mullmannern · 17 days
M O O N L I G H T ™
Chapter II
On my last sweep of the house, I check each pledge before the party. Moonlight™ is now partnered with Greek life on campus, and it's the perfect tool for hazing. As president, the app recognizes me as their manager, so I alone get to boss the mind controlled idiots around!
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"Pledge!" I snap.
"Yes, brother, sir!" he barks back, yelling it loud and clear without any reservations.
I forget what his name is; Jason, maybe? As long as he's being puppetted around by the Moonlight™ app, it doesn't matter. He'll answer to anything I call him with a rigid smile and a purple stare. He might technically be asleep, but honestly I prefer underclassmen this way. They're much less annoying.
"Scrub these toilets good!" I sneer enjoying the way he hangs on my every word, "You're the janitor for Delt-Ep-Phi's party tonight! I don't want to see any shit or puke unless you're mopping it up! Got it?"
"Yes, brother, sir!"
Just like that, my obedient janitor agrees to my orders and resumes mopping like his life depends on it. At the very least, Moonlight™ has made these pledges more effective. It would have been impossible to force menial work on a freshman without getting a half-assed result. Too many of the guys at this school are rich kids from prep schools: the kind that would be mortified to be near a mop, let alone clad in some sticky maintenance uniform. I bet Jacob, or whatever the fuck his name is, would be mortified to find out that this thing hasn't been washed in years. We just keep throwing it in the closet for the next pledge we have moonlight as janitor. The only thing that makes the dank BO of the garb bearable is the accompanying scent of cleaning chemicals.
I ignore the smell and give the guy a slap on the neck, leaving him to mop the bathroom in silence. My next stop is the kitchen, where I check on my younger cousin Tristan. Tonight, he's just the dishwasher.
"Sup, dude," I say, "Grab me a beer."
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"Yes, brother, sir!" he yells back like an army cadet, obediently fetching a bottle from the fridge and opening it for me.
"How's dish-duty?"
"It's amazing! I love being the dishwasher, brother, sir!" my cousin beams.
It's weird to see him like this; with glowing eyes and forced grin. The Tristan I know is charming and unbothered, normally gliding through conversation with subtle looks and gestures. He's normally got this cool style that wins over girls and intimidates guys, so it doesn't help that he's all dressed up in the frat's old dish-boy uniform. I really hate that an upperclassman wrote on his forehead. That'll make classes next week a bit awkward. I suppose it's just a normal part of hazing, and I'm not going to make an exception just because he's my family.
"You gonna be a good dishwasher for the party tonight?" I probe, taking a sip of beer.
"Yes, brother, sir!" he declares, "I'll be ready at the sink for anything that needs cleaned, and I'll be ready to refill any of my brother's drinks."
"That's right, and remember only brothers can get a refill. Girls have to ask one of us to get it from you," I make sure to clarify. It makes it a lot easier to pick up girls when they have to approach us for their next drink. If only I could use Moonlight™ on them to put them to work as the frat's strippers or something. That'd really be getting the most out of the app!
Heavy bass blares from the other room: the party's getting started. I've already spent too much time with Tristan, so I say bye to my cousin and head on out to the main area.
Standing by the door is our coat rack: his name's Kyle, and he's much better as furniture.
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"Your arms tired yet, Kyle?" I sneer.
"No, brother, sir!" he grins back.
I laugh a bit when I notice someone wrote a 'kick me' message, pointing at his crotch. A guy like Kyle could definitely use a good kick in the nuts. The freshman came to our call-out with an insanely high opinion of himself. He seemed to think he had every right to get in because he was a legacy. Apparently, his dad is rich alumni so we couldn't refuse him, but that didn't make him immune to our new hazing ritual via Moonlight™. He definitely got the worst job in the house. He might not be scrubbing toilets or cleaning dishes, but his arms are sure to be sore as fuck by morning; not to mention all the kicks in the groin he's guaranteed to get!
"Are you gonna hold those coats, pledge?" I snarl in his face, getting only a cold smile in return.
"Yes, brother, sir!"
"And why is that?" I spit menacingly.
"Because I'm a coat rack, brother, sir!"
"That's right, and coat racks don't react when they get a kick in the balls, right?"
"No, brother, sir!"
With a chuckle, I swing my foot into his crotch. Kyle jerks, but his lips remain stretched across his face in a toothy grin. His body can't help but flinch at the sudden pain, but it only takes a second for Moonlight™ to reassert control. Barely a few seconds have passed and he's back, stiffly holding his arms out, sweating from the effort of being completely still.
"Thank you, brother, sir!" he manages to say. I guess one of the upperclassmen told Kyle to thank anyone who gives him a kick. That'll be a fun little party trick!
I give the guy a little slap on the face before I leave. Tonight's party is gonna be off the hook! I've still got some time before it starts, maybe I can catch a minute to relax in my room. It's not that late yet, but I'm starting to feel the effects of a long day. I'd love to just lay down, even just for a second.
Unfortunately, I fall asleep...
The next day, I wake up when my phone dings with a notification from the frat group chat...
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"What the fuck!" I jump out of bed, "What is this picture?"
Though I don't want it to be true, the picture appears to be me. I'm dressed up like some stupid waiter, with the same cringe smile and glowing eyes as any the other Moonlight™ employee, but that can't be right. We only use the app on pledges! There's no way in hell any of my brothers would sign me up like this!
I rack my brain for any memory of last night's party, trying to recall any clue that'll tell me this picture is a lie. The endeavor only hurts my head, but I do notice that I feel unusually sweaty for having just gotten an entire night's rest. My arm feels sore, and my pajamas feel awkward like I was drunk pulling them on.
"Dude, you were a great manservant last night!" one text reads.
"Totally think you should quit that finance degree and be a full-time butler!"
"I could get used to you fetching us drinks and giving us foot rubs!" another adds, "We should have done this years ago!"
I stare at the texts in horror and step into my bathroom. Sure enough, I see the word 'buttler' written across my forehead in sharpie. Someone must have thought it was hilarious to draw a stupid goatee on my face as well. My eye twitches as I stare at my reflection, rage boiling up inside of me.
"Why the fuck did you do that to me!" I text back, "I'm the fucking president!" Even through the phone, my words drip with malice.
"Don't dish out what you can't take!" one replies simply, "Just a prank, bro!"
I try to slow my breaths, but my fists are clenched painfully tight. I'm gonna beat whoever's idea this was! It's one thing for us to use Moonlight™ on freshmen, but I'm a senior and I refuse to spend my last year in this frat moonlighting as a butler! I'm supposed to be getting drunk and laid at these parties! Not marching around with a bowtie and silver tray, serving drinks and whatever the fuck else!
"I wouldn't get yourself too worked up, dude," a guy texts, "You might be in control now that your awake, but remember you're at our whim the second you fall asleep. I could have you scrubbing the floor with your toothbrush tonight if you don't behave yourself. Lol."
The message makes me see red, but he's right. An overwhelming sense of helplessness falls over me. I could beat those fuckers up now, but what would that make them do later? They already wrote on my face with permanent ink! What if they made me shave my head or get a tattoo! Fuck!
This can't be legal, but honestly, I have no idea what the contract stated when we signed up for the app! How do I even go about cancelling this Moonlight™ job? The tech is so convoluted and hard to use!
In the meantime, I'll be lucky if all they make me do is serve them their drinks and do their chores. I guess I can live with that for a short while.
With a grimace of resignation, I text back, "Good one, guys."
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mullmannern · 6 months
The Disappointment
AJ kept a strong face, but his palms were slick with sweat. Tonight had been the first game of the season, and he'd choked. His teammates couldn't even look his way, but the Coach kept a glaring eye fixed on him. AJ prayed that the locker room would be short and painless, but he had no idea what he was walking into...
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"Not you," Coach put a firm hand on AJ's chest before he could follow the team in.
The quarterback looked to his buddies for backup, but none of them bothered. Whatever lecture Coach had planned, he would have to hear it by himself. Internally, he was already groaning in frustration, but he kept up his trademark exterior and asked, "What's up?"
"You're a disappointment, boy," he growled lowly, pushing a fat finger into AJ's chest.
"What the hell!" AJ burst, raising his voice. He may have screwed up on the field, but he didn't have to listen to this crap, "Screw you! None of that was my f-"
"Don't talk back..." the old man cut in firmly.
AJ's mouth snapped shut. It wasn't something he did consciously, but he was too occupied by the coach's hostile behavior to notice.
"...I dumped too much money into this team for you to just throw the game away!"
The quarterback scoffed. He wanted to yell 'What money?' in the coach's face, but he stayed silent instead. His throat had somehow clamped up. Talking back wasn't possible at the moment, so he just rolled his eyes. AJ didn't really care what the man was talking about. He just wanted to shower, go home, and forget about this whole night!
"Put these on!" Coach spat, throwing a set of folded clothes at him.
AJ gave the worn bundle of clothes a look of disdain. His face was boiling with contempt, but he was more confused than anything. Why had Coach just tossed him these gnarly old rags. The thick blue cotton was stained and saturated with a strong smell of body odor. Whatever nasty freak had worn these before had obviously never washed them or himself.
There was no way in hell AJ would put it on!
"Yes, sir."
It took him a couple seconds to realize those words had come from his mouth. They sounded artificially casual in his throat.
For the first time that night, Coach had a grin on his face, but it wasn't a pleasant one. The old man calmly watched as the quarterback pulled off his muddy jersey and shoulder pads. AJ was of course panicking, but it was limited to his thoughts as his body moved on its own.
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"That looks much better," Coach purred with an amused glint in his eye.
The quarterback's mind ran wild, and every muscle tensed up as he tried to break out of this tight grip. From the outside, he looked like he was standing tall, arms flat at his side, feet shoulder with the part inside that crusty old jumpsuit, but that did not match how he felt on the inside! AJ was grinding his teeth in the effort to cry out; his eyes itched from an unflinching glare at the coach; and his butt cheeks repeatedly clenched and unclenched as he tried and failed to move.
Even his face has been commandeered by whatever force had taken over him. His mouth sat in an emotionless pout when all he wanted to do was scream! Even worse, his nose was resigned to taking long even breaths that sucked in the musky stench of the nasty blue coveralls he had on. He was acting as if he were the calmest man in the world, but in reality, he was fuming!
"As I was saying," Coach continued, "You're a disappointment, boy. You understand that?"
"Yes, sir," AJ's voice jumped into action once again, leaving him even more worried.
"No you don't. How could you?" the old man sneered, "I told everyone to forget everything: how I paid a hypnotist to help the team focus on the field. Of course, he really just hypnotized my players to obey me..."
AJ was at a loss for words, which didn't really matter since he couldn't control his mouth. He had a vague memory of Coach giving the team a lecture about focus, but he didn't recall anything about a hypnotist!
"...I paid that hypnotist a couple hundred bucks to give me a team I could control! Did you not notice how different everyone's been acting lately?..."
Thinking back, AJ could remember a distinct shift in the team. It was right after that weird chat from Coach! All of the sudden he and his teammates had insane urges to workout in their free time. It was like their personalities became about watching football tapes and bulking up. They had all been so eager to improve themselves for the team, for Coach, and they talked about it constantly.
All the players seemed to have found a new passion for the sport. Could that have really just been implanted by a hypnotist?
"...It was a waste of money." Coach said definitively, launching into an angry monologue, "That hypnotist was supposed to make my team go to State. The whole lot of you are at my command! I can tell you what to do in your free time! I can tell you what to think, but I can't tell you to go out there and win a game for me? It's bullshit!"
