multitudeofsxns · 4 years
❛ I can’t bear to think about a future anymore, not without you. ❜
Nathaniel stood across the kitchen from her and his world narrowed down to those seven feet and her hazel eyes. “Liza,” he rasped as his throat closed and a sudden uncharacteristic wave of anxiety shut his lungs down. “Liza,” he cleared his throat as his voice cracked on her name, “don’t promise me softness.” He turned and took a few steps towards her and scrubbed his face with his free hand. His right hand gripped his mug of tea white knuckle tight. 
This was a hell of way to finish a long day moving her into the main house to protect her. The last bout with Dmitri had him straddling the line between her Nate, and Yuri’s Nathaniel. The dissonance was dizzying. 
“Don’t promise me this, I will crawl into every nook and cranny to steal all of your attention and life. I want that. I want you. I want a life with you basking in your warmth. I’m so tired of being alone, being cold, and being outside of life. I want to share warmth, intimacy, love, a relationship with you. Do not tell me things like this because I will hold on with both hands and not let it go.” 
He set his tea down gently and swallowed hard enough to make his adams apple bob. “Don’t be cruel, I beg of you.” He wanted nothing more than to cross the kitchen and pull her into his arms, put his hands on her waist and boost her onto the counter, put his lips on hers until they couldn’t breathe. 
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multitudeofsxns · 4 years
❛ Men don’t like taking orders from women. ❜
Frank couldn’t help the rueful smile at her comment but it wasn’t a smile of mirth. It was a world weary reaction, more a bearing of teeth than anything else. He had seen it a thousand times. He knew he was guilty of it some times, thinking he knew better because of his experiences and not thinking someone else would know just as much or more--he caught the guilt and sighed. His therapist would remind him that he was human and he was allowed to have pride and ego moments but they need to be caught, examined, and either acknowledged or dismissed. 
“Unfortunately most don’t, no, Miss Liza.” He responded quietly, assuming she meant something going on with the school. “Is is Prinicpal Prick?” He asked, tone edging with concern as he realized it might be his suspicion coming to fruition. 
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
❛ There is always risk. At least when you love someone it’s worth taking. ❜
Steve reared his head up at that statement and gave her a thoroughly stern look. “Agent Carter, I don’t know what brought on that sudden bout of wisdom, and while I do appreciate you sharing your thoughts, I don’t appreciate the meaning behind that statement.” He sat up straight from where he was smudging charcoal into canvas and frowned at his fiance. “Mind filling in the gaps for me?” He asked quietly and wanted to know what brought that out in her. 
Frankly it was terrifying, to consider that she would be the one potentially taking a risk. Now, he was aware that would make him a hypocrite, but he was much more durable, much less fragile than she was. He would never pack her up in cotton and set her on a shelf for display and not let her live her life, that would be appalling, but he did want to protect her as best he could. 
“I do agree with you though, for what it’s worth.” He offered quietly, sharing that he did understand that thought. 
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
❛ I lose everyone I love. ❜
Thor was a well spoken, sassy, and intelligent individual, but this was something next level. He had no idea what to say to the tiny brilliant woman as she became a singularity, folding in on herself. He caught her in his arms and held her tight to him as her emotions went supernova and he was left dealing with the fallout. 
“You aren’t going to lose Dr. Selvig. He’s going to be fine, just a drop in blood sugar,” he soothed, holding her close and rocking her gently as he eased them into a chair, the tiny woman still held securely in his arms. He wasn’t sure what the hell to do now, aside from just pet her hair and let her cry it out. He figured he’d handle it like his sisters, stroke her hair, hold her tight, and give her space after her meltdown because she would be awkward as hell over losing composure like that. Maybe tea like his baby sister? Or sweets like his older sister?
“Just let it out, baby,” he encouraged and let her have a meltdown in the abandoned astrophysics lab. After that he would drive her to the hospital and they would wait for their mentor to see them. 
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
“So making myself a flower crown is considered goofing off from the goddess of flowers?” He teased and theatrically scoffed. “To think if I put a few flowers in my hair I’m not as serious as I was before! The indignity!” He played and watched her work, where she put things and how she arranged height. “No green brick of crunchy stuff?” He asked, used to seeing those on the bottom of bouquets, well Yuri’s bouquets that were all minimalist high fashion.
Nate nodded at her mention of the big city and couldn’t bear to tell her he hated every minute of it. “New York is nice for a little while but after finding this paradise, I could never go back.” He sighed and rubbed his hands down his thighs for a second. “Finding time and making time are different. One is leaving things to chance, one is taking control of your decisions, I learned that the hard way when my mom got sick. I always could never find time, then she was in the hospital and I was making time. I won’t make that mistake again.” He offered and listened to her recount her studies with a small smile. 
A soft hum escaped him in consideration of her degree. “So a sociologist who dabbles in modern history? I like it. My mom and you would get along swimmingly. She’s a literary professor, published poet, and women’s studies professor here. Dr Margery Allison.” He offered with pride in his voice. She built herself up from nothing, and even with him on her hip kept climbing. 
“Is that really what you want to ask me, Liza? Is that the answer to my question?” He offered quietly, voice steady and curious as his dark gaze was steady on her. “I’m not sure if I can tell you a lot of things so that question is a little vague, but mostly I’m afraid of telling you things that would upset or damage what we have. This is more precious to me than a lot of things.” 
Her tamer question made him smile. “I saw the northern lights one trip I was in Russia. I stepped outside for fresh air because everyone over there that I was with smoked. And I watched it with a sense of awe. Reminded me that not everything was so dark in the world. There was still beauty in it.” 
