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A partial schema showing relationships between the aerial spirits of the Theurgia Goetia/Steganographia and the human spine.
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Magical seals from Viridarium Umbris by Michael Schulke
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This is a compiled list of all the works I’ve posted here thus far. I will attempt to do my best to reblog this periodically with updates, in hopes of making more blog more easily navigated. You’ll find below the links to all my (applicable) posts – arranged alphabetically and by category instead of simply chronologically. Hopeful this will prove helpful!
Sigils & Seals
Atropa Datura Seal
Catcall Hex Stone
Channel of the Sulfuric Moon (Love)
Circle of Convergence
Control Sigil
Cosmic Channel
The Dream Key
Finding Meaning Sigil
Flower of Fire: Protection from Abuse
The Forge
Grounding the Nexus
Harpy Seal
I Will Learn Patience Sigil
Labyrinth Labrys
The Left-Hand Serpent
Lords of Day and Night
The Lunar Serpent
Mingling Hearts Sigil
The Oracle
Paths That Cross Sigil
Protection of the Innocent
Qedava’s Seal
Qedava’s Seal #2 (seen above)
Revival of the Moon Sigil
Rosa Caveira – Ponto Riscado
Rosa Caveira da Lixeira – Ponto Riscado
Rose of Intimacy ;; Lover’s Embrace
Seal of the Great Goddess
Seal of Lucifer, the Destroyer
Seal of Lucifer, the Mourner
And his story
Seal of the Moirai
Seal of the Planets
Seal of Pomba Gira
Seal of Premonition
Seal of the Scorpion
Seal of the Three-Headed Serpent
See Me As I Am Sigil
Seed of Life
The Seeing Star
The Serpent Sigil
The Serpent’s Lock and Key
Sigil Hour #1: Set 1
Sigil Hour #1: Set 2
Sigil of the Sacred Bull
Sigil of the Snared Dove
Sigil of the Stag
Sigil for the Cemetery
Sign of the Hooded Serpent
Star of Holy Fire
Symbol of the Labyrinth
Traveler’s Protection Seal
Triangle of Existence
A Little Weather Witchery
The Battle Seed of Destruction
The Battle Seed of Protection
Black Dog Cross
Blood Oath to the Goddess
Call To The Black Serpent
Cats and Dogs Curse
Communing with the Dead
Constructing a Spirit Vessel
Demon Conjuration
Door-Bar Boundary
Evocation of The Devil
The Exorcism
Feeding the Black Serpent
Flying With Fire: Hedgeriding Tutorial
Hear Not, See Not, Speak Not Hex
Ignus Faatus Curse
Impotence Cross
Know What You Have Done Spell
La Danse du Macabre (The Macabre Dance)
La Muñeca de Tutela
Little Love Spells
Love Me Tender Gris Gris
Loved One Gris-Gris
Mirror, Mirror Reversal
Moth to the Flame
Mother Protect Prayer
The Night Whisper
Offerings to the Dead
(Past Life) Recollection Gris Gris
Protection for Illegal Immigrants and Refugees
Removal of the Heart
Selective Spirit Door-Bar Ritual
Simple Love Drawing
Simple Love Drawing #2
Simple Truth Spell
The Soul-Alchemist’s Trap Box
Spirit Snare
To Conjure A Familiar Spirit
To Remove An Affliction: Magical or Mundane
To Ribbons Curse
To Poison the Mind (Curse)
Transmogrification of the Spirit
Walk-A-Mile Hex
Walking on Water – Hedgeriding Tutorial
The Witches’ Baptism
The Witches’ Web
Wheel of Misfortune
Yerba Del Diablo – The Flying Stone
Magical Recipes
10 Dollar Oil
Attraction Oil
Conquered Heart Oil
Crown of Thorns Oil
Goofer Dust
Guierda’s Philtre (Potion)
Ivy Purse Recipes
Money Power Glory Oil
Whore of Babylon Oil
X Oil
Dreams, Visions & Anecdotes
Creatures of the Hospital
Dreams of the Aztec Gods
Great Goddess Vision
Nazirite Dream
Red Palms Dream
Red Women
Red Women, Response 1
Red Women, Response 2
Spider Queen
Beliefs Behind the Trap Box
Breathing Life (into Poppets)
Channeling Your Power (Ask)
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
