murderhans-archive · 10 years
That got another rumbled growl that vibrated between them. Glad to be free of that article of clothing. The others didn't matter. Hans nosed against her neck, trailing kisses, grazes of teeth, until he met her lips again and parted hers to let that skilled tongue enter her mouth deeply while he brought hands down to grab her hips and pull her up more against the sink. He'd let her sit temporarily as his fingers slid between her inner thighs. She no longer had the old mars left over by the other Hans. Now it was all his as he let his fingers heat up.
Faint imprints for now as he planned to let one thumb tease at her entrance until it was pressing against that bundle of nerves just above her core. OF course she was wet already. To came as no surprise to him. He chuckled after breaking the kiss, eyes looming back at her in slit pupils.
"I know you did," he cooed, biting down hard on her bottom lip to suckle there before he let a finger slip inside. Tease her for god measure before he'd dare enter her just yet.
It's Been A Month
Anna shuddered as his knee pressed between her thighs- she was indeed vulnerable, naked while he was fully clothed- and it made her feel good. Things were right again. She winced a little bit as the rounded porcelain edge of the sink dug into her hip, but smiled as he sucked and bit at her throat. He growled out his words and she was hasty to obey.
She reached down and undid his slacks, letting them fall to the floor and running her hands along his hips, tilting her head back. “I missed you,” she admitted softly, and honestly? It was more for that dragon than the man. The man had been there the whole time, it was the dragon who had been forced into a little cage for the month of rules and punishments.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
He felt the urgency in her, nails and kiss and smelling the sweet scent of arousal that practically dripped from her pours. The dragon had been starving for this. It didn't take much for Hans to soon have her penned against the bathroom sink, knee pressed between her thighs as the hand he'd been using to hold hers had let go to simply hike up her leg and drag nails along the fair skin and behind to squeeze a cheek as he growled.
All the permission he needed, really. He was still clothed, but that made this all the more delicious, really. Having her open to him, vulnerable. Even if he was the one wearing the collar. He broke from the kiss simply to sucked at her throat before biting down with a thicker growl. 
Eventually he purred against her ear. "Let me out, hm?" Her turn to start undressing him, at least partially.
It's Been A Month
Anna returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and practically melting- melting in a way she hadn’t for a month. No, more than a month. She had not let him touch her of his own volition in two months now. This kiss reminded her that she needed it very much.
She ran her nails down his neck and dug in at the top of his spine. All the signals that she wanted him to take her.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans looked puzzled when she unclipped the leash but he didn't ponder on it for long, bringing his other hand to gently cup her face and tilting it upwards so he could firmly press his lips against hers.
He wasn't sure if that meant all the rules were tossed aside but he had wanted to kiss her despite it.  Warm and with a little bit of bite to it as he grazed teeth along her bottom lip, forehead pressed against hers. 
He wouldn't be going anywhere without a fight if his life was really in danger. And Hans didn't want to linger on it. 
It's Been A Month
Anna watched him, squeezed his hand and shook her head. She wasn’t sure it was going to be alright. She wasn’t aware of what the magic would do to his heart if left unchecked. She remembered they went to trolls for her, so long ago, but- there was no way folk like them would help her now.
She shook her head and pressed her forehead against his bicep, shutting her eyes. After a few seconds, she reached out and unclipped the leash from his collar. 
She remained quiet. Wondered what he’d do. She wasn’t going to keep rules and punishments up if his life could be in danger, which was exactly what she feared the most. Life without Hans was worse than anything she could imagine- she wouldn’t want to continue living.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans reached to take her hand when she started to look distressed, curling fingers protectively around hers. "Shh, relax. We'll figure something out. And it's been little over a month. It hasn't killed me. So what if my hair turns white? I'm a being of fire. It can't hurt me that badly."
He didn't know what would happen to him, in all honesty. Neither of them did. And it wasn't like they had anyone to ask about it, either.  "It's going to be all right."
