multibhasha · 2 years
Why you should learn a Foreign Language?
Learning any new language will boost confidence and increase your self worth as it would be a completely new skill added to a person’s profile. Learning a new language helps you to interact better with diverse cultures and people all over the world.
A Foreign language provides students and job seekers with the ability to score a competitive edge over other candidates who are monolingual. Candidates who are bilingual are given more preference and value as compared to monolingual candidates. If you know any foreign language, it becomes easier for you to travel abroad.
1)Connect with more people -If you know any extra new language apart from your native language you definitely have a better chance of being able to relate to and communicate with the person who knows the other language. People who know two languages can connect about life and their culture and learn new things about the different people in the world. A person can instantly befriend another person if they know the other person’s language.
2)Improve your career -Additional language definitely adds a perk to your resume as if you know any additional language your resume or curriculum vitae is given more preference over the people who know only one language. since the world is filled with diverse people who converse and write in diverse languages if you plan to work abroad knowing an extra language would be an advantage because it will broaden your horizon to communicate with more people and work for a broader variety of firms.
3)Better Cognitive Skills-improved memory, ability to multi-task and better listening skills are some of the analytical and logical brain-related skills that people who know additional languages have. people who speak and write in more than one language are more flexible and more creative. The people who are multilingual have slower mental ageing and cognitive skills also decline later than people who know a single language.
4)Better Travel Experience Broad–Travelling abroad is made an easy experience when you know any foreign language. It is a pleasant experience as you can communicate with the fellow people at your travel destination. It often becomes difficult for people who know only a single language ie English in enquiring about the travel destinations, restaurants or even simple directions from one place to another, from the native people. Many people abroad don’t know English as they are fluent in French, German or Russian supposedly.
5)Know different cultures better-If you know a new language it deepens your connection with diverse people and you learn about their lifestyles and culture. You will be able to understand their dance form, music forms, religion, and their festivals better. You will also get to learn about the geography and history of the country better.
6)Boost Confidence-Learning any new language takes a lot of time, effort and determination, In the process of learning a new language a person is bound to make many mistakes and errors, but the hard work is definitely worth the effort as it will give raise your self-esteem and morale. Learning a new language takes any person out of his/her comfort zone . It’s a huge sense of self-achievement when you are able to converse with any people in their native tongue abroad because you know their language and it will make you feel proud.
So after reading about the benefits of learning a new language, are you also motivated to learn a new language ? if you plan to learn a new language, contact Multibhasa – +91 91133 93188, +91 75490 69371 or email us at [email protected]. Mutibhasa is a language learning hub, so people of all ages can come together whether it is for academic purposes, business, travel or fun. we also provide training in IELTS preparation and corporate training.
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multibhasha · 2 years
4 Reasons why you should learn the French language
French is a widely spoken language globally. Around 220 million people speak French worldwide. In almost 29 countries, French has been declared an official language, which includes countries such as Switzerland, Belgium, Canada and France etc.
About 45% of modern English words have been derived from  French. French has remained a significant language which has influenced modern English over many centuries.
French is a major language in the diplomatic world also as it is spoken as an official language in high profile institutions such as the United Nations, the European Union, the Red Cross etc.
1) French is a universal language- French is the only language apart from English which is spoken widely on every continent. It is spoken throughout the world and is the second language in countries like  Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.
2) Get A Job In The International Market- Having knowledge of French enable you to work in the French companies abroad and also work as a translator or interpreter.If u know french you can work in travel and tourism, hospitality, and education institutions, Embassiesetc. In case you know French you have a higher chance of scoring a job abroad because it is a widely spoken language abroad and almost 220 million people speak French. Your resume definitely gets an added advantage in the foreign corporate world if you know French.
3) If u want to work or study in France or Francophone countries – If you are planning to settle in France or immigrate to Quebec or Canada, you will have to give various French proficiency tests such as TCF and TEF Canada. French is one of the compulsory requirements for economic immigration to Quebec or Canada.
4) French is a simple and fun language to learn – It’s quite easy to learn French as the sentence structure and grammar is similar to English which is known by most of us . Among the rest of the languages like Chinese and German, comparatively French is the easiest option.
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multibhasha · 2 years
How to learn a language fluently
The 4 domains in which you need to gain expertise to learn any language are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. To be fluent in a foreign language, you need to practice and work on all 4 domains.
1. Speaking
Most people don’t practice speaking a foreign language enough because they’re nervous or worried that they are not prepared enough to get started. They also don’t practice speaking as they are shy and lack confidence because they are afraid of making mistakes in the language. Since they are in the learning stage they also fear that they don’t have sufficient knowledge to start speaking any new language as it’s out of their comfort zone. The truth is that if you want to become fluent in a language, you need to practice speaking it. You need to prioritise speaking in your target language to reach conversational fluency in a language.
2. Become a Better Speaker By Reading
Developing and practising your reading skills can make you better at speaking a foreign language. When you practice reading, you notice the new words vocabulary and learn about grammar and even pronunciation. By learning about vocabulary and grammar, you will become more familiar with the language. When you become familiar with the language you can start conversing in the language which will help you to learn the language better. Read children’s books and comic books in the foreign language. Reading will help you to understand the meaning and context of the words .
3. Listening
When you listen to a language, you begin to absorb it. Listening to the words can help your brain to grasp a new language and it improves your learning power of a language. As you listen to a language, you’ll begin to learn to differentiate between words, tones and pronunciations. Listening improves your perception of grasping and speaking a language.