Cigarettes & Witchcraft
Cleansing Without Sage
The Crossroads
The Devotion of Sound
Divination With Playing Cards
Ecstatic Witchcraft
Hierarchy of the Soul
The Lines of Ancestry
The Minoan Great Goddess
Morality With Q: Session #1
Music In Witchcraft
My House Is Haunted (Ask)
Practical and Ritual Correlations Between Cooking & the Craft
Principles of Magic – Ask
Qedavian Apocrypha
Qedavian Apocrypha 2
Rosa Caveira
Sacred Fire (with recipe)
Setting The Table
Sigil Making Process (Ask)
The Spider
Sulphur: The Indispensable Mineral (Element)
Throwin’ the Bones (Bones Divination Tutorial)
Tuning to the Dead
Tutorial on Qedavian Script
The Witches’ Web
Seal of the Black Mother
Seal of the Earth Mother
Seal of the Lady of the Depths
Seal of the Queen of Heaven
Seal of the Red Queen
Wheel of Archetypes
Evocation of the Black Mother
Evocation of the Earth Mother
Evocation of the Lady of the Depths
Evocation of the Queen of Heaven
Evocation of the Red Queen
Mistress Mary
Mistress Mary (General Info)
Evocation of Mistress Mary
Dame Alice Seal & Poem
Maria Satanica: Rise and Fall
“Unholy” Saints
Candace: the 4 Kandakes of Kush
Resolution of the Kandakes
Deborah: The Prophetess
To Overcome Any Odds
Delilah: the Temptress
Dominion of Delilah
Dinah: Of Rose & Honey
Binding Hearts The Flames of Retribution
Huldah: the Prophetess
Key of Huldah
Queen Jezebel, the Fierce
Curse of Jezebel
Queen of Sheba
Sheba’s Bath
Rahab: the Harlot
The Coin of Favor
Witch of Endor
To Acquiesce Information from the Dead
Witchy Playlists
The Descent of Orpheus Black
Elements: Air
Elements: Earth
Elements: Fire
Elements: Spirit
Elements: Water
Hymn of the Black Swamp
Maria Padilha
Mistress Mary/The Black Cathedral
RAKALA (Red Queen Playlist)
The Reanimation of Venus
Red Queen
Ritual Music
Ritual Music II
Serpent Mother
The Mountain
Rosa Caveira Playlists:
Rosa Caveira (never before posted on tumblr)
Lady of the Boneyard
Fire in the Bones
The Garden of Your Birth
As Above Poem – Lucifer
The First Witch & the Birth of the Devil (Poem)
The Labyrinth – Prayer to Ariadne
Lady of the Boneyard – Rosa Caveira “Hymn” (Ponto Cantado)
Let Us Ride Poem
Love Rhyme
The Noguerra Estate – Short Story
Qedavian Script
Qedavian Tarot 1
Qedavian Tarot 2
Red Queen Recitation
Red Queen Summons
The Serpent Song
Sigil Ask: Channel of the Sulphuric Moon Explanation
‘’New’’ additions appear in bold.
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Rahab: The Harlot
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Patroness of: Beauty, Sex Workers, Business, Families (of the Womb and the Covenant), Female Bonds of Friendship, Devotion, Guidance, Secrets, Change – She is the Innkeeper, Queen and Lady of the Brothel: Mother to the Orphaned, Protector of the Innocent, Keeper of Secrets – It is she who knows All Secrets, she is the Ever-Vigilant, and will stop at nothing to protect those in her care: as such, she is strongly Maternal – but, so, too is she a woman of Great Beauty – she is a Creature of the Night, she is the Street-Walker, the Goods Peddler, and the Barkeep. Patroness of Cosmetics, Wares and Elixirs. (for the more spiritual side of Rahab, see Rahab: The Qedesha)
Call upon her for works of: Beauty, Love, Business and Financial Success, Change/Adaptability, and Protection – particularly in guarding Secrets, self and home. While she, too, Knows All (much like The Witch of Endor) her secrets cannot be bought – only earned, and even then, only to an extent. Her business relies on her ability to Observe and remain Silent – as such, she might also take the roll of therapist: all you need to do is ask.
