When they got to Combeferre’s house, Grantaire cling to his friend to help himself get out of the taxi. He crashed to the floor as soon as he was out.
“I feel weird… what was in that drink…?”
“R?” Combeferre asked with a frown, hand resting on his shoulder. “You think someone put something in your drink?”
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Grantaire sighed looking up at Jehan. “I really hope you’re right. I really do.” He looked back up at the ceiling then closed his eyes. “Don’t join any gangs. The leader will say they’ll protect you but really they’ll use you for bait. Just take the time to make a few close friends and you’Ll be fine. Try to be invisible. It works for me.”
"What's a pretty boy like you doing in prison?"
He looked up for a brief moment before looking back down at his hands, “Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, “Yourself?”
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Grantaire smiled laying next to Jehan. He had learned to be tough and merciless in here, but Jehan reminded him of the boys he took care of back when he lived on the streets of paris. He felt an urge to keep his new roommate safe. “Once upon a time, there was a prison. The max capacities of that prison is 600 inmates. There are exactly 600 inmates at all times here. You got here last night, someone died two days ago.” He turned his gaze from the ceiling to Jehan. “No one leaves here without a body bag. The good news is that it’s not so bad.”
"What's a pretty boy like you doing in prison?"
He looked up for a brief moment before looking back down at his hands, “Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, “Yourself?”
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Grantaire looked down at the man, realizing just now how harsh he had been. “Oh, no, I didn't mean to scare you I just... I want you to be prepared I guess.” He sighed and scooted over. “Come up here. i’ll tell you a story.”
"What's a pretty boy like you doing in prison?"
He looked up for a brief moment before looking back down at his hands, “Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, “Yourself?”
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“You might not have a choice... They’re cowards who would much rather beat up some innocent kid like you instead of dealing with people their sizes.” He stood up and climbed up on his bunk on top of Jehan’s. “And it doesn’t matter how long you were sent here for. Trust me, you’re not getting out.”
"What's a pretty boy like you doing in prison?"
He looked up for a brief moment before looking back down at his hands, “Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, “Yourself?”
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Grantaire chuckled sitting down next to the boy. “I don’t remember why I got here for... all I know is that no one that gets admitted in this prison gets out. Welcome to hell.” He looked over at Jehan with a slight frown. He looked at him up and down. “They’ll tear you right apart... Can you fight?” 
"What's a pretty boy like you doing in prison?"
He looked up for a brief moment before looking back down at his hands, “Just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, “Yourself?”
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Grantaire looked up at the man, not saying a thing at first. He wasn’t sure if he was truly looking for motivation or if he was just a sadic looking for a gruesome tale. Anyways, he needed the man happy, inspired and on his side, so he decided that telling him was the best option. “After my mom died he killed my father so he would be the one to get mom’s money. He got away with it, some poor street kid got blamed for murder and the bastard got me and my sister with the money. He wasn’t too happy with that and he found creative ways to tell us. He burned us, tried to drown us, beat us with belts and baseball bats and his fists... When we got old enough he started raping us.” He looked up at Babet for the first time in his speech, grinding his teeth and taking a deep breath before he continued. “Last week he killed her. She was 16 and the reason I stayed there after I turned 18. Turns out I wasn’t able to protect her as well as I thought. I need the bastard dead but before that I need him suffering.”
10. An illegal gambling den @wineandcynism
The den was established beneath a common inn that was visited by both aristocrats and local criminals.  Those who resided in Paris were familiar with the criminal nature of the area and despite this, the den was one of the most popular areas to frequent.  The Patron Minette did not own the den, but they were fortunate to know the owners and were given access whenever they wished.  Babet was normally not one to gamble without an ulterior motive, and such was the case for tonight. The criminal had already eliminated his target for the night and he was left to gamble the night away to create an alibi for his whereabouts.  The man wandered the room searching for a vacant space to fill and he finally decided on a table sitting next to someone he had never seen in the area, let alone the city.  The man was probably not a criminal and he hardly looked like an aristocrat.  “Do you happen to be new to Paris or have I simply never had the chance of meeting you?” Babet smiled and offered his hand to the man.  
