mukundhingne · 32 minutes
"Where our deepest faith lies, that's exactly where we find our energy…!"
जिथे आपली नितांत श्रद्धा असते, ऊर्जा आपल्याला तिथेच मिळते…! What things give you energy? Even though we have a beautiful idol or image of God in our home’s prayer room, why do we visit every temple we pass by on the road to seek blessings? Even when we are in a hurry, why do we glance at the temple’s spire and offer a bow from a distance? This habit is not out of rigidity but rather a devotion…
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mukundhingne · 1 hour
How do we recognize a man's strength and courage?
पुरुषाची ताकद आणि धैर्य कसे ओळखायचे ? How do we recognize a man’s strength and courage? Understanding these qualities comes from observing how a person handles challenges and overcomes adversity. Strength isn’t just about physical power but also emotional resilience and the ability to stand firm in difficult times. True courage often reveals itself when one faces fear or uncertainty but chooses…
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mukundhingne · 24 hours
"The childhood of a child is meant to rediscover one's own childhood…!"
“मुलाचे बालपणात स्वतःचं बालपण शोधायचं असतं…!” What’s your all-time favorite album? “Some days, an inexplicable fear makes one feel restless. In such moments, there’s a desire to relive old memories that have faded into oblivion. While gazing at oneself in the mirror, the question arises—how exactly did I look in my childhood? Often, we don’t have access to our childhood photos due to habit or…
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mukundhingne · 1 day
"The birth of compassion comes from sensitivity…!"
“दयाबुद्धीचा जन्म हा संवेदनशीलतेतून होतो…!“ Feeling pity, compassion, or empathy for someone indicates that you are sensitive. Because only sensitive people possess compassion. As long as seeing the suffering of others makes us feel concerned for them and urges us to lend a helping hand, our sensitivity is actively functioning. When the pain of others no longer affects us in the slightest, we…
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mukundhingne · 2 days
"How should a simple and straightforward life be?"
“सोपे आणि सरळमार्गी जगणे कसे असावे..?“ Which topics would you like to be more informed about? “With the help of science, we are gathering well-researched information and verifying the truth of whether we can establish human colonies in space or on other planets. We often come across unnecessary or merely fantastical ideas. Gossiping has become a part of our nature. In this fast-paced yet…
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mukundhingne · 2 days
"A relationship that causes pain is like a maze you have built for yourself…!"
“वेदना देणारे नाते म्हणजे स्वतःसाठी रचलेले चक्रव्यूह…!“ “If you view a beautiful woman merely as an object of desire, then the path of love is not meant for you. Once you embrace the idea of treating someone with equality, you won’t even need to search for a partner. The partner will come to you on their own. However, if there’s even a slight mistake in the choice, the journey ahead can be…
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mukundhingne · 3 days
The intense expression of emotions and feelings is what music is all about!
भाव-भावनांचे उत्कट प्रकटीकरण म्हणजेच संगीत….! What would your life be like without music? No matter the language, religion, or region, when it becomes difficult to understand the language of expression, emotions and feelings find their companion in music. Music creates a harmonious symphony that flows effortlessly. It is the melodic expression of the rhythm and emotions of life. The tones,…
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mukundhingne · 3 days
"Farewell to Lord Ganesha, saying 'Come early next year'!"
“पुढच्या वर्षी लवकर या” म्हणत गणरायाला निरोप…! When a beloved guest comes to stay at your home, the house is filled with joy, but when it’s time to bid them farewell, the heart feels heavy. This is the same experience Ganesh devotees go through every year when they say goodbye to Lord Ganesha. Just as we eagerly invite a favorite guest to visit again, similarly, devotees fervently chant “Come…
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mukundhingne · 4 days
"Celebrating a holiday without a mobile phone has now become a dream…!"
मोबाईल शिवाय सुट्टी साजरी करणे हे आता स्वप्न झालंय…! How do you celebrate holidays? How many of us can spend an entire holiday without a mobile phone and still have fun? Not many, right! I tried it once. In just four hours, I completely gave up. Since then, spending a whole day without a mobile phone has become a dream of mine. Because we start dreaming of what we cannot achieve in reality, and…
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mukundhingne · 4 days
"Instead of wasting time on envy, that energy should be put to good use..!"
“मत्सरावर वेळ वाया घालण्यापेक्षा ती शक्ती सत्कारणी लावावी..!” In the attempt to prove that we are better and superior to others, we end up becoming envious. The tendency to constantly compete with one another is what causes people to become envious. Once you develop an envious nature, you don’t just envy those who are better or trying to surpass you, but even when someone of a lower status than…
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mukundhingne · 5 days
Food cooked by oneself tastes even better than that from a five-star hotel…!
स्वतः बनवलेला स्वयंपाक हा फाईव्ह स्टार हॉटेल पेक्षाही रुचकर वाटतो…! Write about your most epic baking or cooking fail. “I am certainly not someone who believes that cooking is only a woman’s job. This is because, during my student days, I lived away from home for education. Sometimes I stayed in a hostel, and sometimes rented a room. During that time, since I couldn’t afford two meals a day…
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mukundhingne · 5 days
"What exactly is the storm in the mind during the evening of life?"
आयुष्याच्या संध्याकाळी नेमके कोणते वादळ असते मनात ? Throughout life, every person shapes themselves by experiencing numerous ups and downs and enduring significant struggles. In the later stages, during old age, what exactly is the storm of thoughts swirling in the minds of seniors who spend the evening of life alone, without their partner? Even when there is a sense of contentment from a…
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mukundhingne · 6 days
"I wish I had learned the violin in childhood…!"
व्हायोलिन लहानपणीच शिकता आलं असतं….! Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. When you travel and glance out the window, there’s a strange longing for the trees, mountains, rivers, and houses that seem to pass by. In reality, you are moving ahead of them, but the charm of that unfamiliar natural beauty still pulls you in. Life is much the same. Even after reaching a point of…
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mukundhingne · 6 days
"A lazy person never makes a mistake…!"
कामचुकार माणसाच्या हातून कधीच चूक घडत नाही…! If someone tells us that a lazy person never makes a mistake, we immediately frown. The first thought that crosses our mind is, “Why is this advice being directed at me?” Often, even when someone can’t find a major mistake in the work we’ve done with great care, they still offer us advice in a sarcastic manner. In my opinion, there are primarily…
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mukundhingne · 7 days
"The dishes made by my mother are always our first love…!"
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mukundhingne · 7 days
"The extremes of love and intense hatred are the true two masks of a person."
पराकोटीचे प्रेम आणि टोकाचा तिरस्कार हेच माणसाचे खरे दोन मुखवटे….! If I were asked what is the greatest characteristic that sets humans apart from other creatures, I would firmly say that it is the extremes of passionate “love” and equally intense “hatred” that define humans. These are the two traits that make not only other humans but even animals act cautiously around them. This is because,…
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mukundhingne · 8 days
"Why do we realize that 'time' is the most valuable thing only after it's 'too late'?"
“वेळ”च सर्वात मौल्यवान आहे हे समजायला “उशीर” का होतो ? We do not put a price tag on the things we love. We are willing to pay any amount for them. Why do we do this? It’s because we want to gain “prestige” in society. There are many billionaires in the world who are ready to spend any amount to pursue their passions. This is not something new; it has been happening for generations. Many…
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