musecastxiv · 5 years
You mentioned speaking to Lucifer about their RP combat system, and that they had a more in depth document than what was mentioned in the episode. Would you and them be willing to post the full rules here, or a link to them?
Hello, dear listener! I talked to Lucifer and found he hadn’t yet put the file on Google Drive, but has done so at your request, so feel free to feel special.https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQjjifb_iCDCxwC0w2UZw8fngneYt__DXehkQNU7wJRe1Zstg7BuJiXTsd77ESPul1cwULpB6kakrQg/pubI’ll also paste the contents here for easier reblogging:
Alright time to learn the roll system! Let’s say you roll 567.
• 5 is the accuracy, depending on the creature or character the accuracy may change. Generally base accuracy needed to hit is 3, meaning you need to roll 300+ to hit.
• 6 Is your base damage if your attack manages to land. These can be modified by the DM if they feel reasons be worthy enough or how in-depth they feel the RP can be. 
• 7 Is your Crit Chance, with Crit if you manage to roll 7, 8, or 9 as a third digit your base damage is doubled.  Again, this is something that can be changed with the DM if they feel it worthy or wish to be more in-depth with their RP
• Now let us say you rolled a double digit like, 57.  Don’t lose hope, you can still use the first number as accuracy, and the second digit number as base damage just there is no chance of crit. Some DMs may simply say no its a miss, and that is their choice it is their RP after all.
Over the years there has been many changes and people adding their own unique spin on my roll system I made. Such as:
• Defensive stance: Instead of rolling you tell the DM you are prepared to dodge or block an attack, with this you gain a +2 to your evasion. ( Can change depending on DM. ) Meaning if the DM needed 300 to hit you, they would now need to roll 500 to hit. Remember though this forfeits your roll.
• ITS OVER 900!!!: With this if you ever roll a 900+, 9 becomes your base Damage, second digit is added to your base damage, and third digit is crit chance. In the end it looks like this, Roll a 957, so it would be 9+5=14, 14 x 2 = 28! YOU DID 28 damage! HOLY BAGEEBERS BATMAN! (Again DM’s don’t have to do this, this is something others have made they thought was fun, and I would agree as the creator of this system.)
• Charge Attacks! This is a system in which you forfeit your rolls for up to 5 turns (Or less depending on DM). You can not heal nor attack at all during these 5 turns, you may be healed by others, just you can’t do anything. At the end of the 5 turns, you may unleash a devastating attack. Roll 5 times or the amount of times you waited to charge, minus the accuracy (Or with depending on DM.) And add it all up for a massive attack.  So example: 355= 5, 672 = 7, 311 = 1, 237 = 6, 555 = 5 (5+7+1+6+5= Math (24) )
And there you have it, feel free to play with it as you wish. I may have thought it up, but I am not controlling how it is used. Be open and explore what cool twists maybe you can come up with. Enjoy and Have fun in your RP plots! This is Lucifer, signing off!
Healing:  Heals work just like damage except you skip the first number as you can’t really miss with it.
• EXAMPLE: Roll a 672 You heal someone for 7
• AoE Heals: Your heal is reduced by half, So in the case of 672  The heal being 7 it would drop down to 3, in the case of halves we are going to round down. So everyone around the healer is healed for 3. (Can be changed by the DM if they so choose.)
• Health: Base health is usually always 30. Any changes are all up to the DM, as no one is going to believe a Rat’s health compared to a fully armored man is going to be the same. DM’s may play with the health as they see fit, I have seen people do bosses with 300 health - Lucifer Wargard (Gilgamesh)
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Episode 039 – RP Combat Systems
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Nothing's more fun than beating on your enemies as well as your friends, and that’s why we have roleplay combat! In this episode, we discuss numerous different combat and sparring systems used in scenarios or at fight nights, from the simplest /random rolls to tabletop-inspired character sheets and modifier calculations. Whether you’re just getting started, or looking for new ideas to upgrade your current system, there’s something new to learn — no dice, pencil, or paper needed.
Find out more about the RP Rolling System (created by Lucard DeLioncoeur of Omega) discussed in this episode here, and the FFXIV DnD adaptation (created by Sorenson Asgard of Gilgamesh) here!