The words stung. AJ had never seen this manipulative and bitter side of the man before.
"Well, I need to get my money's worth out of you, and if all you're good for is mopping floors, then maybe I'll take you off the team and make you a full-time janitor! Maybe that'll teach you to not let me down again, boy."
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"Yes, sir," was all AJ could say.
"I'm tired of looking at you!" he scowled, "Get to work!"
"Yes, sir."
AJ gladly retreated from the man. His head was pounding from the beratement and the fact that his will had apparently been broken months ago. AJ wanted nothing more than to escape the crazy football team, but his body had other ideas. His legs carried him over to an idle cleaning cart, where his hands picked up a rag and spray bottle.
The quarterback looked calm and collected on the outside as he wiped down and sterilized the gym equipment. In the well-worn uniform of a custodian, he was easy to overlook, but he was the only one still shuffling around in the gym on a Friday night. One would think he was the epitome of lonely non-achievers.
AJ wanted to yell. He wanted to kick over the bench he was wiping sweat off of and punch a wall. Hell, he'd even settle for a frown, but he knew it was useless. That hypnotist had done a number on him, and he felt he had no control over what he was doing with his body.
The defeated athlete just hoped his teammates wouldn't get a good look at him as they left the locker room. He didn't think he could handle that much humiliation in one night. They would be passing by soon, but the quarterback assured himself that his buddies wouldn't give him any grief. They had to be just as intent on leaving as he was.
"Listen up, boys!" came a loud call from Coach.
Internally, a pang of worry shot through AJ's chest. 'What the hell is he going to do, now?' he thought.
"Before you go, toss all your jerseys to the janitor over there. I want you all to see what happens to players who disappoint the team."
AJ's face burnt red hot, but he wasn't angry anymore: just utterly embarrassed. Before he knew what he was doing, his body dropped the rag and spray bottle and climbed up from his knees. Turning on his heels, he faced the entirety of his football team, and just like that, they were staring at their quarterback in the degrading garb of a janitor.
"What's going on, AJ?" one of his buddies squeaked as he recognized him and the apathetic look on his face.
"That's your star quarterback boys," Coach announced, only twisting their expressions into more disturbed looks of confusion, "Give them a smile AJ."
AJ's stomach dropped as his mouth spread into a toothy grin. It was the same charming smile he'd used on picture day. He wanted to shrivel up and disappear, but his broad shoulders stayed wide and his legs stood firm while his teammates stared at his smiling face in horror.
"He's a reminder of what will happen to you if you disappoint me like he did tonight!" Coach continued, "I'm having him spend his whole weekend scrubbing this gym from top to bottom! He's also doing our laundry, so make sure he gets those dirty football uniforms."
The football team stood, frozen in a mixture of fear and bewilderment. Half of them were still convinced this was a really bad prank.
"Get a move on!" Coach roared, "Hand over your jerseys! I want you each to give him an insult as you do. And AJ, I want you to thank each and everyone of them for it!"
A sudden wave of monotoned "Yes, sir," statements echoed through the gym. Apparently the coach really did have each and every player under his control.
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It took awhile. With over forty guys on the team, AJ stood there for thirty minutes accepting their unwashed clothes, quietly muttering fake gratitute to each player that insulted him.
"You are an awful team leader," one said.
"Thank you, sir."
"You never deserved to be quarterback," said another.
"Thank you, sir."
Some insults got more personal, "You smell terrible, like really so bad."
"Thank you, sir."
"You are a pain to be around and a bully," said a freshman, which stung the most.
"Thank you, sir."
Some of the players gave him looks of bewilderment, like they didn't know why they were obeying Coach like this, but some looked at him with disgust, like they truly believed he deserved this punishment. He would have crumpled to the floor if it weren't for the stranglehold the hypnosis had over his body.
It felt like hours, but eventually his teammates had each insulted him and shoved their game clothes into his arms, leaving AJ alone with the coach and a giant hamper of smells. His body was still standing tall, but he couldn't hide the wet streaks running down his cheek.
"You better get a load started," Coach said with an amused giggle, "The waterboy told me it usually takes him a full day to finish laundry."
"Yes, sir," AJ answered, though he wished his mouth would shut up. He hated hearing his voice. He sounded more like a pussy than ever.
"Don't worry, AJ," Coach said, putting a hand on his frozen shoulder, "You might be stuck here all weekend but I won't let you drive yourself crazy. You're going to be happy. You're going to love every second of scrubbing toilets and mopping floors in this empty gym."
AJ's migraine began to lift. The weight and depression of the night was rising off his shoulders. He knew it was the god damn hypnosis, but it felt like a drug. He really was starting to feel happier.
"Sure, you'll be doing some of the nastiest crap in your life, but there's nothing you'd rather be doing, right?"
"Yes, sir," AJ was beginning to mean it.
"You know you deserve it. You are going to replay the game over and over in your head and think about what you did wrong. You aren't going to choke on that field again, boy. Right?"
"Yes, sir."
He was already thinking about the first snap, imagining how he could have been more decisive, more aggressive in that moment.
AJ barely noticed as Coach gave him a slap on the butt. He was lost in concentration, meditating on the game he'd lost a few hours earlier, and he began pushing the squeaky metal hamper in the direction of the laundry room. He no longer felt upset, degraded, or alone. He only felt grateful to Coach for pointing him in the right direction, for giving him this opportunity to think on his mistakes. He really did deserve this time as a janitor.
He might have been exhausted and uncomfortable, wearing that sticky uniform in the hot gym, but he only felt peace as Coach locked the door on his way out. He had an entire weekend of self reflection and menial labor in front of him!
AJ was finally alone and free to do Coach's bidding. His lips didn't smile and his steps didn't have any pep, but inwardly he couldn't be happier. The gym was still ripe with the smell of his jumpsuit and the team's jerseys, but he didn't mind breathing it in. Coach had made him understand that he deserved every second of this nasty punishment.
He was the disappointment after all.
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mullmannern · 6 months
Today at the end of our shift we had to attend a meeting "Construction site and control of PPE" The company has established permanent control of PPE, with one of the penalties and sanctions, we have had information on this subject
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At the end we were given a kit and had to place them under the supervision of our managers at our equipment
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You can no longer clean the clothes due to tags. There will be a gantry which will control all your PPE to access the site, if you are missing any, you will lose the allocation for wearing PPE, and you will have to rent for the day the PPE that you are missing which will be deducted from the salary.
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Then camera controllers via AI ensure the proper use of PPE, in the event of infringement one hour of work will be deducted from the day
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For example, not wearing work gloves .
You will quickly learn to respect the safety rules and the wearing of PPE, another concern, in the event of infringement you will be assigned to more difficult and dirty tasks.
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mullmannern · 10 months
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Meet Janitor Ken!
This Ken doll is perfect for doing all the menial services you don't want to do! He thinks of custodial work as an art, and he's eager to get started mopping your halls and scrubbing your toilets! Janitor Ken knows that disgusting work like that isn't meant for better men like yourself, so he'll silently stick to the service corridors and stairs to stay out of the way.
Companies across the globe have already purchased thousands of these dolls to take over the routine cleaning in their facilities. He can work through the night and be ready at a moment's notice during the day to take care of any unexpected messes. He doesn't complain, slack off, or miss any spots, so he's a million times better than your old janitor.
He's a million times more humble than any human too, and he'll be sure to stay out of your way when he's not needed!
Order Janitor Ken now, and he'll show up on your doorstep by tomorrow with all the cleaning supplies he needs to get started!
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mullmannern · 1 year
Hypnotized by the Boss
Aaron hated his job. Every morning, he suited up and clocked in, one day after another. Entering data into spreadsheets each week was more than monotonous, but he continued staring into his monitor and getting the work done.
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He had nothing to show for all the hours he put in. Aaron honestly had no idea why he continued to work in this boring office. This place has made him miserable for years.
Like always, he sat at his desk, crunching numbers until 5:00 rolled around. Noticing the time, his coworkers began quietly rising to file out for the weekend.
Aaron stayed put. Earlier in the day, his boss had asked him to work late.
He hated when his employer did this. Once or twice a week, the boss would keep him in the office for no reason at all. He couldn't remember if these late nights were ever productive.
He couldn't remember much at all about these nights.
Still he sat at his desk waiting for his boss while impatiently checking the time. Aaron wanted to finish up and leave so he could hit the bar.
"How's my favorite employee?" his employer cackled, approaching his desk.
Aaron didn't bother responding. He was fed up, and hated the idea of spending another minute in the office.
"Look, I doubt there's anything I can get done tonight," Aaron sighed.
"Of course there's plenty to do!" the portly man cried back, "I figured you'd love the extra time."
"It's Friday. I just want to duck out," Aaron groaned tersely, collecting his briefcase and standing to leave.
"Oh come on," his boss grinned, "I know how you like to keep...busy."
That word made Aaron's eyes slightly glaze over. He placed his things back down.
"I have a lot of work I need you to get done tonight," his boss went on, "You do like to keep busy, right?"
Aaron's head emptied a bit more, "I do like to keep busy."
"So you'd love the opportunity to stay busy working tonight, then?"
"Yes," Aaron didn't hesitate to reply, already forgetting about his buddies at the bar. The only thought in his head was a subconscious need to get back to work.
"Perfect, Carlos has been slacking off, and we're a bit behind on his work," his boss explained.
"Carlos? The janitor?"
Aaron's employer had already thrown a fat arm over his shoulder, jerkily guiding him down the hall and stopping in front of the maintenance closet.
"Yup, he always cleaned the place on Friday. You don't mind filling in do you?"
"No," Aaron instantly answered, and he realized it was true. He was happy to pick up the slack for Carlos.
"Well, go ahead and get the stuff on. You've got to look the part if you're going to keep busy all night."
Aaron opened the closet and found Carlos' work clothes amid the cleaning the supplies. He didn't hesitate to pull off his own tie and slacks.
The employee's only thought was of staying busy at work. He didn't mind how menial the labor was. He didn't even mind that the janitor's work clothes smelled of body odor.
After slipping the unwashed coveralls on, Aaron turned back to his boss as the man listed off all the tasks he would keep busy with tonight.
"...empty everyone's trash, clean out the kitchen, mop the hallways of course, and definitely clean the restrooms. There's definitely several clogged toilets that will keep you busy..."
With each new task added, Aaron's smile broadened as he thought of how much work he had in front of him; how busy his night was becoming. It was the only thing he could think about.
Aaron's boss discovered long ago that his laziest employee was extremely susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. After just a few trances, Aaron had been implanted with a newfound drive to keep busy at work for his boss.
Knowing his entranced employee would toil the rest of the night away, Aaron's employer strode out of the office and left him there to lock the place up when he was done.
Excited and absolutely clueless to his manipulation, Aaron collected all the cleaning supplies he could carry and brought it out into the silent office floor. Aaron surveyed the work in front of him.
He would definitely be staying up late this Friday night.
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A dumb smile crept on his face. He couldn't help but feel grateful for all the work his boss had given him. That mindless grin remained as he got to work, handling the supplies and chemicals with ease. It was like he had done it hundreds of times before.
Little did he know that Carlos had quit many years ago. The boss had been using Aaron as the weekly night janitor ever since.
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mullmannern · 1 year
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Darryl was sitting on the bus feeling pleased with himself. He’d got his social money, bought a packets of ciggies and was on his way for a booze up with his mates. He was a real chav, with his shaved sides and his hair cut short on top with a high fringe like all chavs. He was wearing his Nike black nylon trackies, white socks and Nike trainers. A thick gold chain around his neck and his Nike baseball cap set at the back of his head.
