and feel. Here’s my take after watching it a few times (first focusing at it as how it’s presented, then 3 times focusing on each of us individually, and finally watching it with everything previously in mind). 
So initially, it was just a love triangle thing (this is also what my approach was with the song as I got more comfortable with it since I’ve never heard it before). Al and I are friends, Krystal and I were once together but aren’t anymore, Al is there to comfort her but she still has some feelings for me while I’m still trying to figure out what I want (whether to try and take her back or give a chance to someone I know who can treat her better). The final contact we have with each other symbolizes how we just want what’s best for one another and how these feelings clash and fuse and react to one another ultimately ending in each of us turning away from one another. 
Watching us individually, I noticed that there was more to the story. To set things straight, Al is my closest friend who I have known prior to knowing/dating Krystal and she is in a relationship with me. You two have known each other before we were in a relationship and he has had feelings for her ever since they’ve met but has put them aside because friendship and bro code. 
Starting with myself, I seem to be going through something that’s disconnecting  me from both of you guys. It seems I’ve changed and I’m a bit too emotional jumping from aggressive to distant to confused to sad and the cycle continues. Al tries to reach out but I push him away and the madness that goes on within myself is bleeding onto the relationship I have with Krystal, which is also pushing her away. The times when in alone, I’m contemplating whether it’s right for me to keep torturing her in this toxic relationship just because I’m comfortable with her or let her go to be with someone better and be happier. Little did I know, she still loves me and comes back to me so often but the constant clashing of whether to hold on to her or let her go still lingers. In the end, everything that I’ve been going through, feeling, and thinking about comes out. 
Focusing on Al, you can tell he’s just a genuinely kind guy. He’s been there through my good and bad days but this time, for whatever reason and even though I may have gone to him for some help, it seems that I’m not willing to let him do so. He’s also been there for Krystal too and it seems like he’s witnessing the relationship imploding. Those feelings for her are arising again but he doesn’t want to be a homewrecker. These feelings and thoughts come out in the end. 
Focusing on Krystal, we see that there’s something wrong with us, or should I say with me. I haven’t been the same and she’s been going to Al for some comfort and advice not knowing he’s had deep feelings for her for a long time until recently but she’s only focused on trying to fix what we have. She doesn’t want to throw away what we have because of our history but she can’t deny that it’s taking a toll on her. This also all comes out in the end. 
Watching it again with all of this in mind, it’s now a love triangle between a broken and lost man trying to figure out what’s best for his woman, a best friend who has a chance to be with someone he’s had feelings for ever since he’s known her but doesn’t want to jeopardize his connections with either of them, and a woman who is torn between trying to fight for what she has and leaving a toxic relationship in pursuit and a chance of happiness. In the end (and this goes back to the initial thoughts of the ending), everything that we’ve been going through, our feelings, emotions, and thoughts all intertwine, clash, and are released to create this beautiful yet tragic perspective of something I can’t really describe. When the dust settles, Krystal lays in front wondering what to do. I’m laying behind her wanting to tell her to leave me but can’t find the strength to do so. Al initially reaches out to help me again but after I pull away, he turns his back to me.   
I’m probably just overanalyzing this or maybe previous experiences and other friend’s experiences with this is being projected onto our freestyle but that’s what I see. I may have left out some stuff but yeah. It’s good to read and understand what you see in it and how you felt during it. Sorry that was super long but I don’t know. Felt like I wanted to share that and get your take of it too. Thanks again guys.
Holy crap the more I think about it, the more there is to it. 
The relationship that Krystal and I have could have been on the rocks for a while now but it’s only recently that we both opened up to Al. This could mean that I’ve been a complete selfish prick and have been abusing her and I’m not noticing it since this is normal for me. Maybe the thing that’s bothering me is that in the back of my mind, I know what I’m doing and how I’m treating her is wrong and I should do something about it. Maybe somewhere in the middle of the freestyle, I see how happy she is with Al and I’ve realized the girl he’s been talking about that he likes is her. So there’s a chance for me to make them both happy at the cost of mine (but really it’s just the whole history thing with her and how comfortable I am being with her). 
So there’s Krystal and I wanting to keep stay together because comfort and history and Al trying to honor the relations between us both. The solution seems so simple. Al and Krystal should be together and I should respect their decision and move on while I better myself. But I guess you can argue that working through hardships in a relationship only makes the foundation that much stronger and there are other fish in the sea. I suppose it’s about who you want to root for huh? 
Maybe none of us are meant to be together in that way and that we’re all supposed to be friends or maybe not. Maybe whomever Krystal chooses in the end may not be such a happy ending. Maybe whomever stays single will stay single but share their love in different ways. Who knows what’s right and wrong when it comes to love. I suppose it boils down to our choices and how we move forward with them. I don’t know. Sorry I went off on a rant.
Al:  Hahaha dam remind not to catch feels between you two… 
But yes, I love both of your guys input! I can see the interpretation of both views and it’s pretty eyeopening to watch it again after reading each view. 
