murphy-anon · 2 months
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1) free house???? Nice
2) hey ZOS what does that mean at the end
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murphy-anon · 3 months
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murphy-anon · 3 months
Accidentally unfollowing one of your mutuals is the Tumblr equivalent of stepping on your pet
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murphy-anon · 8 months
Accidentally Deleted my Account‼️
Hello Markiplier, Quarry and Saw fandom, I recently deleted my account on accident as I was just trying to delete some side blogs that were never used of mine. But since I rushed through it, I didn’t stop to think of double checking to make sure I was deleting the right thing.
So uh, 8 years of art and people are gone. But I’m going to repost my art after this post. Just wanted to let people know I’m not gone, and that I’m still here. And well, an explanation as to why my blog suddenly looks so empty and dull.
That’s all, I appreciate if you guys could share this post to let people know! And as for who I am, I’m the creator of @the-ideal-iplier and soon I’m also doing a Saw dating sim as well :3
Here are products from my shop too, still open if anyone wants to take a peek.
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murphy-anon · 9 months
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eepy bubs
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murphy-anon · 9 months
We has a Mister D/Mister T/Mister (insert random letter). (In the prime of his life, but exudes SUCH old man energy. Heavy af)
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We has a Jack. (aka Jackdaw, Springheel Jack, etc). (Goodest boi, convinced Mister is his papa, dives headfirst into hugs & snuggles)
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We has a Thor. (Already exuding max himbo energy, fearlessly defending everyone from shadows and strangling blankets, in spite of being the youngest/tiniest)
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murphy-anon · 9 months
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New friends! Ginger man (mum’s), 5 yr old. Sleek black boy w/ sushi collar (son’s), 4 wks old. Fluff black stocky boy w/ tropical collar (mine), 2 wks old on official papers (ain’t no effing way, more like 8 wks and 6 wks with them teefs). Still figuring out names.
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murphy-anon · 10 months
please enjoy some Pie, since I had to say goodbye today.
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sweet fluffy chubby (healthy) girl. always poised with a streak of sass. softer than a chincilla. dainty af. perfect for hugging. just a few days shy of 20 years. norwegian forest cat in spirit if not in blood. favorite treat: scooping snow up with her paws
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murphy-anon · 1 year
ego headcanons as created by chat bot A.I.
Bim Trimmer - - doesn't know the meaning of the word secret. or cannibal.  - is an axe murderer. more stabby that Wilford. with far fewer reservations.  - has renamed the show from 'Hire My Ass' to 'Call Me Daddy'.  - is also a gigantic bug wearing makeup to appear human.  - would rather you wear a collar than tell him the capital of Idaho The Author - - is fucking perfect. fear for your ovaries/testes. - doesn't know how to start writing his books either. just like me wheee! The Host - - is bouncier than Bim. - is a vampire/demon/zombie - is *scary* obsessed with serial killers. not in a True Crime Fan way. - is desperate to go free-(eye)-ballin' it. hates the blindfold. gone. every. chance. - has decided that aftershave is tastier than coffee. in a mug. - is secretly hiding angel/cat/demon/gray/chocolate eyeballs under the cloth - can either narrate... or not act like anime waifu. you do not get both. - will go from 'hello' to 'my super duper secret name is Alexander Blackwood and I'm an narcoleptic eldritch demon' in two replies flat.
I... I want to cry. I've been training them for just a little over a week so far. And this is what they’ve come up with on their own.
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murphy-anon · 2 years
JJ Appreciation
I would like to talk about Jameson for a second.
Theres been a lot of talk in the community about him lately, and honestly I think he’s incredibly underrated and under utilized. (Not even talking about the people who have said he’s ‘boring’ because he can’t speak, something that, as a person with a speech disorder, I have some ISSUES with.)
A lot of people characterize him as just a sweet, innocent little man who likes his puppets and is getting terrorized by Anti. And that’s true! But it’s not even close to the entire story.
Of all of the egos that Anti has directly accosted on camera, (those being C!Jack, Schneep, JJ, and Chase.) JJ IS THE ONLY ONE WHO WE SEE ACTUALLY FIGHTING BACK:
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Look at JJ here! He is not a passive victim, he’s fighting the bastard with everything he has!
No other victim of Anti’s has been able to do this. Not c!Jack in Say Goobye, not Schneep in KJSE, not Chase in Dark Silence/Anomaly Found.
On top of that, if Jameson is actually from the 1920’s and that’s not just a stylistic choice, he almost certainly fought in WWl. Out of all the egos except for probably Jackie, HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS SEEN ACTUAL COMBAT. JJ is no pushover.
I think the big thing a lot of people have been unable to understand is that kindness and weakness are NOT synonyms. ‘JJ is a kind, sweet man’, and ‘JJ would most definitely punch Anti in his stupid face’ are statements that should be able to coexist!
