musicalmonster · 5 years
You can discharge all 3 states of matter from your asshole. (source)
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musicalmonster · 5 years
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a bandaid to mend you and your blogs boo boos
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musicalmonster · 5 years
Hey Shrimp Gang! Have you seen Thurston‘s favorite toy?
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musicalmonster · 5 years
So this is just a PSA, y'all should never sign a contract until you read it. I’m talking in rl right now. I just got through reading my employee handbook/service contract and my bosses slipped in a lot of bullshit like telling me I can’t complain about my job on social media, demanding I work off the clock in the name of good service, expects me to show up on time during inclimate weather, and considered disability or religious accommodation a direct threat to the company.
These are all things I took issue with and brought to my employer for further discussion before signing the contract. Most of my coworkers signed without reading, treating it like an internet terms of service contract.
Tl;dr real life is serious shit, lawyers write contracts to protect your employer FROM YOU, read contracts before you sign them - fucking ARGUE about contracts before you sign them
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musicalmonster · 5 years
Executive chef at a top Thai restaurant tells Gordon Ramsay that his Pad Thai is trash [x]
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musicalmonster · 5 years
yo treasure planet was literally the best 2d disney film ever made like the setting? the colors? the flawless transition? the gorgeous world building? the three dimensional characters? a main character who’s never pressured to get into anything remotely close to romance? complex relationships? an antagonist who has layers to his character? the soundtrack? i could go the FUCK on,
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musicalmonster · 5 years
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musicalmonster · 5 years
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The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) dir. Henry Selick
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musicalmonster · 5 years
“You have a place in my heart no one else ever could have.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Ice Palace
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musicalmonster · 5 years
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musicalmonster · 5 years
What food group is honey what the fuck is this stuff
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musicalmonster · 5 years
so I’m rereading bella’s transformation, and she mentions having had venom and morphine in her veins before (from when james bit her) and I was thinking it would be very interesting to consider if that venom had actually made a difference to her in the intervening years. like, sure the process was halted pretty quickly, but it’s not like a computer program that has to download and then it’ll install. the venom starts its work right away, and that work is not undone even if it is quickly halted. so maybe after twilight bella is slightly stronger, slightly better at hearing, smelling. it’s slight and she attributes it to “bouncing back” well from her injuries. it’s why, in breaking dawn, when pregnant bella has to drink blood, that it smells and tastes good to her, despite the fact that a couple of books ago blood made her faint. it’s the reason she and edward were able to have a baby at all, despite the supposed chromosomal discrepancy between humans and vampires. you could consider her a carrier, perhaps. it gave her this edge, these hints of vampire traits while still stuck with frail human body systems.
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musicalmonster · 5 years
Just so you know the situation in Chile has escalated so quickly in just two days that last night our clown of a President declared total curfew for the entire city. Something that hasn't been done since Pinochet's dictatorship, THIRTY years ago. The cocaine-snorting army got a free pass to do whatever they want and they're having the time of their lives playing war with unarmed civilians, they're beating the shit out of women, students, the elderly, they don't care.
Last night a parade of tanks, police cars and soldiers armed to the teeth pointing with rifles just passed in front of my fucking house. I fell asleep hearing gun shots. And I'm lucky this is a quiet middle class neighborhood. South side Santiago is a total mess. People who suffered under Pinochet's dictatorship (our parents and grandparents) are having panic attacks and PTSD flashbacks all over again.
The press doesn't do shit, only focusing on bootlicking politicians, metro stations and supermarkets burning (which has been proved the police did it themselves, there are videos) instead of reporting the hundreds of wounded civilians, some of them dead but of course there are no "official" statements by the government. They're even blocking their online websites so people outside the country can't watch the news. We're only relying on social media to know what's really happening.
They're trying to make the people get angry with their own class, the ones causing "vandalism" by supressing public services like the subway and bus system but it's not working anymore. Turns out people were not as stupid as they thought and it's just gonna get worse because they have nothing else to lose. Other cities are starting to protest. It's not gonna stop here and adding more soldiers it's the stupidest thing they can do.
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musicalmonster · 5 years
Frozen - Let it go | Finno-Ugric Mix
Sorry, but I just love this
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musicalmonster · 5 years
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musicalmonster · 5 years
So the other night during D&D, I had the sudden thoughts that:
1) Binary files are 1s and 0s
2) Knitting has knit stitches and purl stitches
You could represent binary data in knitting, as a pattern of knits and purls…
You can knit Doom.
However, after crunching some more numbers:
The compressed Doom installer binary is 2.93 MB. Assuming you are using sock weight yarn, with 7 stitches per inch, results in knitted doom being…
3322 square feet
Factoring it out…302 people, each knitting a relatively reasonable 11 square feet, could knit Doom.
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musicalmonster · 5 years
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