muse-matrix 1 day
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"Yup, that sure sounds like her. She's always had power, but it's one of her peoples' old rules, I think- They're not supposed to get too involved in things. Keeps things orderly, or something. I dunno, she explained it to me once, a real long time ago."
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"Good to know she's still writing, though~ Honestly wouldn't have blamed her for not wanting to touch a pen again after everything that happened, but I guess it's in her blood."
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"Well... I could say that this journey would definitely be more lonely without her. If not for her, I wouldn't be where I am, Miss Romia. But... I guess I could call her a parental figure."
He's not awkward after a while! MOSTLY JUST CHLOE-
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"Library's pretty nice! Kind of quiet and doesn't talk much, but she does tell really good stories, and is really, REALLY strong! Did you know she's one of the few heroes which managed to save my world?! She didn't want her name put in the end, but some of us knew she was there!"
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"Umm, I don't think it's anything like that, I just really thought it was Wednesday..." She's just a little confused.
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"Yes Okuu. Yesterday was Friday and today is Saturday. Hmmm, this is not good. Could someone have altered your memories?"
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"Was it you?"
Looking right up at Yata-eye
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"B-But, I could've sworn yesterday was Tuesday... It's really Saturday already??"
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"By about 40 minutes in Underground Time."
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"But if we took an emergency flight back to my homeland it would still be Friday."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"Huh?? I missed Friday?!"
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"Okuu why would it be Wednesday? Yesterday was Friday!"
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"I thought it was Wednesday."
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"It's Saturday."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"Oh wow, okay! So I was totally off base, whoops!" She didn't seem very bothered by the very awkward situation she'd just created, though. She must say these kinds of things without thinking all the time.
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"Alright, so Nia's mothering you both, then. Got it." Not quite... "That's the vibes I get, anyway! Not that I'd really know, never had a mom. But! I know Nia's got that killer maternal instinct in her."
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"Okay, so from what I've gathered so far... You're the daughter-" Romi points right at Rirune first. "-and you're the daughter's girlfriend." And then she points at Chloe.
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"Actually, I'm... a boy... but that's fine... I don't mind either..."
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"Eww! ME??? Sensei's girlfriend?!?! Eww eww, NO! He's kind of like my father figure, at most! Library and Sensei are traveling companions! A-Although, I guess Library is more of like his... mother figure, I think?..."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"I want 83 chicken nuggets."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"They really are totally insane, huh?"
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muse-matrix 2 days
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Swimming With W by Nhim@Nhim_Art
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"My name is Reimu Hakurei. My hobbies include drinking, sleeping, starving, and hating."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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The merchant, the mailwoman. Appears whenever you're about to venture into a big important fight, or pass a point of no return just in case you need to stock up. Don't ask how she got there or what she's doing there, she doesn't know either.
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"Pardofelis, proprietress and owner of Cattail Caravan, the most expansive* and well-connected* delivery service you'll ever encounter. Doesn't matter what or where, we'll get what you need where you need it."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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The merchant, the mailwoman. Appears whenever you're about to venture into a big important fight, or pass a point of no return just in case you need to stock up. Don't ask how she got there or what she's doing there, she doesn't know either.
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"Man, I'm so glad I'm not some kinda main character do-gooder. I'd definitely die."
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"See, now there's a deal we can make!" She's nodding along in agreement, folding her arms like she were scheming something. "Hmhm, yes yes... An extra pair of hands to guard the goods on the road... If I'm lucky, this could turn into a full-time gig... Oooh, I can smell the publicity now..." She's muttering to herself with a grin spread across her face, completely ignoring poor Vaimiti at this point.
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"Deal! I'll getcha fed and you'll get me and my pack down the trail unharmed!"
Its okay, Vaimiti only gets as far as opening her coat, there's still a shirt on underneath and plenty more clothing. Its all dramatic effect, one that even her large squirrel is biting her tail over.
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"Oh hey! See Frites it worked get off my damn tail! A little bite, that'd be great! We can even offer some muscle to watch over ya to the next check point!"
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muse-matrix 2 days
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"M-Miss, please keep your clothes on, I just said we can't and don't trade people for goods or services-" Poor Pardo, already having to defend her business from shady transactions- This won't be a good look for her ad campaigns...
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"L-Look, um, I'm not about to let someone on the side of the road starve, so please try to keep it together! I probably have some snacks or something I can part with..."
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"I see, then...." She opens her coat dramatically...
"If I must sell myself for food, I must..." You can already see several peering eyes behind her, they'll probably be just fine.s."
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