museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
dropping hanzo shimada from overwatch, housed in d-2 (i'm sorry to anyone i was threading with, and i hope the next hanzo that rolls around is more stable in activity/muse!)
– mod o13
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
Johan tapped a finger on the archer's shoulder to seize his attention before wordlessly shoving a card and a single wooden arrow into his hands. The card read 'Work on your aim.' as opposed to anything heartfelt, and with his job done he limped away.
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   “I expected nothing and I am still disappointed.”   Well, this year’s Valentine’s card was certainly going in the trash when he got home. The first and last, as he would like to put it.   Though perhaps he will keep the wooden arrow for future use...
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
It’s perfectly acceptable to point a weapon at someone ;; closed for Din
   It truly did not take very much to anger this grumpy old man. Whether it was years of false patience that had worn down his tolerance, or simply because he was that type of person, even something as small as the tiniest obnoxious tone from some inconsiderate random person was enough to stir something fierce within the man.
   A quiet walk home was something definitely desired, but considering the route Hanzo had to take, such a wish could not have been more distant. With his apartment being located in Sector 2, trips to and from places like the shopping district or the cultural Sector most likely relied on transportation through Sector 3, the lovely ghetto. The grimy streets lined with graffiti and trash were dim even under the setting light of day. While he avoided taking any of the more dangerous routes, punks of varying levels of danger littered almost any street you may be trying to walk down.
   Simple punks would not have bothered Hanzo as much had he not already had a bad day prior to their encounter. What started with some teenage punks whooping and hollering turned into two or three out of the group targeting Hanzo in hopes to create mischief. “Old people” were the best targets for such after all.
   Close to home, Hanzo had absolutely had it with these punks. The threshold for his patience had been stretched even further than the string on his bow, which had an arrow placed and aimed perfectly on it to hit one of these punks right in the head. Even though they were mere suction-cup arrows, the force Hanzo was putting into it might be enough to leave a crack, if the arrow itself did not break in any way from the impact.
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   So there it was, an odd scene indeed. With their backs to the visibly agitated archer, the punks had no idea what was in store for them. Hanzo was mere seconds away from releasing the bow...
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
ofnych replied to your post: Beep.
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;; hanzo never fails to be sharp af
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
Send “Beep” for a random text from my muse ;; accepting!
15 — A text for help
[TEXT TO: Mememan Daylen][FROM: Hanzo]
   txt: Would you be alarmed if I said I was stuck in Sector 3   txt: Specifically, stuck up a large tree located in Sector 3   txt: To add more specifics, a large tree surrounded by vicious dogs in Sector 3, without any equipment on my person to fend them off.   txt: I would not be alarmed, most likely because that is my current situation.
   A few minutes go by without anymore texts. Some worry might have come up because of that, had it not been for the message that soon came.
   txt: Please help.
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you.
Cinnamon roll meme ;; accepting?
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   He’ll hit you with those arrows. He’ll make it hurt. He’ll make it count. He’ll kill you in one sh
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
Send “Beep” for a random text from my muse ;; accepting!
17 — A comforting text
[TEXT TO: Gwyndolin][FROM: Hanzo]
   txt: If it is any consolation, I have been sweeping up the bits of snakeskin left around the apartment during the times when your snakes shed.   txt: I understand it might be... a little embarrassing when small bits are left around unknowingly   txt: I do not pity you or anything, just looking out. I suppose that is something roommates do for each other.   txt: Is there anything I can do or get you to help?
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
Send “Beep” for a random text from my muse ;; accepting!
8 — A frustrated text
   [TEXT TO — Target practice]   [FROM — Hanzo]
   txt: It gets mildly annoying when people constantly ask you why you only have half your garment on.   txt: And even more annoying when they claim to not recognize you when you have a whole shirt on.   txt: And by mildly annoying I mean incredibly aggravating.   txt: Do people not understand the basics of archery and something called one’s comfort zone?
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
send me which part of the cinnamon roll meme you think i am
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you
looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll
looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll
looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you
sinnamon roll
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
I’ll randomly generate a number between 1-29 for one of the following:
A funny text
A sad text
A scared text
A late night text
An excited text
A taunting text
An angry text
A frustrated text
A concerned text
A loving text
A confession via text
An accidental text
A wrong number text
A text that wasn’t sent
A text for help
A helpful text
A comforting text
A drunk text
A bad idea text
A rude text
A long text
A one word text
A text asking for advice
A final text
A flirty text
A hyper text
A weird text
A sarcastic text
A heartbreaking text
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
Send me a symbol and I will tell you…
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve 🌹 = my opinion on your character 🌻 = a character I wish to write with 🍀 = a ship I wish to write 🌼 = a song I identify with your character 🌷 = a song I identify with my character 🌱 = a plot I want to write with you 🌲 = if I ship our characters together 🌴 = a favorite canon character in my fandom 🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom 🌾 = my opinion on OCs 🍁 = my opinion on multimuse blogs 🍄 = my opinion on crossovers 🎄 = my opinion on AUs 💐 = my favorite part about the fandom 🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
;; sweats
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
❝ Dude just…just pity laugh at least. ❞
Game Grumps sentence starters ;; NOT ACCEPTING!