It's Been A Month
Anna stared, wide-eyed, as he spoke. She was frustrated, at first- why didnt he tell her?! She had a huge, white, un-changable strand in her hair since they met, she’d had it since she was a child- when Elsa struck her head.
Now Anna was thinking, when he mentioned that he ‘hand’t been struck’, and then stopped half way in. No, no, she remembered too- he had been struck with her powers. She watched his hand close over his heart, and her eyes got even bigger.
"Oh- oh, Hans, no-" she breathed, placing her fingertips over her mouth and shaking her head. "Wh- what are we going to- do? I- I don’t know how—-"
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans followed her as always and when they reached the bathroom, he tensed at the sight in the mirror as she brushed back his hair for him to see the much more obvious white. Now he knew that wasn't there in the morning.
He swallowed a lump in his throat before looking back at her.
"My hair didn't have that this morning..." He glanced back at the mirror, brows furrowed. He was going to have to tell the truth, not that he understood it. "I mean, I've had a few white strands here and there but nothing like this. Figured I was just going a bit white too early..."
Hans inwardly cursed his own stupidity. "But Elsa never struck me with her pow-" He stopped. Thinking. She had, though. When she'd been about to attack Anna. He'd gotten in the way of the blast but it only hurt for a second. Didn't even have a wound to show for it. His hand slowly lifted to press over his heart, quiet. Would that explain the random but brief chills?
It's Been A Month
Anna stood, leash around her wrist, but she didn’t even think about tugging on it like she usually might. She just took him to the bathroom and made him face the mirror.
“This." she brushed her fingers over his hair, revealing a thick white clump of hair. It was a solid section. It was so similar to her own, but much thinner in comparison.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
He closed his eyes while her fingers ran through his hair, letting himself calm down after the events of the day but frowned when she seemed bothered by something or other. Hans opened his eyes while he gave her a perplexed expression. "How long have I had what?" 
A lot of the time he had been plucking the tiny white strands, thinking he was starting to go a bit gray too early for comfort and didn't exactly want Anna to see. And it hadn't been many to begin with. He was sure they had all been dealt with. 
Apparently not, but he didn't know how quickly it had spread moments ago to become more noticeable. 
It's Been A Month
Anna nodded and swallowed hard. She was tired of keeping Hans at a distance. She was tired of not feeling him close. She looked over at him, sitting up on her elbows. She wanted to stop with the rules, just for a night, but she knew if she did that all her power would be pointless. He would know there was a crack in her armor. 
She reached up to brush her fingers through his hair, and then her breath stopped completely. She stared wide-eyed up at her fingertips, which caressed quite…quite a large lock of white hair.
"Hans…." she said, slowly, "Hans, how long have you had this?"
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans paused and stared up at her face, lips pressed in a thin line. He left his hands to press on either side of her on the bed. He remembered why. "Of course I do," he answered before moving away and sitting beside her. "I betrayed your trust." Absently he brushed fingers over the leather around his neck. Remembered the obsidian he'd placed around Elsa's. Irony. 
It's Been A Month
Anna watched him carefully all the while. She sensed that lust, knew he couldn’t hide it- and finally, when he asked if there was anything else-
"You remember why we’re enforcing these rules to begin with, don’t you?" she asked, tilting her head. She didn’t want time to have erased the meaning. She needed him to remember the cause- his betrayal, his susceptibility to Elsa and her ‘charms’.
"Tell me why you think you’re being punished."
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans wordlessly stared down at her, eyes roaming her body at the request. Nose flared a bit and he had to suppress a sudden shiver that ran through him. Like ice in his veins.  A strange sensation he'd been getting more often lately.  And he was unaware of another white strand adding to his collection. 
He shook the feeling off and went to work, taking his time in removing her clothes. Deliberately slow while he let his warm hands brush delicately over her skin as more was being exposed. Soon he was leaning on top of her and ridding her bar, hands behind her and snapping the band off.
