musestomyears · 2 years
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Kenneth Koch, To Marina
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musestomyears · 2 years
another day of being a bisexual disaster
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musestomyears · 2 years
─── ♕ ───
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♕ ───  a dependent mumu blog associated with fortyhqs and narrated by Kels. 
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♕ ───  the muses.
1) Yara Santiago 
+ biography  •  connections  • inspiration  •  visage
2) Rashaad Wallace 
 + biography  •  connections  • inspiration  •  visage
3) Hakeem Jones 
 + biography  •  connections  • inspiration  •  visage
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musestomyears · 2 years
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musestomyears · 2 years
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“Of course, I’ve been having cravings lately and I can’t help myself but a little bit of sweets won’t hurt.” Gigi said as she smiled at Yara.
“So, how’s everything going?” She asked as she gazed at the scones and cakes.
“Those chocolate scones look good.”
Gigi liked hanging out on her days off, which were starting to be more and more these days since she was going to be taking maternity leave soon as her pregnancy advanced.
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Gigi is one of the people that have the privilege of knowing her current pregnancy status. Both women are part of a small and unique group that have been a great source of support thus far. While Yara is still within the first few weeks of her pregnancy, it still hasn’t completely sunk in yet. Nor has she really given herself the chance to embrace it emotionally. A practical outlook while not a bad one, is still valid, but Yara knows that at some point she’ll no longer be able to hide the changes her body will be going through in the near future. 
“Yes they do.” Yara’s gaze went from chocolate scones over to something else that caught her attention. “I’ll definitely be having a few of those whoopie pies, and...” she trailed off, then continued searching. The actor’s gaze landed on an interesting kind of cake. “Fluffy plum streusel cake? That sounds different. Have you ever had it before?” Honestly, at this rate Yara felt as if she was going to leave this bakery with one of everything in tow. 
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musestomyears · 2 years
OPEN starter 001: @fortyhqstarter​ 🌮  where: near the beach when: utp
Regardless of class level, no Elmerton native could help their addiction to the street food, fresh from local vendors along the beach, bringing various cuisines– a taste of the world to the vibrant town. “It’s been years since I’ve been here,” in this particular part of Elmerton, to be exact. Quite used to standing out, Scarlett didn’t bother blending in– in her designer outfit, impeccable from head to toe, wearing bright colors–  but stranger sights had been seen around Elmerton. 
“And I can’t seem to find Holy Guacamole– taco heaven (tire repair also)? The owner is a mean old man who yelled at me one too many times, but I’m willing to let it slip for a taco al pastor,” she mused out loud, not ready to give up on her search just yet (Scar had never been the one to deny herself something she craved). 
“What’s your usual go-to?” Scar settled her expecting gaze paired with the brightest of smiles on a randomly picked person before adding for a dramatic effect. “Make it something good, por favor!” 
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“Taco al pastor’s are a top tier option,” he concurred. When not in the kitchen himself Rashad does like supporting other local vendors. Tonight he finds himself on a taco finding mission at his friend’s spot called Holy Guacamole. “Prepare to clutch your pearls, I’m about to blow your mind with this option,” he probably isn’t, but he’s trying to match her energy regardless. “Actually, lower your expectations because I’m a simple man,” he backtracked within a manner of seconds. “For me there’s something about having tacos de pescado by the beachside. The fish is freshly grilled or fried, the and I like it topped with shredded cabbage and pico de gallo.” 
Rashaad loves talking about food, after all it’s been a greater part of his life. “Now, on the flipside if I’m not staying and eating at the beach, I go for lamb barbacoa.” This type of taco is traditionally prepared in an underground oven, but the tender and juicy results can be replicated in a kitchen by using a slow cooker. “Are you ready to face the mean old man for your taco al pastor?” He found it humorous when people spoke about Mateo. The man was a character indeed, who came off gruff and unapproachable but deep down there’s a heart of gold. This is something that he can attest to from personal experiences with him. 