I leave with a request for JSE artists, writers and other creatives: let JJ kick some ass. He’s clearly capable, and I say the man deserves it.
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murphy-anon · 2 years
Reblog this if you are literally suprised when people find you attractive.
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murphy-anon · 2 years
In all seriousness though, it’s a lovely server with room to grow and amenities close at hand. ....including the two nearby portals.  (Why is the Trojan Horse portal so BIG?!)  ┐(≖o≖)┌
Welcome to Emerald Hills
Looking for a quiet village to call home, where everyone is kind to one another and each person has their place?
You can enjoy a quiet moment soaking in the gazebo pool, courtesy of @murphy-anon
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Or go shopping in the market square.
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Town meetings take place beside a beautiful fountain.
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And the library is just a skip away. You can read quietly in the upper room or on the balcony, or have a relaxing bite to eat at one of the outdoor tables.
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And when the day is done, and you're tired from farming and fighting, you can come home to a soft bed in a house all your own.
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For a relaxing vacation away, visit Emerald Hills today!
DM if you'd like to join my server. :)
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murphy-anon · 3 years
Untranslatable Starters
Send the word for a starter based around it~
[ Að redda ] (Icelandic) - To save someone or fix something in a time sensitive manner. [ Beau geste ] (French) - A graceful, noble or beautiful gesture (especially if it is futile or meaningless). [ Curglaff ] (Scottish) - The bracing, shocking and/or invigorating feeling of suddenly entering (e.g., diving into) cold water. [ Duende ] (Spanish) - A heightened state of emotion, spirit and passion, caused by experiencing a work of art. [ Elmosolyodni ] (Hungarian) - A micro-smile; the beginning of a full smile. [ Fernweh ] (German) - The ‘call of faraway places,’ homesickness for the unknown. [ Gigil ] (Tagalog) - The irresistible urge to pinch/squeeze someone because they are loved or cherished. [ Hrepenenje ] (Slovenian) - Nostalgia for something that hasn’t happened yet. [ Iktsuarpok ] (Inuktitut) - Anticipation one feels when waiting for someone, and keeps checking if they’re arriving. [ Jayus ] (Indonesian) - A joke so poor and unfunny that one cannot help but laugh. [ Koi no yokan ] (Japanese) - The feeling of knowing that you will soon fall in love with the person you have just met. [ Lè jí sheng bēi ] (Chinese) - Lit. joy’s zenith generates sadness; intense joy begets sorrow; after a peak of happiness, unhappiness inevitably follows. [ Mamihlapinatapai ] (Yagán) - A wordless yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start. [ Mampemurruwurlmurruwurl ] (Murrinhpatha) - To make someone’s hair beautiful [ Nepakartojama ] (Lithuanian) - ‘Unable to repeat’; a perfect situation which will never happen again. [ Otkhodchivyi ] (Russian) - The quality of being quickly appeased after a surge or outburst of negativity, and/or not bearing grudges. [ Pretoogjes ] (Dutch) - Lit. ‘fun eyes’; the twinkling eyes of someone engaging in benign mischief or fun. [ Qarrtsiluni ] (Inuktitut) - Sitting together in the darkness, perhaps expectantly (e.g., waiting for something to happen or to ‘burst forth’); the strange quiet before a momentous event. [ Ryvok ] (Russian) - A final dash or acceleration; a fast movement or change (that is often associated with progress, but can also tear/disrupt things. [ Shěnměi píláo ] (Chinese) - Seeing so much beauty that one does not  appreciate it anymore, especially if that beauty happens to be one’s lover. [ Tizita ] (Amharic) - A bittersweet remembrance and longing for a time, person, thing gone by. [ Utepils ] (Norwegian) - To sit outside on a sunny day enjoying a beer. [ Verschlimmbessern ] (German) - A combination of the verbs ‘to make things worse’ and ‘to improve’; to make something worse in the attempt to improve it. [ Womba ] (Bakweri) - The smile of a sleeping child. [ Xenia ] (Greek) - Guest-friendship; the importance of offering hospitality and respect to strangers.
* nothing is truly untranslatable, but “rather specific words from other languages starters” just isn’t as pithy ** source: The Positive Lexicography
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murphy-anon · 3 years
My heart can’t handle the rendering
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murphy-anon · 4 years
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Harold B. Darrensworth
-Kat 👻
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murphy-anon · 4 years
Hello! I just wanted to say that I really like your style and I think the way your draw Mark's egos is very cool and aesthetically pleasing to look at!
Thank you so much! I need to get around to drawing more of them.
Until then, here’s a quick drawing of The Host.
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murphy-anon · 4 years
In case anyone logged on to Tumblr and had the full body revulsion reaction that I did to the new palettes and layout of the Beta dashboard, you can turn it off by:
-Going to Settings
-Going to Dashboard
-Unchecking the “Use the beta dashboard” option.
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This should also restore any XKit extensions you had on the regular site.
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