Symbols: The Red Cord & Copper Coins
For the Story of Rahab, see: The Bible Gateway (for a less than unbiased interpretation)
“Lady of Ill-Repute,
Harlot of the Street –
Rahab, bound –
In scarlet garment;
Bedecked in jewels
Of lechery –
Your Crown is polished –
Unbound by –
The Offense of any man,
For business –
Is business;
Red Lady –
Gnash a golden tooth –
And check the worth
Of any coin –
Or Soul –
Who clambers
To your House
Upon the Gates
Of Jericho;
Know my worth –
For I know yours:
Lady of Changing Tides,
Keeper of the Whispers;
For I am a –
Let down your
Vermillion rope,
Ra-Hab –
And I will scale
These crumbling –
A coin of copper,
For your troubles;
And I’ll bestow you
A secret, too –
One you know
To be true –
For it is one
We both know.”
The Coin of Favor
To garner the favor of Rahab, enter an establishment in which she would reign: bar, hotel, bordello, even a gas station – simply a place in which a wayward traveler might get some peace. Buy something, anything will do, but pay in cash. From the change you’ll inevitably receive, locate a copper (toned) coin, such as a penny. Light (1) red candle, and hold the penny in your left hand – then read the above prayer, tacking on:
“I ask of you –
Lady Rahab,
To lend me thus:
Your favor,
Protect me in my –
Lead me hence –
Through Darkness;
And bestow on me:
Your radiance –
Beauty –
And Charm;”
On a slip of paper, write out a secret – one you’ve never spoken aloud. Dip the coin in the hot wax of the candle and seal it to the paper. Wrap them both in red thread or string and hang the charm in your window. After (7) days, bury on a corner or carry it on your person to ensure Rahab’s blessing.
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This is a compiled list of all the works I’ve posted here thus far. I will attempt to do my best to reblog this periodically with updates, in hopes of making more blog more easily navigated. You’ll find below the links to all my (applicable) posts – arranged alphabetically and by category instead of simply chronologically. Hopeful this will prove helpful!
Sigils & Seals
Atropa Datura Seal
Catcall Hex Stone
Channel of the Sulfuric Moon (Love)
Circle of Convergence
Control Sigil
Cosmic Channel
The Dream Key
Finding Meaning Sigil
Flower of Fire: Protection from Abuse
The Forge
Grounding the Nexus
Harpy Seal
I Will Learn Patience Sigil
Labyrinth Labrys
The Left-Hand Serpent
Lords of Day and Night
The Lunar Serpent
Mingling Hearts Sigil
The Oracle
Paths That Cross Sigil
Protection of the Innocent
Qedava’s Seal
Qedava’s Seal #2 (seen above)
Revival of the Moon Sigil
Rosa Caveira – Ponto Riscado
Rosa Caveira da Lixeira – Ponto Riscado
Rose of Intimacy ;; Lover’s Embrace
Seal of the Great Goddess
Seal of Lucifer, the Destroyer
Seal of Lucifer, the Mourner
And his story
Seal of the Moirai
Seal of the Planets
Seal of Pomba Gira
Seal of Premonition
Seal of the Scorpion
Seal of the Three-Headed Serpent
See Me As I Am Sigil
Seed of Life
The Seeing Star
The Serpent Sigil
The Serpent’s Lock and Key
Sigil Hour #1: Set 1
Sigil Hour #1: Set 2
Sigil of the Sacred Bull
Sigil of the Snared Dove
Sigil of the Stag
Sigil for the Cemetery
Sign of the Hooded Serpent
Star of Holy Fire
Symbol of the Labyrinth
Traveler’s Protection Seal
Triangle of Existence
A Little Weather Witchery
The Battle Seed of Destruction
The Battle Seed of Protection
Black Dog Cross
Blood Oath to the Goddess
Call To The Black Serpent
Cats and Dogs Curse
Communing with the Dead
Constructing a Spirit Vessel
Demon Conjuration
Door-Bar Boundary
Evocation of The Devil
The Exorcism
Feeding the Black Serpent
Flying With Fire: Hedgeriding Tutorial
Hear Not, See Not, Speak Not Hex
Ignus Faatus Curse
Impotence Cross
