muse-of-heartstuff · 4 years
I would pay for an abridged version of the manga
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"A typical day at the erasermic household"
My mind goes to very weird places sometimes, sorry guys😹
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muse-of-heartstuff · 4 years
I had a non sense job where they were not organized with many negatives and they wanted this. On the positive side my mind is a great place and it was like paid meditation.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 4 years
There isn’t a roadmap to happiness. What I learned is that social media gives me anxiety and I have to look towards myself for peace. So many don’t know how to do that. Media is trying to sell. Good news and education does not sell as well especially if a solution gets rid of income that the problem generated. How do you teach a generation raised on the media how to find peace and how to hope and how to achieve because the opportunities of the past are no longer the same. It is Uncharted territory that we have to discover in order to succeed.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 4 years
Great Content that I wanted to see😄😄😄
Love your Oboro😻😻😻
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I don’t think Shouta realizes just yet how lucky he is, unfortunately 😔
And Oboro is in for a surprise when he finds himself becoming friends with a human and a demon. So I guess we will see what happens after that!
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muse-of-heartstuff · 4 years
Respect is like love in that they both have different meanings under the same name. While love has many different meanings Respect has two which are nearly opposite in use. There is the respect that you earn which is admiration or saying that you personally put value into the thing you say you respect. Then there is respect meaning you acknowledge the thing has value outside of yourself even if you didn’t personally have value in the thing. You should treat others with respect meaning you acknowledge they have value and they place value in things that you personally may not place value in.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 4 years
Story Prompt
Angels and Demons give power to your will.
My Mother’s Blessing: You will always be OKAY. In dangerous situations you will be Okay.
Demon: You will always be just OK. Doomed to Mediocrity.
My Blessing: You will never know pain.
Demon: You will live in fear of it.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
My headcannon is that they look beautiful when they are outside of their comfort zone but it goes against their personality and they are unaware of this condition. Aizawa’s best smile is his shy awkward smile and Yamada never looked better than when he was too tired to put his hair up and acting like a rude rock star which is hard to do when made of anxious energy.
Mic is ugly and that's why we love him
i know some fans don’t like when you call him ugly but like. i feel him y’know. my love for him is enhanced because of his face, we are the same. mic is an inspiration
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
It is interesting when fantasy worlds have magic systems based on emotion. And the real world power emotions have so much so that real people have literally died of a broken heart as the structure of the heart can be weakened by a prolonged negative emotional state. What other effects do emotions have that we haven’t found out yet.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
I know someone who will love this
Best pirate ive ever seen…
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
I feel exactly the same with the exception that I know ”normal” means that which is common. What is common is not always the healthiest. Normal people get hurt and hurt those who don't conform. Don't be normal; be better, but remember to stay safe. A lot of people get hurt because they don't know to be cautious when they should have been. Some don't get hurt because they have nothing to be cautious about. The sting of loneliness is brief and seldom for me but sometimes makes me feel like a coward but it isn't safe for me to come out as asexual because I know my friends and family and how they will react but not sharing this information prevents me from having a relationship on a deeper level. I have time. Sometimes just thinking of strategies is enough to satisfy. Asexual dating sites exist.
Kinda lonely
As an asexual, I’m very content with the idea of never sleeping with anyone. However, I get super depressed thinking about how unlikely it is I’ll find someone I like enough to date. Someone I trust enough to be in a relationship with. Someone who won’t want sex in return for the cuddles that I need. Someone I can laugh with, fangirl with, watch movies with, theorize about books/games/movies with. I really, really want a life partner. But, at the same time, how can I trust anyone that much? So much that I share every part of me with them, and trust them not to take more than I can give? How do normal people do it?
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
SU is great but can be even better
The show, Steven Universe is a diamond: solid, valuable, but needs an artful cut and polish. The story, the heart, and what it means in terms of good representation is more valuable than gold. I hope that they sell a box set where they reanimate a few scenes more artfully.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
I have a level of self-satisfaction. A level of pride/ value for who I am. I know who I am. I can describe the essence of myself. I am someone who applies the scientific method to every thought and feeling. I know that more is more valuable than less. I know the meaning of life is to express value. This does not blind me to my faults. Those faults and imperfections that hinder me in accomplishing certain tasks and goals but are not as easy as throwing something away. As every action has a consequence. Being human means that doing one thing in one place and time prevents you from doing something else. So many of my faults and imperfections are justified by the human condition. Your body is just a possession, a tool for your purpose, so are your talents. Sometimes, I think I can better myself by learning blank talents only for myself to think, “No, that is not something I enjoy” so I don’t. I think of my overwhelming fear that prevents me from accomplishing greatness but if it were removed then what would replace it? Unchecked impulse is dangerous and apathy is worse than fear. I am knowledgeable enough to be a league above the unquestioning masses but not enough to be an authority. Caught between pride, fear, and not knowing how to better myself.
I hope this helps someone. why am I productive when I need to sleep and asleep when I need to be productive? Off to sleep I hopefully go
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muse-of-heartstuff · 5 years
My head cannon is that Jack really learns to master the “useless” Wu. The Wu that the monks regard as useless. While this is mostly fact, my head cannon is that Jack was acting out of character in season 3 was due to being split by the Ring of the Nine Dragons to take over the Ying Yang World.
Pass me you Jack headcanons please
I’m curious what you got, and I wanna make a comic series, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I’d appreciate them and their owners <3 
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muse-of-heartstuff · 6 years
I am terrified into inaction and of it as well. The fear of regret has not made me brave. The stillness of fear in everyday things. the pleasure of dropping stress is a end in itself. I rather have stress than emptiness and I rather have pleasure than stress. My happiness comes from knowing good things from Even forgotten kindness has lasting results. Not all of what you know comes in words and forgotten things still have consequences.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 6 years
What has happened to my passions??? When was I last mesmerized? When I last saw the unknown as magic? I feel like the overflowing joy has gone to sleep and I am left awake.
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muse-of-heartstuff · 6 years
I lost my reason and continued on in blind hope of finding what I ventured for- myself mostly describing being Tumblr longer then I expected
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muse-of-heartstuff · 6 years
Another piece of wisdom from Homestuck: The future exists like a book and you are the author. The book exists completed all at once but you read it/experience it one page at a time. You write a rough draft that will teach you the mistakes you need to correct in the published version. The audience of a book usually never knows how many mistakes and alternate ways the book was written only receiving the book that was published because that is the book that the writer corrected the most mistakes and makes the most sense.
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