murphs · 4 years
The 100 season 7: wasted potential
Here’s a (probably incomplete) list of setups/plot devices in S7 that got me excited at the time and could’ve made for some amazing final season storylines, but were completely wasted because @the100writers are hacks and didn’t give a damn about making a decent final season:
characters on different planets: remember when JRoth bullsh1itted in interviews when S7 started, saying that the Blake siblings would be looking for each other across the universe, and that Clarke would be “going to the end of the universe to get people she loves back”?  Wouldn’t it be great if that’s what S7 was actually about? If it served to show how strong the bonds between these people are and how space and time can’t break them? If there were big emotional Blake siblings scenes? If Clarke was the one who saved Bellamy this time?
memory loss: so, they only introduced that plot device to explain Octavia’s amnesia in S6. I thought they’d surely exploit it further. I thought Etherea would be the closest to the black hole and slower than even Sanctum/Earth. Imagine Bellamy losing all his memories… That would be a much more convincing and less insulting way to make him a Disciple, without regressing/ignoring his character development, if he had no memory of his past life and they convinced him he had always been a Disciple, who just happened to lose his helmet.  Sure, it’s basically the plot of Captain Marvel - but JRoth keeps stealing ideas from other SciFi and fantasy shows and movies, so why not steal that one and use it well! Then Clarke and others could go to Etherea to save him and she’d have to convince him of who he really is. And that would be an amnesia story easy to reverse as he’d get his memories back when he went back with them.
Bellamy’s kidnapping/fake death: imagine if S7 had actually been following up on seasons 1-6 and honoring its male lead, and was about how much he meant to everyone. Make the search for Bellamy a really big part of the final season. Have everyone try to save him this time, instead of making everyone believe he’s dead (even though his fake death was so unconvincing - did they think the grenade vaporized him?!) so you can get rid of that plot. An in-character Clarke, for one, wouldn’t have believed it just like that. It’s in her nature to hope and fight - remember her at the start of S2 when she was the only one of the 48 refusing to believe Finn and Bellamy were dead? Or when she called Bellamy every day for 6 years?
red sun toxin/eclipse - They actually brought back that plot device from S6, but this time, instead of using it to have characters voice their repressed emotions, resentments, fears, they only did that with Gabriel (to bring back Josie in a way) and the others were just running away from insects?!
time dilation - They forgot about it in 7b. It would’ve been a great plot device to use in the final episodes. Imagine they gave characters (let’s say, Clarke and Bellamy, if this season was following up on 1-6) an opportunity to live Marper-like years of happiness on Skyring, in what would be a few minutes on Sanctum or Earth or whatever, before returning and then sacrificing themselves heroically in an epic death scene in the finale, if you want them to die in the finale.
Agents of SHIELD actually did something like that last one. It also had previously used the “characters looking for each other / saving each across the universe” in such a great way. Why couldn’t The 100 writers do the same? 
I’m realizing how much I liked the S7 I expected to see instead of what we got.
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murphs · 4 years
a list of scenes of the 100 i will never (and have never) watch(ed) a second time:
—wells’ death
—lincoln’s death
—bellamy’s death
notice something in common? oh, they were all men of color murdered in absolutely horrific ways because jason rothenberg doesn’t know how to treat his characters of color with respect.
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murphs · 4 years
it’s sending me how s3 revolved around defeating ALIE so that they wouldn’t all be uploaded into an emotionless, painless utopia and then the show ends with them all accepting that they will transcend into “higher beings” with no pain and it’s supposed to be a good thing
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murphs · 4 years
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murphs · 4 years
is the 100 finally over is it dead
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murphs · 4 years
Having just rewatched season 1…… you know what made me fall in love with The 100? The belief that people can be good sometimes.
So many people on the Ark volunteering for the culling that they had to turn some away. Lincoln telling Clarke and Finn what my people are doing to your people, it’s wrong. After the exodus ship launch, when Kane finds a bunch of survivors, Jaha tells them to go to the mess hall and leave him and Sinclair and others to die in monitoring, and Kane’s like, fuck you and starts yanking on debris to clear a path, and there’s a shot of a bunch of other exhausted, injured, hypoxic survivors nodding to each other and lining up to yank on debris with him even though they have no way of knowing they’ll actually be able to save anyone else. When they can’t remotely launch the Ark and Kane stands up to launch it remotely and stay behind, and everyone else huddled in Mecha reaches their hands out to touch his as he passes. When Miller plants his feet in the dropship door and keeps firing as he’s yelling for the others to run in, literally the last line of defense. The 100 holding each other in the seconds before the ring of fire. 
Y’know. Everything they forgot to include in later seasons. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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murphs · 4 years
At this point if you kill a fan favourite character off for shock value, you’re immediately an incompetent and uncreative writer to me. I’m fucking tired.
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murphs · 4 years
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murphs · 4 years
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you’re a prime now, murphy. act like one.
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murphs · 4 years
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murphs · 4 years
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THE 100
2.01 || 6.03 || 7.04
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murphs · 4 years
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#i missed my boy
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murphs · 4 years
this is literally my fave gif of all time
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like it is so unnecessary to have 4 people pull her up and literally they’re all using one arm for this shit and half assing it forreal
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like murphy for sure does not even need to be there
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like sweetie you have both of your hands on bellamy not clarke
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and wells is there just backwards hugging bellamy like i got u B[abe]RO
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and if finn grabbed clarke’s other hand i’d get it but like why bellamy’s armpit liKE WHY 
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and bellamy looks like he’s gonna fuckin dislocate his shoulder yanking her up like that but don’t worry FINN’S GOT HIS ARMPIT
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murphs · 4 years
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It’s okay.
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murphs · 4 years
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i’m procrastinating on so much work but i had to draw bellamy after that last episode….i love this kid…so much?? 
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murphs · 5 years
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murphs · 5 years
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Every Episode of The 100 ★ I Am Become Death (1x10) “Pure animal instinct? More like pure pants-wetting panic.”
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