“What if I swept you up on a weekend trip to New York? What would you say?” He asked, considering the possibilities of showing her a place she’d always wanted to go. 
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Nathaniel almost told her he would, he would gladly go to war for her, but held off. That would damage their dynamic. He wasn’t sure what their relationship was, friends or otherwise, but he was not willing to risk damaging such a precious thing to him. He was himself with her, well the self he knew now. He was not always this reserved, this withdrawn, once he was a much more lively flirtatious man. At one point he would have pressed his luck and pursued her, and he wondered absently where that recklessness went. He felt the weapon on the inside of his left ankle, an old habit and he knew where it had went. 
“Ah, screaming I don’t do, if that’s any consolation to your concerns,” he offered quietly and let her consider why she wanted to become a florist. He took the daisies and instead of putting them in a vase, tucked them behind his own ears, just to see what she said. She would smile, maybe even laugh, and watching her eyes sparkle was going to make this conversation bearable. 
“New York City, I still have an apartment there,” a penthouse, paid in full, and another safe house, a brownstone. Both with bullet proof windows, panic rooms, armories. Garages with nondescript modified sedans, motorcycles. Neither felt as comfortable as his home here. “I traveled to Europe as well, spent a few months at a time there as well over the years.” 
“What’s one thing you’re not sure if you’re allowed to ask me?” He asked quietly, bracing his arms on his knees, hands loosely clasped and watched her with a small smile, as if he knew how that was going to trip her up. “While you’re thinking of an answer to that, you could also tell me what era of history you studied.” He teased, eyes crinkling as his grin deepened. 
Liza managed a small smile as she looked up at him when Nate attempted the small comfort. Not that it was much of one, but the effort mattered more than the outcome. “A little.” She said, nodding once and laughing as he tucked the flowers behind his own ears. “You’re supposed to be learning, not goofing off.” Liza teased, winking playfully at him before going back to the task at hand of arranging the bouquets. As he told her where he’d lived before, and that he still had an apartment there, she smiled slightly and nodded once.
“I’ve been there once, but I didn’t get to see very much of it. Mostly because we were passing through on our way to somewhere else, and I just… never went back. I’ve wanted to, but finding the time is almost impossible.” Well, probably not almost, she was sure she could find the time if she really wanted, but she wasn’t going to take that trip on her own. “Europe, though, I’ve never been there.” 
Taking a deep breath, his next question caught her off guard and she looked at him, really considering what he was saying to her. One thing she wasn’t sure if she could ask him? Her cheeks flushed and she realized there was probably more than one thing she wasn’t sure about asking, and instead took a moment to answer his other question. “I studied a bit of everything, but I focused a lot on the early to mid 20th century– the wars, the effects on women and how they were taking up jobs, the whole… lost generation and the men who came back totally different. It’s both terrible and terribly interesting.”
She fussed with the flowers, fixing a few before she looked at him, biting the inside of her cheek before she spoke. “What’s something you’re not sure if you can tell me?” Liza asked, worrying that she was overstepping, and she shrugged before turning back to her work. “I mean, you don’t have to answer that one. Especially if you really don’t want me to know– I’d understand. What about… what’s your favorite place you’ve been to in Europe?” That was definitely a safer question.
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ How many people have you killed? ❜
❛ History is a strong word. It was more of a… dalliance. ❜
❛ Have you ever wanted something so much that the fear of not getting it makes you wonder if you ever should have wanted it at all? ❜
❛ I don’t want to live without you and after this I won’t have to.  ❜
❛ No one will ever keep us apart again. ❜
❛ Men in general like to win. ❜
❛ Well, your taste in men always did leave something to be desired. ❜
❛ In the darkest of times you were my conscience. ❜
❛ The more we try to help each other, the more harm we do. ❜
❛ I lose everyone I love. ❜
❛ What odd turns our lives have taken. ❜
❛ I don’t give my heart or give up easily. ❜
❛ You have to admit, your fate does have a sense of humor. ❜
❛ I need to forget a ridiculous, childish idea that I could love someone, they could love me, and nothing else mattered. ❜
❛ There is always risk. At least when you love someone it’s worth taking. ❜
❛ I never said I was a good man, but one can receive good advice from a bad person.❜
❛ Love is never simple. Not that I’m any expert. ❜
❛ Are you wearing mink-lined boots? ❜
❛ Well if I have to run I want to look good doing it. ❜
❛ We were supposed to dance under the stars. ❜
❛ Maybe there is no magic but what we make for ourselves. ❜
❛ If the price is my life, I will give it. ❜
❛ I can’t bear to think about a future anymore, not without you. ❜
❛ What good is right or wrong if you’re dead? ❜
❛ Men don’t like taking orders from women. ❜
❛ And real love never fades, not truly. ❜
❛ Just know whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us. ❜
❛ Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury. ❜
❛ If I’m as responsible as you say, I will never forgive myself. ❜
❛ I will spill blood to defend what’s mine. ❜
❛ Men forget, that woman have ears. ❜
❛ Duels only lead to dead men, not respect. ❜
❛ I am trying to be better! ❜
❛ You’re a monster. ❜
❛ You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can’t seem to escape. ❜
❛ I opened my heart to a liar. ❜
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
Reggie wanted to catch her and correct her mindset but he held himself in check. She was his friend, not his lover, that would cross so many lines. He let them enjoy the quiet for a little, savoring the comfortable silence and found himself wanting to talk to her about the case. He caught himself and instead glanced over at her in amusement as she again doubted his compliment of her. “I will leave you your delusions of your supposedly lesser grandeur.” He responded quietly and scanned the menu, unsure what he wanted to eat. Something unhealthy and fattening? Yes please. 