The bus was quiet with plenty of seats and at the bus stop a workie boarded, dressed in full HiViz, and heavy boots, his yellow HiViz T shirt showing both arms full of tattoos. As he got on he looked around and instead of sitting in the empty seats he sat down next to Darryl and gave him a smile. Darryl wanted to tell the bloke to Fuck off and sit elsewhere instead of invading his space but the guy was bigger  and well developed and he decided as he was getting off soon to just turn and look out the window.
Suddenly he could not work out what was happening but was it the guys building site and sweat body smell or the bulk of the guy tight against him but he started having a tingling sensation moving through his body, a horny sensation and it was all focused on his cock.
‘Shit wha’ts gong on here? I don’t dig men and luv fucking me girlfriend.’
But the blood was forcing its way through his cock and before he knew it he had the stiffest boner in his life, so much it was almost sore, he was so rigid. As he looked down he had a fucking tent pole rising up in his black nylon trackies which he couldn’t hide. As he had a good 7” dick  and thick head it was pressed against the nylon with the first sign of precum staining.
The workie looked down
‘That’s some stiff cock you’ve got there mate. Looks as if it’s wanting to get out.’
‘Shit I don’t know what’s happened. My prick’s never been this stiff and Christ its made me feel so fucking horny.’
‘Well you can’t get off the bus with that pole mate. Looks to me that you need to jerk off.’ Saying that the workie put one of his thick hands around Darryl’s cock
‘Fuck what you doing with my cock’
‘Helping you out mate.’
Before Darryl could shove the man’s hand away there was something in the guys hand around his dick that made him even more randy and he pushed his arse up to feel the full grasp of the hand.
‘Shit man you know how to hold a cock’
‘You like your cock rubbing against the nylon eh?’
The workie was gently rubbing Darryl cock through the nylon and Darryl moved his body to make the sensation greater
‘I think we need that cock of yours out.’
‘What if someone sees?’
‘The way you’re feeling mate with my hand around it I don’t think you give a fuck.’
‘Too right. I’ve never had a guy jack me off but fucking hell you know how to do it.’
‘That’s what guys are for, to help one another. You’ve a good sized cock there.’
The workie pulled back the waistband and forced his hand down inside so he could put his whole hand around Darryl cock. As soon as the workie ‘s hand took out his dick he felt as if it was on fire. He’d never felt so horny and now he wanted to shoot his load.
‘Jesus man I so want to come but I can’t do this on the bus.’
‘Why not, you love me wanking you, you want to see your spunk and I want to see how well you can shoot.’
‘Fuck man your hand is working me up big time. Go on wank me faster I luv it getting me nuts off with you stroking me.’
‘That’s is boy you luv a workie  jerking you off don’t you.’
‘To fucking right. Shit I’m ready, give me one final rub.’
And with that Darryl arched his body and let a stream of spunk shoot up over his Nike top, wave after wave of steaming white cum, all the time the workies hand firmly around his dick, pumping his shaft
‘You needed that boy. Christ you had plenty of spunk.’
‘Shit I’ve never had a hand job like that, it was fucking amazing Don’t know what it is about your hand but it sent such horny waves through me. Fuck look at me top its covered with cum. How the hell am I gonna get off the bus?’
‘Tell you what mate take my Hi Viz vest and put it on  top, that’ll cover it up till you get home.’
The workie took off his Hi Viz vest and Darryl slipped it on over the trackie top.
‘Thanks mate.’
‘I expect that back and by the way you owe me a favour.’ The workie said as he got up to get off the bus.
‘How will I know where to find you?’
‘Don’t worry you’ll know’ he said giving Darryl a wink, smoothing down is own erection in his HiViz trousers, and with that he got off leaving Darryl hugging the HI Viz around his chest.
There was no way he could go to his mates so he got off at his stop and quickly walked back to his flat to tidy up.
‘Thank God its dark’, he thought. Even his jogging bottoms had the last of his cum seeping through making a large damp patch on his crotch. When he got in he took of his trackies to put in the wash keeping his whitesocks on but rather than put on a T shirt he felt he wanted to put the Hi Viz vest back on.
‘What the hell am I putting this back on as the inside is smeared with my cum..’ He was standing in front of his full length mirror as he slipped it on and immediately felt the same tingling sensation moving down his chest to his cock. The pressure and pleasure started giving him a hard on but not just the usual one he had when having a home wank but this felt like an electric shock making his dick so hard and rigid it was almost painful. It was a pain he loved.
‘Fucking hell this is amazing, my cock looks bigger than ever and shit its almost vertical it is so hard,’ as he started to put his hand around his shaft.
He looked at himself in the mirror, his white socks, the Hi Viz vest, his heavy gold chain and Christ did he feel so fucking horny
‘Shit I’ve just shot a load of spunk and now I’m ready for another.’ Seeing his reflection in the mirror as his hand slid up and down the whole length at times rubbing a finger across his thick exposed head almost made him dizzy but seeing his dick and himself in the Hi Viz vest was the best ever wank he had had. His hand quickened it’s speed up and down clenching hard , his foreskin moving back up and down over the head.
‘I’m fucking ready man,’ he said to his reflection and with that he shot a stream of spunk up in the air which came down on the mirror running all the way down
‘Jeeesus what an orgasm is that’ he shouted staring at his cum running down the mirror. ‘Christ I need to give the workie his vest back but not sure where he is.’
As he slept he somehow seemed to see the likely site the workie would be at which was quite local so next day taking the Hi viz vest with him he went in search. He had put on another favourite chav outfit, white nylon trackies so the outline of his cock showed through, a grey hoodie and a imitation Gucci baseball cap. He found a small work site with portacabin, the site being fenced off with fence and gate. He saw the workie come out of the cabin and yelled
‘Hey mate its me, the guy you helped the other night’
The workie smiled and shouted back
‘Yeh I was expecting you. I see you’re all cleaned up now and looking a right fucking chav again. I’ll open the gate and let you in, just about to make a brew so good timing.’
The workie let Darryl in and they went into the portacabin.
‘By the way mate everyone has to wear a Hi Viz vest on this site, its law so you’d better put the vest on I gave you. There’s always plenty here and I have another one as you can see. Darryl looked again at the workie. He was a good 6’ well built clearly did some working out, with tats down both arms. He had a shaved head and big earing, stocky legs in the Hi viz yellow trousers.
‘Not sure about this vest,’ Darryl said
‘Is there a problem?’
‘Sort of but are you sure I have to wear one’
‘I don’t make the rules mate it’s me boss so if he comes back and sees you without one I’m in for trouble.’
‘Darryl put the vest back on over his hoodie and that sensation started again and he could already feel his cock growing under his white nylon trackies, its length inching down the inside of his leg and starting to bulge outwards
‘Seems you have a bit Those white trackes really show what a boner you have. Its not staying down and I can see a nice thick head there.  A problem keeping that dick  of yours down eh?’
‘I think its this vest mate’
Well you ain’t the only one getting a knob on,’ the workie said as he started rubbing his crotch through his yellow hi viz trousers, a large bulge showing which Darryl could not miss
‘Remember I said you owed me a favour when I left the bus’
‘Well now’s the time to pay back . I want that mouth of yours round my cock.’
‘Shit man I’ve never sucked a guy, I ain’t queer.’
So tell me boy, you’ve a fucking huge hard on and I can see you are as randy as hell and you love wearing hi viz and seeing me in  full hi viz which is what got you going on the bus so you can do as I say. Who says anything about Queer. Its two lads having some sex and enjoying each others knobs.You owe me so give me the blow job I’m wanting. After you’ve sucked me off you’ll be on track for the full fuck.’
Darryl’s cock was burning hard, he was so worked up for another spunk session that in spite of what he was saying he really did want to suck the workies dick, in fact he wanted to feel the full length of his shaft down the back of his throat and for the guy to cum all over his face. He wanted it all. Maybe he was queer but what the hell when you’re so randy you’ll do anything plus the guy had a fucking great boner even bigger than his own and see it sticking out of the HiViz was an even bigger turn on.
‘That’s it boy get down.’ The workie unzipped his flies and pulled out a massive thick cock that flipped up when he let his hand go.
‘Its nice and high, smells of piss and last nights cum.’ As Darryl sat in front of the workie so the stale smell made him even more horny. His hand clutched around the workies cock as he moved his tongue all over the head, savouring the taste.
‘Right dirty little chav eh? But not for much longer.’
Darryl let his mouth open wide to take in the helmet and then slowly move down the shaft.
‘For some one who ain’t sucked before you’re a pro but it’s that Hi viz giving you the power. Time to stop the slow suck of my shaft.’
With that the workie took hold of Darryl’s head and roughly pushed it the whole way down till Darryl mouth was tight against his Hi Viz trousers. He was wanting to gag such was the length of cock but the more that went down his throat the more he wanted. ‘Take the full length’ The workie started by slowing moving Darryl’s head back and in so he could feel his cock going fully down but that only increased his pleasure so he started gripping Darryls head tighter and pushing his head further and further into his balls.
By now Darryl had taken his cock out of his trackies and was wanking in time to his sucking. ‘Shit this is fucking amazing. Wanking and sucking this guys dick’ he thought
‘A right little cocksucker you chav. That’s it, really work it, I’m luving seeing you suck dick. Take the full length. I’m ready to give you a mighty burst of cum. Now take your mouth out and let me shoot over you.’
And with that the workies cock erupted jism after jism of white cum spreading out across Darryl eyes and mouth and down his front. The smell of his cum made Darryl lick every bit and he wiped as much up on his fingers so he could swallow more cum and as he wiped up so his own cock burst with his own cum up over his trackies
‘Right little spunk boy you are. Why not lick your own as well.’
Darryl didn’t need to be told, as he scooped up his cum to swallow and mix with the workies.
‘You owed me well boy but we can’t have you going out with all these cum marks. You had better put on some of the clothes here so get you stuff off and I’ll put it into a bin bag.’
‘What am I meant to put on?’
‘What do you fucking think, what you are really wanting to wear. Here’s some workie Hi Viz. A pair of yellow trousers, yellow Hi Viz T shirt and vest and you might as well put these pair of rigger boots instead of these white trainers, should all be your size. By the way none of us wear underpants. We are all commando here.’
‘Fuck what the hell am I gonna look like?’
‘Well like me for a fucking start and mind what you say boy. Now get into the gear.’
Darryl put the trousers on and as he hoisted them up that sensation started again running through his body and got worse as he put on the T shirt and vest. He had always hated workies and yet he felt these were his clothes what he should wear , they were comfortable but even better he felt so sexed up. As he put his feet into the rigger boots and burst of pure pleasure raced through his body almost making him feel dizzy.
‘Tell you what boy you look fucking great in yer hi viz gear compared to that pussy boy chav stuff. You now look like a man, a workie man.’
All Darryl could think about was the fact that his cock had started stirring again like a sweet itch as it steadily grew in length and the feel of it rubbing against the Hi viz nylon was better that any chav gear.
As he started giving his crotch a rub the portacabin door opened and in walked The Boss.
‘So this is our new recruit Joe?’
‘What do you think Boss.’
‘I ain’t no fucking recruit, I’ve just been given this gear to put on for a while.’
‘Not really boy as I put it all in the bin to throw out. This is your gear now. Anyway Hi Viz gear makes you so bloody horny what else do you want to wear?’
‘Whats going on here.’ Darryl said even though his body was loving wearing all the Hi Viz
‘Just as Joe said, you’re part of our team now and there’s just one more bit of training to complete.’
