multif0rmed · 1 day
[[ uhhhh... maybe 6? Oh God lmao.
Im female, and I have scoliosis too so uhh??? At least that part works out 🤣😭
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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multif0rmed · 1 day
Questions for the mun!
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
🎂 - When’s your birthday?
🎊 - What’s your zodiac sign?
💞 - How old are you?
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
🌅 - What’s your favorite season/weather?
🎥 - What’s your favorite tv show/movie?
🎼 - What’s your favorite song?
🎶 - Who’s your favorite singer/band/music producer?
🎲 - Do you have a favorite board game?
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
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multif0rmed · 1 day
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns 🎈 — gender and/or sexuality 🎂 — age and/or birthday 🕗 — time zone 💕 — single or taken? ⭐️ — sun, moon, & rising signs, if known 💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known ❓ — three adjectives that describe you ❤️ — what are some of your best qualities? 💔 — what are some of your worst qualities? ✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything? 💘 — what and/or who do you consider near and dear to you? 🚗 — what vehicle(s) do you drive? ✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting? ⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr? 🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr? 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc) 💍 — any piercings? 💎 — want any (more) piercings? 🖊 — any tattoos? 🔏 — want any (more) tattoos? 🎄 — favorite holiday(s)? 🍝 — favorite food(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)? 🐶 — any pets? 😍 — celebrity crush(es)? 😊 — any career desires? 📚 — if you’re in college, what’s your level (undergrad, grad, phd, etc) and/or degree program? 😖 — what annoys you? 🎶 — favorite song at the moment? 📕 — favorite book/series? 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? 📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)? 📇 — does your url have a meaning? if so, what is it? ✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr? ✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on? 🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most? 😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc? 😤 — what do you dislike the most about being part of the rpc? 💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them! 🎧 — do you write while listening to music/podcasts/videos/etc, or do you need total silence? 🤗 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’d like to meet irl? 😀 — are there any rpc mutuals that you’ve met irl before? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? 🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc? 😳 — what was your most embarrassing moment in the rpc? 🎁 — what have you accomplished in the rpc that you’re proud of? 🫂 — how many friends are in your irl friend group(s)? 🎉 — what are some of your favorite things to do with your irl friends? 😗 — what are some of your favorite things to do when you have some time to yourself? 💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you.
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multif0rmed · 1 day
An amused snort flew out of him, earning her a grin from the elder master. " .. Intriguing,'' he remarked. "Admirable, as I should say. It takes a lot to have a strong heart - depending on one's circumstances. Why, oh why, do you have so little to lose?"
“Different,” she answered quickly. “I don’t fear anything and you’re no exception.” Esmeralda shot a glare his way before he continued. “One would have to be in order to live. I’m just a dancer on the streets. I have very little to lose.”
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multif0rmed · 2 days
Just one's average afternoon within an unnamed town, and world, housing several people. The sun shined happily down onto its occupants - and people as a result conversed, laughed, and had all around good time. One occupant made it consistently nervous - an elder keyblade master that regularly was spotted gracing the outer limits of the town's commercial area and the beginning of the residential area.
He had just stepped out of a darkened portal in front of his house, and turned towards it. Time to relax- He suddenly froze.
Out of the corner of his eye, Xehanort spotted them.
Narrowing his eyes, he spun around and looked up. No. i ..?" he whispered, confusion dipping casually into the otherwise cold hues.
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multif0rmed · 2 days
A grin spread across the elder master's face. ''No, lad. You are destined to be my thirteenth - whether you like it or not ..."
A loud noise came from the surface of the Station as he walked closer to the boy, and he yanked Sora's hair, so the boy could see the other's face more clearly. ''Resisting only will bring further torment to you,'' he warned, voice cold but amused underneath. Such cruelty painted Xehanort's face - he truly did not care.
He'd have Sora one way or another ...
Yellow hues fell onto the other aspects of their location, and he hummed.
''Inch by inch ... it cracks. Splinters. Such a sight.''
He was fighting it. A losing battle, he was finding, but he fought nonetheless. He couldn't let this happen-- it was bad enough he'd failed to stop them from taking him, he couldn't let them win.
"Let me go...!"
He grit his teeth, hand clutching the fabric of his shirt above his heart. He couldn't keep the takeover at bay forever, and he knew that, but he wasn't about to let them turn him into a vessel without a fight.