“Their taster flights are the best. Peach is my favorite, then guava.” He offered and picked up his favorite first. “Mimosas make the brunch, cher. You have awful mimosas, you’ll have an awful lunch.” He sipped and people watched for a moment. “So we’ll swing by and get some boxes, no big deal. And clothes to best in trash bags, stuff them in there and we’ll throw it in the cab of the truck, back seat for clothes and valuables?” He nodded and made a note to search for storage units nearby his house for her. 
“Your desk and bookshelf, if you want it, we can move it into your room for now?” He offered, glancing up at her with a small frown. “I don’t have much in that room anyway, we can move stuff around.” He waved his hand and laughed. “There will be plenty room. Trust me. We can also make several trips, cher.” He offered and glanced up at the waitress coming over to take their order. 
Reggie glanced at Liza and smirked. “You sure you trust me?” He teased and smiled disarmingly at the waitress and put their orders in. Beignets to start, and fresh fruit waffles with extra homemade whipped cream and eggs and their breakfast meat sampler. He sipped his mimosa and looked at Liza with a crooked grin. “You’re not going to be sorry, I promise.” 
“Are you comfortable so far?” He asked, concerned she wasn’t adapting well to their new life of cohabitation. “You can’t hear my snoring through the walls, can you?” He was more concerned about her hearing his nightmares to be honest. 
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“Ah, ah, cher, leave my gym habits out of this. I don’t like your judgemental tone young lady.” He teased and shook his head, watching her move around his open kitchen like she belonged there. Hell, he’d give anything for her to actually belong there. But here he was, a field agent offering his best friend analyst a place because she needed it and he was already entirely in love with her, and yet she had a boyfriend. Wow, could he have picked a better situation? Likely yeah, she could be married. “Never accuse me of that, Liza. I just want you enjoy life and have nice things. If those nice things happen to occasionally be my mama’s apple pie, it’s just me being a good friend.” He teased and sat at the kitchen bar, resting his chin in his hand to watch her. 
His eyes crinkled as he watched her ‘not yet’ him until she had her ambrosia in her hands. He watched how she made it and figured that was easily replicated. Just wait until he started showing her where his infused simple syrups were, sweetheart would be in for a surprise. “Excellent, we’re right on schedule then.” His brows went up as she said he looked good and he hid his grin behind the last slug of his coffee. “Thanks cher, but your bouncy ponytail take the cake for cuteness. Now, let’s go.” 
Reggie didn’t let it show but her little yes, sir was like a blow to the ribs. He couldn’t breathe for a second and thankfully the hostess was a friend and seated them quickly. He glanced over at her minor freak out and smirked faintly. “It’s a Saturday morning, Liza, sometimes it gets a little busy with all the brunch dates.” He glanced up at her and smiled. “You look perfect regardless, just let it go.” He scanned the menu and smirked. “Do you trust me?” He looked up at her over the menu and arched an eyebrow. “With ordering, I mean.” 
The girl who took their order was blushing nonstop and he didn’t pay it any mind. Instead he ordered them a mimosa taster flight to start. He grinned at Liza and arched his brow. “What’s brunch without mimosas, right?” He glanced at her and tried to let go her little tease earlier. He just couldn’t and it was killing him. “What do we still need to move, oh, and what about boxes, do we need boxes?”
Liza struggled to keep her blush under control as he called her cute, rolling her eyes at his teasing compliment. “Cute is one thing… cute doesn’t make up for the under-eye bags and the obvious bedhead that’s thrown into a ponytail.” She muttered, enjoying the quiet ride to the restaurant. Which… okay, maybe wasn’t as on the swanky side as she thought originally– it was nice of course, and she still wished she looked a little bit more presentable, but still. “Perfect is pushing it.” Liza said, but smiled at him still before hiding behind the menu. When he asked if she trusted him, though, she found his gaze and nodded once. 
She trusted him more than she trusted almost anyone– Reggie was one of those truly good people, and she’d never felt so relaxed around anyone before. Liza waited quietly while he ordered mimosas, and a grin spread across her lips, though she couldn’t help noticing he seemed a little distracted. “Mimosas are the most important item during brunch. And boxes… we may need? Better to be safe than sorry.” Liza tried going through what was left in the apartment in her head, tapping her fingers against the menu as she tried to think, brushing off his distraction as him also going through a mental checklist.
“There’s my books left– those are already mostly packed. My clothes, but we can just toss those into… something.” Liza sighed, pursing her lips slightly until the drinks arrived, and she eagerly grabbed one. This place was going to be dangerous, she could already tell. “I don’t have much in the way of furniture– nothing that can’t be put into storage somewhere. My bed frame, which is… well, just one of those cheap metal ones, honestly we could probably just chuck it and I’ll buy a new one whenever I move. My desk and my bookshelf, though, I want to keep those.” Liza blushed when she realized she was doing all the talking. “I mean, if there’s room for all of it in your truck. Whatever doesn’t fit we can save for tomorrow, too.” 
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
@agcntwells // Sin 
Never, ever, in a million years, not even in his dreams, did he ever think that Liza moving in would lead to a dozen different incidents that would lead them to this. He thought she would move in, stay for a few months, until she was comfortable with Mark and move out. Instead, she found a kink stash of his, and asked questions. Then broke up with Mark long after she should have but that was not his business. What was his business was making sure they were still on the same page, still on the same path, and still helping each other grow and improve and people. His business was caring for Liza with everything he was. 
