muns0n86 · 1 year
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I mean yeah, I said I was on an Eddie drawing hiatus to work on requests but I’m sad and tired today so… I treated myself 😌
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muns0n86 · 1 year
Imagine cooking in the middle of the night with Eddie. The kitchen is an absolute mess, and food is everywhere. Music, you both agree on softly playing in the background. He's dancing around you, grabbing things from the very top shelf you can't reach. You're both giggling as you throw food at each other. Plates never get made because you're both eating straight from the pans. Your belly's grow full and a little bloated from your late night feast. Eventually, you and Eddie crash in bed curled up with each other. He's brushing feather like strokes on your back while you twirl some of his hair with your fingers. Soon, you both fall into a deep content sleep.
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muns0n86 · 1 year
“Do it for me.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: reader’s past struggles come back to haunt her.
warnings: reader has an eating disorder, talk of anorexia and weight gain/loss, throwing up food, angst, tears galore, panic attack, depression, language. requested by @eu1a i hope i did this justice to what you wanted as of how serious the topic was. thank you for requesting and enjoy reading:)
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“Fuck,” You sobbed, hands gripping the toilet as you sat on your knees, rocking back and forth through cries. You sniffled and snotted, choking on cries that echoed through the bathroom, an absolute mess. It was shocking how one little comment send you into hysterics. You thought you’d gotten so much better.
All it took was one comment from your sister about your weight to ruin your whole day, to send you into the bathroom. You tried not to stick your fingers down your throat, but you were so upset you thought you’d throw up anyways.
You’d always struggled with anorexia ever since you were in middle school, but you’d been doing good ever since you’d gotten together with Eddie. He was good for you, kept you positive. He knew about your past struggles, but you knew he had a hard time understanding it. You didn’t blame him, you didn’t understand it all either.
You’d never had a healthy relationship with food, but being with Eddie healed you. He taught you to love yourself, be kind to the body that you were given. Even if you didn’t want to be, you faked it till you made it. Being with him had helped you get to a healthy weight, put on the pounds you needed to keep your immune system up and healthy.
Your dinner was sitting uncomfortably inside your belly, so you stuck your fingers down your throat and threw up your food, gagging as you did so. It didn’t make you feel better, though, and you sobbed as you drooled all over your hand, eyes watering and chest burning as you vomited your stomach contents.
One comment sent you into a spiral, and you didn’t know how bad it was going to be.
You were exhausted, and the loud boom of cafeteria chatter didn’t help the pounding headache that you were trying to fight off. Eddie was to your left, arguing with Gareth and Dustin about something regarding to their newest campaign. You’d tried to focus on what they were talking about, but you hadn’t been sleeping very good. Everything seemed foggy, cloudy, hard to see through and felt as if you were underwater.
Your stomach rumbled for something to eat, but you denied it almost every time, making you look pale and sickly. It had been a week since your sister’s comment, and it had been a week of straight hell. Your body was undergoing your own torture, and you were certainly paying the price for it. You felt so guilty, going behind Eddie’s back and doing everything you could to keep him from finding out that you were sick again. He never saw you like it before, not really, only having heard your stories. You didn’t want him to see you week. You were afraid he’d find you disgusting.
“Angel?” Eddie’s voice echoed in your ear, becoming clearer when he grabbed your left hand. “You with us, baby?”
Dustin and Mike cackled like chickens as they made fun of their dungeon master. Eddie rolled his eyes, giving them the bird. “Sorry,” He chuckled, laying an arm over your shoulder. “You good? You seem quiet.”
You smiled as best as you could. “Yeah- just..just tired. I stayed up all night studying for our science exam.”
Eddie bopped your nose. “That’s my good girl. Keeping up with those grades, huh? Well, maybe you should ditch the rest of the day and head home for a nap, yeah? Might do you some good.” He kept eye contact with his big brown eyes, making you fall harder in love with him. Made you feel more guilty.
You couldn’t describe your feelings. You knew you weren’t overweight by any means. You were healthy and were you needed to be. You hadn’t even been insecure about your belly that wasn’t as smooth as it had used to be, or the extra meat on your thighs. You worried about eating, what the food would do to you if you got out of control. What would happen if you weren’t pretty anymore? What would happen between you and Eddie?
You didn’t see yourself as ugly, but you feared food would make you hideous. The solution? Simply not eat.
“Yeah, maybe.” You nodded, looking down to your lap.
“Not eating anything?” He noticed your empty space on the table.
“Not hungry.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“You’ve not ate much this week.” He acknowledged, giving you an odd look. “You’re not coming down with something, are you?”