Whenever I go into a contact freestyle or freestyle in general, I try to establish my motive initially, similar to Krystal and others, often by feeling the music. 
Stepping away from my twilight shiz, and just giving what I was thinking throughout some cause im at work rn…. 
I went in immediately thinking that Krystal and Josh had interest. It was a love triangle between two friends and I went back to how I would act in real life if things happen in a triangle. 
Reseceding back to support the friend. 
Though in the twist of music and emotion and vibes, began to chase the feelings caught. Though each attempt ended in nothingness and I ran away to recollect myself (in character) 
When I returned again for the final section, it was to find peace with both parties and hoping to reconnect what was torn and broken and hoping to start anew only to end in a symbolic tri-collapse of solemn emotion between everyone ie nobody wins in this war of torn hearts etc
Funny thing is we’ve never heard of the song before and this was our first time contact freestyling together. I didn’t even go into what the lyrics meant in terms of watching each of us individually and collectively. It’s amazing just watching all of this and realizing that all of what was mentioned above is conceptualized in a matter of moments throughout the song. 
I’d like to hear your own thoughts and opinions on what this dance means to you.
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mujinfuu · 7 years
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A book collection of my comics is out now! It’s available online here:
Amazon | IndieBound | Abrams | B&N | Powell’s | Indigo
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mujinfuu · 7 years
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So somebody on my Facebook posted this. And I’ve seen sooooo many memes like it. Images of a canvas with nothing but a slash cut into it, or a giant blurry square of color, or a black circle on a white canvas. There are always hundreds of comments about how anyone could do that and it isn’t really art, or stories of the time someone dropped a glove on the floor of a museum and people started discussing the meaning of the piece, assuming it was an abstract found-objects type of sculpture.
The painting on the left is a bay or lake or harbor with mountains in the background and some people going about their day in the foreground. It’s very pretty and it is skillfully painted. It’s a nice piece of art. It’s also just a landscape. I don’t recognize a signature style, the subject matter is far too common to narrow it down. I have no idea who painted that image.
The painting on the right I recognized immediately. When I was studying abstraction and non-representational art, I didn’t study this painter in depth, but I remember the day we learned about him and specifically about this series of paintings. His name was Ad Reinhart, and this is one painting from a series he called the ultimate paintings. (Not ultimate as in the best, but ultimate as in last.)
The day that my art history teacher showed us Ad Reinhart’s paintings, one guy in the class scoffed and made a comment that it was a scam, that Reinhart had slapped some black paint on the canvas and pretentious people who wanted to look smart gave him money for it. My teacher shut him down immediately. She told him that this is not a canvas that someone just painted black. It isn’t easy to tell from this photo, but there are groups of color, usually squares of very very very dark blue or red or green or brown. They are so dark that, if you saw them on their own, you would call each of them black. But when they are side by side their differences are apparent. Initially you stare at the piece thinking that THAT corner of the canvas is TRUE black. Then you begin to wonder if it is a deep green that only appears black because the area next to it is a deep, deep red. Or perhaps the “blue” is the true black and that red is actually brown. Or perhaps the blue is violet and the color next to it is the true black. The piece challenges the viewer’s perception. By the time you move on to the next painting, you’re left to wonder if maybe there have been other instances in which you believe something to be true but your perception is warped by some outside factor. And then you wonder if ANY of the colors were truly black. How can anything be cut and dry, black and white, when even black itself isn’t as absolute as you thought it was?
People need to understand that not all art is about portraying a realistic image, and that technical skills (like the ability to paint a scene that looks as though it may have been photographed) are not the only kind of artistic skills. Some art is meant to be pretty or look like something. Other art is meant to carry a message or an idea, to provoke thought.
Reinhart’s art is utterly genius.
“But anyone could have done that! It doesn’t take any special skill! I could have done that!”
Ok. Maybe you could have. But you didn’t.
Give abstract art some respect. It’s more important than you realize.
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mujinfuu · 7 years
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Drawings by Elliana Esquivel.
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Etsy Shop
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mujinfuu · 7 years
Why is love intensified by absence?
Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler’s Wife (via wordsnquotes)
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mujinfuu · 7 years
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mujinfuu · 8 years
You ruin your life by desensitizing yourself. We are all afraid to say too much, to feel too deeply, to let people know what they mean to us. Caring is not synonymous with crazy. Expressing to someone how special they are to you will make you vulnerable. There is no denying that. However, that is nothing to be ashamed of. There is something breathtakingly beautiful in the moments of smaller magic that occur when you strip down and are honest with those who are important to you. Let that girl know that she inspires you. Tell your mother you love her in front of your friends. Express, express, express. Open yourself up, do not harden yourself to the world, and be bold in who, and how you love. There is courage in that.
Bianca Sparacino (via wordsnquotes)
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mujinfuu · 8 years
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Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.
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mujinfuu · 8 years
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Watch: Their interaction is enough to turn even the grinchiest Grinch into a total holiday believer.
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mujinfuu · 8 years
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mujinfuu · 8 years
I love silent films
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