He watched his Chatton in the kitchen as they were going to have a lazy day running errands and smiled faintly. She was cleaning up after breakfast and he was answering some emails from work but suddenly touching her seemed much more agreeable over these keys. 
“Liza, come here please, baby,” he turned sideways in the chair and crooked his fingers at her. He was always mindful of his manners and treating his lady right--even if that meant taking her over his knee. “You make that dress look flawless,” he complimented and tugged her closer, so she was standing straddling one of his thighs. 
He kissed her knuckles gently and set her hands on his shoulders. “Would you like to play a little today, Chatton? While we’re out and about?” He slid his hands up her legs and groaned softly. “You’re so soft,” he leaned forward to press a kiss against her solar plexus as he slid his hand across her core through her panties. Maybe he should take those, no, no, he would need them if she agreed to play. 
Reggie looked up at her and smiled faintly. “Should I explain the rules before you say yes?” His grin was wicked as he rubbed his thumb rhythmically over her clit through her panties. His other hand was gripping one cheek in his hand, just enjoying the size difference for a moment. 
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
“I hope I will do that justice then, Liza.” He offered quietly and gave her a gentle squeeze for a moment. “Finish locking up and pack a bag. I need to go finish locking up the store.” He leaned away enough to see her and looked down at her with a small smile and cupped her cheek. “You’re going to be alright, Liza.” He was going to look after her with all the resources he could. 
Nate laughed at her conditions and shook his head. “You don’t need to earn any keep, Liza, your presence and your company are enough.” He rested his cheek on her head for a moment before he rested his hand on the doorknob. Her request made him nod. “I can wait. Mari and Gio can close.” He would just--a knock at the door made him turn in front of Liza, his hand going to the small of his back for a moment like he would have a gun on him. He did but Mari’s surprised look made him realize he wasn’t the only one who recognized that movement. 
“I brought your stuff and I wanted to check up on Liza.” She held up a little drink carrier. “I made tea. The way Nathaniel lit out of the store I figured it had to be tea worthy.” 
Nathaniel nudged open the door and nodded to Mari. “Thank you.” He avoided her curious look and took his messenger bag and the tea with a gentle grip. “I appreciate you guys covering for me.” 
“No worries, the new hires did pretty well too. I think they’re a good fit.” She offered a sliver of normalcy and his grateful smile made her brows furrow. “What happened?” Her tone was hard this time and he frowned in response. 
“Morozov’s heir.” He answered quietly and Mari’s eyes widened in fear. He knew she was in the business and she knew he was too, but she didn’t know what he did, he just knew what she did. Information was a priceless commodity, and expensive coffee was a ways and means to pass it. She knew Dmitri and knew to be afraid. “I have it handled.”
Mari shook her head and glanced around. “You can’t just handle shit like that.” 
“I can.” Nate responded quietly and she narrowed her eyes at him. “Trust me,” he sighed in Russian and her eyes widened again. 
“You can’t just handle Dmitri Morozov. His father doesn’t even handle him.” 
“His father doesn’t care to, there is a difference.” Nate responded with a weary sigh. “I just explained this to Liza,” Mari shook her head in shock again and he felt a headache coming on. “I will speak on this later, not here, not now. Liza is staying at my place until I’m sure Yuri will handle this.” 
“Yuri!?” Mari sputtered as Nate shooed her out so he could step outside. “Who are you!?”
“Who do you think I am?” Nathaniel answered quietly and straightened to his full height and stepped into her space. He narrowed his eyes and stared down at her as she, she stared up at him in horror. “Do you have an idea?” 
He watched the pieces click into place and she paled. He nodded slightly. “Really? You cleared out everything and left for what?”
“Because of her, in a sense,” he nodded back to the flower shop. 
“I thought you never knew her previously?” Mari gasped and he nodded. 
“I didn’t, but again, I am not going into this here.” He answered and turned to Liza. “Ready to grab some stuff?” 
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Nate froze at hearing his name, what was this little woman to him that she could alter his entire reality with her voice. That day a year ago, and then now. She was entirely a force unto herself. “Liza,” he whispered in response as she drew closer to him and felt every one of the boundaries he drew in himself regarding her start to disintegrate. Her hand on his wrist made him release the door and he obligingly pulled that arm around his waist, twisting his wrist free so he could wrap his arms around her in response. 
Gently, so gently he rested a hand on her mid back and on the back of her head, pressing her lightly against him. She had no idea, she had no concept of what he was, and he was grateful for that, eternally so. “I am still dangerous, Liza. I didn’t just forget how to handle violence. I just actively try and avoid it.” He murmured and pressed a kiss to her hair. “You have no reason to be afraid–of me, or of the situation. I will handle it.” He was going to, one way or another. 
“I’m not sure if that’s a wise decision but I’m thankful you do,” he started quietly before the next sentence just tumbled out of his mouth. “Then come home with me.” His eyes widened at the forwardness of that sentence and he stumbled for a second. “I mean, not, not like that, I just–that would be taking advantage of you. I just, I would feel better if I could watch over you. In my house.” 
Nate swallowed nervously and cleared his throat. “I have a guest room.” He offered lamely. “Or I could stay here, whatever you would prefer. I just want to do this right by you.” 