“No, no,” You shook your head. “Just been really tired. Not had much of an appetite.”
He frowned and scooted his bag of pretzels towards you, pointing so you could eat before he turned back to his friends, giving you a kiss on the cheek as he did so.
It took you five minutes before you could eat one.
Your gagging sounds filled the bathroom dreadfully, hunched over the toilet as you heaved out everything you had consumed that day, which hadn’t been much. You cried like a baby, guilt eating you alive. You didn’t know what to do. You knew you couldn’t go down this path again. You’d gotten so bad last time. You needed to talk to Eddie. You knew you had to.
The idea terrified you. He’d be disgusted of what you were doing wouldn’t he? He didn’t judge you before, but that was before.
You sobbed as you flushed the toilet and stood on shaking legs, walking to your bedroom to look in your mirror. You lifted up your shirt with trembling hands. You couldn’t even see your reflection from how hard you were sobbing, your heart broken and body wracking with guilt.
Before you knew it, you were calling Eddie.
His tapping on the window came as a relief and terror all at the same time. You pushed open your curtains to reveal his terrified face, and he jumped in as quickly as he could. “Baby, are you okay?” He grabbed your shoulders. “What happened? What’s wrong?”
You’d regretted it, though, now. It had given you a chance to calm down, his drive over there, and you were suddenly wishing you hadn’t called him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You waved your hands, not looking at him. “I’m okay, now, I was just upset.”
“About what?” He pressed, warm palms on gone shoulders. “What had you so upset, darlin’?”
“Nothing, I’m okay.” You dismissed halfheartedly.
“Baby,” He said firmly. “Tell me what happened! Are you hurt?”
“No, Eddie, I’m fine!” You snapped harshly, making him jump. “I’m fucking fine!”
You obviously weren’t, because your tears had come just as quickly back again, and you covered your face with your hands as you sobbed behind them.
“Y/n,” He tried to reach out to you but you jerked away. “Please, you’re scaring me, what happened?”
“I can’t tell you!” You wailed, making him recoil slightly. “You’ll be so mad at me!”
“Sweetheart,” He softly and carefully wrapped his hands around your shoulders. “Calm down,”
Your breathing got out of control, and you pushed him away to put your hands on your knees. “I can’t,” You choked, gagging on your own breath. “I’m so-”
“Breathe,” He tried not to panic along with you, holding your torso as he brought you to the bed. “Breathe, honey,” He brushed your hair out of your face. “Shh, it’s alright. I’ve got you.”
You sobbed like a lost child, snot dripping down your nose as you hiccuped and choked. “Shh,” He soothed you. “Shh, I’m right here. Don’t rush, just breathe for me, alright? Need you to calm down.”
The panic attack drifted away after a few minutes, the terror washing away with an overwhelming amount of relief that made you sigh dramatically as you looked up to the ceiling. “Oh, god,”
He pushed your hair away from your sweaty face, adjusting your shirt that was falling off your shoulder. “Are you alright?”
You nodded heavily. “Thirsty.” You panted, getting up to shakily walk to your dresser for your water battle. He stood, watching you carefully to make sure you didn’t fall over.
You swallows your drink roughly, throwing down the bottle when you were done. “Oh, fuck, Eddie I’m so sorry.” You said exhaustedly.
“Y/n, honey, it’s okay.” He frowned, coming up to you. “But you’ve gotta talk to me, okay? I’m freaking out here. What happened that got you so upset? Did someone hurt you?”
“No,” You whined. “Stop asking me!”
“Fine!” He snapped. “Fine, what the fuck ever then!” He growled, stomping with heavy boots over to the beat. “Forget I fuckin’ asked.”
You gritted your teeth and crossed your arms, the familiar guilt swarming over you like buzzing bees. You carefully set down beside him, fidgeting with your fingers. Your eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry.” Your voice cracked.
“I’m just…I’m afraid of what you’ll say. I don’t want you to be angry with me.”
Eddie looked over at you with saddened eyes, reaching out to grab your trembling hand. “Sweetheart, I promise I’m not going to loose it, okay? I just want you to talk to me.”
He watched you sit in silence, big tears rolling down your cheeks as your lip quivered. He wanted to pull you into his arms, but he knew you needed your space.
“I’ve been throwing up my food again.” You let out a whimper, face burning with shame. “It’s just been a couple weeks.”
Eddie’s eyes widened. “Throwing up…your food? As in when..”