‘What’s that?’
‘That I get to give you your first fuck’
‘No fucking way. I ain’t any fairy’
‘Is that right? This is the guy who let Joe give him the best wank of his life, the same guy who gave Joe the best blow job of his life. Well I’m the guy who’s going to give you the best fuck of your life and besides looking at that cock sticking out of your Hi Viz you’re up for anything boy so get over here.’
‘I ain’t ever been fucked before.’
‘I know that’s why I giving you your first one and once you’ve had my long dick up you you’ll be open for many others. When you feel my shaft going up that arse of yours you’ll realise this is all you want and you’ll soon forget any idea of pussy. You’ll only want men to be fucked by and to fuck. Then you are a real workie. Us guys only do sex with guys in Hi Viz and there ain’t anything better. And don’t worry Joe has a surprise for you. He’ll give you a suck as good as you can do. He has the best throat in the business, ain’t that right Joe?’
‘Sure thing Boss’
‘Talking like this is making me fucking horny for that ass of yours boy. Time I let you see that meat of mine.’
Darryl could already see a large outline of cock in the Boss’s Hi Viz trousers, as he opened his zip and put his hand  down deep down to pull it out. The prick sprang out and up showing a thick vein underneath.
‘Christ that’s a huge cock’ Darryl said almost salivating at the size of meat, the sensation in his cock even now stronger.
‘I ain’t the Boss for nothing boy. A good thick long dick for that arse, now get over here. No need to drop your gear.’
The boss took hold of Darryl and let his hand run over his cheeks.
‘Nice bum you have now let’s open up’, and with that he found a rear zip to the Hi viz and unzipped pushing his hand inside to grab the naked bum. Taking one of his fingers he let it slowly find Darryl’s crack and parted it to allow his finger to slip in.
‘Shit I can feel that Boss’
‘Let’s try the second finger’, the Boss replied as he widened the hole to let his middle finger slip right up.
Without even thinking Darryl started moving his arse tight against the Boss fingers so they were fully up.
‘What is it with this Hi Viz but Christ I love my arse explored and though I’ve never been fucked I want to beg for that cock of his right up me.’ Darryl said to himself
The Boss took his fingers out and let a large glob of spit fall on to his dick rubbing it gently.
‘Seeing its yer first time I’ll make it easier to take all the way in. Once I’ve fucked you in your Hi Viz you’ll never wanna take the clothes off and you only want to be a workie. Fuck that chav bit.’
‘Time for my shaft boy’
Placing his thick hands and arms around Darryl’s waist  he slowly let his cock slip through the rear of the Hi Viz trousers and let the prick find the hole that had been nicely opened by his fingers. As he started to force his head in Darryl let out a cry of pain
‘Christ I hope it’s not all gonna be like this’
‘Don’t worry mate once my head’s past your opening you’ll feel nothing but pleasure.’
Still grabbing Darryl’s waist the Boss pushed his cock further in past the Hiviz trousers and up the arse, Darryl at first wincing as the thick shaft moved further up but the more it slid in the more Darryl relaxed and the more he loved this meaty member inside him, especially as he was still fully dressed in all his Hviz gear. He started pushing his arse against the Boss’s cock wanting to feel every inch of it inside him.  The more he pushed his arse to take the cock the more his own cock became the best boner he ever had, pushing its way out in his trousers like a tent pole the head rubbing against the zip of the his viz trousers. He loved his cock rubbing against the nylon of the Ho Viz, much better than his Chav trackies. Who wants trackies when you can be in full HiViz. His hand pulled at the zip to let it out so he could get his own hand around the shaft.
Joe was standing opposite him rubbing his crotch staring at Darryl’s full length of manhood.
‘Tell you what Boss the boy is loving that dick of yours. Christ what a bloody boners he’s got there.’
‘Wearing all this Hiviz is so fucking horny and shit who wants pussy when I have all these real workie men wanting my arse and cock.’
‘You can say goodbye to being a chav boy, now let’s get my dick fully up your arse.’
And with that The Boss pulled Darryl in tight against his balls so his cock lunged the full length inside.
‘Christ that feel fucking fantastic’ Darryl replied moving his arse to feel it up to the hilt against the Boss’s big balls.
‘So let’s get moving’ and with that The Boss started slowly slipping his prick back to his head and then slowly let it run in the full length
‘Well Joe, time for you to get started by the look of the boy’s cock I can see the precum already oozing out.’
By this time Joe had unzipped his Hi viz trousers and pulled out his erect cock stroking it while watching Darryl getting fucked.
‘Can’t wait to get my mouth around the kids dick, I’m full of saliva at the  ready.’
Joe got down on his knees and grabbed Darryl’s cock opening his mouth wide to take in the thick dick. Darryl felt his cock being taken fully down Joe’s throat and could see the saliva dripping down Joe’s chin. Feeling his dick encased in Joe’s throat made his arse start to work on the Boss’s cock, moving his arse up and down the shaft
‘Fuck I’m being done both ends, this is fucking amazing and I’m still in me Hi viz gear.’
‘That’s it boy work your arse, let me right up.’
‘Go on Boss fuck me rigid. Joe take it all my balls are ready to burst. Go on wank yerself and let me see you cum.’
‘That’s it boy you’re a man now, not a fucking chav. You love us men and our cocks, it’s all you want, to be a workie.’
‘Christ Boss fuck me as hard as you can as I’m ready to explode.’
‘Take my bloody cock boy as I’m about to shoot a whole stream of spunk up your arse.’
‘I cant wait any longer Boss I’ve never had an orgasm like this I ‘m about to cum inside Joe.’
‘Then cum, I’m ready to spunk in you. Joe get that hand of yours rubbing your dick. Ready boys this is it.’
And with one final massive push, his cock inside Darryl, the Boss let rip reams of cum as Darryl let another stream of cum shoot down the back of Joe’s throat, so much that it was oozing out of Joe’s mouth
‘I’m cumming to’ Joe shouted as he shot his spunk over Darryl Hi Viz trousers
‘Christ am I glad I met you on the bus Joe.’
‘You may think you did but I was looking for a chav and you were the prefect choice to make a workie.’
‘Thank God you chose me mate, being a workie is the best ever.’
‘Wait till tomorrow boy,’ the Boss said zipping himself up, ‘the rest of the crew will be back. Now you have had your first fuck with me the others will be queuing up for you. Well make sure we get some work done in between but when you see the lads in their Hi Viz see you they will only be wanting sex. You are a workie now. The portacabin will be stinking of cum by the time is day is out.’
‘Joe why don’t you take the boy home for the night. He could do with another fuck before tomorrow so his arse is still moist and open, and make sure he sleeps in his Hi Viz. He’s a workie now.
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mullmannern · 1 year
Dylan the Park Janitor (3)
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Dylan had never been a fan of hockey, but he had never imagined that the aftermath of a hockey tournament could be so bad. As he made his way to the WestTown ice hockey rink, he couldn't help but dread the task ahead of him.
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Upon arriving, the stench of sweat mixed with cheap cleaning products was overwhelming. Dylan put on his gloves and got to work, picking up trash and popcorn from all over the stands. The overflowing trash cans were a nightmare, but he soldiered on, determined to get the job done.
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Next, Dylan made his way to the locker room. The room was in complete disarray, and sweaty, soiled clothes were strewn everywhere. Trash all over the floor snack wrappers and half eaten food. The players had also wreaked havoc in the bathroom, leaving toilet paper all over the floor and breaking one of the sinks.
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Dylan knew he had a long day ahead of him, but he didn't expect the next task to be so challenging. The kitchen was in complete disarray, with food and grease everywhere. The grease trap was overflowing, and Dylan knew it would take him forever to clean it properly. He put on a face mask and got to work, scraping and scrubbing the greasy surfaces until they were spotless.
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As he finished up, Dylan realized that he had gotten grease all over his uniform, which was already soiled from the cleaning shitty toilets and mopping up spills. He sighed, knowing that it was just another day in the life of a janitor.
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mullmannern · 2 years
Dylan the Park Janitor (2)
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Today was an absolute nightmare. I was put on portable toilet duty for the country music festival, and I don't think I've ever been more disgusted in my life.
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There were so many people in the field and fourty toilets, and the toilets were overflowing with shit one after another. The smell was overwhelming, and I felt like I was going to be sick.
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As i started cleaning the toilets, and it was one of the most disgusting things I've ever had to do. The toilets were full of all sorts of things, and the smell was just unbearable. I tried not to breathe through my nose, but it was no use.
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To make matters worse, one of the toilets overflowed, and I had to deal with the mess. It was everywhere, and it took me hours to clean it up. I was covered in waste, and I just wanted to go back and take a long shower.
I know that this is my job, but I never imagined it would be this bad. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. It's just too much.
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26 notes · View notes
mullmannern · 2 years
Dylan the Park Janitor (1)
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Dylan had always dreamed of working in finance. He had worked hard in school, earning a degree in economics and landing a job at an investment firm. Got a good salary, a fancy office, and a corner office with a view of the city. He thought he had it made.
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But then the recession hit. Companies were downsizing and laying off employees left and right. Dylan was one of the unlucky ones, last in, first out. Dylan lost his job and could not find a job back in finance.
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As his thirty-nine thousand student debt closed in on him, he got desperate and signed up for CRI which promised to provide him with a roof over his head and put a hold on his student debt along with a gradual repayment plan.
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Today was my first day on the job as a park sanitation worker, and I got given my uniform by the department. It was a humiliating experience. The uniform was an ill-fitting, unflattering green coverall that felt cheaply made and uncomfortable to wear. The fabric was rough and chafed my skin, and there were already stains and marks on it from previous workers.
I felt so embarrassed to be seen in this uniform, especially since I used to work in a more professional environment. It made me realize just how far I've fallen from my old life. I miss my old job and the perks that came with it.
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But Maybe one day I'll be able to move on to something better, but for now, I'm stuck in this uniform and this job.
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mullmannern · 2 years
Cs get Degrees
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Kade had always been a laid-back kind of guy, taking life as it comes and never really stressing too much about anything. His mantra was simple: "Cs get degrees". He wasn't one to put in extra effort or go above and beyond what was required, but he managed to coast through school with passing grades.
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Despite his lack of motivation, Kade decided to study nutrition in college. It was a subject that interested him, and he figured it would be an easy way to get a degree. However, as he soon found out, the coursework was a lot more challenging than he had anticipated. Kade struggled to keep up with the classes, often skipping lectures and turning in assignments late. But he managed to squeak by, just barely meeting the minimum requirements to graduate.
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Kade was excited to enter the workforce and put his degree to use, but to his dismay, he found that no one was interested in hiring him. His lackluster academic performance and lack of experience made him an unattractive candidate in the competitive job market.
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After months of job searching, Kade found himself at a dead end. He had no prospects and no leads, and his student loans were starting to pile up. Desperate for work, he took a job as a street cleaner for the town. It was a far cry from what he had imagined himself doing with a nutrition degree, but it was a job and he needed the money.
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Indeed, Kade was embarrassed about his job and tried to keep it a secret from his family and friends.
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mullmannern · 2 years
‘Oh Christ, where am I? What time is it? Oh fuck I’ve pissed in my pants, look at the bloody stain all the way down my trousers. And fuck I’ve been sick all down my front. God what a bloody headache.’
Thomas was sat on the dirty wet ground back against a brick wall, , sitting in amongst what seemed like giant wheelie bins.
“Shit what a fucking awful smell.”