She was relieved when he didn’t push her away, when instead he wrapped her in his arms and held her close against him. Fingers clung to his shirt and she let out a quiet sigh. Yes, he would handle it, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to be afraid– or anxious, at the very least. “I know you are, but I trust you.” Liza murmured, biting the inside of her cheek as she let her forehead rest against his shoulder. Her heart jumped into her throat when she felt him kiss the top of her head, and she worried still that Nate was going to rush off and do something that would get him into trouble– with his old boss, or worse.
When he asked her to come home with him, she was surprised. She thought that, maybe, he would just stick around the shop for a bit, but requesting she stay with him? That was unexpected– and yet, she knew she would only feel safe there, especially given that her apartment was right over her shop. God forbid Dmitri try and come back while the shop was closed and try something, or he find out her place was right above. Liza pulled her head back just enough to look up at him, nodding once. She thought it was cute the way he stumbled over his words.
“I’ll… if it’s okay, I’ll take your guest room. As long as you promise that you tell me when I’m overstaying my welcome.” Liza murmured, biting the inside of her cheek a moment. “I don’t want to be a burden… I’ll earn my keep somehow. I’m good at baking.” She laughed quietly, resting her forehead against his shoulder again before reluctantly pulling away from him. “I’m just going to grab a few things, if you want to come up with me?” Liza asked, going over to the counter and grabbing her keys from the drawer.
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
Frank smiled at Liza’s argument against charter schools. “Yeah but Miss Liza you can’t be her teacher through the entire time she’s in school. And I was talking about high school, when she’s older.” He sighed and rubbed his neck. “When it comes time, how about I run all the decisions by you first?” He asked with a small grin and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Provided that’d be alright with you.” 
The loss this woman experienced made a lot of sense to him. She was so sweet, but he saw the shadows from time to time despite her sunshine and brightness. “I’m sorry too, Liza. It’s a terrible thing to lose anyone you’re that close with.” He offered a squeeze of her shoulder and nodded. “Maria was a wild one, and she wanted so badly to do good in the world, and she did. She was the mother to that little pistol who will undoubtedly do amazing things.” 
He grinned at her argument towards homework and heaved a dramatic sigh. “I suppose it’s not that bad. And actually, she doesn’t. Mama and I have a thing where we make her snacks and have her teach us what she did that day and then practice it with her so she does her homework without a fight.” That might eventually change as she got older but for right now he was savoring the sweet time with his baby and watching her learn. At her response he cracked a grin. “A churro and a strawberry lemonade, you got it, Miss Liza.” 
“Huh?” Frank was gobsmacked for a second, absolutely confused at her reaction until he saw his phone and the text he had waiting for him. Russo. Fuckin hell he was gonna kill him--wait. His eyes flew back up to Miss Liza and he felt his cheeks heat. Oh boy. What? What was this? Was this flirting? He was so rusty at it. “Yeah? Be careful what you wish for, Miss Liza. Russo’s a helluva lot more charming than I am.” 
Instead he shot back to Russo a single text. 
‘You can try. Won’t get you far.’
He showed it to Liza. “I hope that wasn’t crossing a line?” His heart was beating a mile a minute. What the fuck was even going on? What was this? Could he ask? Was that okay? Shit just keep it together. Were his palms sweaty? Was he in high school again? The fuck!?
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“I mean, don’t get me wrong, if I could afford it, I would try and get her into one of those expensive prep schools with the uniforms. I think she is definitely smart enough to get college scholarships, but everyone knows the prep schools get more attention paid to them.” He huffed and shook his head. “Bunch of rich assholes though, I dunno. I think I’ll just stuff her in an after school prep class when it’s warranted. She’ll fight but hell it’ll pay off.” He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “I’m not a fan of the idea of my baby growing up, but I think she’ll do a lot of good in the world. She’s got a lot of her mom in her.” 
Frank grinned at Liza’s compliment of Lisa and nodded. “I try and socialize her as much as possible. There’s a couple officer’s wives who we have play dates with. They’re not sure how to handle me since I’m an interloper but they love her.” He looked over at Liza and decided to tell her the truth. “Maria, that was my wife’s name. She had cervical cancer. Lisa was almost a month and a half early and had some lung trouble, and we never really questioned why she came early. Finally Maria wasn’t feeling well and when we went in, they said she was probably in early stages when she was pregnant and it was a wonder Lisa made it as far as she did. Lisa was checked out too, just in case. But it went downhill so fast.” Frank shook his head. “She wrote a bunch of cards for Lisa for big days, birthdays. We cried for hours that day. It was so hard to write at first, but the closure was good. We talked about raising her. It was hard but she got to see a few firsts for Lisa before she passed.” 
Frank rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “I don’t really talk about it, but having Lisa made grieving a little easier? I dunno, it’s kinda fucked to say it out loud but I poured all my energy and all my focus into raising the little pistol instead of falling apart. And you could, man I’ve seen some guys just lose their shit. Absolutely just toss their life into the trash after losing someone. I didn’t want to do that so I found an ex cop turned shrink. He was a marine too, felt like he would understand. And damn he does. I drank a little too heavily for a few weeks after her death, but I realized I couldn’t really do that with an infant, so I got my shit together.” He grunted. “Sorry, this is therapy session stuff, didn’t mean to lance that wound like that.” He made a mental note to bring this up at therapy because apparently it was still bugging him. 
Frank groaned at Liza’s mention of the project. “Miss Liza, damn it, I’m tired of the homework.” He laughed and shook his head. “Though the kids doing a project on their favorite animal would be cute. Have a little zoo in your room for a little.” He leaned down a little closer to her and narrowed his eyes some. “Alright, what’ll it take to buy your silence. A churro and a slurpee?” He teased and winked at her. 
