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     HEY THERE! MICHA here with a brand new REMADE RP BLOG ( SEMI-SELECTIVE, PRIVATE, MULTIFANDOM MULTIMUSE )! Some of this blog is still under construction, but a majority of it is ready to go, so if you want to continue to interact with me or start interacting with me, give this post a LIKE or a REBLOG and I’ll check you out!
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He's here to cause problems
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he’s just sleepily moving to the kitchen for a cherry capri sun with his hair up and his glasses and oxygen on. 
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     HE’S ALREADY IN THE KITCHEN, sleepily sipping from his own strawberry kiwi Capri Sun and making grabby hands at his boyfriend. He’s cold and wants to cuddle Akutagawa, regardless of how small the kitchen chair may be.
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Dazai: *gets hurt in any way shape or form*
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he’s a little thrown off by the sudden shift, the fist connecting with his jaw not unexpected just coming a little sooner than he’d thought it would. 
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his vision only wavers slightly at the other grips at his throat, a sadistic grin ripping at the corners of his mouth as his skull bounced against the wall. he was sure it’d end in a migraine later but what was life without pain?
the knife at his good eye has a chuckle bubbling through his lips as he refocuses on the other.
❝ hit a nerve did i? ❞ he hummed, brows raising. ❝ you seem so much more easy to rile up with akutagawa is mentioned. is that a weakness i smell? ❞ any laughter is cut off a cold shift seemingly flickering across his face, something he was much better at holding.
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❝ if so, how pathetic have you gotten over the years? ❞
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     HIS GRIP AROUND HIS KNIFE AND DAZAI’S NECK TIGHTENS, leather gloves squeaking as he only squeezes harder, silent rage emanating from every inch of him.
     If he had been younger, Chuuya would have already impaled his knife into the other’s dead fish-gaze eye, ripping it out with malicious glee before doing the same to his so-called partner’s insides, spreading out his organs like a macabre feast fit for a destructive and chaotic deity as himself. However, delightful thoughts like that belonged to his younger self, the him existing now much more mature and above such an obvious attempt at being killed.
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     Still, that doesn’t mean he’s not willing to hurt the man in his grasp, physically and emotionally.
     He smiles, something just as sharp and cruel and twisted as the knife in his hand as he leans in, letting out a scoff. “Pathetic? Are you sure you should be lecturing me about what is and isn’t pathetic when you’re the one trying to get me to stab your eye out to fulfill whatever sick fantasy you have,” he softly taunts, moving his knife away from the younger’s eye and instead spitting into it, tossing him aside soon after.
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     “Please. At least try not to act like a desperate whore begging for a good fuck. Contrary to popular belief, most guys aren’t into that.”
     He considers walking away, content with the damage having already been done to the sad excuse of a human being before of him, but then he remembers the rest of Dazai’s words and the primal rage buried deep in his bones makes him reconsider, itching to dig in deeper, dig through flesh and bone until he’s holding Dazai’s cold heart in his hand, dig until he can crush said muscle into a mess of tissue and blood.
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     “And don’t you fuckin’ talk to me about weakness. Last time I checked, only one of us wasn’t strong enough to keep someone we cared about safe.”
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❝ well who else would train the dogs around here? you think your little boyfriend would be where he is today without me or my training? don’t make me laugh chuuya. ❞
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     THE WORDS BARELY LEAVE DAZAI’S MOUTH BEFORE CHUUYA LAUNCHES HIMSELF AT BASTARD, fist connecting with jaw as Dazai’s head gets knocked back with a satisfying smack. It takes what little restraint he has left to not bash Dazai’s skull in, the threat of punishment from Mori and his distaste at staining his new gloves with blood so soon stopping him. Still, it doesn’t stop him from wrapping a hand tight around Dazai’s neck and slamming him into the wall, holding him there with a tight squeeze as he pulls out a knife and holds it up to the other’s uncovered eye.
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     “You better watch your fuckin’ mouth around me, Dazai, or else you might just lose the one good eye you have.”
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@multi-mused-menagerie​ replied: //chuuya vc: go back to sleep and s t a r v e-
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❝ you’d miss me too much chuuya~ ❞
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     “BULLSHIT I’D MISS YOU. You’re the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and the day you die will be the happiest day of my life, you bastard.”
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pulls at one of his earphones to listen as well .