His nostrils were full not just of his own sick but the retching smell of fish bones and meat.
Slowly the picture stated coming back to him. He had just gone to Uni to get his results and what a shock, he had just got First Class honours. He had expected Upper second but shit man, a First. Totally amazing. He was on top of the world, any job would now be possible. He remembered hugging all his mates and like a gang they all went out to get smashed and celebrate. Smashed it was for Thomas as he must have been so out of his mind that he ended up down some back alley throwing up and passing out. While he was out cold he had pissed himself. One side of his trousers were totally stained with piss and he could smell it. With all he had had to drink he must have filled his chinos, once beige and now dark brown and still wet. Suddenly he saw that his cock had reacted to the warm wet piss and was erect stretching down his leg, a good meaty piece.
‘This is the last thing I need and how the fuck am I going to get home looking like this.’
So much for celebrating his degree when he ended up like this
As he started to get himself off the ground he heard the noise of a thundering truck backing up the alley with lights flashing, getting closer and closer.
God I’d better hide between these bins and hopefully no one will notice me . He sat back tight against the wall but the vehicle stopped and he heard both doors open.
‘Christ I’m done for’ he thought
Thomas heard the voices
‘Thank God its dry mate today. Another day just the same but it does me, and soon back to the depot and we can get a ciggie and a beer.
Too right, Joe. Make sure we don’t overdo it. Fucking shame that young geezer took off as we need another bloke on this round. A young cocky apprentice to show the ropes and giv us some relief, know what I mean.’
‘Forget the round mate I need my cock serviced by a young guy’ The other bloke said
‘Me too. Shit just saying this is giving me a knob on.’
‘What’s that noise between the bins?’
The two guys moved one of the wheelies aside and there was Thomas slumped trying to hide between the bins.
‘So what have we here?’
Standing in front of Thomas were two hulking bin men in full Hi Viz gear. Certainly 6’ 2”. One was around 50 with a good pot belly, his thick belt holding up his Hi viz trousers and allowing his belly to sit out over. He was wearing thick rubber wellies, a tight tee shirt and hi viz yellow waistcoat. All down his right area were tattoos  He had a bull neck with double chin all unshaven, and hair erupting from the top of his T shirt. His head was totally shaved. The other guy was younger around 40 better build and had clearly done weights. His 6 pack showed through his T shirt but he wore a heavy Hiviz jacket on top, yellow Hi viz trousers and heavy worn rigger boots. Also a shaved head with a thick black beard and gold ring in his left ear. Not the guys to take any nonsense.
‘Er, I was out celebrating last night and have somehow ended up here, sorry’ said Thomas
‘Nae need to apologise but it must have been one fucking night judging by the sick down yer front and holy shit you have pissed herself as well. Some right ol mess mate
Right, lets help you up.’
The two bin men took Thomas by each arm and stood him up against the wall.
‘There you are. Christ you ain’t too bad, what’s that sticking out yer trousers. You’ve a bloody hard on mate and not a bad one at that.’
‘Er Sorry’ Thomas said trying to move his stiff cock so it was not so obvious.
‘Don’t mind us mate. Good viewing,’ the large one said giving himself a good rub between his groin.
‘You need to sort yerself out’
‘I’m not sure how I’m going to get home like this.’
‘Too right. Apart from the mess you stink mate’
The fatter guy gave his mate a side glance. ‘This could be what we are looking for’ his smile widening.
‘I reckon perfect.’
‘Sorry what are you saying?’
‘We are just finishing our round once we’ve loaded those wheelies and then back to the depot. Why don’t you get into the front between us and we’ll take you back with us to tidy up a bit and get you looking right.’
The two men had no difficulty is throwing the contents of the wheelie into the truck. The older guy got into the driver seat and the other said
‘Now young man get up and in between us.’
Thomas lifted himself into the long seat and the other guy pushed him along so his legs were touching the driver.
‘So what’s your name boy?’
‘What a name, sounds fucking posh.’
The younger one said I’m Dave and the Big Un is Joe. Got that. You’ll know us well soon enough
‘So. What were you celebrating?’
‘I’d just got my Uni results’
‘Oh a clever boy then?’
‘Well yes, I got First Class honours so really pleased’
‘Christ knows what that is, Joe said, but suppose good enough to get you pissed’
‘Yes its great, makes it really easy to get a good job.’
‘Tell you what son you don’t have to look any further than us. You can join us, were looking for an apprentice kid to train on the bins, and keep Dave and I happy as well. You could be a first class binman.’ Joe said moving one of hands off the steering wheel and on to Thomas’s lap giving him a pat
‘I see myself in Finance actually.’
‘Oh do you actually? Tell you what Tam, you sound a right little stuck up shit telling me that. First class binman probably too good for you. I reckon a fucking ordinary binman more like.’
‘Sorry I don’t mean to be insulting but it is not what I have in mind.’
Thomas was sitting tightly between Dave and Joe each of his legs rubbing against theirs more with Joe very time he changed gear. He felt their shoulders up against him, felt their power, had the noise of the Hi Viz gear against his ears. He could smell their man smell and the stale smoke from their breathing. It was like nothing he had experienced before but he felt under their power and he liked it. Liked it so much that his cock started twitching again and lengthening down his trousers. The workies had seen his last stiff cock and he thought they seemed impressed, in fact the older one seemed to positively like and stare at.Thomas had seen him rubbing his own dick and a sly look had shown Thomas that his prick was in proportion to his size. Meaty and tenting in his HI Viz gear.
I daren’t let them see this, Thomas thought, and put his hands over his dick but he could not resist with the under hand gently stroking.
‘No way do I want to be a HI Viz working bin man’ thought Thomas but these men are really doing it for me even if Joe is overweight. They both seem thick but know what they want.
‘Ok Tam that’s us coming to the Depot’ Joe said
‘It’s Thomas really’ Thomas piped up
‘Too fucking posh for me that Tam. Tam it is and Tam it will stay’
‘I’m still a good walk away from home,’ Thomas said ‘and God knows what people will think of my clothes.’
‘You don’t need to worry about that Tam, come into the hut with us and we will sort you out. We have you looking decent in no time’
As he clambered down from the lorry he let is hands slip away and Dave got a good look at Thomas’s dick, not as hard still still poking out. Dave looked over at Joe with a wink
‘We’ve got a winner here Joe.’
Joe walked into the hut with Thomas behind and the first thing was the small of ciggies and general stench of body odour. He tried not to breathe but the more he resisted the more he wanted to smell  and have his lungs full of the stench.
‘A bit of a smell Tam but you get used to it and it looks already as if your taking it in to your lungs. Right lets sort you out’
Joe opened a locker and took out some clothes throwing them down on a seat.
‘These are yours Tam perfect size, perfect fit and will makes you feel like a different bloke. Much better than all those stained clothes your’e wearing. You’ll be much more comfortable in these, just like a second skin.’
Thomas lifted the various items to inspect.
A pair of really dirty stained Hi Viz trousers in yellow with the reflective stripes, a T shirt that once had been white but now grey, frayed at the neck and ripped under the arms, A grey hoodie with what looked like tea stains down the front, a Hi Viz waistcoat and a jacket all dirty and well used. For foot wear a pair of thick cheesy looking socks and Doc Marten boots with yellow laces
‘I can’t wear these to walk home’ Thomas said looking  in disgust at the Hi Viz gear. ‘They look worse than what Ive got on.’
‘Like Fuck’ Joe said ‘You think that piss stain all down your leg looks better. Trust me you’ll look a hell of a lot better is this stuff and feel better.
He picked up a bin bag and shouted ‘Now get out of these fucking clothes and get into the Hi Viz and just do as I say. Take all those bloody puked and piss stained clothes off including your boxers and get into this kit. And don’t worry bout us, we’ll go next door and make ourselves a brew while you change and I mean change   and then well come back in to see the new you and you’ll find out what’s happens then.’
Feeling very self conscious  and not understanding what the blokes meant Thomas stripped off and looked what to put on first. First try the socks. He looked at them and thought Christ these have been well used. He could not resist smelling them. God what cheesy feet the bloke must have had, it was as if they have never been washed but after his first reaction against them he found himself moving them up and down his nose breathing deeply , getting a kick. It gave him a headache and slightly blurry eyed as he slipped them on his feet. Next the Hi Viz trousers. As he looked inside them the guy had obviously always been. Commando and he could see some skid marks on the arse and piss stains at the front. The trousers were well used but still had a stiffness to them. They looked the right size as he pulled them up. His haziness was getting worse but he still knew what he was doing. Next the T shirt, Christ he could smell the BO. Thank God he could get home soon and get straight into the shower. As he pulled it over his head he felt his arms change. Suddenly they did not feel or even look as skinny as usual, there was good muscle which he had always wanted but through his hazy eyes his right arm started changing colour. There were tattoos in black red and blue. All the way down his arm totally covering all the way to his fingertips. He can’t be seeing right surely but as his mind became more boggled he thought yes my arm is covered in tattoos. Thomas slipped on the waistcoat and then the jacket. He was becoming more and more confused and was beginning to forget his name. What was it ?
Yeah Tam, I think . He went to put his hand up to his head to relieve the pain and saw that his hands were now grimy with dirty bitten nails, the fingers were yellow as if with nicotine. They were thick working hands. As he scratched his head where the hell had all his hair gone? He was bald totally shaven like a skinhead. He had strong wavy hair, so he vaguely. thought but he was scalped. As his hand moved around over his face he discovered he had rings in not just both ears but through his nose. How the hell had they got there. His head was throbbing and his confusion was even worse. A small part of him remembered him as the Uni graduate Thomas but more and more he was thinking of himself as Tam, beer and a night out with his skinhead friends getting into a brawl. He stepped into his 19 hole Doc. Martens, thick soles that had clearly kicked blokes on the ground in ne of his angry moments. As he tied the last boot up his head exploded and he thought his eyes were going. to pop out. He stood up quickly and looked into the mirror next to the locker.
‘Fucking hell, fucking great man’ Tam stood there looking at a Hi Viz clothed skinhead with a scar across one cheek and a spider’s web  tattoo spreading up his neck. He looked bloody scary, takes no prisoners, rings in his ear and nose.
‘I’m a fucking skinhead working on the bins. Shit man who wants more? No need to fucking wok hard.  Stcik with thosue stinking bins and the lads here and the getting out and having a punch up after a gutful of beers. Fucking perfect’
Tam was so pleased with himself that his cock had gone rigid and that meaty cock of Thomas’ was even bigger and thicker now and stood sticking straight out in his HI viz gear. ‘Shit man I’m so fucking horny’ he said rubbing his crotch.
The door opened and Joe and Dave walked in.
‘Well, it looks as if our new apprentice is getting off on his new look. So Dave we have our first class young bin man, Joe said starting to rub his own dick.
Tam could not take his eyes off the mirror seeing his image, his prick getting harder and harder and his hand rubbing up and down faster and faster.
‘Tom, quit the wanking now there’ll be time for that soon enough.’
‘So Joe what do you think.’ Dave said
‘Fucking amazing, shit he’s made me feel fucking horny. No way are we going back on the road until he’s been through his initiation with us.
‘I’m ready, Dave,’  Joe said unzipping his hi viz and pulling out his massive thick dick. He spat a big gob onto his hand and spread it up and down his cock. ‘That’s it getting it greased for a big fuck.’
‘I always love looking at that cock of yours Joe’ Dave said rubbing his own crotch.
‘Jesus,’ Tam said eyeing Joe’s prick.  ‘That’s a fucking monster you have there. Are we all going to wank?’