Her offer for her number made him grin. “Sounds like a plan,” he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw a few texts from Russo about their schedule changing and if they could pick Lisa up from school tomorrow in the cruiser. “Ha, my partner, Billy, you’d love him. He wants to pick Lisa up from school tomorrow in the cruiser and uniform. She loves that and he loves looking like a badass.” His ex special forces buddy from the marines, and now his rookie officer.��“We have a split shift through mid afternoon so we’ll come in and read to the kids and pick Lisa up from school tomorrow.” He shot back a text telling Russo he was down and he was sure the teacher would appreciate the break on a Friday.
He held out his phone for her to enter her number when a text popped up he didn’t see. 
[Text: W. Russo] Ay, Lisa’s sweet little teacher you like? I finally get to meet her? Is she yours yours or can I flirt to? ;)
Liza wrinkled her nose at the mention of a prep school, and shook her head at him. “Don’t– charter schools aren’t always all they’re cracked up to be under that shiny exterior. And Lisa… she’s far too sweet for those kids. Don’t send her there.” She murmured, setting her empty glass between them as she let her elbows rest on her knees. When Frank began opening up about his late wife, Maria, Liza listened quietly and offered a small smile. Still, it was a story that made her heart absolutely ache, for both him and the little girl who’d lost her mother far too soon. “She sounds like an incredible woman– I’m so sorry. I lost my dad my freshman year of college, he had a heart attack. And my brother was killed in action my senior year… it was a difficult few months after Matt died, but I made it.” She still didn’t like talking about it, things still felt far too fresh to really dive too deeply.
Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she managed a laugh at his complaints of homework, and she couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him. “Sending home papers for you to sign is not homework. And making her learn sight words is important, though I’m sure she puts up a fight once she gets home.” Liza teased, rocking her knees to the side to nudge against his. “Besides, it’d be a totally in-class little project. I’ll have a book to read about the different kinds of zoo animals, and I’ll figure something little for them to do in class.” She murmured, her heart jumping into her throat as he squinted at her, obviously teasing, but that didn’t stop the blush from creeping up her neck. “Only if it’s strawberry lemonade flavored.” Liza teased right back, quirking a brow at him.
Frank was being so sweet– Liza wondered, probably thanks to her slight buzz, if this would ever be more than just flirting. Would Frank ever pursue her in earnest? Quickly, though, she derailed that train of thought– he was the father of one of her students, and he was simply inviting her along to a family outing as a courtesy. She’d been the one to admit she had no family and no real friends around here, after all. He was being nice. Though, as she laughed quietly at his description of his partner and took his phone to type in her number, she didn’t miss the next message from his partner. 
Sweet little teacher you like– so Frank had talked about her to this Russo guy, and obviously it was a positive kind of talking. Her heart skipped around again as she programmed her number into Frank’s phone. Maybe this… could be something? She didn’t want to get her hopes up, but part of her couldn’t help it. Handing his phone back, she left it on Russo’s message, a knowing smirk on her lips. “You can tell him he can flirt all he wants, but he won’t get far. I’ve only got eyes for one guy in a cop uniform.” Liza murmured, hoping she wasn’t being too forward.
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multitudeofsxns · 5 years
Reggie hated the stupid, asinine “OH HE DID SO GOOD AT THE BARE MINIMUM” awards usually given out. Whatever. He had had a good dinner with Liza and they played well with the higher ups until the drinking and dancing started en force. Then he opted to take her hand and tug her elsewhere. The hotel was pretty much deserted and he’d opted to get a room for them too, just in case. Now, he was diverting to the pool, thinking it would be deserted at nearly ten at night. And he was delightfully correct. 
His fearless Liza had followed his lead and stripped and he was lucky he got to watch her jump in, grinning as he followed. The kiss she pressed to his lips he wanted to return and escalate but they were still underwater. So he opted to kick them to the surface, slowly pushing them closer to shallow water. “Baby girl, we need to take you on some better dates,” he teased and held her waist in both hands and pulled her against him. “Definitely need to take you on better dates, chatton,” he shook his head as if he was ashamed of himself. Granted it had only been a little since they started dating and they had only really had the chance to do the standard ‘dinner’ options around the case. But still, that needed to be fixed. 
Multitudeofsxns--- 11
@multitudeofsxns ;; img
Liza had never had a date quite like this before, but she found it was way more fun than she’d originally anticipated. It wasn’t like Reggie was trying to show off for her, after all, Liza could have just as easily gotten into SHIELD’s gym pool, though probably not this late. Thankfully, no one was there as she shed out of her dress from dinner and dove in, Reggie right on her heels. When she felt someone grab her underwater, she somehow managed to find his lips with her own, kissing him as he pushed them to the surface. Soon as she was able, Liza giggled against his lips, her arms around his neck to keep him close.
“This is probably the best end to a date I’ve ever had in  my life.” She muttered, feeling weightless against him, peppering kisses along his jaw.
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multitudeofsxns · 6 years
“Yes but I am your bloody idiot, and I feel that that makes all the difference.” He wheezed and his ribs were admittedly killing him but damn if he didn’t need her in his arms right now. “And why would I call you when your phone is in the hallway?” He smirked and lifted himself into the window, though he winced when she couldn’t see. And winced again when she could see when the floorboards creaked. 