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Grantaire nodded, looking around. “I should draw this place... it’s so beautiful.” He mused as he followed the man to the door that led to his room. He turned to him, “is there an hour I should be up to by tomorrow morning?” He asked peeking through an opening in the door.
"I'm so sorry I know you don't know me I just... I need a place to stay."
Valjean looks kindly at the young man before he opened the door to the cafe. It was past closing, but he always stayed late to prepare for the next day… and for wayward students that knew this was a safe place. “Come inside young man.”
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Grantaire closed his eyes, trying to ignore that spinning feeling. He breathed slowly seeking comfort in Ferre’s laps.  
“I feel weird… what was in that drink…?”
“R?” Combeferre asked with a frown, hand resting on his shoulder. “You think someone put something in your drink?”
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“Hiccup it is.” Grantaire chuckled softly looking at his drink. “Where are you from Hiccup” He asked his making their legs touch for a few seconds before pulling back.
“So… you wanna make out?”
Grantaire looked at the boy, raising an eyebrow. “I think I’m a little too old for you… Don’t you?”
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Grantaire smiled “Her name’s Eponine. She’s my best friend.” He explained. He felt butterflies in his stomach when he saw this was the place. He couldn’t wait to be behind that door. “I’d get a samoyede.”
a kiss on the knuckles
Personally, Feuilly wasn’t really keen on boxing. Any sort of violence as a means of fun was something he couldn’t really get on board. If he had a councillor he’d probably discuss it in length but he didn’t have the money for that, and he had a pretty good idea why anyway. No, Feuilly preferred yoga. He actually ran a class at the gym every Thursday evening after he’d finished at the mechanics. It paid well enough for the hours he spent on it, and it was a good way for him to relax. And the yoga class had been how he’d met Grantaire. Not through the class, but because he’d always catching him in the boxing ring afterwards. It was interesting to watch him even if he didn’t like boxing all that much, Taire moved like a dancer, and the two had begun to talk semi regularly. 
That night, after Grantaire had finished up and made his way over to talk to him, Feuilly had noticed the slight bruising on his knuckles. He winced slightly in sympathy, instinctively leaning out to take his hand without realising it, raising it up to his lips where he pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles. “That looks painful.” He mumbled, still looking down at his hand. “You ought to get some ice on it quickly.” 
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Grantaire looked up with mischief and lust in his eyes. If only Jehan knew how much he liked doing this. He took all of him, licking the base as he winked at him. He then sat up. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked him, wanting to leave Jehan equally in control.
"I'd offer you breakfast, but I think I'm too sore to move."
Jean laughed as he sat up, stretching his arms over his head. “Don’t worry that’s not part of the payment. I’ll get my breakfast elsewhere.” The young man said, looking back at him. “It’s a wonder I even stayed here the night. I think you exhausted me so much, I just passed out.”
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Grantaire stopped walking looking back at his friend with a smile. “Mon ami, I don’t have any boundaries, you know that.” He chuckled kissing Courfeyrac’s jaw. “I will stop when you want to stop.” He assured him kissing down his neck.
Courfeyrac pulled Grantaire out of the bar as soon as he could, bringing him out into the cold night air. “What do you think you’re playing at?” He asked, his voice more worried than angry. “Are you okay?”
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Grantaire couldn’t help but moan as his kissed back. he slowly wrapped his arms around Combeferre’s neck.
Teacher/Student AU
((alright I’m gonna do professor Ferre because I have serious feelings about this))
As the students filed out of his  astronomy class Professor Combeferre looked up from the stack of papers on his desk, “Grantaire, can I speak with you for a moment please?”
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Send me  ⛓ for my muse to find yours chained up in a basement
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Send 🏨 for a thread where are muses are forced to be roommates
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It took Grantaire by surprise. He gasped and look up at Combeferre with sheepish eyes. A mixture of innocence and lust. “What are you going to do to me?” He smirked pressing a leg between his teacher’s legs.
Teacher/Student AU
((alright I’m gonna do professor Ferre because I have serious feelings about this))
As the students filed out of his  astronomy class Professor Combeferre looked up from the stack of papers on his desk, “Grantaire, can I speak with you for a moment please?”
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