musesxstars-blog · 7 years
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{Oh would you look at that, it’s a dead tumblr page. I mean what. Haha. Decided to check things out and random decided to sign on.}
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
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{ Who wants a starter? Let me know! Like this for a random one. Or tell me who or even what creature you would like to roleplay with. Or even gender! }
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
Dragon Age 2 Sentence Starters
“What do you call it when you kill someone to get all their stuff?”
“I… I can’t believe I turned on you…”
“If we kill them, we get their stuff!”
“So help me, whore, I will BREAK you!”
“Let’s see… Are you possessed? Consorting with demons? A pathological liar?”
“Do you have any idea what’s at stake here?”
“It’s not something you learn. It’s a lot like sex. If it’s bad, it’s disappointing and everybody laughs. Do it right and it’s satisfying for everybody.”
“We both place others above ourselves. I happen to do it while clothed.”
“I removed the chance of compromise, because there is no compromise.”
“I’ve had enough of your loose lips. As I’m sure many men have.”
“Your death toll is approaching natural disasters!”
“Can you run five miles carrying a cow over your head?”
“What earth-shattering matter requires my attention NOW?”
“How do you do that thing when you walk?”
“Without an end, there can be no peace.” 
“Get rid of one threat and another appears. I’m starting to think this city’s in love with crisis.”
“It is only when you fall that you learn whether you can fly.”
“It gets no easier. Your struggles have only just begun.”
“I spy with my little eye, something that is… Red. And socially uncomfortable.”
“Men are only good for one thing. Women are good for six.”
“So what now? You aren’t just going to leave, are you?”
“Do I need to remind you what your friends did? Do I need to tell you how many lives have been lost, how many more will be lost? You cannot sit there and tell me *insert pronoun here* is INNOCENT!”
“Where I come from they’re called tattoos. Sailors get them all of the time. Breasts mostly…”
“You’re splitting hairs but wishing someone would split yours!”
“Anyway, I want you to know: I would never choose a demon over you while conscious and sober.”
“If I held a grudge against everyone who attacked me in a dream, I’d have no friends.”
“I like big boats, I cannot lie.”
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
Reblog this if you are okay with and friendly to MULTIMUSE BLOGS
Everyone who reblogs this can be counted as safe to interact with without judgement for being multimuse. You guys are just as important as single muse blogs.
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
Like or Reblog this if it’s okay to Use Memes to Interact with you.
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
{The Morning After}
“ shit, I’m late for work ”
“ ugh, not you again ”
“ did I lose a bet last night? ”
“ I can’t believe I just did that ”
“ you cannot tell anyone about this ”
“ you cannot tell _____ about this ”
“ that was amazing ”
“ my name’s _____, by the way ”
“ where did you learn to do that? ”
“ well this will be an exciting diary entry ”
“ why are we outside? ”
“ I’m sorry I broke your bed ”
“ so… breakfast? ”
“ I think I need to shower for a year ”
“ we have to stop doing this ”
“ I really hope I’m/you’re not pregnant ”
“ I didn’t know you had a tattoo ”
“ wanna go again? ”
“ I ache all over ”
“ you might be the best I’ve ever had ”
“ that wasn’t what I planned ”
“ why is there glitter everywhere? ”
“ karaoke isn’t usually such a turn on for me ”
“ that was better than last time ”
“ does this mean we’re dating? ”
“ I’m so hungover ”
“ what did you say your name was? ”
“ I need a cigarette ”
“ are you sure that was alright? ”
“ I don’t cuddle ”
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
━                                                     ❝It’s nice to have a day off...❞
   He said before giving off a small growl. 
                                     ❝If I had one. Terou... You know, I do not get that many days off...❞
   The fox boy said to himself, sighing softly looking at the bags he was carrying. 
                                     ❝Guess since Tyra is busy... She couldn’t deliever and Terou is business opening the shop... I’m stuck on this drink run... This would not look good if anyone catches me out here with them.❞
   Though the male seemed angry about it, he wasn’t really. He enjoyed helping out his friend when he could. He was just bad at showing it. Kazu gripped the bags, as he crossed the street. He was heading towards his friend’s Terou’s karaoke bar. 
   After a while of walking, he set the bags down on a bench and stretch out his arms. Since they were getting sore from holding heavy bags from a distance.
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                                     ❝Still got a ways to go...❞
                         ▻ ✫ ⇢ (≧✯◡✯≦) ⇠❀⇢ (≧✯◡✯≦) ⇠ ✫ ◅
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
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{ I’m a shy awkward butterfly... Reblog or like this if you wouldn’t mind roleplaying with a multi-muse like I. I wanna try to roleplay again... but I need some help... }
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
What's good 😜 u candy cane cum guzzler 👅🎄DICKCEMBER🎄 is here and u know what that means ❄ HOE HOE HOE season has arrived 🎅 put on your rudolph pasties 🔴 pop ur peppermint pussy 🍬 and sit by the fireplace with some hot COCKLATE 🍆☕if u want to get RAWED 👉👌 under the mistletoe 🌿 this christmAss 🎁 send this to 15 of your sluttiest elves 👩👨 if u get 0 back 😔 ur an UGLY GRINCH👀 if u get 5 back 😌 ur a SEXY SNOWMAN ⛄⛄if u get 10 back 😘 ur a BAD JINGLE BELL BITCH 🔥🙌 SHARE in 69 😉💦
                               { @rogue-valor }
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{ What... On... Earth... Nope. Just nope. I’m out. *throws hands into the air and runs away.*}
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
Send “That doesn’t look like a scratch.” for my muse to react to yours finding them bandaging a wound.