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multif0rmed · 2 days
''It would be pleasant, yes,'' he agreed. An amused snort flew out of the other's nose at hearing the next statement.
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''Oh, Eraqus ... always keeping your heart softened ..."
Not one single note of disappointment was found within Xehanort's tone - he in fact welcomed it. Even if he had been careful with his own heart over the years.
"You don't have to do this."
(Eraqus @ Xehanort)
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"I .." he trailed off, unable to properly form a statement at first, as his yellow hues kept on his love. Oh gods, he wished everything could be repaired in between them .. but it would require a damned miracle. "I must, Eraqus. It's necessary,'' he explained, as he turned halfway away from the other, his vision falling a building nearby.
''For the good of the worlds,'' he whispered.
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multif0rmed · 2 days
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A wicked grin spread across the male's face as he held his keyblade tightly within his grip when the other charged him. He started to push back, keeping his posture relaxed and hand behind his back. ''Well then, by all means lad ... Try to,'' he challenged Sora.
Ice shards soon started collecting within the other's hand however as he drew it out from behind his back. "BLIZARA!"
One would have to see how the boy would take that --
But really, the elder master wasn't expecting the boy to be truly overwhelmed by the combined strength ...
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sora knows that last part was just to taunt him. it was xehanort's attempt to rile him up, make him lose his cool and charge in. and sora hates to admit it ... but it's working.
if only for the way he mockingly speaks her name — like kairi's heart didn't mean a thing. and it probably didn't to him. she was just another sacrifice to summon kingdom hearts ... he didn't care about the person she was, what she meant to her friends or the fact that she was a person. she mattered.
and sora wasn't going to just abandon her.
his teeth grit and he fought to keep his composure as he raised his keyblade and leapt forward, swinging it at xehanort. ❝ i'm getting her back! ❞
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multif0rmed · 2 days
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''I suppose then you technically have three fathers,'' he spoke. Though, it would certainly just be easier to say both of them were the boy's father - at least for now. To avoid all the complicated nature of the current Organization.
''Yes, That's including Saix as well.''
"I just want to know why I have the mindset of a child. Nobody else in the organization does. Why am I different?"
( @x-key-of-darkness-x )
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He should have known a day like this would eventually come around .. "It's because you're only so many days old .. So you must learn how to grow up, go through the motions and such."
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multif0rmed · 2 days
Several things have turned to light - but not all. At least, yet. It had to be slow - and in those years, Xehanort had attempted to keep on tabs on any hearts that'd appear ...
Something one day though pushed him to search for Eraqus, and so he did. It turned into hours, days, weeks .. He didn't know. But - he had spotted someone nearby a shore, and he rushed over.
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Was it Eraqus?
A scowl fell onto the elder master's face, as he took in the appearance of the other. "Eraqus ...'' he stepped forward, letting a gloved hand reach up to touch the other's face.
@multif0rmed - continued rp
Years had passed and all Eraqus could remember was darkness. All he could see and feel was darkness. He felt...trapped. Although in reality his body laid on a strange beach that was dark and cold. He couldn't move or anything but the presense and atmosphere felt some how familiar.
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Eraqus' eyes were empty and his clothes were tattered and torn. For years he had been trapped and with no way out.
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multif0rmed · 2 days
(Adult!Sonari) A portal to another world became accessible to Xehanort. If he chose to explore, he'd find the land buried in frozen volcanic ash. Though if it weren't for the ice, the air would be unfit for humans to breathe anytime the ground was disturbed. The ruins of a futuristic looking city dotted the land, though one of the more complete structures had comparably recent, patchwork repairs done on it. The footprints of a huge reptile near singlehandedly tamped down any trails through the land. Returning home with a pile of scrap metal in her maw, Sonari saw the portal and grumbled something indecipherable, though exasperated sounding.
Xehanort stumbled just a bit as he stepped out of the portal, curiosity pulling him. He could see his breath, if such had been applicable throughout the sudden strange atmosphere. Why was he led here ..? Him, out of all the people? The elder master tossed his vision all around, attempting to make sense of the ruined city - but he supposed creatures could have destroyed it? Or even worse -- the people had. Something caught his eyes and he made a small noise of awareness, letting his shields climb.
He wouldn't summon his keyblade just yet - but he most certainly was on guard.