Know What You Have Done Spell
La Danse du Macabre (The Macabre Dance)
La Muñeca de Tutela
Little Love Spells
Love Me Tender Gris Gris
Loved One Gris-Gris
Mirror, Mirror Reversal
Moth to the Flame
Mother Protect Prayer
The Night Whisper
Offerings to the Dead
(Past Life) Recollection Gris Gris
Protection for Illegal Immigrants and Refugees
Removal of the Heart
Selective Spirit Door-Bar Ritual
Simple Love Drawing
Simple Love Drawing #2
Simple Truth Spell
The Soul-Alchemist’s Trap Box
Spirit Snare
To Conjure A Familiar Spirit
To Remove An Affliction: Magical or Mundane
To Ribbons Curse
To Poison the Mind (Curse)
Transmogrification of the Spirit
Walk-A-Mile Hex
Walking on Water – Hedgeriding Tutorial
The Witches’ Baptism
The Witches’ Web
Wheel of Misfortune
Yerba Del Diablo – The Flying Stone
Magical Recipes
10 Dollar Oil
Attraction Oil
Conquered Heart Oil
Crown of Thorns Oil
Goofer Dust
Guierda’s Philtre (Potion)
Ivy Purse Recipes
Money Power Glory Oil
Whore of Babylon Oil
X Oil
Dreams, Visions & Anecdotes
Creatures of the Hospital
Dreams of the Aztec Gods
Great Goddess Vision
Nazirite Dream
Red Palms Dream
Red Women
Red Women, Response 1
Red Women, Response 2
Spider Queen
Beliefs Behind the Trap Box
Breathing Life (into Poppets)
Channeling Your Power (Ask)
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
Cigarettes & Witchcraft
Cleansing Without Sage
The Crossroads
The Devotion of Sound
Divination With Playing Cards
Ecstatic Witchcraft
Hierarchy of the Soul
The Lines of Ancestry
The Minoan Great Goddess
Morality With Q: Session #1
Music In Witchcraft
My House Is Haunted (Ask)
Practical and Ritual Correlations Between Cooking & the Craft
Principles of Magic – Ask
Qedavian Apocrypha
Qedavian Apocrypha 2
Rosa Caveira
Sacred Fire (with recipe)
Setting The Table
Sigil Making Process (Ask)
The Spider
Sulphur: The Indispensable Mineral (Element)
Throwin’ the Bones (Bones Divination Tutorial)
Tuning to the Dead
Tutorial on Qedavian Script
The Witches’ Web
Seal of the Black Mother
Seal of the Earth Mother
Seal of the Lady of the Depths
Seal of the Queen of Heaven
Seal of the Red Queen
Wheel of Archetypes
Evocation of the Black Mother
Evocation of the Earth Mother
Evocation of the Lady of the Depths
Evocation of the Queen of Heaven
Evocation of the Red Queen
Mistress Mary
Mistress Mary (General Info)
Evocation of Mistress Mary
Dame Alice Seal & Poem
Maria Satanica: Rise and Fall
“Unholy” Saints
Candace: the 4 Kandakes of Kush
Resolution of the Kandakes
Deborah: The Prophetess
To Overcome Any Odds
Delilah: the Temptress
Dominion of Delilah
Dinah: Of Rose & Honey
Binding Hearts The Flames of Retribution
Huldah: the Prophetess
Key of Huldah
Queen Jezebel, the Fierce
Curse of Jezebel
Queen of Sheba
Sheba’s Bath
Rahab: the Harlot
The Coin of Favor
Witch of Endor
To Acquiesce Information from the Dead
Witchy Playlists
The Descent of Orpheus Black
Elements: Air
Elements: Earth
Elements: Fire
Elements: Spirit
Elements: Water
Hymn of the Black Swamp
Maria Padilha
Mistress Mary/The Black Cathedral
RAKALA (Red Queen Playlist)
The Reanimation of Venus
Red Queen
Ritual Music
Ritual Music II
Serpent Mother
The Mountain
Rosa Caveira Playlists:
Rosa Caveira (never before posted on tumblr)
Lady of the Boneyard
Fire in the Bones
The Garden of Your Birth
As Above Poem – Lucifer
The First Witch & the Birth of the Devil (Poem)
The Labyrinth – Prayer to Ariadne
Lady of the Boneyard – Rosa Caveira “Hymn” (Ponto Cantado)
Let Us Ride Poem
Love Rhyme
The Noguerra Estate – Short Story
Qedavian Script
Qedavian Tarot 1
Qedavian Tarot 2
Red Queen Recitation
Red Queen Summons
The Serpent Song
Sigil Ask: Channel of the Sulphuric Moon Explanation
‘’New’’ additions appear in bold.