‘No boy, this dick of mine is going up that arse of yours. All new boys get this and all of them want more after as you will.
‘So do as I say now and drop those hi viz  trousers. Lets me see that cock of yours and I know you want a good look yourself. I promise you it’s a thicker dick that’s you had.’
‘I’m not fucking getting my gear off’ Tom shouted
Joe grabbed hold of Toms jacket and pressed his face against his.
‘You’ll fucking do as I say or do want me to force them down around your fucking knees. If that’s what you want then ye’ll get no spit and trust me you really feel my cock being pushed hard up that crack of yours’
Tam lowered his trousers
‘Now look at that cock of yours mate.. Not a bad bit of equipment and nice and hard. Don’t worry you’ll soon get your chance for that wank’ Joe said grabbing Tam’s cock and give it a mighty squeeze, Tam groaning with real pleasure
‘Now bend over facing Dave, that’s it my boy’
Tom bent forward and Joe let another big gob of spit drop on to his cock.
‘Shit that feels good’ as he rubbed his hand up and down his shaft
He took hold of Toms arse and spread his cheeks, bending down to let his wet tongue in to his crack.
‘Christ that arse of yours is high but get’s me more horny and ready for that fuck.’ With one finger he started moving into Tom’s crack moving it around and taking his second finger pushed that in too
‘Shit man.’  Tom moaned.
‘Shut up its only 2 bloody fingers. Just wait.’
Joe stood up and still with his hands parting Tam’s cheeks moved his hardened cock to the hole. Dave standing watching was by now rubbing his crotch.
‘Once you get that cock up his arse Joe then he can start giving me blow job. I love spunking down a new boy’s throat’
‘Don’t worry Dave his throat is all yours. For now I just want his arse’
Ok Tam get ready, this is what you want. It may hurt at first but once up you you’ll be moving up and down my rod begging me to cum insider you.
With his big arms around Tam’s waist he inched the head of his cock into Tams arse
‘Relax mate. The more relaxed you are the easier it will be’
‘Shit that’s one hell of a dick’ Tam said squirming in both agony and enjoyment
‘This is just the beginning. That arse of yours is begging for my big prick, I can tell the way your bum is reacting’
With his arms he started pulling Tom back slowly towards him, his cock nicely greased by his spit forcing its way up.
‘You see what I told you, relax, feels good don’t it?’
‘Shit it’s big, man but I fucking love it.’ Tom replied letting his arse move further up into Joe’s cock. With one shove from Tam Joe’s cock was up to the hilt and he could feel Joe’s beer belly rubbing against his arse.
‘Shit Joe. Let me feel that flabby belly of yours get right into my arse. Push it big man
‘Dave its time that cock of your got a bit of the action. Let our new boy see that cock of yours.’ Joe grunted loving the feel of his dick in Tam’s arse
Dave was ready and almost panting to get his dick out from his flies.
He stood in front of Tam with a raging erection and pulled his foreskin back.
‘See this cock,  Tam, Dave said as he stood right in front of Tams face. You need to get this down that throat of yours. All part of your initiation.
‘Fuck that cock of yours Dave is rank. I can smell the piss’
‘Piss or no piss’ boy, its going down your throat’
Dave took hold of Tam’s head and inched his hard dick down the throat.
‘Stop fucking gagging boy and breathe it’ll be much easier. Let me see that spit of yours running down your face
Joe smirked. Now you’ve got both of us, me up that nice tight ares of yours and Dave’s cock down your throat.
Now Dave you know what you need to do next don’t you as you know I’m the boss
‘Sure boss, and with that Dave lent forward to took hold of Joe’s tits through his T shirt and started squeezing
‘Fuck that’s good Dave, you always know how to get me really worked up. Keep going and with my dick up Tams arse you can squeeze as much as you want.
‘Tam as for you, you can at last get your cock out and start wanking and all three of us are going to fucking erupt at the same time got it?’
Go on Dave move that cock of yours up and down in Tams throat’ Joe cried as he shoved his dick in and out of Ta’ms arse.
‘You love that boy don’t you?’ as he could hear Tam groaning, his hand down working his shaft
Joe said ‘You fucking loving that Joe I can see. Think this is our best apprentice yet. Go on let that belly of yours smack against his arse. I love seeing it’
‘Too bloody right.  Shit man I’m going to come any minute he said as he gripped Tam, around the waist.
Go on Tam suck my dick as if your life depended on it. That’s some fucking throat you have. ‘Christ Joe I am about to come as well. What bout you Tam.?
A loud grunt from Tom and the way his hand was over his shaft said the same.
‘I’m fucking ready. I’m about to empty a fucking great wad of cum up yer arse boy. That’s it Dave really squeeze my tits.
Shit its coming arghhh I shooting now., With. That joe threw his head back and erupted his sack off cum up Tam’s arse
Dave seeing his mate in orgasm shot his spunk down Tams throat, moaning Fucking hell. Shot after shot of cum was too much for Tam as it ran down his chin on to his HViz jacket.
Feeling all this cum spurting into him from both ends was too much for Tam. This is what he always wanted. Real strong men, arse and face fucking him. With one almighty jerk he released jet after jet of young hot spunk all over the floor
‘Fuuuckin hell Tam shouted. I’ve never had a fuck or wank like that. Fucking terrific.’
The three men stood up and flicked off the drops of cum from their dicks looking at one another doing the same and pushed he cocks back into the hi viz trousers so that some cum would stick to the inside.
‘Well Tam that was your initiation to be a bin man.’
‘Joe you said sumthin about First class. I’ve never been first class in anything always fuckin dumb. Dina want to be anything else. Give me ciggies and beer that’s enough for me.
‘I tell you what Tam,’ Dave said ‘yer a bloody good fuck and as far as I’m concerned a first class bin man. Don’t you agree Dave?’
‘The best yet. I knew it as soon as we picked you up. Well done Joe you chose a right one. This time Lets make sure we keep him.’
‘Tell you what Joe, I ain’t going anywhere if you both can fuck and let me blow job you like that. So what say we get back out on the road and get the afternoon bins picked up and make sure we get back here for another session. I still have plenty of cum to get rid off.’
‘Good boy Tam. Dave and I have plenty to give you. ‘
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mullmannern · 2 years
Portacabin Workie
The guys had all packed up for the weekend but a dirty van was still parked out the portacabin. No sign of life but then I was suddenly aware of a guy looking out one of the windows in my direction. I’d been sitting quietly reading the paper , well I say that but I was more interested in looking at the hiviz workies that might be around and who had been working on digging various holes in the road. So I pretended to look at the paper but aware I was being watched. Which workie was it? There was one I really got hard watching. A bruiser of a guy, always dirty, smoking and swearing loudly. He was a good 6’2” burly thick neck always in Hiviz jacket and usually jogging bottoms so when he bent down I could see a well formed black hairy arse and at the front it almost looked like he wore a cock ring as his cock stuck out making a horny outline when seen side on. He was always unshaven with close cropped black hair. He was not at all my type as usually it was fit , healthy well dressed guys but there was something about him that every time I could feel my cock hardening.
The portacabin door opened and shit it was him and he had been looking at me. However he showed no interest , shut the door got into his van and drove off. That’s a shame. So as I was about to get up I saw the door swing open. He had not locked up. It didn’t take much for me to walk over to shut it as no one would be around for the weekend so it might as well look safe.
I put my hand on the door to close and even though no one was around I could smell the stale odour to sweat and piss. He must have just pissed before leaving as in some ways it felt fresh. I’d never been in a workie cabin before and thought what the hell, this is a one off chance to check out. Besides my cock was already stiff as a brick.
I got in and closed the door behind me.. What a bloody mess, there were clothes, hi viz trousers, jackets, helmets, gloves strewn everywhere. The floor hadn’t been cleaned in ages and it was thick with mud and tar. Unwashed cups lay on the table and a big bowl of butt ends.
However next to the door there were clothes neatly hung on a peg with boots on the floor under. There were a pair of ripped camoflague army type trousers, dirty with tar patches and well worn, in fact they looked as if never washed, a ripped blue sweat top, an army jersey where the person had smeared their hands across and holes all over it. At the back was a filthy orange Hi viz jacket covered in grime and tar marks. On the floor a well used pair of rigger boots with the steel caps showing and a pair of crusty grey socks that were once white. Next to the boots on the bench a packet of cigarettes and a bottle of beer.
I could smell the person who had worn these, the sweat, the cigarette smoke, the dirt and without thinking I started to examine the clothes rubbing my hands over them all. What made me do it I don’t know but I lifted the trousers off the peg and started smelling the crotch. Christ it smelt of piss. Obviously the guy was commando and I could see the piss marks where at times he had not shaken his dick. But there was another smell and I could see dried cum marks. Christ he was dirty bugger, obviously wanking on the job and allowing the final drips to stain the jeans. Without thinking I put my nose to the crotch for a quick sniff but as soon as I did a wave a being dirty took over and I rammed my face deep into the crotch breathing deeply and with every breath my cock got bigger and bigger. Thank God no one was around and the more I ran the crotch over my face so my hand started wanking slowly as I was  wanting to cum but at least not yet. I could smell the piss and cum on my face and loved it. There was only one way now and that was to put the clothes on. I quickly stripped everything off and stood there pure and naked with a throbbing cock. There would be time for that wank and when I came I know I would shoot everywhere but most of all I wanted to come inside his camoflague gear and leave my own  dried cum for him when he came in on Monday.
I sat on the  bench and pulled on the crusty socks. God they were yellow underneath and I could smell the cheese. They looked a bit big but I saw my feet fitted perfectly. Next the sweatshirt. I smelt the armpits and could sense the sweat. Did this guy ever wash. But I wanted his smell over my body. Next the camouflage. Like him I was going to be commando and when I pulled them up my cock stuck out like a tent. I could see some precum staining through. They fitted perfectly. As did the boots though they looked 2 sizes bigger than I would take. Then the army jersey and I smeared my hand across it as I pulled it down. God my hands suddenly looked dirty and I even had dirt in my fingernails. They looked bigger and real workie type stubby hands. Finally the HI VIZ jacket dirty smelly, tar marked which I zipped up. That was me in the gear. Christ this was great, beyond expectations. On the bench were a pair of gloves. That would just finish everything and I wanted to wank wearing the gloves and cum in the gear. What happened to the clean cut guy? This was not me. Was it the smell,?  thinking of Bruiser?,  christ what?  but I felt dirty and loved it. I picked up the packet of cigarettes and took one out. What for I didn’t smoke and hated it but now I wanted nothing more than to have a fag and a good deep puff. As I took it out I held it between thumb and second finger. Christ that was so workie but it was instinctive and I wanted a fag and now. But before lighting up I needed to wipe my nose and just drew my sleeve across my face and then brought up a good gob of spit and spat onto the floor. I would never do this but now it was me what I wanted. I felt dirty and a workie.
My cock was now rigid and I started massaging my balls with the gloves on while puffing on the fag with the other hand. I had to see what I looked like. There had to be a mirror some place. Next to the bog (bog? Surely WC) was a grimy spattered full length mirror. I walked over fag in one hand the other gloved hand still massaging my cock and balls. I stood in front of the mirror.
Fucking Hell, who the fuck is this. Shit man what the fuck is going on. This wasn’t even my voice, the words that spilled from my mouth were deep sounding Brummie accent. Jeesus what the fuck.