Instead of shoving him towards the window, his girl pulled him into a kiss that made him groan. He gently slid his hands over the curve of her waist and sighed. “I wouldn’t dare, ma’am,” he whispered and slid one hand to the small of her back and the other to the back of her neck. “Is that acceptable to you?” He teased and pulled her back into a heated kiss, fingers digging in slightly to her soft skin as he tried to keep himself restrained. 
“I just needed to hold you, today was too close,” he rasped against her lips as he stole more little kisses to her lips in between his words. “I just want you asleep in my arms all night, I swear I’ll leave at dawn, darling.” 
❝ you’re very fortunate that i ignored your instructions. ❞
@multitudeofsxns ;;
Peggy huffed and rolled her eyes, moving out of the way so that he could climb the rest of the way into her room. “You’re a bloody idiot, and if you so much as squeak the floorboards, I’ll chuck you back out that window.” She muttered, shaking her head at him– he should have been resting, not scaling a wall to come see her. He lived right across the road, for Christ’s sake! “Next time you’re impatient to see me, why don’t you call up and I’ll sneak out myself.” Yes, she hated this living separately thing, especially with trying to keep up the ruse that they hardly knew each other at work.
Still, once he was fully inside– and making the floorboards squeak, as she knew they would– she grabbed the lapels of his jacket and hauled him down to kiss him full on the lips, something she’d been desperate to do all day. “Don’t you dare muss my pincurls.” She teased, smiling against his lips.
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multitudeofsxns · 6 years
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dailystevegifs’ 5k celebration → laiba’s favourite fight scene
do you know what’s in that cradle? 
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multitudeofsxns · 6 years
Nate froze at hearing his name, what was this little woman to him that she could alter his entire reality with her voice. That day a year ago, and then now. She was entirely a force unto herself. “Liza,” he whispered in response as she drew closer to him and felt every one of the boundaries he drew in himself regarding her start to disintegrate. Her hand on his wrist made him release the door and he obligingly pulled that arm around his waist, twisting his wrist free so he could wrap his arms around her in response. 
Gently, so gently he rested a hand on her mid back and on the back of her head, pressing her lightly against him. She had no idea, she had no concept of what he was, and he was grateful for that, eternally so. “I am still dangerous, Liza. I didn’t just forget how to handle violence. I just actively try and avoid it.” He murmured and pressed a kiss to her hair. “You have no reason to be afraid--of me, or of the situation. I will handle it.” He was going to, one way or another. 
“I’m not sure if that’s a wise decision but I’m thankful you do,” he started quietly before the next sentence just tumbled out of his mouth. “Then come home with me.” His eyes widened at the forwardness of that sentence and he stumbled for a second. “I mean, not, not like that, I just--that would be taking advantage of you. I just, I would feel better if I could watch over you. In my house.” 
Nate swallowed nervously and cleared his throat. “I have a guest room.” He offered lamely. “Or I could stay here, whatever you would prefer. I just want to do this right by you.” 
multitudeofsxns ;;
“I will not get hurt, this boy is nothing, he’s a pest but he could hurt you and I will not tolerate that.” He waved his hand dismissively at the idea of Dmitri actually being able to hurt him. The muscles were showy and useless and he had no fighting ability. His goons though, they might be able to land a few good hits. They were younger and bloodthirsty and trained. He had more experience and training but he was also trying not to get violent. They had no qualms. 
Her question regarding who the idiot was made him pause. He watched as she made her case, weighing the options and her argument in his head. She was right, she did deserve the truth. “Don’t ever make me promises you can’t keep, Liza,” he lifted her hand to his lips before setting himself away from her. He would give her the space she would need to process what he was about to say. “Dmitri Yurievich Morozov. Son of the leader of the most powerful and most brutal and violent bratva–Russian mafia–in the northern hemisphere.” He answered without inflection, giving her the truth and letting her infer what he was to them. He let her process that for a moment, watching her expressive face react to her thoughts and realizations. 
“The boy is just that, a boy, he’s a man child with no concept of leadership and finesse. His father, Yuri Marakovich Morozov, is a soft and indulgent enabler when it comes to his children. My hope is that he takes me seriously and doesn’t let this slide. I’m not holding out much hope,” Nate admitted and hung his head slightly. “I was Yuri’s right hand for a while. Not even in his structure, I was separate from that, I held authority over even his generals. But personal matters are different from business matters.” 
Nathaniel paced restlessly then, agitated and concerned that the reality was going to sink in with her and she was going to cut him out of her life. If that was the case, he would follow Dmitri back to the city and punch his fucking face in and then join Yuri again for a while to keep Dmitri away from her from the inside. Hell that was a tempting idea. He paced to the window of her store and stared out to his bookstore. “You say that now, Liza, but you don’t realize that that is still a part of who I am. I can’t just shed my past like a snake and walk away. I will always carry those scars. No matter how idyllic that little bookstore is, I will never be truly free of it. Yuri won’t allow it. I’m too useful to him.” 
He turned to look at her from the door and put his hand on the doorknob. “I refuse to escalate the situation to violence but if it comes to it, I will do whatever it takes to protect you.” He started to open the door and paused. “You said once you weren’t the kind of woman a man goes to war for, you’re wrong. I would go to war for you.” 
I am going to go to war for you.
The loss of him threw her off, made her feel off balance as he walked away, explaining everything to her more candidly than she expected. Liza leaned against the counter as she took it all in, keeping her expression schooled. So he’d worked for the Russian Mafia, had been a right-hand man of their leader. Yes, it surprised her, but it didn’t make her afraid of him. Maybe a little more afraid of the man who’d walked in here, knowing he was the son of a mob boss would make anyone afraid. But somehow, knowing Nate had a direct line to Dmitri’s father made her feel more safe.