4. Writing
Start practising writing basic sentences like your introduction or about your family, interests, hobbies etc. You can start by writing simple comments or short blogs on social media and the internet. You can also keep a journal where you write basic sentences about how was your day or your feelings about daily life in general. If you have a friend who is learning the language along with you, you can send them text messages in the target language. Write basic emails, letters, and journal entries to improvise your writing skills. Writing also enables you to understand the meaning and context of the words.
5. Consume foreign-language media
Watching tv shows and movies can help in enhancing your knowledge related to a language. Listening to songs and radio news can also help you to improvise your level of the language. Find local music lyrics online and try to sing along.
6. Make use of free foreign language podcasts and apps       
You can learn by listening to podcasts and also by using learning apps. You can also use basic apps like news etc to improvise your understanding level of a language.    
7. Imitate
Imitate and repeat the lyrics of the songs etc whenever you listen to them. This will help your brain to register the words of the language and learn sentences and vocabulary. Pause the scenes and try repeating the dialogues in order to learn about their usage properly. Try watching native language movies and then imitating them as it will help to learn the language better. Find the lyrics online and try to sing along.
8. Read local literature
Every country and culture has its native renowned and expert writers. It’s important to explore the local literature written by the writers of the country in the language you’re learning. Some of the famous writers from a few countries who have written great literature are Miguel de Cervantes of Spain,  Dante of Italy, Hugo from  France, and Tolstoy from Russia.
9. Talk to a native speaker
 If you can manage to astonish and surprise natives with your vocabulary and pronunciation, that’s when you can call yourself a fluent speaker. Speaky provides a global language learning community platform where you can meet people from 180+ countries and talk with them to practice your language skills online. Your friends can be great support while you are learning a foreign language together but natives are definitely a better option in order to gain expertise in a language.
10. Make a vocabulary journal
You can recall, review and memorise words with this journal. You can maintain a separate notebook which will be your personal guide and help you to build a vocabulary of most often used and commonly used words.
If you’re wondering how to become fluent in a foreign language, Join Multibhasa classes
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multibhasha · 2 years
How to Learn A Language By Listening
Listening is a crucial part of any language learning and an incredible learning input tool. Listening is very core of learning a new language when making time to study, you need to make time for listening.
Make sure you listen actively to the audio recordings of native speakers and pay attention to how natives speak and pronounce the words of the language. You need to understand the sound of each and every word and you should be able to distinguish their pronunciations with the help of listening on a regular basis. Even if you’re a beginner and you only understand partial words from the entire audio here and there, it’s good to start getting some basic understanding of the language.
By merely paying your focus on just listening to the language, you will not understand the complete usage of the language. Listening  will help your brain adapt to unfamiliar pronunciations and sentence structures of the language, but an overall understanding of the language will still be limited if you focus just on listening and not understanding the overall context and message of the audio.
Listening is a far more complex mechanism than just hearing the audio as you need to understand the meaning of the recorded words too.
 You can learn a language yourself just like babies and young children acquire speech in the early years of childhood through listening and repeating the words 
It can be difficult to learn a language purely through passive listening, it’s a partial effective way of learning and understanding a language.
 However, languages that are similar to each other can be particularly easy to learn if you already know one of them. A good example would be French speakers learning Spanish through passively listening to Spanish in their everyday lives.
Choose Material Suited to Your Level   
One of the most common mistakes new language learners make is dealing with learning materials which are way too advanced for their level. They directly try to gain knowledge of higher and intermediate lessons without first listening to beginner-level material. Then learners complain that the speakers are talking too fast and it’s difficult for them to make out the words. The ideal listening material is the one that’s a level or two higher than your current learning level. 
Contextualize and Look at the Big Picture
When you are trying to understand an audio or a video clip, keep in mind that all the conversations are spoken in a certain context. Try looking at the big picture, you should make efforts to understand the overall meaning and context of the conversations. Look for context clues in the recordings. If you’re watching a video, try to understand and know about the surroundings. Listen to the “Key Words” for Understanding. So when you try to listen to thekeywords, it means trying to understand on an overall basis what is being spoken and discussed. To practice both contextualizing and listening for the big picture, it’s best to study with audio or video clips that have subtitles or English translations.
Listen for Specific Language Features
When you listen to an audio or video clip, you have to play it repeatedly to understand the various tones, rhythms, verbs, adjectives and tenses used. Try to segregate and listen to the various components in different rounds. So for example, you can pay attention in the first round to the tones and the melody of the conversation while in the next round you can focus on verbs and further so on. Focus on a different feature of the language every time you replay the clip, and you will begin to start understanding the clip.
Watch YouTube videos
YouTube is filled with video clips featuring native speakers having conversations in different contexts and levels of language expertise.
Use YouTube to your advantage by improvising your learning skills, so always pick videos that are just a level or two above your current learning level.
Children’s Shows
Children’s shows have the feature of simple sentence construction structure and slower talking rates as they are made according to the understanding level of kids.
The playful games and the music involved in these shows could keep you interested for hours and even make your day exciting. There shouldn’t be any shyness for an adult watching shows for kids as they can really help in the enhancement of language. Such shows are attention-grabbing and attract multiple sense organ’s attention. These shows can help you understand different contexts and situations of conversations.
Watching movies  and  listening to songs 
Movies have diverse plotlines, topics and genres which are good practice for long-format listening. Foreign language movies will sharpen your contextualizing ability, which is one of the most basic skills you require for learning a foreign language.
Songs also have diverse genres and storylines in them. For example, a romantic love song will have words and phrases related to the topic of “love.” Listening to nursery rhymes can help you build a basic vocabulary and understand the usage of words in poetic form.
Learning a language becomes fun and easy when you learn with Multibhasa.
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