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Episode 038 - Open-World RP Events
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There’s a whole great big world out there in Eorzea — so why not get out of your house (or apartment) and roleplay in it? As it turns out, sharing public spaces isn’t always as easy as just avoiding Shout chat. In our discussion of open-world RP events, we discuss the advantages and drawbacks versus housing areas, popular event locations, the etiquette between different chat modes, and what can happen when public RP events clash with the game’s general population.
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musecastxiv · 5 years
idk if the editing is off or smth, but emi continously being interrupted is very frustrating to listen to. just smth to think on
Hi! Emi here!
It looks like a track got misaligned during editing, and that’s what you’re hearing. Rest assured that wasn’t what it sounded like when we recorded it. Sorry for the mistake! I’ve got a fixed file uploaded to our Google Drive and we’re working on reuploading it to the website and the podcast platforms.
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Have you ever considered an episode relating to combat RP, from free form narrative combat to roll -offs to whatever other system you might know of? I feel like the whole thing can be a bit of a mess, and there are enough variations you could probably do a full episode on it
That is literally the subject of our next episode (#39) ;D
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Episode 038 - Open-World RP Events
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There’s a whole great big world out there in Eorzea — so why not get out of your house (or apartment) and roleplay in it? As it turns out, sharing public spaces isn’t always as easy as just avoiding Shout chat. In our discussion of open-world RP events, we discuss the advantages and drawbacks versus housing areas, popular event locations, the etiquette between different chat modes, and what can happen when public RP events clash with the game’s general population.
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musecastxiv · 5 years
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[Balmung] Menphina Madness Blitzball Tournament FINALS Saturday, June 15th @ 8:00pm EST The Anemone Gardens, Ruby Sea
The Madness is reaching a fever pitch!
This year, the Garlemald Classiarii Technici and the Ishgard Eyes have advanced to the finals! This weekend they will do battle to see who becomes the true champion of this years Madness! But before that is the Closing Ceremony. A commemoration of all the accomplishments and hard work seen throughout the season.
Come cheer on your favorite team for the last time and get psyched for the final game with a spirited performance by the Menphina Mandess cheerleaders, speeches from the community, and a cultural performance from Garlemald and Ishgard!
Who will win the claim to Madness? Will it be the Ishgard Eyes? The head-strong black horses that swung forward from the second chance bracket? Or will it be the Garlemald Classiarii Technicii, reclaiming victory at any cost neccessary.
For all game information, check out: tinyurl.com/menphina-madness MuseCast is hosting a stream of the event: https://www.twitch.tv/musecastxiv Score for a Cause! A really good cause! https://give.twloha.com/menphinamadness
Introducing Player Profiles: https://tinyurl.com/blitz-profiles
Closing Ceremony starts at 8PM EST at the Coral Banquet, Ruby Sea Final Game starts roughtly around 9:30pm EST at Amnemos Gardens, Ruby Sea
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Episode 037 - Roleplay and Privacy
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Ever get the feeling you’re being watched? Even in our fictional lives, all of us participating in RP value a certain level of privacy when it comes to in-character interactions, and feel hurt when that privacy is violated, unintentionally or not. Join us as we discuss the roles of the various out-of-game platforms for sharing, the pros and cons of livestreaming events, and how to make sure you’re doing the right things by your fellow RPers.
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musecastxiv · 5 years
That’s right! I’m back with yet ANOTHER Score for a Cause pledge incentive announcement!
Today, I am very excited to announce that for any person that pledges for a total more than or donations exceeding $20.00, we will be entering them into a drawing for a Final Fantasy XIV Meister Quality figure of Ultima, the High Seraph (emote included! Statue pictured below), valued at $229.99!  In addition, for every $10 dollars that individual donates past the $20.00 minimum, they will be entered for an additional chance, up to a maximum of 10 chances total.
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Please note that this and the drawing for the Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. II will NOT take place until after the conclusion of the tournament and one all pledge and donations have been submitted to the charity and verified!  As such, the exact date of this drawing is to be announced.
Finally, please REMEMBER, the first team to score five pledge donors will have an additional 100 dollars donated to ‘To Write Love on Her Arms’ in their name! 
