musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
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Created: 3/23/2016 (view original)
Edit 1: 3/26/2016 (view full infographic)
An infographic depicting and predicting the locations of the Chinese zodiac symbols on the box that contains the Miraculous.
(Made by the curATor, with the assistance and translations of @kumihomiko)
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奇跡 (Qíjī), which translates to “Miracle”. 
奇跡 (Kiseki) as Japanese Kanji characters also translates to “Miracle”.
EDIT: Traditional Chinese characters 馬 (Mǎ) and 龍 (Lóng) have been changed to Simplified 马 and 龙, respectively, to better fit in with the rest of the symbols, all of which are in Simplified Chinese characters. This was pointed out by @trishmishtree .
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
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Created: 3/4/2016
A map of the cities listed on Vincent Aza’s Jagged Stone shirt.
(Made by the curATor.)
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
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(Tweet was deleted shortly after.)
Marcel Gotlib is a French comic artist/writer who has influenced French-language comics through his publications. He co-founded comic magazines L’Écho des Savanes and Fluide Glacial.
(Image source: X)
(Data source: X)
Post date: 2/20/2016
The first mltrivia post to be posted directly on @musee-de-miraculous .
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/30/2016
@paris-in-miraculous-ladybug‘s analysis+trivia on Evillustrator and Marinette’s Seine date, featuring the Notre-Dame de Paris.
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Let’s see how Nath’s date compares to real Paris. :3
Fun Trivia:
The boat would be going upstream on the real Seine river
Cheapest way to cruise the Seine? Buying a day-pass from the shuttle-like batobus office for €10 (10.65 USD$). If you want a guided tour, this company is having an autumn promo sale of €11 lol
Today’s French: bateau = boat, île = island, pont = bridge
Windows of Notre-Dame are dark at night. You’d need a mega light bulb to fill a cathedral!
Notre-Dame’s south rose window is 12.9 meters (42.3 feet) in diameter.
Possible goof: The boat is parked past Notre-Dame when Marinette boards, but then we see it approaching Notre-Dame in the next scene. Maybe they did a lap around the island? :O  If so, the date was longer than I thought. :)
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/28/2016
@mlscience‘s fourth Miraculous Trivia post.
First Miraculous Trivia post to be made since the foundation of @musee-de-miraculous.
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The Sphenoid bone is part of the human neurocranium, a collection of bones in the skull that forms a protective case for the brain. It is located behind the eyes.
Perhaps the most striking thing about this bone is how it resembles a pair of bat or butterfly wings, like this:
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It kinda matches the shape of the communication mask thing Hawkmoth uses as well:
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“We have an akuma inside us all.” -Mod Jae
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(Data source: X)
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/28/2016
@mlscience‘s third Miraculous Trivia post.
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“True bugs”, from order Hemiptera, include cicadas, aphids, and stink bugs, but not ladybugs.
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(Data sources: X - X - X)
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/28/2016
@mlscience’s second Miraculous Trivia post.
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The Eiffel tower is Paris’s most recognizable landmark, and is of key importance to @mlscience. So far, the Eiffel tower has been used in three separate calculations as a reference (one of which hasn’t been posted yet!). Really, we wouldn’t know what to do without it.
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Melting the entire puddle iron structure of the Eiffel Tower (which means this excludes the stone foundations, paint, etc.) and compessing it into a big ball would give you this. 
The sphere would have a volume of ~935,000 Liters and would weigh ~7,300,000 Kilograms.
Some more calculations regarding the Chemistry and Physics of the composition of the Eiffel Tower can be found here: http://www.thechalkface.net/resources/melting_the_eiffel_tower.pdf
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It’s still pretty big.
(Sizes visualized with http://socialcompare.com/en/tools/compare-sizes)
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(Data sources: X, X, X)
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/28/2016
@mlscience’s first Miraculous Trivia post and Miraculous Trivia announcement. 
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  Mlscience is happy to announce MIRACULOUS TRIVIA!
We figured that the many calculations and research we’re working on were taking too long and making the @mlscience blog… inactive. So we thought about this! MLTrivia posts will be regularly scheduled and should give you your daily dose of facts relating to Miraculous Ladybug.
So while we work on looking for what species of butterfly the akuma are most similar to, re-calculating everyone’s heights, doing some psychological analyses, and figuring out how strong some of our villains are with some hardcore physics, enjoy some cat biology. Of course, your asks aren’t ignored :)
The MLScience blog is also undergoing renovation; we’re adding new sections and links to make the browsing experience easier and more enjoyable.
(Image sources: X - X)
Chat Noir’s “Night Vision” (as seen in the episode “Stormy Weather”) may have been inspired by the amazing abilities of real-life cats to see in the dark!
Cats, as predatory animals, have adapted to have improved senses that make them more efficient hunters. One of these senses is their ability to see better in the dark. 
The tapetum lucidum is a thin layer of tissue located just behind the cat’s retina that reflects the light back through it, increasing the light available to the cat’s photoreceptor cells (Rod cells and Cone cells). This membrane also causes the “eye shine” that we see in flash-camera pictures of cats and dogs!
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("Tapetum lucidum domestic cat” by Stablenode - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tapetum_lucidum_domestic_cat.png#/media/File:Tapetum_lucidum_domestic_cat.png)
Rod cells are photoreceptive cells in the retina that can function in low-light environments. An average human has around 90-120 million rod cells, but cats have six to eight times more! This explains their impressive night vision.
(Data sources: X, X, X, X)
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/26/2016
In this tweet, Thomas Astruc confirms that the school in Miraculous Ladybug,  Collège Françoise Dupont, is a public institution.
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“Greetings, sir. Apologies if this something that escaped me, but may I know whether the school is private or not? Thanks!!”
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 1/26/2016
@mlscience ‘s first graphic shows the possible general eye colors for Marinette and Adrien’s potential offspring, using Punnett Squares and Mendelian inheritance.
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If Adrien and Marinette had children, what eye color would they have?
(Graphic made by @azurajae. Click to enlarge.)
It’s time for mlscience’s first actual post! This topic is actually the thing that started it all. A few days ago in the mlsubbing chat, we stumbled upon the topic about what color Marinette and Adrien’s children would be. The result is the above graphic.
Using the beauty of the basics of Mendelian inheritance and Punnett squares, we concluded that if Marinette and Adrien were to have a child, there’s a 50% chance of it having green eyes and another 50% chance of getting blue.
(Click “Keep Reading” for the full explanation.)
Keep reading
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
Retrieval date: 01/26/2016
Thomas Astruc’s now popular nickname, “Hawkdaddy” was coined in @mlsubbing‘s chatroom on October 12/13, 2015 (depending on timezone). “Papapillon” was coined by Thomas Astruc himself in response to a tweet by @azurajae (founder of @mlsubbing).
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“So in french…Papapillon !”
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musee-de-miraculous · 8 years
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The Musée de Miraculous is now up and running! It is intended to be a collection of fan-made analysis and creations relating to “Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir”; as a center of trivial knowledge and discoveries within the ML Fandom.
In the next few weeks, the musée would be regularly reblogging from our partner blogs: @mlscience, @paris-in-miraculous-ladybug, and @themiraculousarchive.
@mlscience’s Miraculous Trivia will also be shifting responsibilites to musee-de-miraculous! They will still be posted/reblogged on mlscience if they’re science or mathematics related, though.
Musée de Miraculous is curated by the curATor, @alphatoronado. (mlscience’s Admin AT.)
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