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RAKALA: Red Queen Redux
As previously mentioned in my Micromanifesto #1, my conceptualization of the Archetypes was necessarily reductive. The writings I provided concerning them, as such, was reflective of this same reductive process and, with time, I have come to appreciate these emergent figures as far more than the “archetypes” presented. I feel my previous writings a betrayal to the complexity of nature and character that they have shown me since initial contact. In this (series), I hope to both correct my misgivings and use what I have since learned to better relate their nature and function. Given that I have chosen to delve into these figures individually (most of my time has thus far been spent seeking to understand The Red Queen, whom I now call RAKALA), it seems right that I should redress them in the same manner. I cannot ensure that these revisions will be the last, but what I know is that this project will be one requiring time. Despite having studied RAKALA for more than a year now, I am conscious that I know only her most basic realities, and have only just begun transitioning to my phase of study under [the Earth Mother]. In short, do not assume what you find herein is absolute, for RAKALA exists, above all else, in the concept of Change.
Keep reading
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RAKALA & the creation of humanity: an abridged version
In the aeons before humanity, the world was creation and destruction. The Sisters tried their hand at many things—being Witches in their own right—conjuring MARAKALA for the power to shape and to build and to cut and to transfigure. Great beasts were shaped, changed in accordance with his enemy, to survive, to recreate, to outsmart, out run, out swim, out fly. This was what the Sisters had made of their collective creation — life. And they sought to explore whatever nuance they so desired. They even made it into a sort of game: each would imbue their chosen beasts with the power to escape or to devour their enemies, but not without limitation. Before the Sisters gathered, before they conjured MARAKALA collectively to unite their dominions and thus create what we call life, those things that live, they made a pact. Not out of selfishness, no, but to maintain balances. They agreed never to give unto any of their creations the power to shape as they shaped. And by this, they meant that no creation should possess power enough to shape the entirety of the world, for even they could not do so without cooperation with one another and the blessing of MARAKALA. This was the pact they made and this was the pact that RAKALA broke when she created humankind.
In the last age before the advent of humanity, RAKALA lived amongst her charges. Each of the Sisters distinguished her creatures by endowing them certain traits and RAKALA was no different. To many of her charges, she gave the Hand: her most favorite symbol, for the number five is sacred to her and so too the art of manipulation. But no beast was so favored by its Mother as the Monkey was RAKALA. Thus she spent much of her time tending to them.
She lived in the trees with them, walked the earth with them, consumed food with them. And during this period when RAKALA walked with beast, each of her Sisters was plagued by nightmares and visions. Since their inception at the time of Creation, RAKALA and [The Earth Mother] had been at odds. There was no hatred between them nor rivalry, but as is true of all siblings, there existed differences of character. [the Earth Mother], by virtue of her design, is slow to change: she is averse to it, stubborn, reserved. And in this, RAKALA is her opposite: volatile, capricious, fluid. As such, and as no stranger to visions, [the Earth Mother] was the first to decipher their shared nightmares. She called upon her Sisters with the exception of RAKALA and spoke loudly about what RAKALA’s foolishness would reap should she continue to favor her most beloved Monkey above all other of her charges. If RAKALA persisted, she would break their pact as it had been spoken in the time before the creation of life. And so each Sister went to RAKALA to voice a warning: stop this or we will be forced to stop you.
But RAKALA is the eldest and the youngest, she is foolhardy and she is defiant. More than this, though, RAKALA had herself deciphered their collective visions and had seen further than her Sisters. She knew the pact would be broken, but what would come after would be worth her betrayal. Of this she was sure, as RAKALA was born of MARAKALA herself and inextricably linked. And so RAKALA persisted, shaping Ape from Monkey, who grew larger, grew wiser. But this transgression would not go unnoticed by her Sisters and each sent after Monkey and Ape their own beasts. Some would come by day, others by night, to kill RAKALA’s most beloved creations. Each Sister sent one after the other, shaping them over time to be more deadly, more efficient.
But her Sisters, wise as they thought themselves, could not outdo RAKALA. For each enemy sent, RAKALA sculpted, shaped. She gave her charges cunning, she gave them cooperation, she gave them tools that her Sisters would never think to give and could never, for to do so would be to violate the pact they so desperately sought to uphold. Always RAKALA was one step ahead, pushing further, until it became evident to her Sisters that despite their efforts, it was too late. And so RAKALA continued to live amongst her most beloved and shared with them her power. Knowing what you know of RAKALA, you might think: yes, she gave her charges fire and so born was humanity. But this was not her gift, for fire alone does not change Ape to Man. No, RAKALA’s true gift was the gift of a trickster: the art to outdo, outsmart. For only with knowledge and collective knowledge, could humanity mirror their creator’s power.