"Anything else?" he purred, trying to hide the vibrating lust he was feeling. 
It's Been A Month
The routine settled in and Anna was pleased with it, but now she was kind of…regretting it. A little.
Hans did everything he was told. There was hardly a time he disobeyed enough to receive punishment. She was happy with him. They had gradually been getting the hang of all of this. But it was leaving her missing the days where he’d be unapologetically rough with her, when she would not have to give him permission, he just knew he had it.
She also missed a very specific body part, and it was becoming more obvious with their intimate interactions that she was having a hard time sticking to her own laws.
Flopping down on the bed after a kill was … unsatisfying. Before they were a whirlwind of passion and excitement and lust, and now Hans walked in, got leashed, and sat there waiting for orders. Anna had loved it at first, but now…well. It reminded her that Elsa was to blame- she wouldn’t have even needed to punish Hans if he hadn’t been baited by her.
"Hans," she instructed, staring at the ceiling, back flat and face-up on the bed. "Undress me." 
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
It's Been A Month
It had become a habit now. Which he supposed was the point. They were home now, or close to home as they ever had. A penthouse in Miami. The moment he stepped inside with Anna, here went the click of the leash to the meal attached to the collar around his neck.
One that was usually hidden under collared shirts, suits and ties. He loosened said tie and absently handed Anna the leash. Where she lead, he followed. Things were a bit shaky in his mind, given they'd just gone and killed a man no more than an hour ago. Cleanup was always easy when he just burned the body. But the energy was still there. Hot and burning inside and he had to hold that urge back until Anna expressed permission to let him.
So the temperature was definitely warmer despite the air conditioning. His jaw was set but his eyes weren't searching hers. Didn't exactly have that permission right now, either. 
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans raised an eyebrow but relaxed then when it was his turn to finally eat something. Couldn't just live off of coffee. Well, he could, but he'd rather not. Meat was nice.
"Hmm. Well, they should be." He leaned back as well, trying not to think about the fact he still had a damn collar and leash on. Sigh.
"…Yes, you may." Anna looked as though she had to think about it, and then she simply leaned back on the bed’s headboard and grabbed for the remote.
"I think we’ll stay in today." she said, as she turned on the television. "It’s going to be a while before we can have any more fun on the streets. Ragnarok really put people on edge."
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans was smart, though. He noticed her bristling but she didn't correct him otherwise. So he let it be for now. Test it later. For now he let her eat and reached a hand to brush her lips with his thumb to get rid of some of the crumbs left over.
He tilted his head slightly. "May I eat now?"
Anna bristled slightly, pausing at the fork to her mouth, as if contemplating. She clearly wasn’t sure how she even felt about that petname. She still felt that sweet, warm feeling in her chest when he said it, she still had the urge to brighten and grin with pride at being his princess, at being royalty at all-
But the lingering reminder that Elsa was his Queen was too strong. She did not admonish him, but chose not to respond to it, either, and just slowly continued to eat. It was likely best if he didn’t say it again, but she wasn’t going to outright tell him that. 
No fun in a game where you know all the rules the first go around.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
He gave a little bit of a snort at her reaction, half expecting a smack but only getting a pat on the cheek instead. Hans narrowed his eyes a little at the condescending tone but continued to feed her.
"As you wish, princess," Hans retorted. Did she still like that nickname anymore? Maybe he should have waited a little longer than a day to use it again.
Anna wanted to hit him so bad she felt her fingers ache. She swallowed the bite and turned her head just slightly, but did not look away from him. She saw that toothy smile, knew exactly what he meant- but she wouldn’t resort to violence like that. It was uncouth, and besides, it would break the whole thing temporarily; physical altercations with her fiance very quickly became sexual. She didn’t need that.
"They make really close imitations that taste almost better. Don’t worry about me, pet.” she pat his cheek condescendingly. “We’ll go shopping together. You can watch me pick some out.”
