More info about Eileithyia (powers and abilities, fatal blow, brutalities, fatalities and outfits):
Author's Notes: Hello, how are you guys? I hope you enjoyed this new informations, sorry for the delay in updating, my course is giving me a hard time. Once again sorry if there were any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language and I am using the translator to write the parts where my English is not that good.
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Eileithyia is a powerful necromancy sorceress and warrior, being the matron of the Mediterranean warrior clan that Johnny and Rhea descends from, the Yeborath clan. Her magic and sorcery are often compared to that of Quan Chi, but she uses her magic for the protection of Earthrealm and lives by a very strict 'creed' that includes the prohibition of raising the souls of the dead, reanimate their corpse and control them. Her duty as grandmatron, in addition to caring for and helping her clan, also included keeping an eye over the portals of the Netherrealm and preventing demons from leaving the underworld to cause trouble in other realms.
Despite of the powerful sorcery status, the Yeborath clan magic have limitations, they cannot use magic if they leave the island, which is where the Ichor Waters are found that allows them to perform their more complicated rituals and other magical feats. Before becoming a grandmatron, Eileithyia trained hard to be able to manifest her magic without having to resort to the Ichor Waters, managing to materialize a luminescent green mist emanating from the gray marks on her fingers. She accomplish to launch blasts of green mist, create portals at your will and travel freely through the kingdoms, being able to improve your allies in combat, teleport from one place to another in a burst of green flames, become invisible and move faster than you could.
From a young age, Eileithyia showed a talent for telekines with Ichor Waters, being the best at it than all her sisters and brothers in that specific field and with the creation of the green mist, she began to use telekines very often during a kombat, pushing an opponent away or pulling them closer. She developed a tendency to use the mist to levitate a person by the neck, even used the mist to choke, twist, crush, or break the neck while suspended them in the air).
After passing the rite of passage and gaining her tattoos, Eileithyia could begin to learn shapeshifting magic, unlike Shang Tsung or Quan Chi, the magic users of the Yeborath clan are only allowed to transform into a certain animal and unfortunately couldn't choose which type of animal they would transform, the Ichor Waters would be the one who would choose the best animal that fit best. For Eileithyia, shapeshifter magic came with more difficulty than telesynesis, but after long months of trial and error, she managed to transform into the hybrid of a wolf and a red-furred inhala with white stripes on her back and white spots scattered over the rest of her body.
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Even with the improvements in magic, Eileithyia has improved her hand-to-hand fighting skills and swords, even creating a specific style using two swords, which sets her apart in a unique fighting style in a kombat.
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Eileithyia rushes up to her opponent and throws her chokutō into her victim's belly and with her palms burying them even deeper and making the opponent bow in pain, she takes that as an advantage and quickly unsheathes the ninjatō and shoves them into his eyes, then kicks him away, only to pull the victim back to him using her telesynesis and bury the ninjatō up to the hilt in the head with another kick. And to finish while the victim is on the ground because of the last kick, Eileithyia summons a portal below her feet and lets herself fall, another portal opens on top of the opponent and Eileithyia lands on top of her chokutō, burying them even more in her belly.
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May your soul serve well to The Father.
Forgive me, Mother.
May The Ones receive you well in theirs realms.
Your blood will be greatly appreciated for my rituals.
Rest in peace like my clan.
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1. The Klassic: Eileithyia performs a uppercut with the Kashira (pommel) of her Chokutō, decapitating her opponent's head in an ascending manner, with a piece of the spine attached.
2. Bad wolf-inhala: Eileithyia uses her telesynesis to throw her opponent to the ground before transforming into a wolf-inhala and begins biting the opponent's neck until the neck is violently separated from the shoulders.
3. Double End: Eileithyia disappeared into a green mist and reappears behind the opponent, severing their arms with both of her Chokutō. While the victim stares at her bleeding stumps in shock, Eileithyia quickly cuts off her legs just above her knees, and before the victim falls to the ground, she cuts the rest of her body in half and upon hitting the ground the opponent's body is split in half with her arms and legs not too far from the body.
4. Sword Decapitation: Eileithyia stabs her opponent with one of her Chokutō on the left side of her body, burying the blade completely. With her other Chokutō, Euleithyia quickly delivers a slashing blow to her opponent's neck before pulling out the buried blade. The opponent falls to his knees on the ground, his head slides from his neck, rolling on the ground, finally the victim's body falls on its front, splashing a lot of blood.