Her heart was in her throat as she watched him pace like a caged lion. Yes, he was right, that part of him was still there, and maybe he was right about never being free of his past sins. That didn’t mean he was exactly the same person, or that he didn’t deserve this second chance. “Nate–” She pushed away from the counter as he moved towards the door, and she was afraid of him leaving, more so than she was afraid of anything he’d just told her. She didn’t want him to go to war for her, but she could understand the necessity he must feel. Her heart was in her throat, and she felt tears stinging her eyes as the door opened. “Wait, please,” Liza lurched forward, her fingers gripping his wrist to stop him before her arms went around his waist, pressing herself close to him.
“Don’t go… please. I know– I get it, your life before was dangerous, you were dangerous.” She muttered, resting her forehead against his shoulder as she spoke. “And I am afraid, but not of you. Never of you… you haven’t given me a single reason to be afraid of you.” Liza murmured, swallowing thickly as she looked up at him again, her quietly suffering guardian. “I trust you. Completely. Please don’t go yet… I don’t know that I want to be alone right now.” Partly because she was afraid of Dmitri showing back up, but mostly she was afraid that if he left, things wouldn’t be the same… and she didn’t want to lose this– whatever this was. 
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multitudeofsxns · 6 years
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buss down thortiana
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multitudeofsxns · 6 years
Mr and Mrs Agent
It had been a harrowing few months trapped in the ice, before he was found and he never wanted to do anything like that ever again. So with Howard’s clout and his own influence, and Peggy’s plan, he was able to melt back into society as a private citizen. On paper he was Grant Stephen O’Connell, his mother’s maiden name. Stephen Grant Rogers was dead, according to all the paperwork and all intents and purposes. Captain America was lost at sea still with his best friend Howard Stark still looking for him, according to most papers. 
Now he was living in an apartment across the street from Peggy’s boarding house, a lovely walking distance from work. Well, his new work. Stark had gotten him an in, and Peggy had worked whatever magic she normally did and got him assigned to her same unit. Now was the tricky part. 
They had to play like they had never met before, like they never had once laid eyes on each other. To hell with the idea that they were almost engaged, it was talked about but he hadn’t made it official, they were just coworkers. Today being his first day and their first real test. He wanted to pull the hat down low over his face and turn his collar up, shrinking into the wardrobe that Stark had bestowed upon him. Then he remembered that this was New York, no one paid attention. And that was a huge comfort for him. He was on his way to work just like all the other men fresh back from the front. 
The receptionist pointed him in the direction and he caught sight of his future section chief and hailed him. “Chief,” he called and jogged over to him. “Agent O’Connell, nice to meet you,” he offered his hand to shake. 
“Ah, you’re the rookie.” He grinned and nodded. “Come on, we’ve got a lot to teach you and you’re already late.” 
“I am?” Steve seemed surprised and thought he was actually 30 minutes early. 
“Eh, if we’re on the same lift you’re fine, but if I’m in before you, you’re late.” 
Steve thought that that was the most ludicrous thing but didn’t say a word. Damn Bucky would have snarked at this joker. “Duly noted, sir.” He instead responded and made a mental note to ask Peggy what time she got in the office and walk with her. He was not going to have a target on his back in the first week and this Thompson seemed like a bully. 
He walked in and nearly smiled at his girl but instead his eyes widened when he heard the single most insulting thing he could have ever imagined. “Agent Carter! Is the coffee done?” 
“It was done before you rolled in, get it yourself.” Another male voice called and he didn’t look up from his paperwork. 
“Mind your business, gimp.” 
“How about I make you mind my crutch over your head, Taylor.”
“Gentlemen! May I introduce the newest addition to our team, Agent O’Connell,” He called over the din, effectively ceasing any further fighting. 
“Oy, an O’Irish boy? You’re a big fuckin leprechaun.” The same ingrate, Taylor, shouted. 
“Born and made in Brooklyn, actually,” Steve responded calmly and tucked his hands in his coat and shrugged a shoulder dismissing the quizzical look. 
“Made? Don’t you mean raised?” Taylor snapped. 
“Ah, no, I meant made, didn’t your neighborhood make you who you are, Agent Taylor?” He asked as he followed Thompson past the offensive Agent and towards the empty desk, caddy corner to Peggy. He just had to look up and glance at her, this could make things difficult. But he was next to Sousa, and he seemed like a good man. He was pulling all sorts of Serum jokes this morning for Peggy and hoped she wasn’t too upset at him for wanting to make her laugh. 
“We’ll have our first briefing in 30. Until then, make yourself comfortable and go over the desk contents. I don’t know what was left to you. Carter can get you anything you’re missing.” Thompson offered and walked away. 
Steve took off his hat and coat and hung them on the coat rack before undoing the button on his bespoke jacket before sitting. He was nosing through, figuring what he would have to buy when he saw a stick entering his line of vision. He grabbed it before it could poke him and looked up at Sousa who was grinning. 
“Just wanted to see if you were flesh and blood or a statue, O’Connell.” He offered, looking pointedly at Steve’s bicep in the suit jacket. “That’s not standard issue to most men.” 
Steve let go of the crutch and shrugged. “Ah, no I suppose it isn’t standard issue.” He couldn’t help the smirk. “Neither is a brain standard issue to some around here.” He joked, meaning Taylor. He glanced at Sousa then at Peggy. “Am I right?” 
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