muse-soup · 5 days
((Sorry for disappearing. It will happen again.
Real talk though, I don't mean to ghost anyone. Life just gets busy and you lose your muse and then you blink and it's been three months since you've posted anything or messaged anyone.
To speedrun what I've been up to:
Work picked up for a couple months and then died down again.
Job searching related to lack of hours and poor store management. Still looking lol.
I got really into Cult of the Lamb, Pokemon Emerald Rogue, and Digimon: Next Order (no spoilers for Digimon, please, I only just beat Chapter 3).
I've been working on a Lamb cosplay/Halloween costume.
My old D&D campaign fizzled out and I've been slowly planning a new one.
Vet visits and vehicle maintenance. Everyone's fine, but the dog needed arthritis meds and the car needed a new battery.
I'm in the process of setting up a planted aquarium that I'm eventually going to fill with freshwater shrimp.
General summertime malaise.
Election year dread.
Dunno if I'm going to be on again consistently just yet, but I popped in to opt out of the AI sharing bs, and felt bad leaving you guys in the dark while I'm here. Hope all of you are doing well!))
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muse-soup · 3 months
((Hee hoo Art Fight card time!))
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Woah dang, it's happening!
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muse-soup · 3 months
((Sorry for the radio silence. I've been updating my character ref sheets in preparation for Art Fight, playing Dreamlight Valley, and dealing with IRL nonsense like job hunting and insurance reports.
Anyway, I'll probably drop my Art Fight info when I finish cleaning up my profile. I haven't participated since 2017 and it's kind of a mess lmao.))
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muse-soup · 3 months
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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muse-soup · 3 months
((Just worked a 9 hour shift and they've got me coming back to open in the morning. Might try to be on tomorrow night but my brain may be goo by then lol.))
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muse-soup · 4 months
Do you want to like… I don’t know make out or something?
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"I'm flattered, but I'm gonna go with my gut and say that kissing random strangers is probably a bad idea."
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muse-soup · 4 months
Another you + Pokémon. All muses!
Send “Another You” + a universe or media and for what my muse would be like in that universe.
((Oooohhhhh ho ho ho ho buckle up lmao this is gonna get long.))
Gyro's still an inventor, but he also has a particular interest in researching ultra wormholes, space-time distortions, and the Faller phenomenon. He's a freelancer, but he works closely with the Dimensionl Resarch Lab in Heahea City, Interpol, and a small group of researchers from Sinnoh-- including Champion Cynthia herself. His Pokémon team includes Klingklang, Joltik, Escavalier, Flygon, Kabutops, and Beheeyem. I don't really have backstories for his team, but I do have reasons behind why I picked them. Klingklang is there because he's Gyro GEARloose. Joltik, because of an ancient headcanon of mine that he thinks bugs are neat. Escavalier is there for similar reasons, but also because it's a knight. Flygon, representative of the dragon Gyro fought (and also because he thought Trapinch was, once again, a neat bug). Kabutops, because reviving fossils sounds like the kind of sci-fi bs he would do and I like Kabutops lol. And Beheeyem because ALIENS.
Hokay, SO: funny enough Starchy already has a Pokémon AU that I never really used. To rehash from my old blog, it's a pretty standard "what if X setting had Pokémon in it" type of deal. I wouldn't really call him a trainer, but he does have a few Pokémon he keeps around. All of them more or less adopted him. First of all is Absol. She showed up one day because this man is a walking disaster, and has made it her duty to save him from himself. She's never far from his side. Next is Minccino. He used to watch Starchy clean from afar, but managed to get into the castle one day and quickly asserted himself as Starchy's little helper. He takes a small fee of snacks from the castle larder. Third is a blue Floette. There's loads of them living in the gardens, and this one happened to take a liking to the feather in Starchy's hat. She's a silly little thing, but she's good company. Last in the original lineup is Petilil, which are also a common sight in the castle gardens. She's sort of Absol's sidekick, offering her healing leaves to Starchy whenever he gets himself into a scrape. I've also toyed with the idea of giving him an Appletun that hangs out down in the kitchens. Starchy's not keen on dragons, but the stubborn thing doesn't want to leave. Starchy's not much of a battler, but he will do it if pressed. Sometimes he thinks about joining contests, however.
