mundoobsoleto 2 years
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mundoobsoleto 2 years
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i'm a microphone fiend
I own no rights to this picture
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mundoobsoleto 2 years
MEYI (2)
A night out at the area. The garden is humming with the old time lucha libre of Toots Mondt and Vincent J. McMahon. I've always loved old grapplin' and I will make sure my kids do to. Tonight's matches are a gasser. Antonino Rocca is facing that fairy Gorgeous George. It's one of the only times that blonde son-of-a-bitch has come to New York.
That pansy has allot of nerve coming to my town.
The first stretching is looking to be Nicky Galardo from the Bronx pitted against a Mickey Gonzalez-Avila Junior. That kid's a Puerto Rican. But he's been beating everyone down here on a weekly basis. From the garden to the Nassau in Long Island.
My popcorn is hard and dry but loaded up with canola earl. Atleast my pop is icy cold. These matches always get my whiskahs twirling. Thank Christ, I made it down here on time. Earlier today I had an odd job painting Mr. McElhenny's garage. I made a cool 40 clams for it. That's serious money these days. I was able to find Myrtle right after with a stick of butter for a glutinous engagement only an hour before da matches. The goose has hanging right alright. But my drawers are a little mushy now. And the garden's hot and muggy tonight. I'll be smelling like onion polyps in no time. Har. Har. Har.
Well the lights are blinking. The sweat is splashing and the fights begin. It couldn't be more explosive if President Truman was dropping little boys or fat mans.
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mundoobsoleto 2 years
Okana (1)
The bright lights on the Avenue were pretty bright for 2am. I had just visited my mistress in despair while she works the night shift at the local Pick 'n Pack. My high was wasting away and I knew I would atleast sleep the night throught with a rough morning ahead. She didn't have a clue.
It was cold I was wearing jeans too big from a life ago. A boy's scout belt. 2 tshirts with one thermal long sleeve underneath. A large dark blue navy peacoat. Two scarves. And a skull cap. It was a three mile walk home. And it was atleast 20 degrees Fahrenheit in the city.
I finally reached my murky tenement building. Climed the 8 flights of the "four" floor establishment. As I stumbled for my keys, an unopened wax fold came out of my pocket. Shit, I was luck I didn't lose this in the snow. I was a happy boy tonight. I kept telling myself : be smart save this shit for the morning, does a junkie ever listen?
I went right to my room cracked it open and dumped the tannish, sandy matte powder on a magazine. Used my trusty tampon applicator and my anxiety went up my nose to not be seen till the next day hopefully before I have to report to work.
This was the first time I visited her late at night like this. I was falling for the girl. Was I about ruin her life? Would she save mine?
I've been playing with the kid for hours. Her feet are cold and stinky and she keeps shoving them in my face. Was it really her mother that saved my life or was it the birth of this amazing little human. It's a secret I'll till I die. Nah. *cough* They both did their part in straightening me out a bit. Although I still have much to accomplished. At 40years old I've accomplished becoming a stay-at-home dad. Dear god. I left, got fired, what have you, last December. My weight was unmanageable, and I was passing out at my post in the store i was working at. I was a mess. Dying. And not from anything fun. I had gone from addict to diabetic. From fat to skinny then to morbidly obese.
My legs itch with cellulitis. I'm pissing like an old man with five pound prostate. Breathing like some big fat italian mobster from the Sopranos. It's a sight.
i feel like getting high. An order from the McDonald's sounds pretty damn good about now. That's how I'm getting high nowadays. Food became THE drug. Not as soothing as dope, but it's more affordable, kills slower. And people don't generally look down on you for it. Fuck, who am I kidding? I stick out like Bozo Clown at the state Assembly.
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mundoobsoleto 2 years
There's been talk of white rabbits, whether in wrestling or the recovery community. It's an image that embodies craving, sense of well-being. The white rabbit is the drug. Stay away. Or maybe he's the peddler? He leads you throw the hole... deep into it. You have to run fast as he's always in a hurry.
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mundoobsoleto 2 years
So, I've decided to start something that was popular with the lads ten years ago. But I don't have money for a real website, and I know fu)) all of making webites and what not. So, I'm here and I'll be sharing my thoughts on a load of sh)). From old VHS tapes to new and up and coming hip-hop artists. I also hit you with my crazy thoughts now and again.
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mundoobsoleto 2 years
great p.l. better than that lil' stevie guy
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