“Yeah, like before.” You rushed, finishing for him. “I know it’s disgusting and I should stop. That’s why I’m telling you.”
Eddie looked to the floor, trying his hardest to figure out what to say. He should’ve seen the signs, should’ve realized you hadn’t been acting right, because you hadn’t, and all the pieces were finally connecting together:
“Two weeks?” He looked back up at you. “What happened?”
“My sister.” You sniffled. “She said that I was getting fat. Well, no, she didn’t say that. She said I was putting on weight, but you- well, you get it.” You stumbled, bringing up a nail to bite.
“Who, lizzie or Micah?” He said quickly.
“That little brat.” He gritted his teeth. “I outta-”
“That’s my sister, Eddie.” You finally looked at him.
“I don’t care who it is.” He stood up, pacing. “Nobody should ever talk that way to anyone. That’s just messed up.”
“It’s not her fault.” You defended. “She’s right. Don’t be mad at her, Eddie.”
Eddie gave you a look. “Are you serious? You’re not gonna sit there and justify what she said to you, especially with…with your health.” He was flustered and red, pacing a whole in the floor as he walked from one end of the room to the other.
“Are you okay?” You asked him, causing him to stop.
“Am I- no, no, baby, are you okay?” He came down to his knees in front of you. “I mean- you know that I don’t know anything about this, so you just gotta be honest with me. I mean..well, are you alright? Don’t you..should you eat something?” He was rambling and he knew it, terrified of saying the wrong thing.
“I’m not hungry.” You blushed.
“How long has it been since you ate?” He regretted the word choice as soon as he said it, especially the way your face turned beat red, but he had to ask.
“This morning.” You answered.
“And did..did you, uh- throw it up?” He said carefully, looking up with big, brown eyes.
You were beginning to feel very small, not able to keep your eyes on him. You started to cry again. You held your belly and sniffled, his hands on your knees.
“Baby, it’s okay,” He tried to sooth you. “I’m not mad. I’m glad you told me. I’m just trying to understand.”
“Yeah.” You said hoarsely. “I’ve not been able to keep anything down.”
“Okay,” He said gently. “Thank you for telling me. Have you been doing anything else?”
“No,” You shook your head. “Just that. I’m scared I’m going to get bad again, it’s just so hard to stop.”
“What’s it feel like?” He tried. “Is it..like addiction? Are you addicted to it or is it something else?”
His slender fingers came up to wipe your tears, soothing your aching anxiety. “I-I..I,”
“Slow,” He stopped you. “Shh, calm down, slow, slow,” He guided you through your breathing.
“I’m too big.” You blubbered, coiling over and grabbing his arms. “I’m too- too, uh, big!”
“No, you’re not, y/n.” He shook his head, holding your shoulders. “You’re healthy. You’re exactly where you need to be.”
“But, what happens when I’m not!” You cried. “You’ll leave me!”
“What?” His eyes crinkled in surprise. “Honey, what, no. No matter what you look like I’m staying. No matter what.” He lifted up to hold your face.
“Sweetheart, you’re healthy and where you need to be.” He squeezed you. “It doesn’t matter if you loose weight or gain it, none of it matters to me, do you understand? All I want is for you to be happy and healthy. I want you to be the healthiest version of yourself that you can be.”
“I can’t do it,” You leaned your forehead against his. “I’m too stupid. I hate myself.”
“Do it for me.” He kissed your nose. “Please, just try to love yourself. Be kind to your body. I will help you in anyway that I can, you’ve just gotta be honest with me.”
You cried and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in his neck. He didn’t realize how fast his heart was racing until he felt it vibrate against your own. He took a deep, shaking breath, allowing his own eyes to water.
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muns0n86 · 1 year
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Same face
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muns0n86 · 1 year
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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Eddie at Prom ‘86 part II - He cleans up nice doesn’t he?
Thank you for the request @rae0fsunsh1ne, hope you like it ❤️
Shout out to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple who’s done a similar edit, go check her out, she’s awesome 👏
Please credit if you use 🙏
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muns0n86 · 2 years
wym i don’t know how to flirt? i literally tell you random and unimportant fun facts
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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Quinn, this is for you. Happy bday!! 🎸🔥❤️ HQ JOSEPH 23/?
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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Look at our babe.
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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incorrect babygirl quotes pt. 761860
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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munson and munson 
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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incorrect eddie pt. 8 million
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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— Dickensian (2015)
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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…he’s always been there
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muns0n86 · 2 years
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#eddie munson everybody’s comfort character 🤘🎸
JOSEPH QUINN on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon 
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