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Han's lips pulled back into a toothy little smirk while she watched her take a bit. "Just realized this is likely the only meat you'll be letting yourself enjoy for a while." 
Innuendo? Yes. Clearly they were both very mature adults. 
Anna blinked a second or two, snapping from her daze, and looked down at the sausage- then back up at him. She shrugged a shoulder. If he didn’t want to tell her what his thoughts were, so be it.  She was going to have a good breakfast.
She opened her mouth and leaned forward for it ever-so slightly.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans smirked ever so slightly since Anna had been paying attention just as much to him as he had been to her. "Hmm? Oh, nothing." He intended to look unbothered by the 'pet' comment and glanced down to what else was on the plate.
"Sausage?" he offered, lifting one of the links out to her, brow arched.
Anna watched him in turn, only ever moving her eyes to make sure she was actually taking in the food that he was feeding her. The eggs were finished and they had yet to look away from each other at all, so finally, she spoke.
"What’s on your mind, pet?”
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans' nose flared for a second in irritation but he followed her to the bed along with the tray as he carefully sat and let it rest over his lap while he grabbed the proper utensils from the tray.
"Of course," he said calmly with a hint of snark as he scooped up a helping of egg to bring to Anna's lips. His eyes didn't leave her face. Watching her carefully as she ate.
If Anna had not just finished with quite the round of sex, she would be after another. Actually, she was considering it anyway.
The display was simple. She held his leash as he towered over the cowering room service attendant. Hans was so powerful, so menacing in that small exchange, but there she was- holding his collar and leash. Owning him. Owning that power, that intimidation, that mass of muscle and beauty and fire. He was the dragon, but she was his keeper, and the balance was being shown in such a visual way she couldn’t help but get excited over it.
She smiled too sweetly at him for his question. “Bed. I’d like you to feed me.” she admitted, leading him to the bed without waiting for his response to that, and flopping down - but being careful not to tug his leash. He had food in his hands after all.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Hans should have expected it. He bit back a remark for now and headed to the door with her behind him with that stupid leash. "Coming," he announced when they knocked again. He could do this. Wasn't like he had anything to be ashamed of. He knew he was attractive, fine toned.
Didn't bother him to be naked half the time. It was the collar that was the issue, really. Made him burn at the tips of his ears as he curled his fingers around the handle and pulled it back.
Hans gave the room service employee a tight smile, eyes sharp and warning if they stared to long as he reached for the tray to take back into the room. He tipped with the wallet he had brought with him and closed the door as soon as he could.
He wished he could have dragged the employee in and torn him apart. Or take out his eyes and -
He growled low and flicked his eyes towards Anna. "You want it brought to the bed or to put it on the table?"
Anna huffed a little at the interruption, but remembered it was breakfast. She glanced from him to the door, and then her smile broke out wide and long. “Yes. I do.” she muttered.
She stood up- the leash would eventually get much longer, but for now it was actually fairly short- and lead him to the door, standing slightly behind him, but not completely out of sight. 
She clad herself in the bedsheets. He got nothing.
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murderhans-archive · 10 years
Well, with her sitting on his lap and them both naked it probably wouldn't be so good for him in hindsight later, all things considering. Hans doubted he'd be allowed that privilege so soon. But he hummed in reply while he kept up the message, relaxing in the moment as well while he knew room service would be coming around any moment.
And as minutes passed and he worked his warm, strong fingers down around her shoulder blades, the knock was given. And he realized he was still undressed and wearing that leash and collar. He made a small face. "Do you wish me to get it?" 
Anna smiled as he catered to her whims, as he kissed her shoulder but nowhere else. She shifted to settle into his lap as he started to massage her shoulders and neck with warm, comforting hands, larger and harder than her own.
She dropped her head forward and closed her eyes, hand on his leash relaxing. “You’re being good,” she mumbled, “I’m proud.”
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