Thus far the following teams have received pledges/donations: 
Ul’dah Gil Turtles - 1 
Ishgard Eyes - 1 
Ala Mhigo Royal Griffons - 1 
Kugane Koban Crushers - 1 
Limsa Lominsa Black Abyss - 1 
Marvelous Mascots - 1
@for-gold-and-glory @musecastxiv @phoenixdownradio
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Score for a Cause - Pledge Incentives!
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Hello everyone!  
Over the next week or so I will be announcing a few incentives to encourage others to consider pledging for goals for their favorite team.  
Our first incentive?
For anyone who signs up to become a pledge donor, no matter how big or small the pledge, those individuals will be entered into a drawing for a brand new copy of the Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol. II.
(Please note that all drawings will take place after the tournament is over and after all donations are verified.)
Whether you or your friends pledge one dollar per goal or more, they will be eligible to win this prize!  However, as said we will be announcing MULTIPLE incentives over the next week, so please watch this space for more information!
Also, the first blitzball team to score five pledge donors will have an additional $100.00 dollars donated to To Write Love on Her Arms in their name!
Want to make a pledge?  Check out the form below! 
@for-gold-and-glory @musecastxiv @phoenixdownradio 
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musecastxiv · 5 years
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[Balmung] Menphina Madness Blitzball Tournament Crystal Server Players Welcome!
Menphina Madness is a double-elimination Blitzball Tournament held each spring with competition including teams from all across Hydaelyn.
Welcome new and returning Blitzball players! Menphina Madness is an annaul international sporting competition fielding the bet and brightest each nation has to offer. Team spanning from the Three Great Continents compete for the honor of their respective natoins, but only eight teams make the final run through Menphina Madness.
Eight teams have made the playoffs this season: Ul’dah Gil Turtles ♦ Gridania Sea Chocobos ♦ Limsa Lominsa Black Abyss Ala Mhigo Royal Griffons ♦ Ishgard Eyes Kugane Koban Crushers ♦ Garlean Classiarii Technicii ♦ The Sisterhood of Sharldei’s Vault Marvelous Mascots
This year the teams will be competing in a double elimination tourmanet, meaning every team will have a chance to play twice!
* SCORE FOR A CAUSE! * This year’s Blitzball Fundraiser will benefit ‘To Write Love On Her Arms’ a non-profit organization dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. Check our slide show for more info!
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Hello! I wandered through your blog for a bit and found some scans about the white mages along with stuff about amdapor and mhach. If possible would I be able to request additional scans on the black mages and related info? I've been stuck on writing my character's lore and in game info about mhach and amdapor are rather vague
Here you go! https://musecastxiv.com/post/184445175529/arkiase-requested-scans-of-the-black-mage-and
Hope it helps with your character development.
Love, MuseCast XIV
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musecastxiv · 5 years
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@arkiase requested scans of the Black Mage and Mhach info from Encyclopaedia Eorzea 1. Enjoy! 🔥☄️
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musecastxiv · 5 years
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We’d like to welcome Andromeda Laruzedah, aka Rommie, of the Balmung server to our Patreon family! We appreciate your generous support.
You too can pitch in with a recurring donation via Patreon to help us cover our production costs. All donors get exclusive perks in return! View all donation details at https://www.patreon.com/musecastxiv .
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musecastxiv · 5 years
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Our Patreon family keeps growing! Big thank you to Nicholas Kalinichenko, aka Kuroyuri Miyumi of the Gilgamesh server. You too can pitch in with a recurring donation via Patreon to help us cover our production costs. All donors get exclusive perks in return! View all donation details at https://www.patreon.com/musecastxiv .
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musecastxiv · 5 years
Voice RP Special - “Operation Archon" Deleted Scenes
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We interrupt your usual serious business RP discussion to bring you a very special treat! MuseCast XIV host Remix Sakura and our friend Ryssrael perform an all-original, voice-acted audio play, in the roles of Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn and Raubahn Aldynn.
Operation Archon was a momentous — and stressful — event in history for the Eorzean Alliance. So stressful that the Admiral couldn’t seem to handle it without getting drunk, much to the chagrin of the Flame General. How does he handle her overly-emotional rants and monologues?
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musecastxiv · 5 years
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Save the Date! MuseCast's 3rd Anniversary Celebration and Birthday Party is next Sunday, April 28. Special guests, mini-games, contests and prizes to be announced!
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