5. Carnage: Eileithyia kicks the opponent away, causing him to fall to the ground on his back before pinning his hands to the ground, impaling them with his Ninjatō, then she transforms into the hybrid and jumps on the opponent and mutilates the opponent's face with several bites with her wolf teeth, only stopping when the body became motionless.
6. Choke with my mist: Eileithyia summons her mist and directs it towards her opponent with a flick of the wrist, the mist entering through the victim's nostrils and mouth and clenching her fist to hang the mist inside the opponent's lungs, which begins to suffocate by air, she kept her fist clenched until the opponent fell to the ground lifeless.
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1. The Last Breath: Eileithyia invokes four souls from your clan to grab each of your members from your opponent, sinking their claws in and digging their claws and fangs into the skin and muscles firmly trapping the opponent. Eileithyia slowly approaches the restrained opponent and gently grasps the face with her hands on either side of the face before bringing the faces closer. As soon as the lips of both touch, she begins to absorb both her soul and the life force, causing the body to begin to age, Eileithyia does not stop that the opponent's body is skin and bones, when the kiss ends the souls disappear and the corpse collapses on the ground lifeless, Eileithyia conjugates the stealing soul into the form of a green orb, gazing affectionately at the sphere of light.
2. The Ichor Waters: Eileithyia summons Ichor Waters from the various vials in her belt, molded the greenish liquid to take the form of four spider legs, she rushes up to the tormenting opponent and delivers a deadly kick backwards, launching her opponent into the air and using her telesynesis to fly after him. She uses both of the spider legs to impale the opponent through the torso and the other two to stab both shoulders before kicking the victim to the ground. She lets herself fall on top of the opponent's torso with a force powerful enough to create a hole, she then wraps the spider legs around her wrists and ankles and rips off the arms and legs in one fell swoop.
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Full Name: Rheya Carlton
Nickname: Rhea
Born: 2010
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Status: Alive
Origin: Earthrealm (Malibu, California, USA
Resides: Earthrealm
Nationality: Japanese-American
Specie: Human
Height: 4’4.36’’ (133 cm)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Grey
Skin Color: Tan
Occupation: Eileithyia’s apprentice
- Eileithyia (ancestor)
- Mia Carlton (mother)
- Jack Carlton (father)
- Jonathan Carlton/Johnny Cage (uncle)
- Shaolin Monks
- Yeborath Clan/Cult
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Backstory: Rhea is the daughter of Mia and Jack Carlton, divorced parents. She lives with her uncle Johnny Cage because her mother travels a lot because of her job as business consultant, she also attends a private school.
With her uncle accepting to be Earthrealm's champion and refusing to leave his niece alone in the mansion, she took up residence at the Wu Shi academy, being taken under Eileithyia's wing to be taught about healing magic.
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Personality: Rhea is kind and polite but shy when she meets new people, but her shyness doesn't show up if she's sleepy and never missing an opportunity to be a courteous hostess, even when Kenshi broke into your uncle's mansion or when Liu Kang, Eileithyia, and the Lin Kuei brothers showed up at the mansion. Eileithyia even commented that when Rhea gets older it will be the definition of intimidation with politeness. One thing Rhea doesn't fail to do is speak truthfully and without filter with an expression of innocence.
Rhea is also quite oblivious to her surroundings when she sees a butterfly, there could be a fight going on near her and she wouldn't be distracted from observing and memorizing all its details to later draw.
Although it is not much talked about among the Carlton family, all the children had an angry and feral phase in their childhood, where they would kick/bite/scratch people to take away something that they are possessive of or like very much, Rhea is still going through that phase, where no one can touch the delicious chocolate cakes made by her mother and later by Eileithyia, If she wants to share, she'll say.
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Author's notes: Hello, how are you guys? I hope you liked the this character, Rhea Carltron belongs to my honey friend @lynn-w3st, she gave me permission to used it in my story. First I thought about making a baby Rhea, since Eileithyia would be a babysitter/nanny but then I remember Raiden's sister.