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     HE PASSES OVER ONE OF HIS EARBUDS WITH A SMILE, finally letting his playlist continue playing instead of having one song on repeat now that there’s another listener. Hope you like semi-depressing songs, Atsushi-
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drew these panels from bsd wan because- LOOK AT THEM DANCE IM
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     WHAT IS HE LISTENING TO? He’ll never tell~! It’s vocaloid. It’s literally only vocaloid. Please call him out; he’s been listening to The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku for 3 hours now-
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sir you got a little something on your face-
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          They’re not gonna stop no matter how exhausted this is going to make everyone! So good luck Mr. Nakahara!
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     FINE THEN! Get sick and end up in the hospital with your stomach pumped! See if he cares! And yet, there he goes, already getting onto his bike and following that heavy dreadful feeling to find and stop their idiot before they hurt themself.
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They’re just enjoying some ‘self care’ in the form of hunting down those mushrooms again. They attempted SOME work today (And by some they mean one page.) so they deserved to visit those beautiful pearly gates again!
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     AND SUDDENLY, all the way across the city of Yokohama, Chuuya gets an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion and dread.
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Fun fact: light is made of photons and thereby exerts a pressure upon whatever it touches. Keeping that in mind, this could mean that Chuuya would not only be able to “sense” and differentiate sufficiently dense beams of light (i.e. flashlights, red dot sights, and other laser-based technology), but that he could also alter the light beams' gravitational vector.
In regards to sensing/differentiating different types of light, an important thing to know is that light travels at different wavelengths and frequencies. Using visible light as an example, red light when compared to violet light has a larger wavelength and lower frequency, giving it a different “feel”/look. This applies all types of light, not just the visible spectrum. Going off of that, this could mean that, with enough training, Chuuya could potentially be able to tell the difference between different types of light just by “touching” them, even light that isn’t visible. For example, unlike visible light, infrared light is invisible to the naked eye due and travels at a much wider wavelength. In simple terms, this means that it makes contact with other matter far less frequently than visible light. In more technical terms, it basically means that it exerts far less physical pressure than higher energy particles. Essentially, an infrared laser/sensor would be extremely difficult to detect. However, since infrared light still exerts a non-zero pressure on objects, this doesn’t mean that Chuuya can’t detect it physically.
For an example of this, the best place to look is in season 2, specifically the underground tunnel scene. In that scene, we are shown the night-vision cameras that are tucked away up high and out of sight, only noticeable if you’re looking for them. And yet somehow, almost instantly, Chuuya is able to find them.
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How? Well, going back to the cameras, we are shown that each one has a small red recording light on them.
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If Chuuya truly can sense the photons in light beams, then it could explain how he found the cameras; he “sensed” the red recording lights being pointed at him.
This scene is also a good example in showing that Chuuya is capable of altering the gravitational vector of light beams as well. Right after Chuuya finds the cameras, we can see that he instantly manages to destroy said cameras without moving a muscle, something that would seem impossible.
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And yet, if we consider that Chuuya is able to alter the gravitational vectors of the photons of said light beams, something like this could be 100% possible since all he’d have to do is change the gravitational vector of the photons bouncing against him, specifically making the vector be in the opposite direction and have a greater force.
Another good and more memorable example of this occurs later on in the tunnel when Chuuya ends up in front of the turrets set in place. Again, a handful of red light beams are shined in Chuuya’s direction and, before they even have a chance to fire, the turrets end up destroyed without him moving a muscle, implying that, once again, he altered the gravitational vector of the photons to be in the opposite direction and have a greater force, essentially turning the turret’s light beams as a weapon against them.
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In conclusion, Chuuya can not only sense and differentiate different types of light being shined towards him, but can also change the gravitational vector of the photons those light beams and use them as a weapon (i.e. turn harmless light beams into bullets), proving that once again, gravity manipulation is a terrifying ability holy shit-.
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ME: write your replies before your lecture, you fool ALSO ME: brainrot ft. chuuya taking every young(er) mafia member under his wing from a distance and looking out for them because he’s got a soft spot for kids-
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      If he tells him that he has betrayed me to survive …     … what face would he make then ?  ”
                                    IND. ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA // by boop !                           IND. RYUUNOSUKE AKUTAGAWA // by nathy !
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They’re just… Gonna take Lucy from the guild.
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     “W-WAIT A SECOND! Hold on a damn minute, you furball! Where are you takin’ me?!” Just because she wants to leave the Guild doesn’t mean she’s just going to blindly follow this idiot!
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