multisockdrifting · 21 days
ughhh i wanna give clothes for store credit at a local throft store that does that but im super embarrassed by the idea of people seeing the clothes i am giving. because they are clothes that look stupid enough that i stopped wearing them and dont need them anymore
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multisockdrifting · 23 days
i love millenials. got an oat milk ice cream recommendation today
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multisockdrifting · 25 days
am i crazy or is the riff from mirror by moss icon super similar to owner of a lonely heart
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multisockdrifting · 26 days
its crazy that whenever you need somebody by rick astley and low self esteem by the offspring are basically the same song lyrically. just wouldnt have guessed those two would have such strong theme crossover i guess
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multisockdrifting · 26 days
i have some kind of demon in my mind that reactivates 5 times a year to convince me i need to make rap music. why. why
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multisockdrifting · 28 days
its super weird moving further into the city but having a way quieter apartment. my last one was by a forest and i did not realize the amount of nature sounds that were going on
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multisockdrifting · 28 days
ate a little bit more of an edible bc its old as shit and has been in the freezer thinking like 'whats gonna happen?? ill get more high?? so what lol' not thinking about the fact i havent done edibles in forever and might get rlly rlly high. or maybe it does nothing at all. we will see
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multisockdrifting · 1 month
switched to injections and now yuri is making me cry. and not like one tear like cry cry. this shit is so sick is this how i coulda been the whole time ?!
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multisockdrifting · 2 months
did my first self injection and spent like an hour psyching myself up for it and being scared and then it was not that big a deal. dint rlly hurt. maybe i did it wrong?? idk but im happy
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multisockdrifting · 2 months
i cant believe i got too damn drunk and freestyle rapped and i CANT REMEMBER ANYTHING I SAID and neither can anyone else. tears in the fucking rain man i want to know so bad what i was saying and i never will
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multisockdrifting · 2 months
the number one thing to do in the morning is a little pathetic cough i think
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multisockdrifting · 2 months
getting super super high and telling my tiger and dog i love them is so goatedddddddd
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multisockdrifting · 3 months
my parents told my extended family im trans. which means for the first time since i was 15 i am the same person to everyone and dont have this big personal secret i gotta carry around. what the fuuuuuuckk
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multisockdrifting · 3 months
remembered today if i want something i can probably buy it online and i can work if i want money to buy things. big things coming
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multisockdrifting · 3 months
i swear to god the roach nation is evil and out to get me. havent seen a crawler inside in months and now a giant one attacks me directly once i snoke weed. fuck you roach
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multisockdrifting · 3 months
been giving myself a pass to not ever leave my apartment by myself unless i absolutely have to and its been a good 2 months but i think its high time i start going to things again
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multisockdrifting · 3 months
finding a new yuri is awesome until i get caught up and actually have to wait for it to update. like im going from averaging between 5 and 9 hours reading per day to just not having anything to do with my time lol
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