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musestomyears · 2 years
who: Hakeem & OPEN @fortyhqstarter​​ where: Annabella Garcia Theatre   when: mid-morning
Hakeem stood outside of the Annabella Garcia Theatre waiting on the rest of the amateur theatre group to arrive. They were carded to welcome new members today, but he isn’t certain if the gathering would even be coming off again, since quite a few people have been messaging in the group chat about their unavailability. Since he was already out of the house he figured he would linger at the venue for a while in case anyone decided to show up.
“I always forget that there’s a bit of lore with this place.” He looked up at the theatre signage then paused before reading the name aloud. “Annabella Garcia...I wonder what really happened to her?” Hakeem didn’t exactly believe the theories many people had conjured up to make situation far more dramatic than it probably was. “Oh well,” he shrugged, then looked around. Hakeem caught the gaze of someone nearby. How long were they standing there? Did they wonder why he was talking to himself? Yikes! “Oh hey! Are you here for the amateur theatre group?” 
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musestomyears · 2 years
who: Yara & OPEN @fortyhqstarter​​ where: Sweet Tooth Bakery, or utp when: afternoon 
Today Yara’s companion is one of the locals that have welcomed her to Elmerton without being utterly starstruck, or afraid of her bodyguard to hold a proper conversation. They have been showing her around Elmerton and she cannot complain thus far, as she appreciates the distraction, and likes getting a different perspective about various locations. Yara had issued a challenge to her official unofficial tour guide for the day to show her their favorite spots around town.
The next location should hopefully redeem them following their last one. That would be the first and the last time she’s going to that place, it just wasn’t her vibe. Once they entered this new place she couldn’t help but close her eyes and take a whiff as the scent of tasty things tickled her senses. “Okay, I’ll give you that, this place definitely does smell heavenly,” she admitted. “But I’ll be reserving my final thoughts till after we treat ourselves.”
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musestomyears · 2 years
who: Rashaad & OPEN @fortyhqstarter​  where: any bar when: daytime
It’s been over a month since he’s felt this low. Knowing your triggers, then avoiding them should be an easy task in theory. However, how do you avoid said trigger when it’s a person you co-parent with, and have to see on a regular basis for the sake of your children? In Rashaad’s case it truly is easier said than done. It’s not that he’s holding a torch for his ex-spouse, but rather every time he sees them, he’s reminded of just how much of a failure he really is. 
Another deep sigh left the chef’s parted lips. He sat at the bar, shoulders hunched over while nursing a drink. The place wasn’t packed, but for during the day he certainly had company. “It’s a good thing my liver doesn’t have a watch, yeah?” he snickered to himself, when in reality anyone sitting at the bar could hear him loud and clear. 
Behind the bar one of the bartenders began making an elaborate drink cocktails. As it was something in his line of sight he began watching in earnest. Rashaad’s head tilted out of curiosity, then in the next moment the shared what was on his mind. “Say, if you had to create the perfect cocktail what you you put in it?” 
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musestomyears · 2 years
OPEN starter 001: 🌮 where: near the beach when: utp
Regardless of class level, no Elmerton native could help their addiction to the street food, fresh from local vendors along the beach, bringing various cuisines– a taste of the world to the vibrant town. “It’s been years since I’ve been here,” in this particular part of Elmerton, to be exact. Quite used to standing out, Scarlett didn’t bother blending in– in her designer outfit, impeccable from head to toe, wearing bright colors–  but stranger sights had been seen around Elmerton. 
“And I can’t seem to find Holy Guacamole– taco heaven (tire repair also)? The owner is a mean old man who yelled at me one too many times, but I’m willing to let it slip for a taco al pastor,” she mused out loud, not ready to give up on her search just yet (Scar had never been the one to deny herself something she craved). 
“What’s your usual go-to?” Scar settled her expecting gaze paired with the brightest of smiles on a randomly picked person before adding for a dramatic effect. “Make it something good, por favor!” 
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The slight furrow in his brow would be the only giveaway to his mild confusion. The facial features of the woman before him felt familiar, but he couldn’t quite place where from, so Hakeem dismissed the thoughts. Instead, he met her bright smile with one of his own. “Alright, alright,” he playfully held his hands up in defense. “Wow, no pressure, huh?” he added in jest. It took Hakeem a short moment to come up with a taco option he would usually go for at Holy Guacamole. 