Upon realizing that RAKALA had bested her and their Sisters, had defied their most sacred pact, [the Earth Mother] became enraged. She went to the grasslands and the jungles to find RAKALA amidst her people. She pursued her, changing into any manner of beasts and tree to apprehend her, to hold her accountable for her transgressions. She called on her Sisters, too, [the Lady of the Depths] and [the Queen of Heaven], but none could outwit RAKALA. It had always been that RAKALA’s Sisters had thought her a fool, for they could see ahead, but never so far as she. And when one sees what others cannot, they do things in ways that defy comprehension. That is the way of RAKALA and that is the way humanity came to be and continues to be.
At every step, her Sisters might try to undo what is done, but RAKALA cannot be bested. This is the way. And RAKALA insulates humanity so that they might do what it is she knows they will do, must do, if even we do not know what it is, nor her most wise of Sisters. In the ages since, her Sisters have tried and they have failed to undo what has been done. Even if they come to humanity to speak, to aid, to teach, they do so through RAKALA, born of MARAKALA. They are now resigned to the existence of humanity and if even they wish us gone, they know RAKALA will not allow it. Thus, they bring lessons to guide that we might shape in accordance with their laws, not against them.
And it can be said that some listen better than others, as it has been since the first ages.
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The Dream Key
Peer through the looking glass – into the mind – and cast an eye to the dreamscape. A witch has a thousand eyes, and through this one, the dreams of others might be seen or affected. Use it wisely. Scratch identical sigils on two slips of paper and stash them between the pillows to share dreams – or place under a scrying surface (water works best) to walk in their mind. 
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Catcall Hex Stone
Sculpt an oval out of clay, engrave or paint the following symbol on its face and drive through the amulet an iron nail downward from the top of the amulet to the bottom – not disrupting its face. Fire/dry/bake. Tie a cord around the nail head and wear it – when any yells or makes you uncomfortable, tap its face three times to lay a hex on their head.
Note, this is not in itself a protection amulet, though it could be formulated to include the facility. As is, it is just to punish any transgressors – best when paired with an autonomous protection amulet.
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Energy Siphon
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Activate: Servitor: Empty: purpose, to draw energy into it like a battery
Empty renamed to Batts
Batts: directive: store energy in your body until midnight. At midnight, you will connect to Multus, and will transfer all the energy to him.
12am: Batts, establish link with Multus.
Multus-Batts (1)
Appearance: a giant ball of yellow light
Purpose: to draw power which can later be redirected for other use.
Energy sources: The universe, the power lines, the Sun and the planets, the Internet, the Collective Unconscious
Anchor: Jestoria
Directive: Energy Siphon
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The Control Sigil – 
Bull’s Ring – Used to control the another – often someone who is otherwise uncontrollable or dangerous. As such, it could also be used to keep yourself under control. For the latter, it would most probably be best worn, and for the former, given to he/she you wish to effect.
Birth of Chaos – can be used as a remedy or an invitation for Chaos as it gives mastery to that which cannot be mastered. Can be used in hexes to rain down chaos and ill-fate, or can be used in an inverted position to be used for focus and attainment.
The Trident Heart – Is used to command the heart (be it your own or that of another). For the latter, I recommend this ritual:
Place atop the sigil a drop or two of your blood, as well as a personal affect of he/she you wish to control. Roll/fold the sigil around the affect, in essence surrounding them with yourself. Burn. 
Mix half of the ashes with The Conquered Heart Oil** (or something similar). Using the mixture, dress a (black and red) half-stick candle – if need be, carve the “bottom” into a burnable point as well. Burn the candle, black side first – until 1/3 to ½ of the black has melted. Extinguish, invert and light the red side. Allow it to burn until the red has overtaken the black. 
Powder the remaining candle and add to this the last half of the ashes. Sprinkle on the victim’s property or on a path they will cross.
** The Conquered Heart Oil: 1 : 4, Castor to Carrier. Warm. 1-3 Red Roses, 1-3 Iron Nails, Cinnamon, Ginger, Orris Root, Sulfur, 3 dried, Red Chiles. Warm oil, add dry ingredients – with the exception of sulfur. Add this, instead, to the bottle. Pluck the Rose Petals from the stem(s) and impale them on the iron nail(s) – add curio(s) to the bottle with the sulfur. While the oil is still warm, pour into the bottle. 