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
disappointment starters
“I thought you of all people would be different.” “This was supposed to be a fun day. You always ruin everything.” “Our flight’s been cancelled… there goes our holiday.” “I’m not angry. I’m disappointed.” “I know you didn’t do it on purpose, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be disappointed.” “I can’t believe this. You always turn everything into such a disaster!” “I’m not disappointed in you, I’m disappointed in the situation…” “I can’t believe this is happening. Can nothing ever go right?!” “I’m so sorry to let you down. I know you were looking forward to this.” “You always let me down. You’re so unreliable.” “I’d expected a lot more from you.” “Stop being so selfish! You’re ruining everything for everyone.” “You’re such a disappointment to the family.” “I’m sorry to be such a disappointment. I know you expected more of me.” “That movie was so disappointing.” “Why is everything in life actually so disappointing? You get yourself excited every time, only to be let down, time and time again.” “You’re not disappointing! Just… surprising.” “I thought you cared about me. Someone who cares about someone else doesn’t let them down like you just did.” “You could’ve tried harder!” ”I’m not going to lie… I am disappointed.” “No no! You’re great, but the sex was just really disappointing.” “Honestly, you’re the biggest disappointment of my life.” “You weren’t there for me when I needed you. Why do you expect me to be here for you now you need me?” “I had higher expectations of this.” “I had higher expectations of you.”
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
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–> Indy RP Sideblog for Roman Torchwick, from RWBY <–
15 years+ RP experience
Written by Jishin
Mun and Muse are 21+, blog is generally rated T for Teen
Sideblog: Tracks smoothcrmenal, follows with broadswordandpistol
Muse is a shameless prejudiced criminal jerkface and loves it.
Mun is very friendly and open to just about anything. You name it, we can probably work it out.
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
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         If I could,                          I would give you all of the beauty found in this world          but all I have,                           are these hands, to paint your picture
    { Promo for: PerfxctKnxght - CrossxOvers - StealsxGives - Musesxstars }
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
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{ How does one... get attention on here again... Because It seems I’m missing something here... *sighs* Hard to rp when there is no one to rp with... and your dash is kinda... dead... And advertising doesn’t work... }
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
                                        ◤Team OSHN Introduction◥
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                           ❝Hey there, I’m Orson. The leader of Team                      OSHN. Sven is my younger brother. My weapon                      may appear as normal brass knuckles, but they                      aren’t. Spikes and also a rotating gun on the side,                      make them different than others.I look forward to the great                      battles to come.❞
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                      ❝Yo, I guess.. The name is Sven, and Orson is              my idiotic older brother. As for my special weapon, it’s              like that of a pulse cannon... A cannon that shots out a              big puff of air moving back enemies. Hurts my ears when              fire, so I tend to wear my headphones. It also changes to              a big broadsword, that when it makes contact with another              weapon, it makes it vibrate causing the owner of the              weapon to shake for a time. And, that’s it... I guess.❞
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                       ❝Alright, guess it’s my turn. I’m Honoria, no                  relation to the other two. I’ve come from a big family,                  most of them being faunus. I’m that of a panther, with                  my black long tail that likes to drag behind me. My                  weapon is the M203 pretty much, with rapid 3 shoots                  and a grenade launcher. If you take the gun apart and                  reform it, it becomes two sickles. Can’t say I never                   have this toy of mine out of my sight.❞
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                       ❝oohhhh!~ My turn, my turn! Hiya! I’m Nena.             I may be the youngest of the group but I’m certainly the             smartest. Isn’t that right, Teddy?❞
 She says hugging her stuff brown bear.
                      ❝You seee, teddy ain’t just a stuff animal. He is             stuff with machine parts and other things. When I put him             on my back, he becomes my armor and my big turret.             Which also can also shoot out smoke or gas grenades. Mhm!             Oh! I bet you didn’t know I have a blacksmith father. So I know             how to fix all sorts of weapon. Yup yup!❞
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
                   ❝U-Um... Hello there.. I’m Trigger and I’m a                student at Death Weapon Meister Academy...                 and I’m a weapon... ❞
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                    ❝My favorite thing in the whole wide world is L-L...❞
    She then digs her hands into a small bag attached to her belt. The young girl looked up, angered and in raged.
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                   ❝Who stole my lollipops?! I’ll kill them til they               are dead dead!❞
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musesxstars-blog · 8 years
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