musingsunderstarlight · 17 minutes
Men are over represented: merit
Women are over represented: bias, cheating, too much, over correction
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musingsunderstarlight · 20 minutes
As a girl or woman, raise yourself to be an intellectual. Raise yourself to be a reader, a traveller, a curious explorer. Raise girls who are independent livers and thinkers, who are critical of standard narratives and status quos and societal and religious dogma. Girls and women will never benefit from being naïve, stuck in one place, unaware, ignorant, out of options, close minded etc besides deriving from these states a false sense of safety, but the patriarchy reaps massive profits from afflicting these conditions.
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musingsunderstarlight · 20 minutes
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Japan is on the verge of implementing sex self-identification.As a result women are demanding that certain spaces, such as public baths, must remain female only, and must not grant admission based on 'gender identity', or a legal fiction.All over the world women are being forced to fight to keep the safeguarding boundaries they already had, while the misogynistic gender identity movement uses language and the law to remove women's rights."The reason why the criteria for using women's spaces are based solely on physical characteristics, rather than on 'gender identity,' is to narrow the scope for former men with the intent of committing sexual offenses, who claim to identify as women, to commit sexual assaults in women's spaces, in case a 'legal woman' with male genitalia is recognized without undergoing sex reassignment surgery."
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me @ the muthafukas in my mentions 24/7
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musingsunderstarlight · 11 hours
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Salem Saberhagen being the ultimate mood™
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musingsunderstarlight · 24 hours
the whole trend im seeing of "dont try to be friends with friendless people cos youll find out why theyre friendless" is so sad and cruel. ok so u shouldnt make friends with people with no friends so if people with no friends want friends they should have friends to prove that they are worth being friends with 😭 brother what 😭 its a whole cant get a job without experience cant get experience without a job cycle
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musingsunderstarlight · 24 hours
Once again I'll say I think it's time for women to become radically Anti-Drag. Drag is absolutely outrageous. Even if some drag performers individually are fine- men as a group have done absolutely nothing in the history of the world to earn women's trust to be able to practice this supposed artform where our image, body and identities is their canvas.
It's extremely disrespectful of them to even think female impersonation performances are something they should be able to get away with- much less be entitled to.
They can dress however they want but they need to stop using female pronouns for their characters or adding female body parts. People should see them as the male clown characters they are.
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musingsunderstarlight · 24 hours
men have always manipulated medicine to enslave and abuse women as much as they could. they sabotaged any female health related studies, they created and induced upon us hundreds of myths related to our own bodies. they are still lying to us about the most basic things and act like they know better.
i'm so fucking tired of men complaining about how the majority of medical care specialists are female, while male doctors have a way higher chance of ignoring us until we die. they poisoned the whole medical field with their hateful propaganda bullshit and the damage of their wrongdoings will probably require decades to be undone if we start now.
no, sex/pregnancy is not curing anything, john. no, there's no such thing as "hysteria". no, we are not "over-emotional creatures" for speaking up against your shit. no, our periods are not supposed to disable us for days. no, we are not faking for attention. no, we are not supposed to have less body fat than men, it's the opposite. no, adult women should not consume less calories than toddlers.
you can't talk about this extremely oppressive issue while not naming both the perpetrators and the victims of it.
"men's mental health month", lmfao. we fought for being able to get a proper diagnosis for years and you stood against us. it's the women's mental & physical health century that is actually needed.
64% of female-only health problem stidies are under-supported financially.
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One trouble with soft-core sexual imagery aimed at young men is that the women photographed are not actually responding sexually to anything; young men grow up trained to eroticize images that teach them nothing about female desire. Nor are young women taught to eroticize female desire. Both men and women, then, tend to eroticize only the woman’s body and the man’s desire. That means that women are exaggeratedly sensitive to male desire for their own arousal, and men are exaggeratedly insensitive to female desire for theirs.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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“Today’s Girls Love Pink Bows as Playthings, but These Shoot” claims a recent New York Times article about archery’s current pop culture moment, thanks to the Hunger Games trilogy and Disney’s “Brave.” But as these 1940s images from the University of Iowa suggest, the latest resurgence is part of a longer tradition of female participation in the sport:
[Archery] had been a popular female sport for many centuries, with such famous archers as Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I. Women’s participation in archery did not breech any standards of propriety for young students. Archery was elegant and graceful, and women could participate outdoors, while corseted and dressed fashionably, and without having to wear the shocking bloomers… [Student experimentation] in competitive, individual sports such as fencing, archery, tennis, golf, and bicycling… were important for paving the way to more competitive and vigorous women’s sports. — Bright Epoch: Women and Coeducation in the American West by Andrea G. Radke-Moss
Iowa Digital Library: Archery series, University of Iowa Physical Education for Women digital collection
Iowa Women’s Archives: Guide to the University of Iowa Department of Physical Education for Women Records, 1900-2006
View all Women’s History Wednesday posts
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its not about fuckin. problematic romance or whatever the myth isn’t ABOUT romance it’s about demeter and persephone’s separation. death took her child and her heart broke. The world withered from her grief. its okay if you all hate your moms and wanna run away with a guy with face tattoos or whatever the fuck but making demeter the antagonist to a forbidden romance plot means you’re illiterate sorry
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i want to grab every woman on earth by the shoulders and shake her gently and look her in the eyes and tell her to never ever ever EVER be in a relationship with a man who watches porn. don't even be FRIENDS with a man who watches porn. those aren't human beings
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So here is my problem with the "by virtue of being a man, you have to make your peace with the fact that some people will be uncomfortable with you, and thus you have to make yourself a safe person"
I've heard the same thing about being black. A lot of people have taken my very presence as hostility. I have had people escalate situations just because I am present as a black person in front of them. Before, and after transition.
You know what the problem with bending over backwards to make other people comfortable with your presence even though you haven't actually done anything to them besides breathe the same air?
It's never enough. You can be One Of The Good Ones for ages and at some point you will fail your Good One inspection and people will turn on you at the drop of a hat. People who you thought you had a good rapport with. People you thought were your friends.
I have *experienced* this, both online and in person.
The onus is on everyone to be safe people to be around. Singling someone out and blaming them for daring to share a demographic with someone else who has caused harm isn't cute when people do it to me because I'm black, and it's also not cute when they do it because I'm a man.
People are uncomfortable about my blackness all the time. I didn't magically stop experiencing racism when I started taking testosterone. So it's absolutely wild to me that people think "well, you know, with what you look like, some people won't want you around" is going to fly when I was explicitly taught *not* to tolerate that shit by every single one of my black relatives.
Someone doesn't like that I'm occupying a space? Well I'm not hurting them, so that's a them problem and not a me problem. That's how I've learned how to exist as black in white-majority spaces. Why do you think you can change the demographic and get me to agree with you?
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50k femicides a year is incomprehensibly evil on its own but then when you factor in how many other women died just because they were born female such as those who died of drug overdoses bcuz the testing was only done on males, women who die in car crashes bcuz cars were designed for male bodies and women whose health problems went under the radar bcuz no male doctor cared enough to listen and i think the number is even greater than we could ever get an accurate estimate for
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I feel like radblr is going through a major hijacking psy op attack. Right wingers and liberals (secret rightwingers who think theyre better than normal right wingers) are both creeping into the movement and are trying to adjust it to their liking.
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