“I can’t resist a good migas taco. It’s a problem,” he shared. “I know people see it as more of a breakfast option, but I can eat it any time of the day.” It’s just that good. Even now Hakeem’s thinking about the homemade corn tortilla enveloping the texture-packed filling of soft-cooked eggs, veggies and crispy corn tortilla chips, plus shredded Jack cheese, and avocado to top it off.
“I think you’ve just made me decide on what I’m getting for lunch now.” Truth be told Hakeem had not narrowed down any of the street food options prior to this delightful interruption. “All roads lead to Holy Guacamole,” the author announced. He was a fan the vendors simply because their homemade tortillas are always pressed and cooked fresh to order. “Their truck is usually parked a little further this way,” he gestured with his chin in the general direction. “Not that I frequent there or anything.” He does. “Can we just declare this part of town a judgement free zone?” 
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musestomyears · 2 years
⚠️ connection alert ⚠️
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RASHAAD 🔗 SCARLETT @scarredel​ romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other Rashaad doesn’t only run a successful food truck. Bite Me! is also the name of his catering business. Under the ownership of Scarlett, the chef has been lucky enough to acquire several gigs where he caters for events held at the Edelweiss Hotel & Casino. He values the opportunity, and absolutely loves working for Scarlett. 
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musestomyears · 2 years
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RASHAAD 🔗 IMANI @theirstcry​ romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other At their lowest points these two have formed an odd bond of sorts. Previously Imani was nothing more than a friendly face and regular customer at Bite Me!, but today he considers her good friend. While neither of them have upfront told the other what repeatedly bought them to the same bar to drown their sorrows, they find solace in the brooding yet companionable silence that they share. Maybe one day the pair will start sharing their issues with each other, but who knows when or even if that day will come? 
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musestomyears · 2 years
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HAKEEM 🔗 SCARLETT @scarredel romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other Once upon a time Hakeem, Scarlett and her high school sweetheart were part of Hakeem’s group of friends. As with age, sometimes friendships last, and other times they don’t. It’s a natural part of life and relationships. To be honest, Hakeem barely recalls much about Scarlett vanishing all those years ago. He never really was one to follow or keep up with gossip. 
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musestomyears · 2 years
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YARA 🔗 ABRAHAM @flcwerymuses​ romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other The last thing that Yara needs is a Protestant Christian Priest trying to recruit her soul for whatever quota he has to reach for the month. Yara is very settled with her religious identity at the moment and switching is nowhere in the cards. If Abraham wasn’t easy on the eyes she would have shut him down completely since his first heavenly sales pitch. At this point she’s finding his attempts quite entertaining, and she wonders just how many approaches he has up his sleeve. 
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musestomyears · 2 years
⚠️ connection alert ⚠️
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RASHAAD 🔗 ABRAHAM @flcwerymuses​ romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other Rashaad wears the fact that he bested Abe at pool very proudly. He never thought that their almost weekly games would have brought them this close together, but it did. Over the past few years he’s found a confidant, and a true friend in Abe.
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musestomyears · 2 years
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HAKEEM 🔗 JUSTUS @flcwerymuses​ romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other Oh to be young and in love! Hakeem and Justus were practically joined at hip during their high school years. The duo went from besties to being romantically entangled, then back to being besties again. Their journey to this point is a unique and meaningful one that Hakeem is forever grateful for. 
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musestomyears · 2 years
⚠️ connection alert ⚠️
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YARA 🔗 RAYA @flcwerymuses​  romantic / platonic / negative / professional / criminal / other Yara has been thoroughly enjoying her move to Elmerton. The locals are quite interesting, and are nothing short of entertaining as they try to make sense of presence. A few of them have been brave enough to approach her, even with bodyguard in tow. Raya’s in this category and has been nothing but a delight to chat with. Yara can definitely see them becoming friends one day if she ever decides just how long she plans to call Elmerton home.
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