   Yes, it was true, Daylen’s long and well-executed gag fell quite short on Hanzo. But really, what would you expect?
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   “Even a pity laugh is out of the question by now. I can hardly muster up the voice for a disappointment laugh.”
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
It's on
Send me “It’s on” if your muse would fight mine in the bone dome and find out who I think would win ;; NOT ACCEPTING
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   Meet Hanzo in the fuckin’ bone dome to give him the death he so longs for. While Hanzo may possess some impressive strength and skills, close-ranged combat hasn’t been as easy for him since he swore off ever even touching a sword again. Though Gwyn is like a walking twig, she has the advantage of magic and sneks. Hanzo can’t really do much against sneks. Bite his ankles he’ll go down after a few venomous nips.
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
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     ❝ I suppose that’s true, when you think about it. But I assure you, I’m simply boasting of it due to quality in taste… and perhaps a slight bias toward my home. Ah, but it would seem you have had a chance to try some? I am curious, though. If not Swiss, which would you suggest? ❞
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   “My own preference lies in Japanese confectioneries... perhaps I, too, am slightly biased towards my home, but you have to admit the aesthetic appeal is rather charming.”
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   “If I had a date for valentine’s day, I would most definitely enjoy receiving some cute mochi cake from them over your standard chocolate heart box.”
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
An old “friend.” ;; closed for Widowmaker
   The cultural sector had many different buildings from all around the world held close together. It would be no surprise to see someone of another ethnicity (or world entirely) walking from one building to the next in search of something familiar to them, or even to see what the sector offered. In the many months he found himself trapped here, Hanzo had gotten used to these sights, and in fact partook in them often as well.    People came and went from the city frequently. There was no telling what new face would be seen the next time you spent a day hopping around a few sectors. While Hanzo never got his hopes up for anyone in particular, primarily because there was hardly anyone from his home he looked forward to greeting again, he might be able to pick out a familiar face from the crowd every so often.    However, this face he picked out was much different.
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   “Oh no, not you again,” the man said in something of a low growl in reference to the purple woman who entered his sight. Hanzo could remember her – the infamous sharpshooting sniper who worked for Talon... Windowbreaker or something, right? Well, at least his knowledge was at least half true. “I never thought the scientists would catch up to someone like you.”
;; Widowmaker liked for a starter ;; @lacroixdecte ;;
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museijikokeno-blog · 8 years
It wasn’t hard to put up with this weather. Quite frankly, he’d been here for Hive freezing over. Any snow after that couldn’t even compare. Ferelden only provided more experience. Winter meant getting your fur and lighting fires. At least citizens here had the benefit of central heating.
That was what being a normal person provided. However, Daylen wasn’t quite normal. Being a mage added something else to the equation. A preference for ice magic. Carrying around a cold stave every day grew on you.
For now the Warden just needs a cup of tea. Luckily there is a cafe nearby. He’s visited a lot when not working. If only they’d let him keep his Pokemon out. Claude and Victoria could have a relaxing time here.
Ordering is quick. He’s the boring kind of person who always picks the same thing. Routine makes preparing for him a lot easier on the staff.
Upon looking for a seat he overhears another men. They are dressed in a manner fitting the season. Even if that sweater doesn’t look too good. Then again, his robes are hardly a prize either. They might be rather old but get the job done. Practicality is more important right?
“I wonder what you mean by that. Not like you’re wearing nothing for all this cold. Actually, mind if I sit here? I’m currently waiting for my drink.”
It is possible Hanzo meant something else. Daylen isn’t privy to it though.
   Daylen’s apparent friendliness wasn’t something Hanzo was used to, nor something he expected, but he showed no direct desire to shoo the man away. Instead, he simply turned towards him with interest, particularly in his fashion choice... which was certainly ironic.    “I suppose I do not mind, though I’m not certain where people find the motivation to speak to strangers in such a manner from.”
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   “And I mean more to it than just my attire, thank you.” His own nature stopped him from saying much more, though if one looked closely, they could see that the man looked peeved... or, was that just his casual expression. Perhaps just likely more peeved than usual.
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