Standing there staring at me was a forty year old well built, a good beer belly lying over the waisband, in full gear, the cock sticking out, and what a size, fag in hand, shaved head and a good few days growth on his face. My hands were big thick and covered in black hair, with bitten dirty nails. I looked like a footie hooligan with thick neck, squashed nose. Where was the twenty year old fresh faced guy that’s me? I put my hand up to my face and wiped across and sure enough there was the same growth and as I wiped so the dirty gloves left a mark as if I’d been putting in a full day on the roads.
Shit what the fuck has happened, yer a fucking workie. Shite I need a good puff. It was me speaking these words but not my voice.
Yet as I stared at myself and puffed the fag so my cock stood rigid and a leer came over my face. Fucking hell man you look a proper workie, its what you wanted, a right dirty smelling bugger. Christ man have that wank you deserve it.
As I started to massage the length of my cock through the material I heard a van draw up outside and then the van door closed. Fuck what’s going to happen now?
The door was flung open and in walked Bruiser.
I knew it’d be you he says smiling from one side of his face to another
Do you think I fuck off and leave the door open. Who do you think left these clothes you’re now in hanging just by the door. I knew you couldn’t fucking well resist. I just left you, went for a coffee and came back knowing full well I’d have a grimy mate like you standing here. Much fucking better than that cleancut college kid. Don’t look so fucking startled. Its what you wanted. A right dirty Brummie workie. It’s got you going man. A right fucking knob on there Shit you certainly got a big un. Much bigger than your college knob. Pass us a fag before you finish the lot off the way you’re going. Aint you going to say something.
I a’int the only one with a big dick mate. Shit that’s making one fucking large pole in your joggers. Christ this was me saying that and to Bruiser.
Too fucking right. I’ve had a hard on the whole way back hoping you’d be here looking just like this and you’re fucking better than I expected. I wanted a real workie and I certainly have one, he said dragging on his fag.
Then I ‘d better get to work on that cock of yours so come on, flip it out and let me see what you’re made off.
With one hand smoking his ciggie with the other he eased down the elastic of his joggers and flipped out his huge tool, a good 9inches.
Ain’t washed for a few days so you can get this stinking piece of meat down yer throat. We workies know how to give a bloody good blow job don’t we.
Too fucking right. I hope yer right and yer cocks stinks as I want the full taste of yer manhood.
I stubbed my fag out and was down on my knees smelling his cock. Christ he was right I could smell the piss and cum but its what I wanted and all the way down my throat. I wanted to savour his stinking dick so licked carefully around the head taking in the left over piss and taking the full thick shaft in my hands.
Get my prick down that throat of yours. I’m fucking horny as I have been waiting to see you and was wanking all the way here so I’m ready to put a load of cum all down that throat of yours.
Shit, Bruiser I said that’s one big dick to take but don’t worry I want the whole fucking load you can give me.
At that he grabbed me round the head and start pulling me in.
Breathe properly man and get it down you. That’s it. Slowly I felt his sweaty dick move down the back of my throat. He must have pissed just before he came as I had that tang in my mouth and loved it.
That’s it man swallow my whole big prick. I only want workies on my cock and you’re the best I’ve made. Fucking dirty whore man. Go on suck it let me feel those lips of you right round the shaft. He pulled me in and set me out time after time swearing
Yeah fuck it man, take it all, fucking dirty workie take all my cum.
I had hold of his legs and pushed and pulled them as he stood stock still
Suddenly he stopped shoving my head right up to his balls.
Jesus I coming I hope you fucking gag on all that’s coming to you.
I could feel his body tightening and then without any warning he screamed fucking hell and shot a fountain of cum down my throat. I wanted every drop of it and swallowed and swallowed but there was so much it was also spiliing out of my mouth and down my chin.
You know how to suck a man. Shit that was fucking great. Now take the last drop.
As I leant back I took my hiviz arm and wiped the cum off my mouth on chin leaving a big white smear across the jacket.
I ain’t rubbing that off mate so everyone can see I’ ve given you the best blowjob ever.
Too fucking right.
I stood up and as he flipped his cock back into his joggers he looked at my dick.
Now you need a bit of satisfying.
You know what Bruiser there’s only one way that’s going to be achieved I said rubbing my cock and unbuttoning the flies
And what’s that he said
I’m going to fuck you rigid I said as I pulled my prick out. Christ it was big and the foreskin slid back revealing a monster head
You wanted a workie, well you got one and this workie wants a fuck. Lets see that hairy ass of yours.
I’d never fucked a guy in my life having always been the sub but now with the Brummie voice, looking like a footie bloke I wanted my cock up his arse.
Before he had time to reply I turned him round and pulled down the joggers round his knees.
Just what I thought a nice hairy ass and I love hairy ass for a good fuck. So bend over and spread those hairy beefy legs.
Take it easy mate that’s one big prick you have there but I want it deep inside. I knew you were the fucking type as soon as I walked in.
I put my hand between his crack and massaged the hairy bum finding the hole. I shoved in one finger and then two and Bruiser started to moan. Hope there’s a lot more than that coming.
Christ man once this dick of mine is up you you’ll know.
I gobbed up a good bit of spit and smeared it over my cock.
Putting my beefy hands in the gloves around him I started sliding it in. After the first wince it started sliding more easily.
I aint the first to have fucked you mate
Maybe not but youre the biggest. Christ its fucking great. Get it all the way
If that’s what you want I said as I rammed my dick the whole way up  and felt my balls swing against his arse. I felt the hair against me as he let out a long moan.
He was bent over the table sticking his arse out so he could feel the full thrust and my hands were round his waist. Christ he was hairy all over as my hands went round the front grabbing his belly.
You want a good fuck so I giving it. I started to pump slowing so I could savour every slow move and felt his muscles grab my cock inside him. The more he used his muscles the more I wanted to speed up the fuck.
Go on mate gie it to me fuckjng me hard as you want.
I was ramming my prick up and down and the quicker I rammed the nearer I was to spurting a great load.
Christ I’m ready. I could feel the cum leaving my balls and ready to explode. Shit I comin as I qickly took my cock out and let rip with a fountain of spunk all the way up his HiViz jacket.
Fuck man that arse has given me the best fuck ever I shouted in my Brummie voice.
Bruiser pulled up  his joggers and sat back on the bench. I wiped my cock with the gloves and smeared it over my jacket so the cum makes would harden nicely. I put my dick back in the camos and could see some staining coming thro from the left overs.
I never thought you’d be as good as that, he said. All my dreams come true when I set those clothes out for you. Give us a fag.
I lit up 2 fags and handed one to him. Both of us taking long draws.
Now then Mate he said, you have to decide as I’m about to lock up. Your old clothes are over there and then you can go back to reading your paper and being the little perv or we can turf them out in the nearest bin and you come back with me as a Brummie Workie.
I took another long draw, wiped my hand across my mouth and spat onto my jacket
Doesn’t seem as there much of a fucking decision to make, Bruiser. I’m a fucking butch workie who knows how to give a good fuck and can be as dirty as I fucking want. Bin those clothes, I’m.staying as I am This is the bloody life , a dirty workie, with some fags, booze, mucky work on the roads and best yet a good load of fucking with the lads.
When we get back to your place make sure  that cock of yours I had a taste off gets rammed up my arse.
I put my gloved hand down and gave my balls and cock a good rub. Better get going Bruiser I’m as horny as fuck.
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mullmannern · 2 years
What was going on in his mind? James was a sensible final year student working hard and in line for a 1St. After that the world should be his oyster. He had been dating the same girl for a year at college and she was pretty and bright so all in all life was good, in fact great.
But ever since the work on the building site had started next door to his block of flats he could not understand what was going on his mind,.What games were being played. There was quite a group of guys, all the young one with tattoos up at least one arm, middle aged bald or close cropped hair guys with a beer belly and invariably showing the crack in their arse. But they were all in HI Viz gear usually orange. They all wore the trousers with thick steel capped rigger boots some only had a waistcoat on showing their chests and bellies. Others wore T shits with the orange and silver strips and some thick jackets. Certainly he could understand looking at the young guys being a bit jealous of their physique with 6 pack chests and biceps. No wonder they all showed off. But he found he was also interested in the older guys who looked thuggish and dominant types who would take no nonsense.
James hoped that they did not notice him staring at them as he walked by the site or the fact that his dick was making a clear outline in his chinos since he could not help himself getting hard.by or at times when he secretly watched them from his window. He became more and more fascinated and as time went by the guys never seemed to wash their kit as it became dirtier and dirtier with oil stains and muck. He liked that. His thoughts on them all got worse as at night in bed he started thinking of them all and his cock was immediately rock hard. At first he let is subside but soon the sexual side took over and he was wanking, rubbing his hand up and down his dick and then faster and faster until he would shoot a huge load thinking of these guys. He never thought of his girlfriend in these dreams and in fact realized that over the past few weeks he had been making excuses not to see her. And why? The workies were starting to take over his mind
It became worse as he then started noticing the bin men who were all also in Hi viz gear. Generally they were younger blokes who looked as if there was little between their ears and they just aimlessly picked up the bins usually with a fag in their mouths, and filled the bin lorry. They may have been thickos but they laughed a lot, swore a lot and to James looked fucking horny most of the times.
Christ now it’s the bin men taking me over, it was bad enough with the workies but now this. Christ what is happening. I have such a life ahead and yet I man being taken over by these fantasises.  James was wanking every night dreaming that he might be thick a bin man or workie.
He then decided that he needed to get some hi Viz gear for himself. He could hide it in the flat and then dress up in it. Shit just the thought make his cock erect. Standing in front of his full leanth mirror would be perfect watching himself looking like a bin man and jacking off. But the more he thought about the gear the more he wanted used kit. Then he could fantasize of the guys who had been wearing them, getting dirty and sweaty with piss marks inside and who knows they may even have come and got spunk stains. Much better if you are going to go for it you get the used stuff. God the very thought made him wank.
So he started checking out the websites and there was the ocaasional item on ebay but all the other stockists were new. He looked on fetish sites but nothing. Then one night after trolling a couple of hours a place popped up south of the river saying they had the full range of new and also some used gear for the specialist. What did that mean?
James was so keen to check the place out he skipped class and headed over to the shop. From the outside it looked like a standard Hi Viz shop. Gingerly he went is and there were a couple of alleyways with all kind of the gear but all new. The guy behind the counter was middle aged, beefy, shaved head and beard with hairy arms and all he was wearing was a hi Viz bib and trousers, His chest hair seemed to sprout all around the bib.
Hey mate can I help you
‘Just looking’ James replied meekishly
Got everything you might want here mate
I think you may want something from our specialist range. Am I right?
That’s just by  looking at you and the way you are dressed.
Yes that would be great but I don’t see anything on your shelves.
No, these are for the normal lads and the building contractors
Go in through the side door there and I’ll see you.
There was a buzz and the lock opened. James went in.
So you’re looking for some good used gear, is that right.
Er yes please.
Thought so, as soon as you walked in. Some good dirty and sweaty items I would think. If so I can help you out.
Ever thought of being a binman?
No, I’m in my final year and expected to get a 1st.
Well there ain’t any bin man who has that mate. They are all thick as shit but you look as if you’d be good as a bin man. Bet you think that at times when you wank.
James stood in horror but the man had him to a T
Well I’m not sure about that
I am. You need to chill and think what its like to be thick and just go from day to day with the boys, a few fags and pints. You’d love it trust me. I often get jobs for guys with contractors or councils. Anyway lets see what happens and what you find. Go through this next door and take your time to get all you want. One condition. No wanking until you have paid for the gear. I’ll leave you to it. So in you go.
And with that he opened the second door and James went in.