Sawyer is, as in most universes, Just Some Guy™. You can probably find them loitering in an underpass or doing some urban exploration in an abandoned building. They're not an especially tough trainer, but they still battle recreationally. Their tiny team consists of Togedemaru (because I associate them with hedgehogs). Toxtricity (Low Key Form), and Rotom (Frost Form). I don't think they know that Rotom's base form is a Ghost Type lol.
Three Meat
Three Meat is... often mistaken for an Ultra Beast. Like in most universes, he tries not to be seen by the general public. To assign him a team just for fun though... Definitely gotta get a Scovillain in there. Maybe a Hoopa, for all the dimensional travel shenanigans. Paldean Tauros (Blaze Breed), Combusken, and Grumpig to represent his three meats. And maybe Bruxish because of the funky colors.
Gourdon, like Three Meat, would probably be mistaken for an Ultra Beast... unless he traveled in disguise, as he often does. He would toy with people and Pokémon alike, dressed as a gambler, a beggar, a prince, or what have you, leading them astray or tricking them out of their valuables. His team would be a Pumpkaboo (Supersize) because obvious choice is obvious, Grimmsnarl because Dark/Fairy, Crustle because Gourdon has a friend in his canon who is a giant crab with an island on his back, Mime Jr. for its silly jester aesthetic, Zoroark because it's a master of disguise, and Gimmighoul (Chest Form) because it's the classic mimic.
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muse-soup · 4 months
((Still working on that really long anon in my inbox. Popping in to say... I think I am gonna make Medium!Sawyer canon. So that'll be a fun surprise for them a few story arcs from now. >:3c))
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muse-soup · 4 months
A former president gave me this key! I think he also gave me cholera, I should probably get that checked out.
"This is why I always say to time travel responsibly."
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muse-soup · 4 months
Did you know the Monster Mash had a sequel? It actually had a few in the form of Monster Swim, Monster's Holiday, and Transylvania Twist.
"Okay, so funny enough I've heard those last two. But what in the world is Monster Swim??"
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muse-soup · 4 months
Send my muse unhinged anons
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muse-soup · 4 months
Send "Another You" + a universe or media and for what my muse would be like in that universe.
( Example: "Another You" + Pokemon or "Another You" + Superhero )
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muse-soup · 4 months
what made u guys pick ur url's !
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muse-soup · 4 months
((Running D&D tonight (hopefully), but I'll be lurking during intermissions.))
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muse-soup · 4 months
Possible  first  meeting  starter  prompts.  Send  me… (Send  🔁  +  any  emoji  to  reverse  the  outcome.)
✂️  to  cut  in  front  of  my  muse  at  the store. 🍝  to  sit  at  my  muse's  table  at  a  restaurant. 💰  to  pay  for  my  muse's  meal  at  a  restaurant. 🍻  to  run  into  my  muse  at  the  bar. ☕  to  get  coffee  with  my  muse. 💨  to  crash  into  my  muse,  cliché  anime  style. 🐶  to  find  and  return  my  muse's  lost  pet. 🙈  to  go  on  a  blind  date  with  my  muse. 🥴  to  drunkenly  flirt  with  my  muse. 🎮  to  play  games  at  the  arcade  with  my  muse. 🚗  to  pull  my  muse  out  of  the  way  of  traffic. 😱  to  be  trapped  in  an  elevator  with  my  muse. 🔒  to  break  into  my  muse's  house. 👊  to  help  my  muse  in  a  physical  altercation. 🍷  to  join  my  muse  at  the  table  after  they're  stood  up. ☔  to  stand  under  my  muse's  umbrella. 👛  to  steal  my  muse's  bag/purse/wallet. 🎉  to  talk  to  my  muse  at  a  party. 🚚  to  move  in  next  to  my  muse.
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muse-soup · 4 months
Describe your muse on anon and my muse will say if they would date them or not.
Bonus: Include the basic details: gender, age, height, likes, dislikes, hair/eye color, race, and anything else my character should know.
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muse-soup · 4 months
((Part of me craves lighthearted summer shenanigans. The other part of me has been binging Dark Souls lore videos and Silent Hill retrospectives. All of me desires adventure and intrigue. >:3c))
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