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Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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Binding and banishing spell targeting a malicious attachment i have. This thing, we'll call it Filth, has been attached to me since i was a young child. I'm talking 2-3. I believe it feeds off the emotional energy from my past traumas. Recently i have taken steps to rid myself of Filth. I wrote out my traumas, how they affect me today, and some other personal stuff. Sealed it in an envelope with a protective sigil, pink and purple wax for healing and peace, and burned it to ashes. I made sure Filth knows I'm coming after it. I'm meeting this thong head on. I'm done living in fear of the dark. Done being scared of the shadows and spirits i see. I am embracing myself as a medium and a strong, proud witch.
Soon i will be performing a binding/banishing spell. Some was written by an old friend, and the rest has been modified by me to suit my situation.
Let's begin.
1) purify and cleanse your area. I prefer to smudge my space and myself.
2) casting the circle: place four candles in respective positions of the cardinal directions.
-light the north candle.
"guardians of the east, element of air. I call upon thee to be present during this ritual. Please join me now and bless this circle."
-light the east candle.
"guardians of the east, element of air. I call upon thee to be present during this ritual. Please join me now and bless this circle."
-light the south candle.
"guardians of the south, element of fire. I call upon the to be present during this ritual. Please join me now and bless this circle."
-light the west candle.
"guardians of the west, element of water. I call upon thee to be present for this ritual. Please join me now and bless this circle."
3) cast your circle. I take my wand/athame and point it to the edge of the circle, spinning clockwise three times. I visualize a white light entering through my crown and flowing through my body, out of my arm and wand to my circle.
"god and goddess, guardians and spirit guides.
Please be present with me during this ritual
Bless this circle and please keep me protected
No unwanted entities are welcome here.
The circle is cast,
So mote it be."
4) make sure your altar is set up. You can set it up now, if you didn't do so before casting your circle. Some things i will have include:
-protective candle
-4 tealight candles
-representations of elements
-string, yarn, cord
-poppet/item symbolizing target
-flying devil oil (i use this to anoint my protective candle and my cardinal candles)
-god/goddess representations
-Offering plate (i use a large shell)
-optional, guardian statues
-anything else you want! Its your altar, your space.
5) Spell one.
As you tie your string into knots, or braid it, visualize the cord connecting you to the target.
"the darkness you have created
Is forever bound to you.
I ask the gods to free me
From this hate and start anew.
Reduce this feeling to ashes
The power is now mine
As this darkness leaves me
My power begins to shine."
Cut the string and burn the pieces. This severs your tie to the target. You may bury the ashes.
6) spell two.
Wrap string or yarn tightly around the poppet. This is to bind them.
"by all the power
Of three times three
I will not cower,
Fear does not hold me.
This spell bound around shall be
To cause no harm,
Nor return to me.
As i do will,
So mote it be. "
Bury this poppet.
7) this is kind of a way to give the target a taste of their own medicine. Recite:
"powers of your spirit,
Once lost get divine
Awaken again
Through that soul of thine.
What others do not see
To your eyes is revealed
What others do not feel
For your soul is unsealed.
8) thanking the god/goddess, guardians, and closing the circle.
"o, horned god, i am most grateful for your presence. Thank you for all that you do. O, great goddess, i am so grateful for your presence. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for your guidance and protection."
"hail, guardians of the north, i send you from my circle. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again."
"hail, guardians of the east, i send you from my circle. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again."
"hail, guardians of the south, i send you from my circle. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again."
"hail, guardians of the west, i send you from my circle. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again."
Close your circle when you are ready.
Some notes:
**for this, until i am free of this entity, i will not call upon any other deities. It is for my protection as Filth poses as whoever i call upon.
You can cast the circle HOWEVER you want, whatever feels right for you. I need strength and protection so i go the long route.
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How to mentally keep baneful spirits out - no tools required AKA How Not To Give A F*** About the Uninvited
You can find so much info on here and throughout the web about negative entities and protecting yourself from them. Just as there is so much info, there are all of these different perspectives on how our energies associate with them. In this post I hope to cover a lot of different perspectives, as well as some creative methods for dealing with baneful spirits and your own defense magic tool set.
A lot of mythical creatures are based in energetic truth- the vampire is aligned with the energy vampire, the evil and feared witch (like in the Witch movie) is aligned with the early-Christian understanding of the Wise People. The word Witch came from Wic, which means ‘Wisdom’ in Germanic languages. Think of anything given malevolent or benevolent power in the media, and you can likely tie it to misconceptions about the witchcraft and pagan community.
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