It was like a portacabin but with no windows and bright fluorescent lights. The first thing that hit James was the smell. It was a strong mix of cigarette smoke and sweat. It was almost overpowering and at first James thought he would retch but the more he breathed the more it became easier to the point that he was voluntary inhaling the smell and liking it to the point that his cock started twitching. All around the room  was a bench and above on varying pegs were all kinds of Hi Viz gear all with tags that showed the size On the floor were rigger boots of different sizes and inside were white socks but they were clearly also second hand as they looked dirty and yellow. It was overwhelming for James and it was his fantasy come true. As he started checking out the gear he stroked them all and with each stroke so his cock hardened even more till was desperate to get it out of his chinos. Thre were several 32” waist trousers some in yellow but he wanted orange. Some were more stained than others and he found the exact pair. Full of oil stains with ingrained dirt. The fluorescent strip was almost grey they were so dirty. He looked inside the zip and sure enough this had been one dirty guy, and he had obviously been always commando. James could see all the piss marks. God this is what I want to wear. He then found a pair of rigger boots size 9 with the steel of the toe caps showing and the socks dirty and when he lifted them out he could smell the cheese.
He fancied a polo shirt with the fluorescent stripes. There were a couple his size but he knew which one to choose. He could see the armpits had had a lot of sweat and there were a couple of holes on the front from hard usage. H then soon found the Hiviz waistcoat, a must for any workie and ripped in several places. He next looked for the orange hi viz jacket. He tried on several, some were too long on the arms other in length but one was perfect and full of grease marks and he could see the guy had used the cuffs to wipe away his snot. Dirty bugger he thought but perfect. In the pockets on one side were a pair of gloves dirty and well worn and in the other a packet of cigarettes and box of matches. Not much use to me James thought as I don’t smoke but I love the fact that this bloke did smoke.
He now had the full kit. By this time he just wanted to wank but the guy in the shop had been specific. How the hell was he going to wait until he got home and try the kit on. Everyone would see his cock bursting out of his chinos so he’d have to hold the package tight to his dick.
Suddenly a voice sounded over what seemed a tannoy. It was the shop guy.
Before you go you had better try on to make sure. That door in front of you is a changing room as well as the bog. In you go.
James thought the guy is right, better to get it right but I can’t look in the mirror or I’ll come. He went into the WC and the smell was even stronger than the cabin but this time it was mixed with piss. What a stench. Bet this is what the workies bog is like, bloody hell its powerful but the more he tried to resist the smell the more he wanted to inhale until he started to feel slightly dizzy. Not enough to strip off his college clothes. His ock sprang up aas soon as he took off his boxers and he could see the precum on the tip.. It was as though he was in such to dress up in his full kit. Everything fitted to perfection and he could feel the sweat percolating into his skin. Christ these are real men who do real work James thought. Bloody great guys.
As he was thinking about the workies and bin men, smoke started coming through the ceiling vent, just a trickle at first but soon it was pouring through. It was strong tobacco smoke.It started to fill the room and James thought I’ve got to get out of this but when he tried to open the door it was locked. He pushed he shoved and started coughing his guts up. He could feel the smoke take over his hair, his entire body and he kept inhaling thinking it might help but it was too much.
He fell on to the loo and passed out.
He had no idea how long he had been out but as he opened his eyes the air was clear but his whole body smelt of smoke. I like this he thought in fact I’m desperate for a ciggie. He had his fags in his pocket and quickly lit one up, inhaling deeply, puffing as if he’d been doing it all his life.
That feels fucking better. Shit I should be at work instead of skiving off.
Why the hell am I saying  that James thought. I think I need to get back to college but I’m not sure. Why the hell am I going to a college. I’m sitting here in my Hi viz gear and ciggie in hand . Is that not my life?
James pushed his hand across this head. Where’s my hair.? He rubbed back and forth and all he could feel was a shaved head. Of course it’s been this like for ages what am I fucking thinking. In fact mate why do I fucking think at all.
The door opened and in the doorway stood the shop owner.
So Joe are you ready?
Joe? I think its James but hell what do I know.
Exactly mate you’re only a thicko bin man, so its Joe. And while you were dossing I came in and decided as a dimwit bin man you might as well have your hair shaved. Looks a bloody sight better with all those fucking stinking clothes you’re wearing.
Shit man I sure do stink and why do I have such a cloud in my head but that’s all part of being thick ain’t it.
You can smoke all you want later , James no Joe said, let me finish me fag in peace.
Time to  get up and get back to the bins. I’ve spoken to the manager and he’s waiting for you. You’ll love the job. No thinking just working with garbage and smoking.
Great suit me man  Joe replied puffing on his fag with one hand and rubbing his cock through the Hi Viz with the other
Looks like you’re needing to shoot judging by that tenting going on.
Sure thing mate, a young guy like me always horny. With me fag and hiviz I’m always ready for a wank.
I said no wanking until you have paid for the gear but I’ll take the money from your first weeks wages so why not get that dick of your out now.
Shit man I’m fucking gagging for a wank.  Joe said as he unzipped and pulled out his meaty cock.
The owner started rubbing himself and Joe could see the entire length of the blockes shaft straining to get out.
That’s some dick you’ve got there mate, Joe said
Ain’t been washed for a few days
Fine by me. Who wants to get out of HI Viz gear anyway
So what you doing just sitting there with a fag in one hand and working your prick. Mine needs that mouth of yours. Get over here now.
Sure mate always happy to help out another Hi Viz bloke. Just hope me bin mates like some good hard horny sex.
Joe stubbed out his ciggie and got down on his knees in front of the owner. With his ciggie hand he got hold of the cock while keeping his other hand busy stroking his own.
That’s some fucking cheesy dick you’ve got there.
Quit the talking and get it down yer throat.
Joe started licking the tip and could taste the precum. As he opened his mouth to take more cock in the Owner put his hands around Joe’s head and pulled him in ramming his dick down the back of his throat.
Now that’s a blow job boy
Joe was gagging but having that stinkin dick made him feel even more horny.
That’s it you fucking dim wit. The Owner started shoving Joes head back and forwards quicker and quicker and the quicker he did it the more Joe was furiously wanking.
I’m cumin boy he said as he pushed Joe back. As he pushed Joe’s head back so his cock erupted spraying spunk over Joe’s jacket, the cum running down.
You sure can fucking suck boy. Done that a few times and no doubt you’ll be sucking all those other bin men. Christ I needed that, watching you on my screen pick your gear. Made me so fucking hard. Now lets see you cum.
Joe sat back his hand firmly gripping his cock, rubbing up and down harder and harder.
Shit man that’s some dick you have there and luvly and cheesy just as I like. Fuck I’m cumin, get ready man its going everywhere, I am so fucking horny. Shit here is comes.
Joe arched back just in time for his spunk to spurt out of his cock all over his T shirt. Yeesss fuckin great.Shit I’ve been desperate for that. I’ve been rock hard for ages. No fucking  wonder I’ve spunked everywhere
Joe just rubbed all the cum from both into his jacket and T shirt
No point in cleaning up as my gear is dirty enough. Maybe if the boys smell the cum it’ll get them going.
Right, James, sorry Joe, its time you got off to your job. It’s the best job for you, no thinking just doing the bins. You said you fancied the binmen so now you got the job you asked for.
Yeah its perfect for me. Shit who wants to think much. As long as I’ve got my ciggies, beer and some cocks to work off you cant ask for more.
Joe lit up another ciggie. Took a deep breath as he stood up.
This is the fucking life. Thanks mate for all you’ve done. If you need another blow job or a good fuck let me know. I’m always horny and looking for action. Shit I’m getting hard just thinking about what we could get up to.
Well think and dream about it as you will be back at the end of the week to pay me and I’ll tell you now that arse of yours will have my dick ramming up it. Bugger off boy and get to the bins.
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mullmannern · 2 years
Kade Dallas, case 000432
After missing 5 debt payments Kade was forced by the bank and court to sign a combined 10 year contract for a job rediness training program and subsequently a job as Community Work Operative (in training).
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Kade walked into the training compound as per the instructions of the balif and the program messages. Not expecting much work at orientation, but to his supprise, his supervisor came out hauling a bin full of uniforms and gear.
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Your uniform include a pair of communal boots. (1) Reflective coveralls. (1) Program Reflective jacket for traveling, (2) reflective T-shirts, (1) pair of reflective pants and used work gloves. When you arrive at an assigmed off site work location, you will be assigned a locker where your Uniform of the day will be in the locker.
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Now go Change in the locker room, you're already behind schedule. Get suited up in your filthy gear . You will wear them for weeks and months. They are good protection and convey unity and Professionalism. The're well worn and sweaty, still stinks from the previous operative and smells of months of wearing without washing.
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Here is your issued program ID, you will need this to access programs and resources.
Kade is Assigned to the 3A5H Highway Maintainace team for the next 3.5 months. During this time, training will begin, each evening Kade is to report to the training hall to complete lesson plans of the day and reflect on the things learned from working in the day.
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The 3A5H team is based at the municipal dump and landfill end of the Highway at exit 1. Room and board for operatives are charged at a special rate, taking out 35% of the training stipend before tax. The housing is shared with the garbagemen, waste water (sewer) operatives and a variety of sanitation workers. They live in absolute squalor and spend little time at the housing. Every night everyone gathers at the mess hall to eat company provided chicken and beef tacos. While it causes the runs, it is quite nutritious and gives the men ample protien and energy.
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As part of the Highway sanitation team, Kade the apprentice operative is responsible for the cleaniness and appearance of this Highway from North to South.
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For many people, spring conjures images of flowers blooming. For Kade on the first day of his Job tho, spring brings to mind a much different picture: trash. That’s because as the snow melts, it leaves behind thousands of pounds of litter discarded along the highway
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The reason why this is the dirtiest highway in the system is because it’s near the landfill, people litter anz trash tend to come out of the trucks as they’re on their way to the landfill.
Kade often spends all day bent down and on his knees picking trash.
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As the de-facto most junior member of the team, Kade has the esponsibilities as a roadkill collector is a job that is on call 24 hours per day.
When a roadkill is located, the roadkill collector must deal with both the body and with oncoming traffic – a dangerous feat. It’s gruesome and no words can describe the horrid stench of fresh, decaying, or maggot and blood covered carcasses.
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Kade is tasked with removing these large stinky objects. Roadkill duty means wearing additional protective clothing. Often he rubber hazmat suit itself is grosser than the decomposing road kill. The're well worn and sweaty, still damp from the previous time it waa worn, and it smells of months of wearing without washing.
Ultimately the bodies are transported to landfills, composting facilities, or in some cases soup kitchens.
Kade could not wait for this assignment to be over, but there is not much he can look forward to- the next location and curriculum is unclear to him, the work area could be anything.
Kade can only hope that the next place wont be as bad...
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mullmannern · 2 years
Its time for Heinz to start his new life, he has been enrolled into the State ReAdvancement Program, aimed at raising the standards of sanitation workers and providing the natiob with sufficient lower class workers.
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Today Heinz is to go to the Recycling centre sorting the trash recycling. He is to sort trash by hand as it passes on a conveyor belt. As you can clearly see from the state of all other trainees, their filthy uniform show that all duties very dirty and unpleasant and are used as a form of encouragement by our program to excel.
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When you're sorting waste on the conveyor it's a minimum of 10 hours a day. Heinz and his new workmates are not allowed to leave their workstations. they eat on the spot, drink on the spot they piss on the spot, leading to more and more dirtyness.
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mullmannern · 2 years
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mullmannern · 2 years
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