Raiden's sister is someone who intrigued me the most when she was first mentioned in the intros, I’ll go by the theory that it's a female version of Fujin, but I'm also open to the possibility of it being a completely new character, but my idea so far is to make Raiden's sister have a son/daughter and Eileithyia would be his/her babysitter.
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My Original Female Character:
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Full Name: Eileithyia
Nickname: Leithyia, Lei, Thyia
Born: 685
Age: 1338 (25 physically)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Status: Alive
Origin: Earthrealm (Island in the Mediterranean)
Resides: Earthrealm
Specie: Human
Height: 5’8” (172 cm)
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Gold
Skin Color: Pale (with grey tattoo)
- Two Chokutō
Hilt: 11.4 inches/29 com
Blade: 57.08 inches/145 cm
Total: 5 feet 8.5 inches /174 cm
- Two Ninjatō
Hilt: 5 inches/14 cm
Blade: 2 feet 4.3 inches/72 cm
Total: 2 feet 9.8 inches/86 cm
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- Yeborath Clan/Cult
- Emperor Jerrod (formerly)
- Lin Kuei (formerly)
- Shaolin Monks
- White Lotus Society
Likes: Knitting, cooking, reading, tea times with Liu Kang, teaching Rhea, hunting, piles of hugs, training with Kenshi, night movies.
Dislikes: Sindel, Rhea getting hurt, her loved one in danger, not being able to use the full potential of her magic.
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Backstory: Eileithyia was a young matron from a warrior clan native to an island in the Mediterranean. She watched as her husband and clan were slaughtered by the sorcerer thirsting for their souls, and had to give a quick and painless death to the few who survived but had their lives by a thin line. She would have joined her husband, sisters, and brothers if it weren't for the Lin Kuei and their lifetime debt...
She lies for more than a thousand years freezing, where once was her home, now it was a tomb, her clan has been erased from history, forgotten, or so she thought... Waking up in what was said to be the 21st century, with no knowledge of the modern environment in which she found herself, Eileithyia starts a new life in a village, decides to leave her past behind but her plans go down the drain when a certain Fire God and Protector of Earthrealm shows up at her favorite teahouse…
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Personality: Eileithyia is wise, attentive and kind to those she considers family but is highly cautious, suspicious and critical of outsiders. After the massacre of her clan, she turned dark and bloody, resorting to even darker magic than she was used to in an attempt to avenge her clan.
After starting visiting Madam Bo's Teahouse and start a friendship with Raiden and Kung Lao, her behavior changed slightly, losing interest in killing and leaving behind his path of revenge, preferring to incapacitate his opponent without seriously injuring him. Many villagers in Fengjian describe Eileithyia as cold, aloof, lonely, and silent, refraining from showing her softer side, being reserved only for children, Madam Bo, Kung Lao, and Raiden. And despite her cold exterior, everyone in Fengjian knew that they could trust Eileithyia with their children, many speak and praise warmly about her fierce protection.
She has a slightly dark sense of humor in combat, often joking that she needs certain parts of her opponent's body as a sacrifice to the Elder Gods or for some dark ritual. She also has some sadistic tendencies, such as liking to give a slow and painful death to a person who she fully believes to deserves it, she also finds it satisfying to take a person to death with her own hands, reaching the point of healing all the wounds that she caused and repeating everything again.
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Author's notes: Hello, how are you guys? I hope you liked the character I created. I used Merrin from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to be the face of my character, I may be a passable editor but not the best artist. 😅 I also wanted to say thank you to @lynn-w3st 😘 for helping me develop the character as well as ideas for developing the story.
I'm still thinking about whether or not I should make a prologue, I already have the first chapter in mind and maybe some intros but I'm still writing other information about my original character (brutalities, fatalities, fatal blow)… please be patient with me, I'm very nervous about this. And sorry if there were any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language and I am using the translator to write the parts where my English is not that good.
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I'm working on a Mortal Kombat Fanfic! Please let me know what you think! First time writing and posting a fanfic, please be patient with me! ☺️
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Title: Love in Kombat
Fandom: Mortal Kombat (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences (but can change)
Category: F/M, M/M, F/F, Multi
Pairing/relationship: (Still to be determined)
Synopsis: Eileithyia lost her husband and children to soul-thirsty sorcerers. Eileithyia lost her clan to soul-thirsty sorcerers. Eileithyia would not lose her new family to sorcerers again.
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