''Where am I?" He suddenly demanded towards Sonari.
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multif0rmed · 2 days
"I just want to know why I have the mindset of a child. Nobody else in the organization does. Why am I different?"
( @x-key-of-darkness-x )
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He should have known a day like this would eventually come around .. "It's because you're only so many days old .. So you must learn how to grow up, go through the motions and such."
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multif0rmed · 3 days
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Feelings, what wretched things.
Thank you to @manysad for the brainworms.
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multif0rmed · 4 days
A deep sigh left the elder master - as he once again was pulled back into his thoughts. Just weeks ago, he had been defeated, but somehow woke up still .. alive. Perhaps it had been because of messing with the timeline .. That had been his guess, but his attention had been moreso pulled into the direction of Sora and their conversation. As hard as it had been to accept - he had to figure out a new purpose. A new course in life. And .. it was driving him absolutely mad.
At least now Xehanort could explore other mysteries that could be more .. pleasant. Like, trying to figure out more to his past.
Something to distract himself - other than drowning in alcohol.
Wait .. he halted instantly in his tracks.
While he had been distracted, he must have had missed it ..
That heart ... it's familiar.
It wouldn't be too horribly long until he got his answer. Was that .. It couldn't have been. Here, right now?
What had been her name?
" ..Something tells me we know each other,'' he said quietly, hues not daring to move from Zorya once he had spotted her. The name finally spurred from the depths of his mind.
Concealing their presence, the short figure in white followed the trail set before them; footsteps in the long untouched wasteland. They knew immediately that something was wrong when they had sensed such a deep darkness once again plague the worlds. And yet...it was muted, hazy— *lost*.
"It couldn't be him", a feminine voice murmured in a raspy treble. The child in the white coat sniffed the air, testing the dark aura in this forlorn world; a loathsome urge to control and, yet, a lonesome desire to prevent the uncontrollable. It was just too similar to the scent for Master Xehanort, and their inquisitiveness was too fierce to fight.
Pale blue eyes narrowed as they patiently begun their search from the shadows. Meanwhile, the man whose eyes had been corrupted by ambitious gold scanned the empty world for answers— or rather, the almost empty world. It was a split decision, like a cat too enticed by curiosity; she just had to know. So she released her white coat and, with it, her own presence; a fire gone out leaving nothing but the bitterness of ash, withered flowers with the scent of decay and the smallest hint of lemongrass and honey. A lingering gentle sweetness despite the depths of her darkness.
The girl emerged from the shadows; hair like autumn leaves and eyes like glaciers, cold and calculating despite her young age. The scarred girl locked eyes with the source of the enigma— Master Xehanort.
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multif0rmed · 4 days
'Xehanort swallowed, as he heard such words - unable to say them back at least within such a moment. "I .. I .."
Restored? Shit, he'd better do it right then.
"Eraqus!'' He screamed louder, as he felt tears spring up momentarily onto his face. ''Eraqus,'' he said breathlessly, making sure his grip was tight on the χ- blade.
"I-I .. eagerly await your return,'' he whispered.
Eraqus gripped onto Xehanort's hand as their world started to fall apart. Yet the winds around them were strong and everything was starting to disappear including himself.
''Don't --!" Xehanort exclaimed, struggling to hold onto the other, shock in his eyes. Why couldn't Eraqus come with him, instead?
''Don't you dare!" he yelled, yellow hues locked onto the other.
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multif0rmed · 4 days
Eraqus gripped onto Xehanort's hand as their world started to fall apart. Yet the winds around them were strong and everything was starting to disappear including himself.
''Don't --!" Xehanort exclaimed, struggling to hold onto the other, shock in his eyes. Why couldn't Eraqus come with him, instead?
''Don't you dare!" he yelled, yellow hues locked onto the other.
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multif0rmed · 4 days
"I had a life. Before all of this." He motions his hand around to all of the members and his surroundings. "I dont remember any of it. I have a right to know."
"Hm. Do we truly have such a right?"
It wasn't judgmental whatsoever , moreso curious than anything else. "I, too, have missing memories, not everything has returned to me." Of course, it was merely an attempt to point out about controlling the other - even if he were telling the truth.
''Would you end up missing your old life, and end up wanting to return to it?" Now that, if a possibility, Xehanort would not tolerate.
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